sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

MAR 25 16 SIT EC y POL

MAR 25 16 SIT EC y POL 


SABE QUE IRAN es socio de RUSIA y que arriesga con ello UNA GUERRA NUCLEAR..

El guerrerismo de Hillary cuesta mucho a la humanidad. Sería peor si llega al poder!
Leamos esto:  

Clinton utilizó su discurso en la reunión del AIPAC , para arremeter contra la neutralidad  de Donald Trump en las negociaciones entre Israel y Palestina. US no puede ser un intermediario honesto en el conflicto de Oriente Medio si no adopta posición  neutral .. fue la tesis de Trump antes de ir al evento del AIPAC
“No estoy seguro de cuáles son las amenazas convencionales de seguridad que tiene Israel, indico. Líbano es débil y un caos. Siria es un desastre total. Jordania y Egipto tienen tratados de paz con Israel. Esos son los vecinos inmediatos. Libia está desbaratada. Túnez le trae sin cuidado y en cualquier caso es también pequeña y débil. Turquía e Israel tienen tensiones, pero hacen gran cantidad de negocios entre ellos, incluidos los de orden militar. Iraq vive una debacle. Irán está tan distante que no supone una amenaza convencional y no tiene armas nucleares, que sí tiene Israel. Así pues, ¿cuál es la amenaza a la seguridad de Israel de la que habla Clinton? ¿Que los niños palestinos no puedan no vivir bajo la Ocupación?dijo Trump. 
Pero al oir el contexto desfavorable a sus palabras, cambio de parecer y devino mas zionista que Netanyahu.. Su error fue asistir al AIPAC, piso la trampa, lo colgaron de cabeza y le voltearon la tortilla que lleva allí.

Es muy probable que la mayoría de los estadounidenses no sepan que Israel, un país de ocho millones de habitantes, está ocupando tierras de cuatro millones y medio de palestinos que carecen de Estado, indica Juan Cole. El caso es que Hillary ha rechazado contundentemente la idea de que EEUU pueda ser  imparcial con los palestinos, como el mismo Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU lo fue. Se debate el boicot económico  a Israel y lo mínimo que se requiere  es imparcialidad. Eso jamás habrá con Hillary. Que vergüenza seria tenerla en el poder. VOTAR CONTRA ELLA ES CUESTIÓN DE ÉTICA POLÍTICA!. La ÚNICA OPCIÓN HONESTA Y MADURA en las primarias de hoy es EL VOTO LATINO POR SANDERS.
At the annual AIPAC convention, Hillary & Trump  engaged in what might be called a “pander-off” (pimping or selling and love for intrigues) their love and devotion to Israel with no remorse to land dispossession nor brutal HR abuses committed by the government of Netanyahu against Palestinians. By contrast, Sen. Bernie Sanders, who did not attend the AIPAC convention, delivered a foreign policy speech in Salt Lake City, Utah, that struck a more balanced tone and placed part of the blame for the Mideast problems on the policies of Netanyahu’s right-wing government.

The former Secretary of State Clinton depicted Israel as entirely an innocent victim in the Mideast conflicts.
 “The United States and Israel must be closer than ever, stronger than ever and more determined than ever to prevail against our common adversaries and to advance our shared values. … This is especially true at a time when Israel faces brutal terrorist stabbings [??] shootings and vehicle attacks at home. Parents worry about letting their children walk down the street. Families live in fear.”
Yet, Clinton made no reference to Palestinian parents who worry about their children walking down the streets or playing on a beach and facing the possibility of sudden death from an Israeli drone or warplane. Instead, she scolded Palestinian adults.
“Palestinian leaders need to stop inciting violence, stop celebrating terrorists as martyrs and stop paying rewards to their families,” she said.
Clinton promised to put her future administration at the service of the Israeli government, asking: “The first choice is this: are we prepared to take the U.S./Israel alliance to the next level?”.
[ The real question is : What is the point of given money to a war criminal in Israel? .. Why not to save that money to pay the debt and free tuition for University students in America? We need that money here .. we need to drink heathy water in Flint  .. we need to stop leaking of nuclear emission sites .. This is the reason why native American, latinos and afro-american decided not vote anymore Clinton! ]



Back in January 2015, when we looked at the utterly disconnected fundamentals of the energy sector, we were stunned to note that the forward 12-month P/E for the Energy sector has risen above 22.4, the first time it had done so since April 8, 2002. On that date, the closing price of the Energy sector was 225.15 and the forward 12-month EPS estimate was $10.05.

Our amazement was contained in the following summary: "using the S&P Energy Sector Index data, the sector's forward multiple is now an absolutely ridiculous, mindblowing 23x." This was 14 months ago. Where do we stand now? 

The snapshot answer comes courtesy of the latest Factset weekly earnings insight, according to which as of this moment, the forward P/E of the Energy sector is no longer "an absolutely ridiculous and mindblowing 23x".... it is, in fact, more than double that at 58.7x, which also happens to be more than four times higher than the 15 year average.

There is no longer a word to describe the lunacy where the forward P/E multiple was literally "off the chart" until the Y-axis was doubled.  Where it gets even more surreal is when looking at the forward energy sector P/E (as defined by Bloomberg) charted over time. Yes, we laughed long and hard.

What is beyond strange is that while forward earnings have imploded in just the past three months, prices of energy companies have actually gone up as the next Factset chart shows! In other words, the market's discounting mechanism is not onlyl broke but is now going in reverse, where the worse the projected earnings, the better for stock prices. .. Continue reading..
If Your Country's Broke, Don't Hold All Of Your Savings There. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/25/2016  :  Almost exactly three years ago, people across the entire nation of Cyprus went to bed believing that everything was OK. The next morning they woke up to a different reality... People realized immediately that just because you can log in to a bank’s website and see an account balance printed on the screen that doesn’t actually mean that the money is there. This is precisely the sort of thing that happens when a poorly structured banking system meets an insolvent government.
Efforts to make sense of why various FX crosses trade like they do these days are complicated immeasurably by the ongoing global currency wars and an EM complex that's plagued by fear of a strong USD and a long list of idiosyncratic domestic factors. For those interested in a 30,000 foot view of what's overvalued and what's not, here's Deutsche Bank's take.
Stupid news of the day
Thanks Obamacare: This Is What Americans Spent Most Money On In 2015. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/25/2016.  So sided against the poor :  We have been covering the consumption tax, pardon, endless spending black hole that is Obamacare for over a year, so we doubt it will come as a surprise to anyone that in 2015 healthcare was the second biggest use of US consumer funds, soaking up a record $1.9 trillion in real dollars, and more importantly for US economic "growth", the single biggest source of incremental spending by nearly a factor of two.
Quick news from today economics
U.S. GDP Rose 1.4% In Final Estimate Of Q4 Growth As Corporate Profits Plunged. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/25/2016  While the final revision to Q4 2015 GDP was so irrelevant it was released on a holiday when every US-based market is closed, even the futures, it is nonetheless notable that according to the BEA in the final quarter of 2015 US GDP grew 1.4%, up from the 1.0% previously reported, and higher than the 1.0% consensus estimate matching the highest Q4 GDP forecast. The final Q4 GDP print was still well below the 2.0% annualized GDP growth reported in Q3.

Miss it Economic news from Yest 24
The conceit of the majority of the members of the National Assembly in France in 1790 led to the total prostration of the economy of France in the course of seven years. The conceited Central Bankers of today will without a doubt achieve a world sunk in economic prostration. But don't expect any one of them to ever say "We were mistaken".
For The Average American, Owning A Home Is Increasingly Unaffordable. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2016  :  The report found that home price growth exceeded wage growth in nearly two thirds of the nation's housing markets so far this year, with urban centers like San Francisco and New York City among the least affordable.
The Biggest Short Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2016
Some reversals of financial trends prove so momentous they define the generation in which they occur. .. Bonds and stocks began their bull market runs in the early 1980s. Now, those markets are fonts of optimism increasingly unhinged from reality. .. The US has come full circle. The New Deal and World War II marked a massive shift of resources and power to the federal government. Conversely, financial reversal will fuel a virulent backlash against the government and its central bank.
All in all, recreational marijuana stores in Colorado received $575.8 million in 2015 revenue based on tax data from the Colorado Department of Revenue. That’s an 84% comp to 2014, showing robust growth in the industry. Turn to other states in which retail marijuana is legal and you’ll see they have posted impressive growth figures as well, even with less time to mature
When Does The U.S. Stock Bubble Burst: The Best Hedge Fund Of 2016 Has A Surprising Answer. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2016  :  it has been the Japan based Nikkei that has peaked 3 to 6 months before the S&P 500.

WHO'S ANTI-AMERICAN? Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/25/2016  VERY GOOD ARTICLE
The system is rigged... and rotten. Elections are exercises in solemn deceit. And the Fed’s management of the economy is a mixture of delusion and self-serving scam. We don’t have much doubt about it. That’s just the way it is. But that honesty is "cynical" and "anti-American," according to some. However, we’re not alone in our skepticism. Apparently, about half the country is “anti-American.”
Regardless of how Trump and Sanders fare in their respective conventions, they could still operate a serious race for the White House. Get used to Sanders, Clinton, Trump & Cruz. You may see all 4 of them, come November...
"...the inquiry was abandoned after Blackwater’s top manager  issued a threat: “that he could kill” the government’s chief investigator and “no one could or would do anything about it as we were in Iraq," according to department reports. There’s only one way to stop a guy like this - lock him up. For once, do your job Department of Justice.

[ The same happens in Hillary Clinton case .. she threat to implicate others from the establishment if the investigation on Libya goes deep on her .. and nobody said  For once, do your job Department of Justice .. now we have it as candidate for the Presidency ]
THE DIRTY DOZEN - MEET THE REPUBLICANS THAT WILL VOTE FOR HILLARY. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/25/2016   As The Hill reports, a number of prominent Republicans who signed a scathing open letter denouncing Trump said they aren’t wavering from their opposition to him..."Donald Trump is not a Republican. ... He is a caricature of classless wealth. ... He is a caricature of the ugly American... I’ll never support Trump, period. If the only choices I’m offered is between Hillary and Trump, I’ll go for Hillary,”  Who are the dirty dozen? Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). McGrath, the deputy director at the Center for American Seapower at the Hudson Institute. Foreign policy advisers Jim Talent and Elliot Abrams. Daniel Drezner, a professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Stephen Rodriguez, a former Bush adviser. Roger Zakheim, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. http://thehill.com/policy/defense/274145-vocal-trump-critics-in-gop-open-to-supporting-clinton
[ Wrong premise = wrong dilemma. The FACT N. 1 is: among the GOP: Trump is going up, while inside the DEMs Hillary is going down.  FACT N.2 is:  among the GOP they never had a real political debate .. if so Rubio could’ve not been beaten as he was, that is why it was easy for Trump to kick them off via quickly empty answers like “he didn’t do his job in office”. The GOP public expected supremacist masculinity and they got it. The nasty attack of the corp media on him couldn’t beat Trump. Instead it help him since he stop Fox. Among the Dems Hillary never beat Sanders (instead Sanders help her. He could’ve said -like Trump- she didn’t clear her legal issues, and bury her. He didn’t do so, Sanders is a real honest man), it was the media & the illegal anti-people vote of super-delegates that creates a fake “victory” for Hillary.  Now the media “panders” (those who create intrigue and manipulated dialogues) are not trusted by the public.. The media “panders” from big corp are seen as presstitute and the voters are abandoning Hillary. Not even manipulated polls can say that she will win the nomination if super-delegates do not respect the nation will. THE FALSE DILEMMA:  It is not Trump vs. Hillary, as the media said.  Both of them are fake candidates for the Presidency. Most people in America accept that more fake is Hillary than Trump. WHY?, she is paid to be candidate by big billionaires while Trump put his own money in this race. She owes to their financiers and has to pay back. Trump do not depend on their money, so he do not have to pay back. This is why Hillary and the 1% are afraid of Trump. The real threat to Trump is not the 1% to which he belong too, is the 99% of the American people that he is afraid too. THE REAL DILEMMA then is SANDERS  vs TRUMP and there is not one single poll that can say up to now that Trump can beat Sanders. Trump has to pay the poll-masters to say so. But is late, too late. People will prevail. SANDERS WILL WIN HILLARY DIRECTLY  or INDIRECTLY and then SANDER WILL WIN TRUMP. It  never happen before that people beat the 1% and it will happens this time. So, whatever logic you use as reasonable people you have to conclude that a more realistic dilemma for the final election is SANDERS VS. TRUMP .]
Trump Is Right - Dump NATO Now. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/25/2016.   If you want to know why we have a $19 trillion national debt and a fiscal structure that will take that already staggering figure to $35 trillion and 140% of GDP within a decade, just consider the latest campaign fracas. That is, the shrieks of disbelief in response to Donald Trump’s sensible suggestion that the Europeans pay for their own defense.
Miss it from Yest 24
"Why We Need To Beat Russia" Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2016
Only Gold has the history, depth, unique qualities, loyalty of the elite and transitional power to challenge any man, any nation, any system on earth, past, present and future. .. As the sand peters past the last curve of the hour glass the Dynastic hand is clear to see. So the Neo-cons need to beat Russia, and soon, as only Globalism can keep the markets enchained.
While Georgia has been caught up recently in a major pipeline competition, with Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran all making a play for the action in this small, strategically located energy-transit hub, some men in the central Georgian village of Ruisi have been busy with a pipeline project of their own.


The Brussels Attacks: What is True, What is Fake? Three Daesh Suspects at Brussels Airport By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Do I have to read 3 pages instead of 3 paragraphs with your new answer?


This article provides detailed history and data to explain what all macroeconomics courses teach: what we use for money is created as debt.
What these courses don’t usually teach are the consequences of creating what we use for money as negative numbers increasing forever: unpayable and ever-increasing total debt.
The top three benefits each of monetary reform and public banking total ~$1,000,000 for the average American household, and would be received nearly instantly.

Among hundreds in alternative media, I’ve documented several areas of Emperor’s New Clothes obvious facts:

Dr. Dahlia Wasfi’s 9 minutes to explain some of this history during the W. Bush administration:
By Ray McGovern
To those living “outside the Beltway” it may seem counterintuitive that those of us whose analysis has been correct on key issues that the U.S. government got criminally wrong – like the invasion of Iraq in 2003 – would be blacklisted from “mainstream” media and ostracized by the Smart People of the Establishment. But, alas, that’s the way it is.

After more than 13 years of presenting thoughtful critiques to senior officials – and having little discernible impact – we Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity are strongly tempted to take some solace in having made a good-faith effort to spread some truth around – and, now, go play golf. But the stakes are too high. We can’t in good conscience approach the first tee without having tried one more time.
Accordingly, we repeat the offer we extended on Feb. 26 – this time to the winnowed candidate roster of Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump – to make our deep experience and proven expertise available to those of you interested in the tell-it-like-it-is analysis that has been our niche for so many years.
Keep Reading

The Little-Known Secret to Destroying ISIS Propaganda
ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorist attacks on Westerners are evil.
And as a white American from a Judeo-Christian background, I am repulsed by the fact that ISIS is targeting Christians in Syria and Iraq with brutal murder … including crucifixion.
But most victims of ISIS, Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorism are themselves Muslim.

The U.S. National Counterterrorism Center – the United States government organization responsible for national and international counterterrorism effortsreported in 2011 (page 14):
In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97% of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years.
According to a 2009 report published by the Counter Terrorism Center at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Al-Qaeda kills over seven times more Muslims than non-Muslims.
Keep Reading


Atentado en Bélgica. Europa, ¿siembra lo que cosecha?. Pablo Jofré Leal
Opinión Obama y los derechos humanos. Eduardo Montes de Oca
EE.UU. ¿Fascismo en EEUU? Vicenç Navarro
Unidad, ¿qué unidad? Ramón Reig contra terror imperial y sus vasallos del ISIS? Jamas hubo …     jamas la habrá. .. A pesar de ello Rusia los derrotó .. sólo hubo necesidad de dignidad humana
ALC  La ONU y Puerto Rico. Movimiento Ñin Negrón



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