domingo, 27 de marzo de 2016

Mar 27 16 SIT EC y POL

Mar 27 16 SIT EC y  POL

WHY THE WESTERN ELITE LOVE TERROR ATTACKS.  By Steven MacMillan. Global Research, March 27, 2016. The Analyst Report 26 March.

“Instilling fear in the minds of the public has been a powerful tool of social control since the dawn of human civilization”. .. Images of terror; horror; fear; and panic dominate the news landscape. Their  main message is that YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID.

“The only solution to latest crisis (in the eyes of the elite) is for even greater spying powers and totalitarian control. HILLARY CLINTON, THE POLITICAL PROSTITUTE PAR EXCELLENCE, CALLED FOR MORE surveillance and an expansion of the police state in response to the attacks in Belgium. Both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump support a further erosion of civil liberties and have called for increasing surveillance of Muslims (TRUMP EVEN ADVOCATED  torturing terror suspects)”.
[Torture that Hillary already practiced in Libya & the Bush in Iraq. Both party leader of the by- partisan system are accomplices in torturing innocent Muslims In Guantanamo prison.]

This wasn’t part of the rosy scenario...

The World Trade Monitor for January, as measured in seasonally adjusted volume, declined 0.4% from December and was up a measly 1.1% from January a year ago. While the sub-index for import volumes rose 3% from a year ago, export volumes fell 0.7%. This sort of “growth,” languishing between slightly negative and slightly positive has been the rule last year.

The World Trade Monitor for January, as measured in seasonally adjusted volume, declined 0.4% from December and was up a measly 1.1% from January a year ago. While the sub-index for import volumes rose 3% from a year ago, export volumes fell 0.7%. This sort of “growth,” languishing between slightly negative and slightly positive has been the rule last year.


Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/27/2016"[The U.S. dollar] is not a desirable currency," Faber explains, "I think the most desirable currency will be gold, silver, platinum and palladium."
"It's An Attack On Higher Education": Connecticut Seeks To Tax Yale Endowment As Plug To Surging Deficit. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/27/2016  :  According to the introduced legislature, schools with funds of $10 billion or more, which is clearly aimed at Yale as that is the only university to fit the criteria. Yale’s record $25.6 billion fund is the second largest in U.S. higher education.
Without the Federal Reserve continuously pumping money in one form or another, while simultaneously keeping interest rates at the zero bound – the markets had no fundamental reason whatsoever to be at these current levels. Currently up seems to only happen in response after some jawboning or implied immediate implementation, where the theme is more mea culpa in nature. Rather, than fortitude or conviction of policy.
Bad - But Better Than What's Coming. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/27/2016.  :  Very simply, if you borrow too much money life gets harder and the things that used to work stop working. .. Growth slows, voters get mad, politics gets crazy, and generally bad times ensue. The only question is why this is a surprise to the people whose choices brought us to the edge of the abyss.

[ If inflation is measured by eggs price .. that is partially true .. the eggs that I bought have the same price .. but there are some “eggs” to paint on it .. that are sell by one back a cage of 12 .. inflation was artificially “declined”.]

The Occupy Movement represented a clear indication that the working poor, or precariat, is no longer feeling represented by the First World state. With this massive inclusion of a working-class, poor, ethnically diverse group, to the already and obviously marginalized, the population of Fourth World America at the very least rivals the population of First World America. And while the American government continues to nominally supply aid to the Third World, the Fourth World inside the U.S. is slowly being forgotten.
WHY?   Here an extract
While the First World criticises various governments in traditionally Third World continents as being unfair and corrupt — calling them out for their ongoing human rights abusesthe abuses being perpetrated on the Fourth World are constantly ignored, no matter how similar the two start to appear. Meanwhile, as the Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, defines the Flint issue as a failure of government at all levels,” those governments still claim to represent the citizens of Flint and their best interests.
If this is the representation a growing majority of people are subject to in America, then the way the First and Fourth World are understood needs to be reevaluated. More importantly, where the United States fits within the list must be reconsidered. Only when we begin to see our own situation from a new perspective can we learn how to fix it, or find a solution.
I would be someone who agrees with this—that Ted Cruz is, in many respects, maybe most respects, more dangerous than Trump. I mean, Ted Cruz is this true evangelical believer who seems to be really eager to promote this extremist religious agenda."

Does The United States Still Exist?.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/27/2016. :  Today law as a shield of the people has been lost. The loss was gradual over time and culminated in the George W. Bush and Obama regime assaults on habeas corpus and due process. Historically, a government that can, without due process, throw a citizen into a dungeon or summarily execute him is considered to be a tyranny, not a democracy. By any historical definition, the United States today is a tyranny.

Trump Slams Cruz For "Stealing Delegates," Says American Politics "Is A Broken System". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/27/2016.  :  Donald Trump, reports that Cruz could end up with more delegates than Trump from Louisiana - despite The Donald's victory - As Politico reports, Trump raged that Ted Cruz is trying to "steal" delegates, "because that's the way Ted works."
[ The same thing happens with Dems ..  the by partisan system doesn’t wk .. I smell fire.]

"I thought the approach of fighting Assad and ISIS simultaneously was madness, and idiocy. They’re fighting each other and yet we’re fighting both of them. You can’t be fighting two people that are fighting each other, and fighting them together." … See below
ISIS Suffers Major Blow As Assad, Russia, Hezbollah Drive Terrorists From Ancient Syrian City .Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/27/2016   After a weeks long siege, Bashar al-Assad's army, backed by Russian air power and Hassan Nasrallah's forces, has overrun the ancient city of Palmyra, driving ISIS out of the UNESCO world heritage site and back towards Deir el-Zour. This is a "significant achievement", Assad said. It offers "new evidence of the effectiveness of the strategy espoused by the Syrian army and its allies in the war against terrorism."
Could There Be A Coup In Turkey?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/27/2016. "Even members of Erdogan's ruling party whisper about his increasing paranoia which, according to some Turkish officials, has gotten so bad that he seeks to install anti-aircraft missiles at his palace to prevent airborne men-in-black from targeting him in a snatch-and-grab operation."

[ Paranoia or not .. it’s true that Erdogan can be hit by foreign or domestic missiles  .. Reason: he cost too much in geo-political , economic and humanitarian terms .. He deserves to die.]

Condaleeza Rice To Struggling Ukrainians: "Be Thankful You're Not In Liberia". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/27/2016  :  There is effectively no state in Ukraine. The authorities are busy ingratiating themselves with every available power figure — the US Embassy, local oligarchs, Right Sector, and various Mafia groups — seeing in those the only keys to the government’s own legitimacy and ability to hold on to power. But one point that they apparently do not understand is that any government lacking public support on the ground and dependent on exterior agents is more vulnerable than they could ever imagine.


WHY THE WESTERN ELITE LOVE TERROR ATTACKS.  By Steven MacMillan. Global Research, March 27, 2016. The Analyst Report 26 March. “Instilling fear in the minds of the public has been a powerful tool of social control since the dawn of human civilization”. .. Images of terror; horror; fear; and panic dominate the news landscape. Their main message is that YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID.
The only solution to latest crisis (in the eyes of the elite) is for even greater spying powers and totalitarian control. HILLARY CLINTON, THE POLITICAL PROSTITUTE PAR EXCELLENCE, CALLED FOR MORE surveillance and an expansion of the police state in response to the attacks in Belgium. Both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump support a further erosion of civil liberties and have called for increasing surveillance of Muslims (TRUMP EVEN ADVOCATED  torturing terror suspects).


It has been an alliance between the leaderships of U.S., Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE; but, regardless of whether it’s called “the U.S. alliance” or “the Saudi alliance,” or even (possibly) “the Turkish alliance” (and it could be called by any of those three names), it’s the jihadist alliance, and it now seems to be near its final defeat, by, quite clearly, the Russian alliance: Russian air power has enabled the Syrian army (called the SAA or “Syrian Arab Army”) of Bashar al-Assad, plus Lebanon’s Shiite warriors (called “Hezbollah”), plus organization by Iran’s generals, to exterminate thousands of ISIS jihadists.



EE UU ¿Es el socialismo democrático el sueño americano? Por John Bellamy Foster .
"Sanders abogar por un socialismo democrático, Sanders ha promovido una política pragmática para la izquierda. Sus propuestas incluyen un fuerte incremento de los impuestos para los millonarios, gratuidad para la matrícula universitaria y un seguro sanitario de pago único, garantizando seguro médico a toda la población al margen de que tenga trabajo o no y de sus ingresos. Promueve un programa de empleo en línea con el New Deal. Todas sus propuestas representan cosas que se ha conseguido en otros países, en particular en la Escandinavia socialdemócrata, donde la gente está en mejores condiciones en lo que respecta a los indicadores sociales. Presentándolo como posible para aquí, Sanders ha llevado la idea del socialismo -aunque sea en una versión moderada- desde la marginalidad al centro de la cultura política en EE UU."

[ Querer derogar a Sanders bajo la "acusacion " de comunista es ignorancia estupida, por decir lo menos. Los neocons del GOP deben saber que uno de los escritores políticos favoritos de Lincoln fue Karl Marx, el corresponsal europeo para el periódico de Horace Greeley, el New York Tribune. Y Marx sigue siendo lectura favorita de muchos academico americanos de la altura de M Hudson, R. Wolff, Chris Hedges y tantos otros. Lo que si da verguenza es promover hoy el extremismo religioso de Ted Cruz y otros cavernarios politicos de nuestro tiempo.]
América Latina Nuevo mapa de los Golpes de Estado. Marcos Roitman
ARG, 40 aniversario del golpe militar Las memorias en el cuerpo. Asociación de Ex Detenidos
ARG A 40 años del golpe militar . Notas para un balance. Rolando Astarita
Capitalismo, empleo y naturaleza Salir del engranaje destructivo. Daniel Tanuro



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