miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2018

Wed SEP 5 18 SIT EC y POL

Wed  SEP 5 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Just keep buying, everyone else is...

US Equities were mixed - The Dow clung to unchanged all day as Nasdaq was battered (supposedly on regulatory concerns from the Congressional hearings)...

Futures had dipped overnight - mainly during the European session, then NASDAQ snapped at the US Cash open...
See Chart:

Tech is notably underperforming financials in September...
See Chart:

Is this the start of stocks' catch down to VIX...
See Chart:

FAANG Stocks were ugly..
See Chart:

And TSLA dropped another 3% to 3-month lows... and TSLA bonds hit a new low...pushing the bond's yield above 8% - almost as bad as Turkey! Meanwhile German electric Mercedes capture the  market
See Chart:

The Dollar ended the day lower - breaking a four-day win streak
See Chart:

Yuan remains stable...

WTI Crude slipped lower (below $69) ahead of tonight's inventory data but PMs and copper limped higher on a modest USD drop...
See Chart:

Gold futures managed to scramble back above $1200...
See Chart:

So is this is the start of the meanest reversion in US stocks to the reality of many other global markets?
See Chart:

As long as global CBs insist on reducing liquidity while simultaneously attempting to raise cost of capital, victims would continue to float to the surface, starting with weaker players but then gradually spreading to the sturdier corners.

Don't look now - or look - but while the US stock market trades just shy of all time highs, absent the occasional hiccup in the mighty FANGs, the rout across emerging markets is now the longest since the global financial crisis, or specifically 222 days for stocks, 155 days for currencies, and 240 days for local government bonds.

The duration of each selloff - as calculated by Bloomberg - had taken even the most ardent bears by surprise because "not one of the seven biggest selloffs since the financial crisis - including the so-called taper tantrum - inflicted such pain for so long on the developing world”
See Chart:

We estimate that the global liquidity growth now stands at less than 5% (not enough to cover global GDP; providing nothing for assets) while US$ liquidity is turning deeply negative, thus supporting US$.

2008 has special significance for gold bugs, both because of the money they lost in August of that year and the money they made in the half-decade that followed. Today’s world is beginning to feel eerily similar.
See Chart:

"Our Bull/Bear market indicator is flashing red" - Goldman Sachs
See Chart:

Our economists have shown that there are good examples of long expansions, such as in Australia from 1992 to the present, the UK from 1992 to 2008, Canada from 1992 to 2008 and Japan from 1975 to 1992. Typically they find that a flatter Phillips curve, stronger financial regulation and a lack of financial imbalances are all good indicators that a long cycle is more likely.  On this later point, the signs are quite positive.
See Chart:

Aligned to this point, we can see that inflation targeting and independent central banks have both contributed to lower macro volatility and longer expansion phases in economic cycles since the 1980s.
See Chart:

So on the surface, while admitting we are overdue for a crash, Goldman spins the narrative into positioning what happens next not as a crash, but as a period of lower returns, adding that a sharp bear market in the absence of a recession is unlikely, and that generally equities rise when economic growth is positive:

... using US equity market data, the probability of negative annual equity returns falls dramatically as real GDP (lagged by 2Q) rises. So, for example, the probability of negative year-on-year returns when real GDP is between 1% and 2.5% is just 31%.
See Chart:

The not so good news, is that as Goldman admits, with monetary and fiscal policy having thrown everything at the 2008 global financial crisis, "even if the next economic downturn turns out to be mild, it may prove difficult to reverse." As a result, we may go back to an environment dominated by concerns over secular stagnation, for which Goldman lists two reasons:

1.       The US has already expanded fiscal policy and its debt levels and budget deficit are rising, which could make it difficult to find room for significant easing. The federal deficit will increase from $825bn (4.1% of GDP) to $1,250bn (5.5% of GDP) by 2021. By 2028, it is expected to rise to $2.05 trillion (7.0% of GDP). This would leave federal debt at 105% of GDP in ten years, 9pp higher than CBO’s latest projections.

2.       There may be room for US interest rates to be cut in the next downturn but less so than in other downturns. Also, European interest rates may still be at or close to zero when the next US downturn hits. The same would be true for Japan.

In other words, while Goldman's indicators suggest a crash is imminent, the bank redirects the discussion to a period of low returns and secular stagnation, which while eliminating the threat of an imminent collapse presents even greater concerns about investing in the current market.

Most ominously, the bank admits that "the combination of constrained fiscal policy headroom in the US and limited room to cut interest rates in Japan and Europe may well dampen the ability to generate a strong coordinated policy response to any downturn, and also make it harder to get out of such a downturn."

Said otherwise, whether the next crash is sharp and "cathartic" or slow and extended, the problem is what happens next, because as even Goldman now admits, the ammo to kick start the US and global economy has already been used up.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"Private US businesses are not building new facilities, or renovating old ones, at a rate that suggests the economy is doing well. Let alonebooming..."
See Chart:

See more charts at:

"...the House proposal, worked out in talks with the White House budget office, falls short of the total $23 billion Trump has sought..."


[[  La jungla esta hambrienta (no hay USD para todos), la bestia mayor no puede Gov.. Los Geopis se quieren comer entre ellos. Y las hainas Dems están contentas pero no tienen líder, la pedo-Clint ya no sirve para eso (demasiado hediondo ese cadáver).Todo el sistema Neoliberal es una vergüenza y para cubrirla no quieren que exista nadie que la cuente: solo el WW3 los salvaría. Y Que si RU-Chi+ aliados lanzan el 1st strike? Que si el US-UK +ISR lo hacen y son cogidos por la respuest automática de radares satelitales. Como controlar eso? Cierto, al inicio habría jubilo chovinista del Penta y su NATO.. Luego vendría lo peor: el corte de las 4 patas al perro rabioso; las patas delanteras ya exhaustas (US-UK) y las traseras (Israel y Saudis) tendría que hacerse en 24 horas y aunque ya todo está instalado para ello, hay percances de último minuto difíciles de predecir que dilatarían el suicidio del imperio. Lo veremos!. ]] 

Un ejemplo:

"Go back to your bath house!" 

"[M]any of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations."

The Deep State is real... They don’t like exposure, accountability or responsibility. They fight back, outlast and work the system for their advantage..."

The bill's acronym is a direct dig at Bezos and stands for Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies Act.It seeks to establish a 100% tax on government benefits received by workers at companies with at least 500 employees.

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"The next financial crisis will spark the Great Liquidity Crisis. The next crisis is also likely to result in social tensions similar to those witnessed 50 years ago in 1968."

"Don’t blame the Fed or Trump. That is just noise.The problem of emerging markets is largely self-inflicted and comes after years of raising imbalances, both at a trade and fiscal level, based on impossible expectations of growth and demand."

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

Trump lambasted an op-ed published in the New York Times by an "anonymous senior Trump administration official" as a disgrace on Wednesday afternoon after the opinion writer claimed to be working on behalf of "the Resistance" movement to thwart Trump's agenda.

"He's part of 'the Resistance' within the Trump administration," Trump told reporters at the White House. "This is what we have to deal with and the dishonest media… it's  really a disgrace."



Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

                -Contra el Movimiento Social Patriota  Felipe Lagos
                - Son fascistas los nuevos grupos nacionalistas chilenos?  Felipe R
                -Centroamérica (de nuevo) frente al abismo  Javier S V Maeztu
                - Peligra la democ   Una guerra solapada  Carolina Vásquez
                ARG   -¿Estallara?  José Natanson
                ARG Megadevaluac: las penas son nuestras, las gananc ajenas E M
                BRA La vieja política y la eterna conciliación  Amanda Graviola
                El poder se deslegitimo. Gane quien gane pierde la dictadura y Lula
será el gran vencedor. No pidió boicot ni Abst, porqu el pueblo ya lo
sabe. Lula es real encarnación Popular. No hay pretexto alguno para
tenerlo en la cárcel. SI LO HACEN, CAE EL GOBIERNO EN EL PODER.
USA        La deuda de Estados Unidos con Siria  Asli U. Bâli y Aziz Rana
FEM        Feminismo, identidad y justicia social  Silvia Arana
                Lucha social Muere Elisa Serna, símbolo de la canción protesta
                Desigualdad económica de género en Am Lat  Lucía Converti
Opin       -Esperando a los bárbaros  David Torres
Áfric        -Juventud y liderazgo en África  Grace Obado
ONU       De qué manera la ONU organiza la guerra  Thierry Meyssan
MX          Como son millonarios?   Privatización, despojo y explotación
Ecua        Kintto Lucas  SI al ALBA tras anuncio de abandonar el ente Sinay C
                El desarrollo de la conciencia popul toma su tiempo pero llega.
                -Espejo mágico  Laidi Fernández Adivina el futuro de Cuba?
COL         -Perdieron los rebeldes   Alexander Reina  .. Perdió la Nacion
                USA Donald Trump versus el Estado profundo Diego Arenas  
                El Titanic se hunde porque no tiene capitán y el grupo que lo
                asesora perdió la brújula. No saben adonde ir. Hay que
                abandonar esa barca y no hay bote salva-vidas para todos.
                -Feminizac del éxodo VEN a Ecuador y cobertura mediatica Diego A
                -Acoso a lo rural   Gustavo Duch Guillot
                Chile Hace cuarenta y cinco años   Edmundo Moure
                Londres pone nombre a sospechosos del ataque a los Skripal Le crean 5 patas al gato
                Keiser Report Los más ricos acumulan aún más fortuna a cuenta de los demás

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

What Should Putin Do?   By Paul Craig Roberts   Continue
Pompeo Pumps Idlib Diplomacy   By Finian Cunningham   Continue
John McCain as Metaphoric Myth   By Edward Curtin    Continue
The Slaves Rebel    By Chris Hedges    Continue

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Nick Pemberton   Crazy Rich Imperialists?

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers.. 


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