sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

MAR 12 16 SIT EC y POL

MAR 12 16 SIT EC y POL




1-      Most young women don’t like Hillary

2-      Most young voters don’t like either billionaire

3-      Hillary the queen of Goldman Sachs represents continuity. Trump represents some change.

4-      Sanders & Trump will change the establishment. Sanders in positive way. Trump in negative one

5-      New evidence accuse Hillary of criminal negligence (US embassy) & crimes against humanity (Libya)

6-      Hillary is not in favor of Democracy (steal people vote via SD) nor Peace (got Saudi money for war)

7-      Hillary’s record as State official proves inefficiency (case: failure of regime change). Now she fosters nuke war with RU-China, knowing they’ll respond. Meaning: her inefficiency is a threat to the world

 IN SHORT: Hillary’s negligence, inefficiency, war-mongers, perversity and greedy, disqualify her as candidate to US presidency. She does not deserve our faith, our trust and our vote.


Factors like the value of total proved reserves in the sector declining by an astounding $515 billion dollars have caused an increasing number of high-profile E&Ps to file for bankruptcy in America. And a critical court decision this week could mean even more coming.

The logic of lowering rates below zero is so boneheaded that only a PhD could believe it. It’s all relative, you see. It’s like standing on a train platform. The train next to you backs up…and you feel you’re moving ahead. Negative interest rates are like backing up. They give borrowers the illusion of forward motion... even if the economy is standing still.

Boneheaded Logic
The logic of lowering rates below zero is so boneheaded that only a PhD could believe it.
Economic growth rates are falling toward zero. And at zero, it normally doesn’t make sense for the business community – as a whole – to borrow. The growth it expects will be less than the interest it will have to pay.
That’s a big problem…
Because the Fed only has direct control over the roughly 20% of the overall money supply. This takes the form of cash in circulation and bank reserves. The other roughly 80% of the money supply comes from bank lending.
If people don’t borrow, money doesn’t appear. And if money doesn’t appear – or worse, if it disappears – people have less of it. They stop spending…the slowdown gets worse…prices fall…and pretty soon, you have a depression on your hands.
How to prevent it?

If you believe the myth that the feds can create real demand for bank lending by dropping interest below economic growth rates, then you, too, might believe in NIRP.
It’s all relative, you see. It’s like standing on a train platform. The train next to you backs up…and you feel you’re moving ahead.

Negative interest rates are like backing up. They give borrowers the illusion of forward motion…even if the economy is standing still.
Or something like that.

The Moment Of Truth - What The Charts Say. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/12/2016
We have arrived. The moment of truth. No matter whether you believe this to be a bull market ready to re-assert itself or you view the recent rally in the context of a bear market about to unfold you must acknowledge the pivotal nature of where the market now finds itself in the days ahead.
What hasn’t happened during any of these rallies is a sense of an improving revenue or earnings growth picture. Both have deteriorated during the same time frames and hence wanting to attach any fundamental improvement as an explanation for a large rally seems a bit of a stretch in light of the facts:
And the Value Line Geometric Index:
"The demise of positive interest rates may be nothing more than the global economy reacting to a chronic oversupply of goods through the impact of globalization including the opening up of formerly closed economies as well as ongoing technological progress." - Deutsche Bank

"The problem that many people have is that they think that 2008 was 'the event' and that it cleared the brush and we’re back to a sustainable path, but nothing could be further from the truth... As the pressure increases, the probability of war increases significantly, and the possibility for a miscalculation ratchets up every single day."
"People are not voting for Trump (or Sanders). PEOPLE ARE JUST VOTING, FINALLY, TO DESTROY THE ESTABLISHMENT."
Whole Text 
Sometimes, less is more, and in infamous "Black Swan" philosopher Nassim Taleb's case, summing up the chaos that is enveloping America, and its forthcoming election was as simple as the following:
"The *establishment* composed of journos, BS-Vending talking heads with well-formulated verbs, bureaucrato-cronies, lobbyists-in training, New Yorker-reading semi-intellectuals, image-conscious empty suits, Washington rent-seekers and other "well thinking" members of the vocal elites are not getting the point about what is happening and the sterility of their arguments."

To which he appended the following 17 perfectly succinct words: "People are not voting for Trump (or Sanders). People are just voting, finally, to destroy the establishmen
 If you think of the country as in decline, as most people do, and you think the cause is the predatory behavior of the big-money elites, as most people do, then you must know you have only two choices — acceptance and resistance. Again: The goal of the neo-liberal consensus is to manage the decline, and manage your acceptance of it.
A Rigged And Rotten System . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/12/2016
The whole shebang is rigged and rotten – including the financial system. The typical voter doesn’t understand why or how. Who does? But he feels it. Something is wrong; he knows it. And more and more, he wants to say so.
The "it's for your own protection" chickens are coming home to roost. The tyrannical powers granted to government in order to stop foreign terrorists are rapidly being turned inward against an ever servile and apathetic American public. The “war on terror” is slowly but surely transitioning into a “war on the citizenry.” A war that will only intensify as the public mood toward the status quo deteriorates further.

The global arms trade is huge, trending upwards now for roughly 15 years straight. But where are these arms going?





Why do neo-liberal Democrats, like the Clinton campaign, not want you to have big ideas, like single-payer health care? Because having big ideas is resistance to the bipartisan consensus that runs the country, and they want to stave off that resistance.
But that’s a negative goal, and there’s more. They not only have to stave off your resistance. They have to manage your acceptance of their managed decline in the nation’s wealth and good fortune. Again: The goal of the neo-liberal consensus is to manage the decline, and manage your acceptance of it.
For many years, I and countless others have been screaming from the rooftops that a society should never trade civil liberties for security. .. In the aftermath of the attacks of 9/11 (seemingly carried out by U.S. ally Saudi Arabia), the American public has demonstrated no such strength of character or historical maturity, thus allowing a corrupt, deceptive and lawless government to run roughshod over freedom with very little resistance.
Keep Reading
& Biggest Opportunity for Voters, since at least 1932
For the first time ever, a Republican campaign ad against Hillary Clinton is entirely truthful about her and focuses on the most important issue facing voters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4LKAt1t_8M.
For the first time since 1932, an American Presidential campaign presents an opportunity for the public to overthrow the aristocracy
And, for the first time in U.S. history, a realistic possibility exists that the voters’ choice between the two Parties’ Presidential nominees might turn out to be between two enemies of the aristocracy: Bernie Sanders versus Donald Trump.


Ent a Mehmet Tarhan “En Turquía vivimos una política genocida” Leandro Albani
Cuba. Obama visitará un país humilde pero seguro M. E. Yepe  seguro de que? .. de no volver a ser un país burdel adonde transferir los casinos y el puterio de Las Vegas? .. Aquí ya se preparan para eso. .. Seguro de que? .. de que el imperio pagará laos Mill de reparación por el avión de pasajeros derribado y los billones que adeuda como reparación al daño causado por el criminal bloqueo económico?.. USA no tiene amigos .. tiene “partners” descartables ..donde las mafias del fraude, corrupción y el chantaje impondrán sus reglas  .. Ya hablan aquí de imponer allí la democracia corrupta del imperio y de “vigilar estrictamente” el cumplimiento de su código de “derechos humanos” . . El colmo del cinismo. Para mi es triste saber que esa patria rebelde y ejemplo de dignidad Latina haya resistido tanto para al final doblar la cerviz para que el verdugo les ponga el yugo ..la soga al cuello .. Que viene luego? …



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