miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020


APR  8  20  ND SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Worst day yet...
See Chart
Global confirmed deaths

Screw it - buy Mortimer buy... it appeared that the algos had already made their mind up as every dip was bought today back to yesterday's highs...
See Chart:
Global Deaths

The B-Dollar Index was also flat on the day - roundtripping overnight gains to end unchanged...
See Chart:

Treasury yields were mixed today with the short-end outperforming once again (2Y -1bps, 30Y +7bps)...
See Chart:

Finally,  despite every economist knowing what a bloodbath it was likely to be, economic data has still massively disappointed expectations...
See Chart:

And fun-durr-mentals don't matter again...
See Chart:

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Over the past month, the American economy has collapsed into a depression, with the most significant unemployment spike in history. Millions of people have just lost their jobs, and as we've been documenting, food bank networks across the country are becoming overwhelmed. 

Today's food bank lines resemble 'breadlines' from the 1930s. However, this time around, Americans are not standing around city blocks waiting for soup, they're sitting in mile-long traffic jams outside donation centers waiting for a care package. 

As a reminder, to visualize how America went from "the greatest economy ever" to "Greater Depression," in just one month, take a look at the chart below: 
See Chart:
Unemployment (%)

Is JPMorgan expecting a wave of defaults to hit America in the coming days?
See Chart:
Commercial & Industrial Loans

If indeed it is the case that JPMorgan is quietly stepping away from the non-government backstopped lender market, expect all other banks to soon do the same, and other big and not so big US banks such as BofA, Citi, and Wells Fargo to follow just as quietly in JPM's footsteps and halt loans to all small business across America due to fears of a default tsunami.

Approximately 18 million Americans - 11% of the labor force - have filed for unemployment benefits in the past three weeks.

Two weeks ago it was a record 3.3 million initial claims;  last week it was an additional 6.6 million in initial claims for a two-week total of 10 million Americans having just lost their jobs.
See Chart:
Initial Jobless Claims

For the second week in a row, Pictet analyst Thomas Costerg remains the most bearish with a 7.5 million forecast, which if accurate would mean that approximately 18 million Americans - 11% of the labor force - have filed for unemployment benefits in the past three weeks.
See Chart:

Some more details:
After reviewing data from local news reports to gather an assessment by state, BofA thinks that 6.5 million claims is a reasonable forecast. For 16 states, the bank found either specific information or enough to back out an implied number, calculating a total of 2.3mn for the upcoming report which matches the week ending March 28 for these 16 states.
See Table:

That said, the risks are clearly tilted to the upside (i.e., a much higher claims print). There were broad signs that state governments were increasing hiring or shifting resources to better process filings for unemployment benefits given the deluge in recent weeks. Some states believed the worst was yet to come. Picking up on our analysis from last week, BofA notes that data from Google Trends reveals further pickup in searches for "unemployment benefits" and "filing for unemployment," which could argue for upside.
See Charts:

There is one potential negative offset: seasonal adjustment. The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases seasonal factors in advance and for the week ending April 4 there is a 6.5% positive adjustment to non-seasonally adjusted claims, which is 7.7pp lower than the +14.2% seasonal adjustment in the last report.
See Chart:

Meanwhile, those making below $50k will generally be made whole and possibly be better off on unemployment benefits.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Hugo Adan  Thurday 8-2020

Based on:

"This ended just like the Democrats & the DNC wanted, same as the Crooked Hillary fiasco... The Bernie people should come to the Republican Party, TRADE!"

IF Sander quit.. he is a coward & traitor to socialist cause. Socialism is a matter of principles y James Petras califico de traidor a Lula por haber defendido de palabra el socialismo y termino abrazando a la derecha neoliberal de BRA en una coalición electoral. Con Sanders estaría ocurriedo peor cosa si es cierto que apoya a Biden: La TV dijo hoy que se alió a Biden , el guerrerista  que cometió uno de los peores  genocidios del Middle East, ese es  MR BIDEN –quien además de tener historial de corrupción con su hijo- emerge de un proceso electoral corrupto; de la compra de votos por el billonario  Bloomberg, EL 1RO EN DARLE SU APOYO y quizá su financista mayor. El sistema social adonde Biden apunta es el mismo de Trump: al servicio de los billonarios. De la detestable  ráfaga millones de USD de Bloomberg, nació la candidatura fraudulenta de Biden .
Fue Sanders realmente un socialista?  Lo fue pero de palabra.. y eso conquisto a la juventud. Pero si es cierta su alianza con Biden.. es un traidor a los principios del socialismo.  El socialismo es un sistema económico y político que no lo invento Marx, el socialismo nació 3 siglos antes que el escriba el Manifiesto en 1848. Nació como respuesta al ingreso violento del capitalismo contra el Syst  feudal ya obsoleto en los inicios del renacimiento. Fue inicialmente socialism utópico con Moro y Campanella; evoluciono con Boudin y Giordano Bruno y se volvió definitivamente anti-capitalista con Saint Simon, Fourier, R Owen  y Proudon  (contemporáneo de Marx). Publique esta historia de los socialismos en mi  Journal Nueva Democracia, como parte de un libro que estoy terminando sobre ‘Perspectivas del Socialismo en America’.

Que tienen todos los socialism en común?. 
1-      La defensa del Public Need  contra el private greed de las grandes Corp. Lo que supone defensa del capital productivo y los derechos de labor, especialmente se derecho a la sindicaliz y la org cooperativista. Además se incluye la lucha consecuente por la socializacion de los medios de producción, empezando por los que brinda la naturaleza y los instrumentos que crea el hombre con su desarrollo tecnológico.  
2-      Otra princip común en todos los socialismos es la defensa de los DH empezando por el derecho a la mejor salud y educación para todos, además del acceso a la vivienda propia para todos los ciudadanos de escasos recursos.
3-      El apoyo a los Mov de Liberacion  Nacional y su derecho al Debt-Zero.
4-      Respeto al derecho a la PAZ, lo que incluye:
A-     rechazo a las guerras imperiales: bring tropos home.
B-      desmontaje de Corp que lucran con Producción de armas y guerras fuera : disolución de NATO.
C-      Eliminar del sistema Keynesiano el aliento que dan al  State Spending  en militarismo y armamentismo.  
5- Todos los socialistas reclamamos el desmontaje inmediato de armas nucleares a nivel mundial,  empezando por las grandes potencias..  es la única forma de evitar el WW3.  Estos son los principios básicos que unen a todos los socialista del mundo entero . 
Al parecer Sanders olvido estos principios, de ahí su apoyo el guerrerista  y fraudulento Biden.

Elites are working to make it better for them,
and worse for the rest of us...

"...mass gatherings, maybe, in a certain sense more optional. And so until you’re widely vaccinated those [activities] may not come back at all..."

Because someone has to fund that record fiscal stimulus.

...with the intent to “end the epidemic of gun violence and build safer communities by strengthening Federal firearms laws..."

This will not end well...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

US cases make up for a quarter of the total, and roughly one-sixth of all deaths.

The stock market rebound across major world markets is being led by exits from bearish trades, including a squeeze on short positions held by systematic traders.
See Chart:
See more interesting Charts at:

"It's like playing with fire..."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Alternative:    BUEN VIVIR   Iosu Perales


La OIT estima que el coronavirus ya afectó a un 81% de la fuerza de trabajo mundial  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/349297-oit-advertir-pandemia-afectar-empleos-mundial
Reps de US amenazan Saudis con " resp recíproca" si no revierte crisis energética  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/349312-eeuu-amenazar-arabia-saudita-respuesta-revertir-crisis
el CV se camufla cual "lobo con piel de cordero" para engañar a nuestro organismo https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/349321-cientificos-revelar-coronavirus-camuflarse-enganar-organismo
La ONU defiende el trabajo de la OMS frente a las críticas de Trump  https://actualidad.rt.com/video/349256-onu-defender-trabajo-oms-criticas-trump

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3


Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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