martes, 8 de marzo de 2016



1-THE OLIGARCHY LOST THE COMPASS La Oligarquía USA perdió la brújula
They don’t see their genes in Trump idiocies and senseless blah-blah
They want to commit suicide & give H.Clinton power to nominate
new members of the Supreme Court that will put them in jail for
war crimes and crimes against humanity, plus fines on QEs misused.
Hillary is not their lesser evil; she is the worse evil for the entire Nation.
TO OUR NATION   Estamos en vísperas de una Rev a estallar entre Jul y NOv

Has that proud 18th century boast of Americans,
given way to the rule of the oligarchs?
2-AND READ THIS TOO, sobre la gravedad de la psicosis en el Pdo Republicano
Submited by Tyler Durden on 03/08/16.   

Lo más cavernario de la política Americana complota contra Trump, su hijo ilegitimo.
Entre los altos empresarios que asistieron hay quienes a la vez financian a Hillary Clinton
Esto es lo que aquí se llama oligarquía o “establishment”,  “los super ricos: el 1% del país.

This 4,000-Year-Old Financial Indicator Says That A Major Crisis Is Looming. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/08/2016  :  In nearly every single major recession and panic of the last century, there was a sharp rise in the gold/silver ratio. The crash of 1987. The Dot-Com bust in the late 1990s. The 2008 financial crisis. At 82x, this isn’t normal. In modern history, the gold/silver ratio has only been this high three other times, all periods of extreme turmoil—the 2008 crisis, Gulf War, and World War II. This suggests that something is seriously wrong. Or at least that people perceive something is seriously wrong.     Submitted by Simon Black via,


Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/08/2016 - 07:33
  • Global Stocks Drop on Renewed Concerns About China (WSJ)
  • Iron Ore's Rally Stalls as Goldman to Citigroup Forecast Retreat (BBG)
  • EU and Turkey close to groundbreaking migrant deal (FT)
  • Carney's `Brexit' Stance Under Fire as BOE Accused of Bias (BBG)
  • Oil edges lower after Kuwait dents hopes for output freeze (Reuters)
Bears Exit Hibernation As Rally Fizzles On Dismal Chinese Trade Data; Commodities Slide; Gold Higher. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/08/2016  :  Those algos who scrambled to paint yesterday's closing tape with that last second VIX slam sending the S&P back over 2,000, forgot one thing - the same thing that China also ignored - central bankers can not print trade, something we have repeated since 2011. The world got a harsh reminder of this last night when China reported the third largest drop in exports in history, which crashed by over 25%, the third biggest drop on record, and no, it was not just the base effect from last February's spike, as otherwise the combined January-February data would offset each other, instead it was a joint disaster, meaning one can't blame the Lunar New Year either.  In short, one can't really blame anything aside from the real culprit: despite all the lipstick that has been put on it, global trade is grinding to a halt.
"The Commodity Rally Is Not Sustainable" - Goldman Is Now Waiting For The Next Big Drop. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/08/2016  :   As noted yesterday morning, "Goldman does it again" when just hours after Goldman said the "bearish cash for iron ore was intact," the commodity recorded its biggest surge in history crushing anyone short, and soaring 20% across the globe. That however has not dented Goldman's conviction that the commodity rally is overdone (we actually agree with Goldman for once) and just hours ago the head of commodities at Goldman Jeffrey Currie doubled down on Goldman's bearish commodities call saying  "market views on reflation, realignment and re-levering have driven a premature surge in commodity prices that we believe is not sustainable.
THE OLIGARCHY LOST THE COMPASS La Oligarquía USA perdió la brújula

To our Nation
Has that proud 18th century boast of Americans,
given way to the rule of the oligarchs?
The Oligarchs' Super-PAC Anti-Trump Savagery . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/08/2016  : 
Has that proud 18th century boast of Americans, "Here, sir, the people rule!" given way to the rule of the oligarchs?. by Patrick Buchanan via,
Brief extract
Fully 116 members of the GOP’s national security community, many of them veterans of Bush administrations, have signed an open letter threatening that, if Trump is nominated, they will all desert, and some will defect – to Hillary Clinton!

“Hillary is the lesser evil, by a large margin,” says Eliot Cohen of the Bush II State Department. According to Politico’s Michael Crowley, Cohen helped line up neocons to sign the “Dump-Trump” manifesto.
Another signer, Robert Kagan, wailed in the Washington Post, “The only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton.”

Are they serious?
Victory for Clinton would mean her remaking the Supreme Court, killing all chances that Roe v. Wade could be overturned, or that we could get another justice like Antonin Scalia before 2021.
What are these renegades and turncoats so anguished about?
Trump calls the Iraq War many of them championed an historic blunder. Trump says that, while a supporter of Israel, he would be a “neutral” honest broker between Israel and the Palestinians in peace negotiations, as was Jimmy Carter at Camp David.

Trump says he would “get along very well” with Vladimir Putin, as Richard Nixon got along with Leonid Brezhnev and Mao Zedong.

Trump would launch no new crusades for democracy. He would not oppose Russia bombing ISIS. He would build that wall on the border. He would transfer from U.S. taxpayers to rich allies more of the cost of defending themselves.

This is pure my-way-or-the-highway politics. But it raises anew the question: Can the establishment stop Trump? …   
Answer: It is possible, and we shall know by midnight, March 15. If Trump loses Florida and Ohio, winner-take-all primaries, he would likely fall short of the 1,237 delegates needed for nomination on the first ballot.
How could the anti-Trump forces defeat him in Ohio, Florida and Illinois? With the same tactics used to shrink Trump’s victory margins in Virginia, Louisiana and Kentucky to well below what polls had predicted.

In every primary upcoming, Trump is under a ceaseless barrage of attack ads on radio, TV, cable and social media, paid for by super PACs with hoards of cash funneled in by oligarchs. But Trump, who is self-funding his campaign, has spent next to nothing on ads answering these attacks, or promoting himself or his issues. He has relied almost exclusively on free media.

How well Trump fares in Michigan and Mississippi, measured against how well he was doing in polls last week, will reveal just how successful super PAC savagery has been in changing hearts and minds.

Can millionaires and billionaires who back open borders, mass immigration, globalization and the disappearance of nation states into transnational collectives OVERWHELM with their millions THE PATRIOTIC MOVEMENTS THAT AROSE THIS YEAR TO THE WONDERMENT OF AMERICA AND THE WORLD?

Has that proud 18th century boast of Americans,
given way to the rule of the oligarchs?

Lo más cavernario de la política Americana complota contra Trump, su hijo ilegitimo.
Entre los altos empresarios que asistieron hay quienes a la vez financian a Hillary Clinton
Esto es lo que aquí se llama oligarquía o “establishment”,  “los super ricos: el 1% del país.

Last Thursday, in a speech delivered at the University of Utah, Mitt Romney blindsided Donald Trump in what amounted to a scathing indictment of the billionaire’s ability to lead the country. SEE VIDEO
"If we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished," Romney said, in an apparent effort to play party elder. "If Donald Trump’s plans were ever implemented, the country would sink into prolonged recession," Romney continues, hitting Trump on the economy. "A few examples. His proposed 35 percent tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war and that would raise prices for consumers, kill our export jobs and lead entrepreneurs and businesses of all stripes to flee America." 
We covered the story exhaustively, and for those who would enjoy a review of the verbal melee, see here, here, and here.
"The main topic at the closed-to-the-press confab? How to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump," Huff Post writes. Here's a list of attendees:
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook,
  • Google co-founder Larry Page,
  • Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker,
  • Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk  
  • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.),
  • political guru Karl Rove,
  • House Speaker Paul Ryan,
  • GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio) and Ben Sasse (Neb.),
  • Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Fred Upton (Mich.),
  • Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas)  
  • Kevin McCarthy (Calif.),
  • Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.),
  • Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga.),
  • Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (Texas)
  • Diane Black (Tenn.)
"A specter was haunting the World Forum--the specter of Donald Trump," .. "There was much unhappiness about his emergence, a good deal of talk, some of it insightful and thoughtful, about why he's done so well, and many expressions of hope that he would be defeated."
Predictably Karl Rove, GOP mastermind, gave a presentation outlining what he says are Trump's weaknesses. Voters would have a hard time seeing him as "presidential," Rove said. Which we suppose is why they are turning out in droves to vote for him.
In any event, this underscores how serious the situation is. America is apparently facing an identity crisis wherein the country's elected representatives as well as the business community feel a sense of paternalistic duty to keep the public from making "a mistake" at the ballot box. 

But they don't seem to understand that that plays right into Trump's hands. It's "the establishment" trying to bend the will of the electorate.    It's "entrenched business interests" aligning with bought-and-paid-for politicians to stand in the way of a populist revolution.

Now, he can say that a billionaire who refuses to unlock an iPhone to aid in the fight against terrorism on American soil, the House Speaker, Elon Musk, and none other than Karl Rove himself are secretly commiserating on an island at a lavish, neocon-hosted conference to stop America from exercising their right to choose the next President!

Long story short, if the establishment and the business community keep focusing on how to subvert democracy rather than on how to craft a message that resonates with voters, they are going to end up handing the keys to The White House to Trump on a silver platter.
Though Trump would prefer the GOLDEN platter of Presidency victory
Bernie vs. Ron Paul: There's No Comparison. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/08/2016. The comparison of Bernie to Ron goes like this: both launched insurgent, anti-establishment presidential campaigns while in their 70s, shook up their respective party establishments, and attracted large youth followings. But Bernie is no Ron. More importantly, Ron urged his followers to read and learn.




The Clinton-Backed Honduran Regime Is Picking Off Indigenous Leaders

The names of Berta Cáceres’s murderers are yet unknown. But we know who killed her.
By Greg Grandin
March 3, 2016
Hillary Clinton will be good for women. Ask Berta Cáceres. But you can’t. She’s dead. Gunned down yesterday, March 2, at midnight, in her hometown of La Esperanza, Intibuca, in Honduras.
Cáceres was a vocal and brave indigenous leader, an opponent of the 2009 Honduran coup that Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, made possible. In The Nation, Dana Frank and I covered that coup as it unfolded. Later, as Clinton’s emails were released, others, such as Robert Naiman, Mark Weisbrot, and Alex Main, revealed the central role she played in undercutting Manuel Zelaya, the deposed president, and undercutting the opposition movement demanding his restoration. In so doing, Clinton allied with the worst sectors of Honduran society.
Love him or hate him, His Own Party is spending 140 million dollars on attack ads aimed at destroying #‎Trump. This internecine war is unprecedented in US history.
Will they spend that much exposing the crimes and treason of #‎Hillary?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, who publishes Global Research.
Eric Zuesse
On March 7th, Michael Bloomberg, NYC’s richest person and former Mayor, announced that he would not run for President and that he hopes Hillary Clinton will become the next President but that her recent rhetoric copying that of the anti-Wall-Street Senator Bernie Sanders is causing him some concern: “The leading Democratic candidates have attacked policies that spurred growth and opportunity under President Bill Clinton — support for trade, charter schools, deficit reduction and the financial sector. Meanwhile, the leading Republican candidates have attacked policies that spurred growth and opportunity under President Ronald Reagan.”

Yet, despite that rhetorical left turn by Hillary, he still wants her to become President, because his polling shows that if he were to run, then none of the three candidates — Clinton, the Republican, and Bloomberg — would win more than 50%, and the choice of our President would be decided by the members of the U.S. Congress. And, “with Republicans in charge of both Houses, there is a good chance that my candidacy could lead to the election of Donald Trump or Senator Ted Cruz. That is not a risk I can take in good conscience.”


Afghanistan: The Bidding War By Matthieu Aikins
Global Economic, Political and Military Configurations. By James Petras. US and EU militarism has deepened cleavages between emergent (China) and re-emergent (Russia) capitalist powers.
The US Military Will Commit Donald Trump's War Crimes. By Charles Davis. Killing the families of "terrorists" would not be all that substantively different than those given out by his predecessors responsible for hundreds of thousands of dead in illegal wars of aggression.
Will the Oligarchs Kill Trump?. By Patrick J. Buchanan. Can the establishment stop Trump?
Atheist In A Foxhole. By David Rönnegard. How a committed atheist confronted with death might find consolation


Aquí una foto de Berta Cáceres con poncho color naranja

ALC. “El gobierno dictatorial entró en crisis por lo que significa Berta para nuestro pueblo”. A. Figueroa. Entrevista con la parlamentaria Scherly Arriaga
ALC Los abusos de un modelo de despojo. R. Gómez Extractivismo, patriarcado y derechos humanos
US. Trump y al-Baghdadi. Marwan Bishara. dos hombres que alimentan cada uno la agenda del otro
US.  -Trump y la debacle republicana Fernando A. Torres  Excelente: ponlo en Ingles, usa google:
[ Imposible negarle la postulación a la Presid , como dice Manuel Yepe, pero hay 3 formas como podrian evitar que sea Presid: 1. Que los ultraconservadores creen Pdo aparte o que el mismo cree Pdo independiente fuera del GOP para zafarse de las tenazas de super-delegados. 2. Que via fraude electrónico le quiten la cantidad de delegados que requiere para ser nominado como candidato del GOP. 3- Que lo asesinen (ya lo dijo un alto militar). En cualquiera de los 3 casos y sea quien sea su reemplazo en el GOP, quien ganaría la Presidencia seria Hillary Clinton, que es peor que Trump. Es deshonesta, mentirosa y lo peor, es una criminal de guerra a vistas del mundo entero por lo ocurrido en Libia (el asesinato de Gadaffy que ella facilito y el crimen del Embajador y 3 mas de la Embajada USA USA en Bengazi. Lo ultimo prueba no solo negligencia criminal, también infeficiencia como jefa de Estado. Esta dama trabaja con el Grupo de Bush y los neocons que están dentro del Gbno de Obama y detrás también de los conservadores del GOP. Se auto-declaran guerreristas en forma abierta (war mongers, se le llama aquí) Y hay entre estos quienes consideran que hay que iniciar la 3ra guerra mundial y despedazar Rusia y China con las bombas nucleares del 1st strike que alientan. Aun si no hay guerra nuclear, el chantaje les sirve para recrear el armamentismo, (armas y carros poluter) es lo que mas vende el imperio. En lo demás no podemos competir con Europa ni  Japon. Todo el aparato electoral esta dispuesto para la victoria de Hillary. El fraude contra Sanders es abierto y asqueroso. En NH Sanders le saco 20 puntos de ventaja y los superdelegados le dieron a ella su voto. La proclamaron ganadora. El record criminal y anti-latino está probado, ella instaló en el poder al asesino de Berta Cáceres en Honduras, pero la prensa corporativa oculta todas las verdades que el internet si dice. Quien puede derrotar pacíficamente a la Clinton es Sanders y es posible que se arme una grande si desconocen el voto popular los llamados “super-delegados”  y peor aún si se unen con la gente de Trump que también tiene el mismo problema. Veremos..  Hugo Adan.]


'3,600 migrants arrived in UK via Channel' do they came to revive the economy or just help?

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