domingo, 10 de marzo de 2019


ND MAR 10  19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

When the TBAC asked this question one month ago, it said - tongue in cheek - that the "USD is still the dominant reserve currency." That will not be the case forever.
See Charts:
Foreign Investors already hold significant dollar debt

Below we excerpt some of the key charts from the presentation starting with the most obvious: foreign appetite for IG, HY and loans is rolling over.
See Chart:

This is a growing problem just as the share of Treasuries as a share of total US debt outstanding is at an all time high...
See Chart:

... and the total stock of US fixed income is now an all time high of $41 trillion...
See Chart:

Don't expect this dramatic increase in Treasuries to slow down any time soon. In fact, the explosion in US Treasury supply, much of which was needed to fund Trump's tax cuts and the Fed balance sheet rundown (which may be ending as soon as September) will crowd out investment in equities and corporate debt, both IG and HY.
See Chart:

Yet despite - or rather permitting this surge in debt, is the fact that long-rate volatility has tumbled below pre-taper tantrum levels despite rising uncertainty about the US and global slowdown, Brexit and the ongoing trade war. In fact, as we discussed recently, Treasury volatility recently dropped to an all time low.
See Chart:

Which brings us to arguably the key chart which highlights the TBAC's main concern: whereas the US budget used be financed by foreigners, it is now financed almost entirely by domestic investors, as some of the largest US creditors such as China are quietly exiting stage left.
See Chart:
Who is funding the US Budget deficit?

New York City could go bankrupt, absolutely" 

Rather than Goldilocks, perhaps we should be talking about Hansel and Gretel – a fairy tale about the dangers of an unwholesome appetite as a means of survival – i.e., chasing prices higher and justifying it with the wrong 

Our contention continues to be that the majority of the cost pressure is the result of the economy running too hot last year which has led to higher labor costs among other things (see Exhibit). This essentially tipped over the profits cycle. Furthermore, the de-escalation of trade tensions with China and a pausing Fed will not alleviate those pressures, in our view. It’s also very different than in early 2016 when goldilocks was alive and well.
See Chart:
Mentions of Labor Cost in Earning Transcripts remain elevated

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

"Capitalism is an ideology of capital - the most important thing is the concentration of capital and to seek and maximize to me capitalism is irredeemable," she said.
Totally agree with this statement (capitalism is a system based on class explot & political oppression. Social class is the general or universal  key to understand the system in any capitalist country. It may have in Flint specific or singular features different from other parts of Michigan and the explot  & oppress here may be different from the rest of States of the Nation. A Presid like FDR ruled in favor of the exploited & oppressed of the whole nation. Saying that there is red-lines dividing the singular in Flint , from the particular in Michigan and the general in the whole nation have not sense at all. The FACT is that all these 3 level of reasoning correspond to 3 realities that are interconnected & is the general feature (Exp & Opp) that exist and prevail in all of them.
On the other hand, Tyler Durden said that “the New Deal’s minimum wage laws resulted in 500,000 Black Americans losing their jobs, according to the Cato institute. Here there are 2 mistakes: 1-CATO and 2- the distortion of facts from Cato on this matter.
1-Aparently, the Cato Institute advocates policies to advance "individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace".  But they do exactly the opposite.  Check this: Among the laureates by the CATO institute is Milton Friedman. Since 2002, the Cato Institute has awarded the Milton Friedman Nobel Prize for Advancing Liberty every two years because is "an individual who has made a significant contribution to advancing human freedom.".  FACT: Friedman was the economist brought to Chile in early 1970 to lead  the plan Condor of Kissinger, plan that assaulted the Govt of  the elected socialist ALLENDE and killed him , plus about 40,000 socialists in that country.
To cover their criminal face Cato publish critiques from “Cato scholars” who  opposed President George H. W. Bush's 1991 genocidal war & to President Bill Clinton's interventions in Haiti and Kosovo;  to President George W. Bush (son) in  2003 invasion of Iraq, and to President Barack Obama's 2011 military intervention in Libya. Of course those critiques are used by the Koch’s brothers to “negotiate” with US Govts their leverage on oil and gas. The “libertarians” of Cato served  the private interest of the Institute founder: Mr. Charles Koch
2-The distortion of Cato on 500,000 Black Americans losing their jobs is a nasty lie. The FACT is that FDR was re-elected from the poor people in the US and among this people were the blacks. The 500,000 Black Americans losing their jobs is an invention of CATO. Remember: the Koch brothers  (Charles especially) are financing both parties : The Reps and the Dems. Now that the elections are coming they are accusing the socialists of being anti-black Americans. That explain the distortion of FACTs

“Whenever we have an exercise and the red force really destroys our command and control..." 

"U.S. officials who have been agitating for a regime change war in Venezuela – Marco Rubio, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, the head of USAid Mark Green – used Twitter to spread classic Fake News"

"The whole issue of the wall, of border security, is of paramount importance... We have a crisis down there."

The Fed chair will repeat that interest-rate policy "in a very good place right now", and that the Fed is in no hurry to change rates.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Follows renewed push in US Congress to recognize Israeli ownership over the occupied Golan. 

Today, humanity is confronted with an ugly paradox in that the world’s foremost peacekeepers are nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles. One bad move on the geopolitical chessboard, however, could trigger a global catastrophe...

Just as we saw in 2015/2016, it appears China is reducing its US Treasury exposure as it increases its gold holdings...
After China's official gold reserves rose for the first time in around two years (since Oct 2016) in December, Beijing appears to have joined the global gold rush, increasing its gold reserves for the third month in a row in February to 60.26 million ounces.
See Chart:

Just as we saw in 2015/2016, it appears China is reducing its US Treasury exposure as it increases its gold holdings...
See Chart:

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Entr        a Sabine Manigat:  Tomar en serio a Haití   Pablo Stefanoni
Ecol        Fukushima, 2018-2019   Salvador López
                Entrada de Guaidó al país: destapan los acuerdos  Marea S
FEM       Género en disputa   Inés Acosta
                El capitalismo será feminista o no será   El Captor
                Marcha multitudin  conmemoró Día Internac de la Mujer  Mariana G
                Las voces desgarradas de las migrantes africanas  César G. Calero
                ARG Mujeres y Economía: Lo que nos deja el 8M  Julio C. Gambina
Econ      Admirable colaboración entre Kuwait y Cuba  Hedelberto López
BRA        Un Brasil sin gobierno ni rumbo  Eric Nepomuceno

En la mira   Soberanía vs. injerencia:  caso VE

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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