viernes, 3 de abril de 2020


APR 3 20  ND SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The story of the week is fourfold:
  1. Helicopter money begins... and the sovereign risk of the USA soars
  2. Oil has best week ever on hopes of supply cut.
  3. Stocks sink as any rebalance flow support evaporated.
  4. Lockdown effects are starting to be seen in labor and survey data

'Helicopter Ben' unleashed hell...
See Chart:
Fed Balance Sheet

As the trillions in bailout booty starts to get handed out to the public, markets did not "love the smell of helicopter money in the morning"
As USA Sovereign risk accelerated further...
See Chart:
USA 1 Year Sovereign CDS

Hopes of a supply-cut sparked the single-biggest daily gain ever and the biggest weekly gain ever in crude oil...
See Chart:
World Trade index  CRUDE

But in context, there's a long way to go...
See Chart:

And despite energy's gains, US equity markets were carved up this week, with Small Caps clubbed like a baby seal (5th weekly loss of last 6), as any month-/quarter-end rebalance flow support evaporated entirely... (NOTE broiadly speaking US markets rallied into the EU close then sold off every day this week),,,
See Chart:

Over the past two weeks however, The Dow is still up around 9% and Small Caps just over 2%...
See Chart:

And finally, the impact of the lockdowns is starting to hit as US Macro Surprise Index crashes by the most ever
See Chart:
CIRI US Macro surprise Index

The 'Virus-Fear' Trade is back in a big way...
See Chart

"Most Shorted" stocks are down 6 days in a row
See Chart:

VIX and the market decoupled this week (VIX notably lower as stocks sank)...
See Chart:
VIX  vs S&P

Treasuries were bid this week with 10Y outperforming, 2Y under performing...
See Chart:

The week's yield drop pushed everything across the curve back near cycle yield closing lows...
See Chart:

The B-Dollar Index was up 4 of the 5 days this week (and 3rd week of last 4)
 See Chart

Gold Spot and Futures have started to decouple again as physical delivery fears resurface...
See Chart:
Gold Futures  vs  Spot Gold

Where does gold go next?
See Chart: UP

Finally, the question is - is this bounce still viable?
See Chart:
DOW  Then  and NOW

Not if fun-durr-mentals have anything to do with it...
See Chart:
DOW  vs  DOW Consensus 12m Forward EPS


...indicates that the economy contracted 5% in March, but with more measures to fight the virus outbreak being taken this decline will likely be eclipsed by what we see in the second quarter. 
A survey indicates that the economy contracted an annualised rate approaching 5% in March, but with more measures to fight the virus outbreak being taken this decline will likely be eclipsed by what we see in the second quarter. More nonessential businesses are being forced to close, some are going bust, and lockdowns are leading to vastly reduced consumer spending.
See Chart:
See More interesting charts at:

It was expected to be ugly. It turned out to be a disaster. And the worst is yet to come...  See Chart

From an initial $75 billion per day, to $60 billion per day last week, The Fed had just announced another 'taper' in its bond-buying program to $50 billion per day for next week...  See Chart
Fed Treasury/MBS Purchases since restart of QE
Nike & Adidas don’t have stores in china, .. they will go there.. la labor is chipper there

"Unfortunately, unlike Nike and Adidas, Under Armour is not an established brand in Asia, where a lot of stores have reopened. The restructuring and the abandonment..."
And if they have those factories … the US owner won’t close them
See Chart: Under ARMOUR
This is how America's bailed out banks repay the taxpayers that rescued them in 2008... and in 2020.

It's the first day that America's small businesses can apply for the SBA's Paycheck Protection Program, i.e., the $350BN program that is part of the bigger $2 trillion bailout package designed to provide small businesses access to capital for payroll and other overhead costs to the tune of 2.5 months of average payroll and which must be accessed via an existing banking relationship - and the rollout is predictably a mess, with some banks such as BofA already accepting loans (which convert to grants if used exclusively for payrolls and business continuity purposes), while others like JPM delaying the roll out to 1pm; a third group of banks such as Wells Fargo has conspicuously failed to provide its rollout plans - perhaps it is scheming how to cross-sell bailout loans with auto insurance or engage in some other typically Wellsfargoian fraud.

Bank of America's website confirms as much, stating on its eligibility page that only "clients with a business lending and a business deposit relationship at Bank of America are eligible to apply for a Paycheck Protection Program through our bank." In other words, any business that only has a deposit account and no loan or business card is out of luck.
Read Doct

And the kicker, literally, for those BofA clients who would like to become eligible and open a business loan account, well it's too late: as the bank makes clear, this should have happened as of Feb 15.

The key question  is this how the banks that were bailed out by ordinary Americans in 2008 will treat those same Americans when they need a rescue too? Alternatively, what happens to these banks when millions of small business fail and America's economy plunges into an even deeper depression. One final question: how is it logical for banks to only bailout those companies which already have debt and are by extension riskier, than to provide funds to their ordinary clients who only now, for the first time, need a helping hand.

We eagerly await Steven Mnuchin's answers to these questions.  SOURCE:

"The US economic recovery will be more drawn out than previously anticipated, marked by a deeper drop into recession and slower climb out. "
See Charts:

Finally, there is unemployment, which Morgan Stanley expects will peak at a ghastly 28% in late 2020.  See Charts

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio COVID-19 discriminates against minorities.
AOC no respondas a Mich-Ca-Ca , su pestilencia intellectual huele a eso, a caca. Siquiera debiera saber que la regla mínima en un debate sano y honesto es respetar el principio lógico ‘ad hominem’. Pero cuando se adolece de lógica, principios y sólidos argumentos se recurre al ataque personal or ‘ad hominem’. Y eso, más que falacia lógica es un insulto. Cuando digo ‘caca’ no la insulto pues eso pertenece a su apellido: Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.

A los de TX City los cogió el virus: no le importa la salud del pueblo ..solo el dinero
Town council also controversially imposed a blanket curfew on all residents as cases spike..
Ese dinero es parte de lo que circula a raudales en favor de grandes Corp que hoy reciben  QEs and bailouts, incluyendo a la Farma y otros grandes vividores del COVIT-19. Ese dinero corrupto lleva la marca de la peste CV que es más letal que el propio corona virus. Si miles mueren y pocos se enriquecen es porque no existe ningún interés en la salud del pueblo. Que hacer?  No pagar ni quemar el local del City County.. pero si ponerles la mascarilla ‘sucia’ en los carros de los miembros de esa mafia.
In Italy, the mortality rate climbed to 12.2% as the number of new cases continued to drop, while deaths continued to climb...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Is the US about to “do a Noriega” on Maduro based on half-baked charged that the Venezuelan leader is some kind of drug kingpin?

If RU-Chi allow this abuse.. the will be discredited as mediators for PEACE. Their only choice is to give VEN the codes to use Missiles with semi-nukes for self defense and send more missiles to them. This military ‘game’ to force Peace is that we had before with JFK (1961) but this time –since the aggression to VEN is eminent – the codes for missiles already installed is the solution.. IF US attack: Ven should burn 4 US nuke-military stations. Morir de pie, no de rodillas .. is that the VEN Nation demand. In Latin-Am many US embassies & US Company will be burn too. Entire Gvts w redefine relation with US & demand ZERO debt and nationalization of GOLD comp and empower their own oil companies. We need to re-start the project canceled by traitor Alan Garcia: the trans-atlantic railroad & cars-road to unite the Atlantic with Pacific Countries of BRA, PAR, PE, BOL & Chile (perhaps ARG too, it was not in the initial project). China is ready to implement this project. A United Lat-Am market will be create  sustainable development.  The other project “the Amazonian Proj”  is to create roads to connect  countries in the Pacific coast (PE-EC) with countries of the Atlantic (COL-VEN-N-BRA) toward the Amazon river (Big ships & Blln f UE turist) It is the way to create an Independent South-Am out of US & with our own currency. Now what we need is the support RU-China to Venezuela as soon as possible.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Nota: los autores de arts anteriores ya publ y con fecha actual serán bloqueados

Nota : No se publicaran titulares con + de 7 palabras incluyendo monosílabos



Desde la econ hasta el valor de la vida human: ¿cómo será el mundo después del CV?
Putin: La produc petrolera debe reducirse en 10 mill de barriles diarios y RU está lista
Maduro ordena movilizar piezas de artillería militar "para cualquier combate que haga falta"
Un sismo de magnitud 4,9 sacude California . Grave seña pues CA adeuda sismo 7+  
ONU insiste en un alto al fuego global para luchar contra la pandemia CV  Sobre todo para evitar el WW3 que traerá pandemias peores
Científico Australi vaticina desastre en la Tierra peor que la extinción de los dinos

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Evaggelos Vallianatos  The Control of Nature
Victor Grossman  Corona and What Then?
Eve Ottenberg  Capitalism vs. Humanity

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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