lunes, 25 de marzo de 2019


ND MAR 25 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Asian markets caught up with Friday's US pounding, it was another ugly day for US stocks which spent most of the day in the red, with the S&P breaching the 2,800 support level, although the Emini failed to drop below 2790 which has emerged as a new key resistance level.
See Chart:

One possible reason for the solid defense: as Nomura's Charlie McElligott explained earlier, if and when the S&P dips below the "gamma" threshold sell level which is around 2777, both dealers and CTAs would see a pick up in selling, which would then make the market new "default" direction lower and potentially leading to a retest of the December lows.
See Chart:
SPX and SPY Combined Gama per 1%vs. Spot

The Nasdaq closed just barely in the red, and even though most FAANG stocks were green, Apple disappointed, sliding after its major new services unveiling - including a new credit card, streaming video and a video game offering - disappointed traders, with the stock closing 1.3% lower.
See Chart:

Today the 10Y yield plunged to the lowest level since 2017 shortly after 2pm, sliding below the effective fed funds rate of 2.40%, only to stage a modest rebound into the close.
See Chart:

Very concerning was the ongoing slide in the 3 Month-10 Year spread - the Fed's favorite recession indicator - which briefly plunged as much as -7bps before recovering the drop to just -3bps.
See Chart:
Looking ahead the question is: will Asia continue its selling as the US bond market now screams global recession, and will the S&P finally breakdown as it breaches the next support level of 2,777 and if so, will it retest the December lows over 400 points lower, as so many bears have recently predicted.
Why does the Fed ignore asset valuation models that do work over the long haul in favor of economic models that admittedly have an "uncertain distance between models and reality"?

Check these subtitles with key Qts inside and Charts
Here is a series of questions from your speech to which the American public deserves answers.
Inflation Targeting Questions
Diversity Questions
Phillips Curve
Inflation Expectations
In your speech, you said "Persistently weak inflation could lead inflation expectations to drift downward."
Why does it matter?
Scrutiny of elastic vs inelastic items in the CPI shows it doesn't.
See Chart:
CPI Percentage Weights

Inelastic items constitute just over 80% of the CPI. Here are some questions for the Fed to ponder.
Inelastic Item Questions
Elastic Item Questions
Inflation Expectation Conclusions
Asset Price Expectations
Home Price Index vs Owner's Equivalent Rent
In 2011, I proposed an HPI-CPI model in which the Home-Price-Index (HPI) replaced the Owners' Equivalent Rent (OER) component of the CPI.
Here is a chart from 2013, created by Advisor Perspectives at my request at the time (my comments in purple).

Towards the end of 2005, real interest rates were positive according to the CPI, but -4% according to my model.
A similar, but more current Advisor Perspectives chart suggests the same is happening now.
See Chart:
House Price Index vs. Owners’ Equivalent Rent

Asset Valuation Models
Numerous metrics including the Shiller PE ratio, the Q-Ratio, and Greenspan's Valuation Model show we are amidst yet another spectacular asset bubble.​
See Chart:
Shiller PE Ratio​

Greenspan Valuation Model
See Chart:
The Buffett Indicator: Corp Equities to GDP

Final Key Questions
Why does the Fed ignore asset valuation models that do work over the long haul in favor of economic models that admittedly have an "uncertain distance between models and reality"?
Why, Jerome Powell?
Unlike others, I do not believe these are purposeful actions by the Fed for the benefit of banks, so the only logical answer is the Fed does not properly understand what inflation is, how to measure it, or the vast array of problems associated blowing asset bubbles.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

The cult to fraud in US elections:
or OPEN:
My conclusion was this:
Nada garantiza que lo dicho por quienes están en el poder sea la verdad. Aun después de haber concluido su mandato.. pueden seguir violando leyes y pagando –caso H-Clinton- para ocultarla. Es la triste realidad de nuestra América. Por eso NO debemos votar por Dems ni Reps.. Debemos votar por socialistas para asegurar el cambio radical. Y si los socialistas no se unen en un FRENTE POPULAR.. la ABSTENCIÓN será la SOLUCIÓN.”
"Congratulations to Russia-obsessed Democrats for being the single-most valuable contributors to the Donald J. Trump 2020 re-election campaign..."
Yes, a ridiculous, false and deranged conspiracy theory has been disproven, but the damage has already been done — and the damage is severe...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

It is yet another stunning rebuke to Prime Minister Theresa May...
The third power outage this month...
GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

                Extractivis y pueblos indígen: El fondo de la cuestión  V Aguilar
ALC        Prosur vuelve a poner a Latinos bajo amenaza  María Luisa Ramos
                Una bala en la frente  Gustavo Espinoza
Kor-N    El Imperio ataca enemigos y abofetea vasallos  Agustín Velloso
Méx       Samir Flores, un mes de impunidad  Alberto Colin 
                El ejemplo de las termitas  Guillermo Almeyra
Rep Domin   De mentiras y lacayos   Lilliam Oviedo
USA       Mueller  No hay pruebas del nexo Trump-Rusia
ARG       24 de Marzo: el otro genocidio  Atilio A. Boron
                Algo gordo se está cocinando a fuego lento  Juan Guahán
Chile     Quemar la casa: Hacia un incendio feminista  Javiera Manzi A.
Ecuad    En el año de las lenguas indígenas  Ileana Almeida        
Cuba      sobre la dualidad monetaria y cambiaria en Cuba  Julio Carranza
                Minga: la lucha social indígena   Alejo Vargas Velásquez 
USA       Una bala en la frente  Gustavo Espinoza
                EEUU ante Latinoamérica   Manuel Díaz Aponte

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

-AIPAC Is Coming to Town – Again!    By Philip M. Giraldi

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

John Feffer   After Trump

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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