domingo, 20 de marzo de 2016

MAR 19 16 SIT EC y POL

MAR 19 16 SIT EC y POL

Este es el más coherente análisis de la conducta criminal de Hillary Clinton en Libia
“Los correos electrónicos de Hillary Clinton que acaban de salir a luz confirman que la operación US en Libia  poco nada  tuvo nada que ver con proteger al pueblo libio de un dictador pero si con el control del dinero y oro acumulado por ventas de petróleo, el control de la banca y con abortar el proceso hacia la soberanía económica de África” indica Ellen Browm. Americans protest against Trump Anti-Trump protesters take to streets in New York and Arizona”

Se desintegro un Estado-Nación, mediante una guerra civil que desestabilizó toda la región. Eso fue lo que genero la crisis migratoria a Europa y lo que permitió que el Estado Islámico estableciera una base firme en el país para difundir el terror en la región. Eso fue lo que usó el aparato bélico del Imperio para imponer su proyecto “cambio de régimen” en Siria. Este país también fue destruido en forma horrible por las armas que dio el US a los mercenarios del ISIL. RU apoyo a Assad para que defienda su soberanía y el terrorismo islámico fue derrotado. Eso obligo al US a cambiar de estrategia y aliarse con los RU. EU temía perder NATO y Europa y quedarse solos en la defensa del terror islámico y los efectos de esos crímenes. Los correos electrónicos indican que Hillary estuvo envuelta de principio a fin en el ataque criminal a Siria y la horrenda muerte de Gadafi. En el caso Libia, Hillary está directamente  envuelta en crímenes de guerra y de lesa humanidad contra esa nación.  

Con su arribo a la Presidencia USA Hillary pretende cubrir aquellos crímenes con el manto de la impunidad. De allí su desesperado afán de capturar la Presidencia por cualquier medio, a ella NO le  importa violar principios democráticos ni sembrar violencia criminal interna contra sus rivales políticos. Los fanáticos de Hillary (con apoyo de Lobbies sionista-israeli en el US)  se han apropiado de la bandera popular NO al “America-Hate-Again” y lo usan justo para lo inverso, para desestabilizar el ambiente electoral y promover violencia contra los mítines de Trump. Buscan sacar “violentamente” a Trump de la contienda electoral, un anticipo de lo que vendría si llega al poder. La impunidad a sus crímenes de guerra y de lesa humanidad es lo que está detrás de la desesperada violencia que usa Hillary contra sus rivales políticos.

En foto reciente puede verse la forma como opera el violentismo de Hillary: Protesters filter into the crowd of Trump supporters during a campaign rally at Fountain Park on March 19, 2016 in Fountain Hills, Arizona. (AFP photo)


HILLLARY-ISRAEL “divide & conquest” full of war crimes & crimes against humanity in Syria 

The assault on Syria –intended to ignite-deep sectarian division & war between Shiites and the majority Sunnis of the region drawing in Iran- was coordinated by Hillary Clinton & Israel Intelligence Officers. THE RESULT OF THIS OPERATION: WAR CRIMES & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY   

Here the text from Sputnik on this operation :
The intelligence service of Israel considers a potential Sunni-Shiite war in Syria a favorable development for the country and the West, according to an email archive of former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, released by WikiLeaks.
The author of the email, forwarded by Clinton in July 2012, argued that Israel is convinced Iran would lose “its only ally” in the Middle East, if the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad collapses.

“The fall of the House of Assad could well ignite a sectarian war between the Shiites and the majority Sunnis of the region drawing in Iran, which, in the view of Israeli commanders would not be a bad thing for Israel and its Western allies,” an email stated.
Open this web to read the text of the email released by  Wikileaks.:


[ Cuando los de arriba dicen la verdad sobre el colapso neoliberal .. da pena .. pero mas pena da saber que los de abajo sufren sus efectos y aun no se atreven a desafiar el sistema creyendo que los de arriba van a solucionar la crisis y evitar la caída final. Yo si creo que es posible dar solución al problema si unimos labor, capital-productivo y la juventud REV. Y porque creo si es posible solucionar el problema creando un nuevo sistema .. apoye a Sanders y su proyecto de REV con la re-instalación –perfeccionada- del Glass Steagall Act. Pero esto solo es posible abandonando el sistema bi-partidario y creando un FRENTE que lance la 3ra opciónen estas elecciones. La solución al problema nacional e internacional es imposible con Hillary en el poder. Esa dama solo busca dinero para ella y la mafia empresarial que la apoya. Sanders ya indico que transferiría el voto popular a ella. Los socialistas  estamos obligados a organizar el Frente sin Sanders, uniéndonos con otras fuerzas progresistas de America. Si Sanders nos apoya bien .. si no .. que no espere que nosotros apoyemos a Hillary.]   
Leamos a los de arriba:
We are facing  the lowest net profit margin for the index excluding the Energy sector since Q1 2014 (9.9%). Thus, other sectors are also contributing to the expected lower than average net profit margin for the index for Q1 2016.
From FactSet:
Lowest Net Profit Margin (9.3%) Projected for S&P 500 since Q4 2012 (8.9%)
For Q1 2016, the estimated net profit margin for the S&P 500 is 9.3%. If 9.3% is the actual net profit margin for the quarter, it will mark the lowest net profit margin for the S&P 500 for a quarter since Q4 2012 (8.9%). What is driving the weaker projected profit margin for the index relative to recent quarters?

See graft. Image location :

Five of the ten sectors are projected to see lower net profit margins in Q1 2016 relative to the 3-year average for each sector, led by the Energy sector (0.1% vs. 6.5%). The estimated net profit margin of 0.1% for the Energy sector is based on estimated aggregate earnings of $263 million and estimated aggregate revenues of $182 billion for the quarter.

Excluding the Energy sector, the estimated net profit margin for the S&P 500 would be 10.0%. However, this would also mark the lowest net profit margin for the index excluding the Energy sector since Q1 2014 (9.9%). Thus, other sectors are also contributing to the expected lower than average net profit margin for the index for Q1 2016. After the Energy sector, the other four sectors projected to report net profit margins below the 3-year averages for Q1 2016 are the Industrials (7.9% vs. 9.1%), Information Technology (17.2% vs. 18.0%), Consumer Staples (5.6% vs. 6.1%) and Consumer Discretionary (6.5% vs. 6.6%) sectors.

See graft. Image location :

[ “Como me dan pena las abandonas por el monstruo neoliberal: nunca pudieron saber si fueron realmente amadas o simplemente usadas” ]
Quick Economic news from zero hedge
A Strange Pattern Emerges When Trading The US Dollar In 2016. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/19/2016  : The surprisingly-dovish Fed has further accelerated the decline in the US dollar. The decline started in late January and has occurred during the critical local New York trading hours. The US hours downtrend looks likely to continue in the near future."
"Nobody Is Making Money" - Hedge Fund "VIP Basket" Obliterated, Plunges To Record Low. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/19/2016  :  the "most popular" among hedge fund stocks, has never been lower despite the dramatic rebound in the broader market!
Another False Oil Price Rally: Crossing A Boundary. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/19/2016  :  As in the earlier rally, current storage volumes are too large and demand is too weak to sustain higher prices for long."
Trump "Would Be Impeached" Over China, Mexico Tariffs, Chamber Of Commerce CEO Says. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/19/2016  :  Donald Trump has proposed a 35% import tax on goods from Mexico and a 45% tax on goods imported from China. If implemented, it would be a disaster for American consumers, Tom Donohue says.
[ The FACT:  there were two separate incidents intentionally mixed in tis news to distort reality and blame Trump. One is the disruption of Trump meeting in Chicago & Arizona and the other is a rally from a KKK on streets in the South disrupted for a group of blacks. In the photo-image for this news there is not one single person with Trump poster (no evidence that the violence happens inside Trump rally). So, the photo-image for the news  could be related to the rally of the KKK disrupted by a group of blacks. But saying that those blacks belong to Trump org is a very big lie and  distortion. .. one more step and the corp-presstitute will say that Trump party is a black party.]   
Lo sin-logica es divertido en politica: Nada que ver con silogística (derivar de 2 premisas 1 conclusion)
"Are We Sure He's A Mormon?": Trump Questions "Choke Artist" Romney's Religious Credentials In Utah Rally  : Behold, a Trump syllogism: Trump "loves" Mormons; Trump doesn't love Mitt Romney; Romney might not be a Mormon. [ eto no es logica, solo es “arte” de decir disparates]


HILLLARY-ISRAEL “divide & conquest” full of war crimes & crimes against humanity in Syria

The assault on Syria –intended to ignite-deep sectarian division & war between Shiites and the majority Sunnis of the region drawing in Iran- was coordinated by Hillary Clinton & Israel Intelligence Officers. The result of this operation: WAR CRIMES & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY   
Here the text from Sputnik n this operation
The intelligence service of Israel considers a potential Sunni-Shiite war in Syria a favorable development for the country and the West, according to an email archive of former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, released by WikiLeaks.
The author of the email, forwarded by Clinton in July 2012, argued that Israel is convinced Iran would lose “its only ally” in the Middle East, if the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad collapses.

“The fall of the House of Assad could well ignite a sectarian war between the Shiites and the majority Sunnis of the region drawing in Iran, which, in the view of Israeli commanders would not be a bad thing for Israel and its Western allies,” an email stated.

Open this web to read the text of the email released by  Wikileaks.:


By guest author, “No Passport” American Daniel Bruno, reporting from Buenos Aires. Daniel is from NYC, is an author, inventor, specialist in 9/11 studies, and the interview host at Washington’s Blog has previously documented the destruction of nearly all rights lawfully guaranteed in the US Bill of Rights within the US Constitution, and in Orwellian inversion of limited government

The Bill of Rights consists of the first ten amendments to the constitution. The constitution is like a playbook or a guide spelling out the rules of engagement that everyone has to abide by.
Keep Reading


Hillary Clinton And The Syrian Shoah . By Gilad Atzmon. Thanks to the newly leaked Clinton email archive we may have a document that provides confirmation that the Yinon Plan was, de facto, an Israeli strategy to create sectarian chaos in the Middle East. 
The Syria Gambit – Geneva ‘Peace Talks’ and Russia’s “Pullout”. By Peter Koenig . How must it feel in Obamas skin, knowing that he is one of the most hated men in the world, that he is a criminal, a spineless stooge of the western oligarchs.
Is There a US-Russia Grand Bargain in Syria?. By Pepe Escobar. It’s spy thriller stuff; no one is talking.
9/11: The FBI Report and the Dancing Israelis Standing Truth on its Ear. By Mark Gaffney. The FBI placed the five Israelis in a federal detention center, isolated them from one other, and began to interrogate them closely.

The Wrong Kind Of Victory . By Dmitry Orlov. The US defense establishment can be considered victorious in one sense only: it has conquered and subdued the people of the United States.
The Islamic State Is Pretext To Again Mug Libya. By Moon Of Alabama. This looks like another coup in the making this time by introducing a third government that will be completely controlled by foreigners.
DPRK: Isolated, Demonized, and Dehumanized by the West. By Andre Vltchek. We are living in a twisted, truly perverse world, where mass murderers act as judges, and actually get away with it.

 Ted Cruz’s Team of Islamophobes. By Derek Davison  Cruz has assembled a collection of some of the most prominent Islamophobes in American right-wing circles.

RT SHOWS women rule here

SophieCo. The West planned to create rift between Russia & Ukraine long ago - French ex-MEP  Russia's military pullout out of Syria came as a surprise to most Western nations. That, and a successful though fragile ceasefire inside Syria between Assad and the rebels, have shifted the balance on the global chessboard.
Worlds Apart. Moving targets? . The European response to the migration crisis has swung from open doors to closed borders in a matter of months, leaving thousands stranded and millions frightened.
In the Now. Calling the Shots (S3E20)  Turkey plays the EU on the refugee crisis. Israel sees a wave of blood, and exploited so-called Afghan "dancing boys" are In the Now.
CrossTalk Trump's warpath  The presidential election cycle is a favored blood sport for many Americans and the mainstream media. Elections are part of the country’s secular religion called liberal democracy. But how can America’s elections truly be called... Check also: Trump vs neocons & Russia´s success


Bolivia . Referéndum y banalización de la política. Elisabeth Peredo
Honduras, tras el asesinato de la líder indígena lenca Misión Internacional “Justicia para Berta Cáceres


Americans protest against Trump Trump should move rallies against “Am-hate-again” and denounce Zionist-and Hillary fascists behind the banner :Am-hate-again. This slogan belong to the Nation not to the oligarchy that captured the DEM party. Such nasty manipulation should be denounced.
US-Iran ‘chance for a different future’ everybody have the right to make their own fture
US-Iran ‘chance for a different future’  not way. Time to take our Bush neocon’networks
‘Iran, Turkey can resolve regional crises’, Estambul should be split from Turkey .. prob solve
‘US wants Afghanistan a puppet regime’ US mafias want to control popy drug networks
US has become 3rd world nation: Trump  Yeap ..time ago we want a war criminal too
UAE jet crash in Russia: all aboard dead don’t take any muslim-Saudi-connect airline-plane
‘Israel continues occupation with US support’ wall they place to capture Syria oil must be destroyed
Trump: Peacemaker or warmonger? He don’t want RU nuke-attack, he prefer deals .. not Peace  not War .. Big corp associated with him said clearly.. he may burn US econ but Clinton will burn the whole world
‘Daesh wouldn’t exist if not for US’ True ..that I why RU should crash any ISIS support inside Syria
Time to take out Donald Trump? Nope .. it is time to take out Clinton with People’s FRONT as 3rd opt.

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