sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019


ND MAR 23 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

[[ Here 2 investors story that are amazing: how they got Bill & 1 trill in d market loter ]]
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,”
                Extrapolating the Recent Past Can Be Hazardous To Your Wealth”
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” remarked George Santayana over 100 years ago.  These words, as strung together in this sequence, certainly sound good.  But how to render them to actionable advice is less certain.
In the late 1970s, A. Gary Shilling had a hunch.  Rather than the consensus view that inflation would persist forever, Shilling suspected that the U.S. was entering a long-term era of lower and lower rates of price inflation – and an equally long-term decline in interest rates.  Under this backdrop, traditional inflation hedges would be disastrous.
Shilling, having conviction and wanting to warn investors, wrote a book about his insight.  The book was first published in the early 1980s, and its title asked two significant questionsIs Inflation Ending?  Are You Ready?
No one, save a handful of shrewd individuals, could actually fathom that price inflation was dissipating.  But the book’s forecast was right on the money.
See Chart:
US 30-year treasury bond yield, 1942 –[similar to ] present day. At the height of the late 1970s inflation scare  a great time to buy bonds had arrived.
In September of 1981, 20-year Treasury Not yields peaked at 15.32 percent.  After that, they commenced a 35 year decline that likely ended in July 2016 at just 1.5 percent.
Shilling, in addition to his book, also put his money behind his convictions.  By the mid-1980s Shilling achieved financial independence through aggressive investment in the long bond.  Shilling’s big forecast and financial windfalls were recounted in John Mauldin’s 2006 book, Just One Thing.
Is Inflation Beginning? Are You Ready?
Shilling’s astute call and capital deployment into the long-term decline in interest rates starting in the early 1980s is remarkable.  But what is also remarkable is Shilling’s ability to successfully ride out this trend long after other big investors bailed out.
Bill Gross, the bond king, was also one of the early savants to recognize and exploit this trend.  Employing the total return bond strategy that he pioneered, Gross built Pimco into a $1.7 trillion money manager and amassed his own personal fortune.  But in the decade that followed the Great Financial Crisis, Gross lost his magic touch.
But..but  Gross heavily bet against the price of U.S. government debt. This mistake marked the beginning of the end of Gross’ otherwise notable career, which officially ended last month.
Shilling, however, has continued his propensity for predicting turns in the economy.  And he’s going on record again.  In a recent Bloomberg article, Shilling offered the following:
“I first suggested the U.S. economy was headed toward a recession more than a year ago, and now others are forecasting the same.  I give a business downturn starting this year [ 2019] a two-thirds probability.
“The recessionary indicators are numerous. Tighter monetary policy by the Federal Reserve that the central bank now worries it may have overdone.  The near-inversion in the Treasury yield curve.  The swoon in stocks at the end of last year.  Weaker housing activity.  Soft consumer spending.  The tiny 20,000 increase in February payrolls, compared to the 223,000 monthly average gain last year.  Then there are the effects of the deteriorating European economies and decelerating growth in China as well as President Donald Trump’s ongoing trade war with that country.”
How Shilling derived a two-thirds probability of a business downturn starting this year is a question of methodology
But when days darker than the darkest days of a decade ago arrive, and the Fed comes to the rescue with helicopter money drops, something unexpected will happenRather than bond yields falling and stock prices rising, the opposite will happen. Stock prices will fall and interest rates will rise, along with consumer prices.
Is Inflation Beginning?  Are you ready?
These questions may seem absurd today. Tomorrow their answers will be obvious. Having a gold coin or two in hand when tomorrow arrives will be of critical importance.
See Chart:
US broad true money supply TMS=2
US money supply TMS-2: using the (correct) classical definition of “inflation” as an increase in the money supply, it has arrived long ago. [PT]
Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

...exactly how much federal research money is doled out each year... and to whom?
[[ Apparently .. the RUSO-phobia is going to continue.. Is Schiff above the Att-Gral? ]]
Rep. Adam Schiff, the Chairman of House Intelligence Committee, rejected reports that no more Mueller indictments are coming, and suggested he would call the special counsel before a House panel if necessary to learn what is in the report.
"...If necessary, we will call Bob Mueller or others before our committee,..."
According to Adam Schiff “Mueller’s investigation began as a counterintelligence inquiry into whether individuals associated with the Trump campaign were compromised by a foreign power. By law, that evidence he uncovered must be shared with our Committee. And his report must also be made public. Now.:
See Attorney General Report: In the source of this art below
The full publication...
[[ This is a hot issue: Election result in 2020 depends on it.. Trump can be impeached if the report proves RU meddling in US previous election with his consent. Does RU financed Trump?.. I don’t thing so. Does RU provided INFO on the crook lady H-Clinton that Americans didn’t know?  Perhaps the public didn’t  know, but intelligence agencies may knew. Why now this issue? Does Hillary Clinton insist in being candidate.. what about her nasty affairs in Libya, including the kill of 4 American in Benghasi Embassy who requested her help because surrounding by other jihadist group than the group sent to her by Saudis to kill Libya’s Presid  (the competitor of oil business in Europe). How much she received from the Saudis? The Bengazi kill in the US embassy  is criminal negligence, enough to put her in jail.. but she deleted any Info in her phone and that is also a tuff felony . Now is the right time to publish these files and close the Mueller case.  Wikileaks may already have the Mueller report but is useless now. More important are the files on H-Clinton .. that will create a new future in America. In fact, the Mueller case can be used by both parties to start a WW3 with RU and China.. are we ready for this conflict.. what about Americans life.. It is clear that RU-Chi will retaliate if we start the nuke war. If this is the case.. both parties Dems & Reps are involved in the final holocaust.. This is one more case that proves the criminal war plans of both duopoly parties. This duopoly electoral system is obsolete and the election won’t change noting.. instead it will reproduce the same oligarchical-billionaire chaos. Time for Rev]]
WikiLeaks has launched a $1 million fundraiser over the next seven days "used to facilitate the full publication" of the long-awaited Mueller report, which was completed on Friday and submitted to Attorney General William Barr for review. 
summary of key findings is expected to reach Congress this weekend, which is expected to be made public. A release of the full report, however, will be up to Barr, the White House and Congress
And while many on the left - including Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer - are calling for the public release of the report so they can pick through its findings for "Gotchas!" to ride into 2020, conservatives are similarly calling for its release so they can finally put the conspiracy theory to rest and expose the investigation as a "witch hunt" once and for all. 
An add against Trump: AMERICANS DESERVE ANSWER. We can’t trust the President or his team’s a word when it comes to this story. The Public needs to see the  Mueller Report
President Trump said he has no problem with the public seeing the report. 
US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

...dubbed Operation Redfold...UK has activated troops and deployed them to a special nuclear bunker beneath the Ministry of Defence.
Italy needs growth...Brussels isn't offering any alternatives...
While Russian people celebrated the landmark event this week, there was a strange absence of news on the topic in Western media outlets.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

--Yes GOD is POWER: Orwell. So.. kill all Palestinians.. The world’s end to them 

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

N Z         La supremacía blanca y las guerras de Occidente   James Petras
Or P       Laicismo y el levantamiento popular sirio (2ª P)  Joseph Daher
                La "patria ancestral" no es historia, sino mito tóxico Yossi Gurvitz
Pro-S     PROSUR: Una integración en términos neocolon   Marcelo F. R
FEM       Marielle Franco, La desobediente   Isabel Gaia
Méx       Provocaciones, infamias y apologías   Gilberto López
                El silencio de mil caras  Mauricio Escuela
Peak Oil    Futuro pospuesto  Emilio Santiago Muiño
Ecol        Objetivo: salvar la Amazonia 
Econ      Réplica a M Roberts sobre modelo macro deTMM  Edo Garzón
                La nueva promesa K: abandonar ajuste sin romper con FMI  E M
Sociol    Ser viles   Javier Tolcachier
Polit      Estado permanente de excepción  César Manzanos       
Social    Necesita modernizarse el socialismo?   Marcelo Colussi 
                En el hegeliano Marx  (antes del 48 y el Manif Comunista) el labor y el capital conformaban un todo único, el uno no puede vivir sin el otro hasta determinada fase de su desarrollo. Luego devienen una antinomia, cada una con sus propios intereses. El capital necesita de la propiedad privada porque es la fuente de su riqueza pero para esto necesita conservar al labor y ese es el lado positivo de la antinomia, ambos se necesitan, uno la riqueza y el otro el salario para sobrevivir, pero por las condiciones inhumanas que sufre el labor, este se ve obligado a abolir la propiedad privada, la estructura económica que los deshumaniza y el sistema político guerrerista. Para salir de esa degradación, al labor solo le queda la revuelta contra el sistema. No pide su modernización, sino su supresión. Cuando es conciente de su miseria moral y física rechaza crear riqueza para otros, guerras de saqueo y miseria para él. Decide entonces  ejecutar la sentencia  del capitalismo: su auto-destrucción: A mas riqueza mas pobreza y eso equivale a desigualdad explosiva .. a explosión social, a Rev. Por supuesto el labor necesitara luego de capital para la construcción del nuevo sistema y son algunos capitalistas hastiados con la especulación quienes invierten su riqueza en capital productivo. Ocurrió en RU, en China y antes en Yugoslavia con Tito y luego con Velasco en Perú; estos  quienes dijeron no al comunismo y no al capitalismo. Se restituyo la antinomia original pero sobre nuevas bases y nuevo contenido (la competencia fue introducida al sistema nuevo). Diría que fue también el sueño de FDR en el US, pero dejo intacto el sistema político y no armo al labor. Solo así aceptaría la tesis de Marcelo Colussi :  “modernizar el socialism”  respetando la pequeña propiedad privada y la competencia Emp pero apuntando a formar cooperativas con ellos. Y eso significa  destruir primero el sistema neoliberal inhumano, nocivo y caduco.
ALC        Costa Rica El “Gob de unid nacion” se ha manchado de sangre A García
                Costa Rica   ¡A fundar el poder popular!  Luis Ángel Salazar
                Prosur: estrat divisionis de Wash para sepultar Unasur Cecilia Vergara
Mujer   Aroma de mujer: las secretarias de Estado  Marcel Lhermitte 
                El derecho cooperat ARG es producto de la praxis  José Yorg
MEX       Privatizaciones, alma del neoliberalismo  Miguel Á Ferrer
                En Venezuela no hay tiempo qué perder!  Fernando Dorado 
                Defensa del agua: victoria popular  Arpas  


Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Andrew Levine   Why Not Impeach?

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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