viernes, 24 de abril de 2020


APR  23 20  ND SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

In their mind, I took [their bailout benefits] away. I couldn’t believe it. On what planet am I competing with unemployment?"

A number of years ago, we first introduced the topic of a 'welfare cliff' at which more work was punished - i.e. the 'generosity' of the package of welfare benefits creates a perverse incentive not to work any harder... [further?]
See Chart:

As we wrote at the time, one of the tragedies of America today is that so many adults of sound mind and body do not support themselves and their families. It’s a tragedy not because they suffer material want; indeed, relatively few suffer so, because government assistance satisfies many of their material needs.

It’s tragic because one of the keys to human happiness is earned self-respect, which requires, as Charles Murray has written, making one’s own way in the world. The vast majority of poor people don’t want welfare; they don’t want handouts; they want a good job with which they can support themselves and their families comfortably.

The tragedy of the American welfare system is that it traps so many people in dependency on government, by hindering them from getting on and climbing up the job ladder, and thereby earning self-respect and happiness.
*  *  *
Our fear now, confirmed by excellent research from  Kathy Morris & Chris Kolmar at, is that the 'generosity' of the CARES Act (and the fact that politicians are loathed to remove any policy that could possibly make their voters upset) has the potential to create an entire new generation of welfare serfs, subsisting on significant welfare benefits with no incentive to 'get back to work', even after the lockdowns are lifted.

To  Jeffry Gunlash  the PPP results in many people ‘ making ”more money by not working at their prior job. That seriously increases the labor costs of “re-opening”, making it impossible for many small businesses to “re-open”.

And now, as's Vivek Saxena details below,  a Washington State business owner faced backlash from her employees after she obtained a forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loan from the federal government that has allowed her to keep them fully paid through the coronavirus pandemic.

In an interview with CNBC this week, salon owner Jamie Black-Lewis of the Oasis Medspa & Salon in Woodinville and Amai Day Spa in Bothell said her employees were furious because they were already “making” more money being unemployed.

And the reason they were “making” more being unemployed was because of a Democrat-pushed provision that was added to the CARES Act.

Continue reading and listen this Video:
Watch via FNC’s Fox & Friends(disable your adblocker if the video doesn’t appear):  (Source: Fox News)
*  *  *

Welfare cliffs are of course not the only reason so many capable Americans languish in partial dependency on government assistanceDreadful  government schools in poor areas and systematic obstacles to getting a job, such as minimum wage laws and occupational licensing laws, are also to blame. But the perverse incentives of America’s welfare system really hurt, and the CARES Act may have been a serious tipping point.

States in the US that are most at risk from a second wave of infections once the economy reopens, are those where a high level of physical contact makes social distancing difficult if not impossible.
See MAP 1:

Putting the above map in context, here is a separate analysis from the The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, which predicts the "ideal dates" to relax social distancing.
See MAP 2:

9/11 was a terrorist event in THE US, IF CV is similar who’re d actors behind?
China has been fighting a cold war against the West for decades, while we have refused to recognise what is going on.... Like 9/11, Covid-19 must now force the West to wake up and fight back...
In 9/11 there was implosion in the 7th tower. Meaing: top actors from US Security apparatus were involve.. they also allowed jijadist mercenaries from Saudi  + entire families to get out from US . The Key Qt is Who are the top US actors of the terrorist   COVID-19 PANDEMIC?

"Energy Dominance" will turn into an "Energy Albatross" and it will weigh on Trump’s neck in his second  term...

Trump’s vandalizing the world’s energy markets for the past three and a half years now comes back to bite him. To prop up surging U.S. production he has:
  • Supported a disastrous war against the people of Yemen
  • Repurposed U.S. troops clinging to positions in Syria while stealing their oil
  • Nearly started a shooting war with Iran…. Twice.
  • Embargoed Venezuela, stole its money, attempted a failed coup and brought even more support to President Maduro from Russia and China.
  • Spent billions pointing missiles at Russia via NATO.
  • Supported a vicious war to prevent the secession of the Donbass.
  • Delayed the construction of Nordstream 2.
  • Sowed chaos enough to set Turkey to claiming the Eastern Mediterranean while fighting a losing war in Libya.
  • Started a massive trade war with China.
  • Spent trillions throwing the U.S. budget deficit for 2020 out beyond 20% of the U.S.’s 2019 GDP.
I could go on, but I think you get the point. None of these acts are defensible as anything other than immoral and counterproductive.

Energy Dominance will turn into an Energy Albatross and it will weigh on Trump’s neck in his second term that will see him leave office reviled as the great destroyer of not only the U.S.’s wealth, but more importantly, its standing in the world.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"The whole world's f**ked." 
Al parecer ya no son las classes sociales  (los pobretarios) los que hacen la Revolución y cambian el mundo de forma radical. Hoy las mismas instituciones que creamos para defender   ‘la humanidad’ (incluyendo a las potencias dominantes que defienden el  Private Greed  contra el PUBLIC NEED) se rebelan contra sus amos del sistema neoliberal  se unen a la “causa pobretaria”. Me refiero a la ONU que recientemente fue atacada por el imperio neo-fascista via recorte de subvención a esta entidad. Ojala continúen en esta lucha y alcen también bien alto la bandera de la PAZ contra el  WW3 que nos acecha.

We have gotten to the point where overly aggressive intervention by one central bank immediately necessitates an equal and offsetting intervention by all other DM central banks,

ISIS was a terrorist org created by Obama-Hillary after kill Gaddafi in Libya

'Chop Chop Square' busy as ever even amid the pressing crisis of the accelerating oil glut...
Most mercenaries used to create ISIS to terrorize all middle East, especialy Sunis in Syria & Iran, were SAUDIS  and the trainers were the US-UK military apparatous. 

All this INFO you can get it at:  Nueva Democracia:

It was The World Health Organization (WHO) an institution from the UN who declares the COVID-19  as pandemic.
There are just seven steps from pandemic declaration to permanent totalitarianism by big evil Corp who profit from this pest.  Fortunately  there are also good Comp & good men who are helping in this cause.

HERE THE SEPS: or process in this fight

A new virus starts to spread around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) declares a pandemic.
National, state/provincial and municipal  leaders, as well as public-health officialsstart daily press briefings. They use them to pump out frightening statistics and modelling asserting the virus has the potential to kill many millions.
There is a concerted effort by all levels of government and public health to very rapidly ramp up testing for viral RNA, along with production of personal protective equipment.
When the numbers of cases and deaths start to plateau, local officials claim it’s too early to tell whether the virus has finished passing through their population and therefore, restrictive measures must continue.
About two or three weeks later, the dramatic increase in testing for viral DNA produces the desired goal of a significant upsurge in the number of people found positive for the virus.
Large-scale human testing of many different types of antivirals and vaccines begins, thanks to a concerted push from the WHOBILL GATES and his collaborators, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, governments and universities.  [ Nuestro  saludo  fraterno a Bill Gates from Nueva Democracia]
Soon the new virus starts another cycle around the globe – just as influenza and other viruses have every year for millennia. Officials again fan the flames of fear by positing the potential for millions of deaths among people not yet protected from the virus.
They rapidly roll out virus and antibody testing again, while companies sell billions more doses of antivirals and booster vaccines.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

- What Weapons Would US Navy Use as ‘Lethal Response’ to Iran’s 'Provoc'?  There was not provocation: they were in the Iranian sea that US invaded

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos






Expertos vinculan al CV con otra causal  que podría explicar su gran mortalidad
Científico revela cuáles es "el mejor amigo" y "el peor enemigo" del CV
Neonazis filtran miles de e-mail de la OMS para lanzar campaña de acoso

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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