domingo, 5 de abril de 2020


APR  5  20  ND SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

It looks like the most positive move out the gate in futures since the end of the 'rona rout...
After three straight days of "pain", "hell" and more gloom and doom from Trump, his decision to rapidly embrace some of the first encouraging signs of progress in months was apparently exactly what traders needed to hear, considering that they completely ignored another record jump in new cases reported out of Tokyo (Japan's nationwide death toll just broke above 100) and an NYT report claiming 1000s of deaths in the US may have gone uncounted.
SEE CHART: Emini S&P Futures
So much for a V-shaped recovery.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

For everyone going stir-crazy due to house arrest, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
"We have a potentially much more inflationary combination of an unprecedented targeted fiscal stimulus and possible deregulation of the banks to get the cash into the hands of lower income individuals and small businesses that are inclined to spend it."
...adults aged 65 or older - about 16% of the U.S. population - are at much higher risk of both severe illness and death...  SEE MAP:
"The 2008 recession doesn't touch this.It's a different ballgame..."

...the world will be different from how we imagined it in normal times... This is not a temporary rupture in an otherwise stable equilibrium: the crisis through which we are living is a turning point in history...
It is the collapse of the neoliberal system.. 1-At Economic level, this system allow over-accumulation of capital via QEs & Bailout in the hands of speculator billionaires.. In the US they took out their Capital from financial circulation, sleep on it  while expecting better chances for investment.. chances that never arrives as expected… the liquidity in the market was killed … the whole system was affected & almost paralyzed. Even when the Fed injected 6 trillion of USD.. the poor & middle classes  (the core in spending-production in the system)  they did not receive what they were expecting.  Most of the money went to big CORP; in fact they are the ones who own the Economy: their board of directors are the main share holders  and they decide where, how & when the capital is invested. If you have 1 share you one vote in each CORP and of course the billionaires have the most. 2- Al Political level, the State –the 2nd mayor spender in our Keynesian economics  (out of 4: consumer spending, business investment  and NX (import-export balance) misuses and waste huge amount of money  in military affairs (manufacturing weapons & wars abroad) Six huge Corp from the Military Industrial Complex  get huge profits from this nasty business . Instead of investing in Health & Education for all we have both system in ruins (The health syst could cope with the corona virus at the beginning, now is late and wse are one of the most Nation in the world). Our education system created the millennial (educated people without jobs)  full of education debts that they can’t pay. Before the pandemia our labor has salary stationed by almost 10 years, now they survive from food donation coming from nice institutions. The neoliberal system have collapsed before this pest. All that we do now is accusing China of creating the CV without any evidence. There are evidence instead of the US using bio-chemical Weapons since the second world war, and evidence that we plan to attack RU-China with 40,000 soldiers from PENTA-NATO  already stationed in their border s.

As in 1933, today’s financial collapse threatens to rip the socio-economic fabric of America to shreds, and just as in 1963 a powerful military-industrial-complex and private banking system manages a web of power...
Fauci's mention of anecdotal evidence "just set Peter off."
White House economic adviser got into a massive argument with the coronavirus task force's  Anthony Fauci over the doctor's ongoing resistance to the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19.
In his last speech Trump did not discard this option.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Crude prices are plunging early in Asian trading with Brent down 12% following adelay to the much-hoped-for OPEC+ meeting...

Fascism UK style..  worse  than NAZIS

Julian Assange's legal team put in a request that he be released on bail amidthe rapid spread of coronavirus in British prisons...
"No one has been able to study it. How can you say it's not a release from a lab if you can't go to the lab? Indeed, we have seen Beijing do its best to prevent virologists and epidemiologists from actually going to Wuhan."
This doesn’t prove nothing… only your stupid xenophobia

...I'd normally dismiss escalating back and forth between US and China over this pandemic as typical statecraft... But this time I don’t think that’s the case... There’s something much more serious happening here...
At top level of China Gvt was circulated a demand to UN-ICC  to double the amount of USD against China (US accused China of creating the CV with no scientific  evidence at all). China denies US accusation and accused US of using bio-tech weapons since the end of WW2 in Iran & Siria with the support of ISR and Saudi terrorists. IF approved, this Doct will be send to UN-ICC. 
...the operational failures of central banks cross-globally are largely nested in faulty axioms and their intellectually corrupt frameworks of analysis...
Despite the more optimistic claims of political pundits and Federal Reserve officials (Jerome Powell, specifically), things are far from being under control.

Mark Carney, former governor of the Bank of England, to express his fears about a possible "liquidity trap" rendering monetary policy ineffective.

Contrary to the "official narrative" of a new paradigm of inflation and growth, this event unveiled vulnerabilities that had begun manifesting as early as 2018.
SEE Chart:

According to conventional reasoning, this was surely a reflection of a suddenly increased preference for liquidity - preference for actual dollars. 

However, contrary to Fed assumptions, we are not presently facing a problem of liquidity vis-à-vis Great Recession; we are confronted, instead, with a serious shortage of quality collateral.

In early February, WTI futures turned contango. There are financial factors, such as liquidity risk, that are priced in due to the inherently leveraged process of markets commanding deliveries of (physical) commodities. The oil market was signaling (then) that liquidity was fading.

After the most recent extreme volatility and economic turmoil, popular liquidity and credit risk metrics such as the OIS-FRA and Ted spreads have been soaring, the latter rising to values analogous to those observed during the Great Recession.

Continue reading at:

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos




Trump: "Vemos luz al final del túnel. Las cosas están pasando"
Cómo fabricarse una mascarilla en 45 seg: cirujano US lo explica paso a paso
US presenta su plan para un gobierno de transición en Ven

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


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