lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2018

Mon SEP 3 18 SIT EC y POL

Mon  SEP 3  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Over 80% of American families define the “American Dream” as financial security and homeownership, and more than half think this dream is unattainable...
Watch the video

"Not only has Value performance been particularly weak over the last 3 months (and bonds have been stronger), but Value stocks are valued at recessionary levels."
See Charts

"There will always be countries, companies and consumers that want to borrow excessively and live it up, but they can only do so if there is a willing lender."

Who Else is at Risk?
At a simple level, Pakistan and South Africa appear to be the other emerging markets most at risk. However, as the table below from a Bank for International Settlements report shows many emerging market countries have had material increases in their use of US dollar debt in the last five years. The report also found more than half of the international lending to emerging Asian economies was “hot money” with maturities of less than one year.
See Charts:

Pakistan’s foreign currency reserves have dwindled at the same time as its budget deficits have lifted government debt levels. The newly elected government has made promises to increase spending that international markets and the IMF won’t support. The government is hoping that by selling bonds to the Pakistani diaspora and obtaining further funding from China it can avoid the IMF’s much needed medicine.

South Africa stands out for its profoundly negative current account balance and consistently increasing government debt to GDP ratio. A 2017 paper from Deloitte mapped out how South Africa’s financial and political situation bears a striking similarity to Brazil’s before its breakdown in 2015. Ongoing corruption, plans to nationalise the central bank and the wider emerging market sell-off are scaring off lenders and pushing bond yields higher.

At a wider level, Greece and Italy both have troublesome characteristics. Whilst these two countries are generally considered developed economies it can be argued that their falling GDP per capita levels and weak institutions could push them back into emerging market classification. Greece’s GDP per capita is already well below South Korea and Taiwan, who are generally categorised as emerging markets. Both Italy and Greece have large amounts of debt in a currency they don’t control, very large debt to GDP ratios, weak banks burdened by problem loans and governments that are resistant to economic reforms. Neither has any plan to reduce to their debt levels, other than giving their lenders a haircut. 

While stocks are finally back testing new all-time highs, the volatility market is well off of its yearly lows, a divergence that has been problematic for stocks the past 2 decades...
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

President Trump has authorized the biggest tax giveaway of all time. Don’t miss your chance to collect a ‘Victory Check’ valued between $20,644 and $200,000! But you must ‘enroll’ by October 25. Get all the details on this special program here.
The narrative about Russian cyberattacks on American election infrastructure is aself-interested abuse of power by DHS based on distortion of evidence...

Trump committed a faux pas with his public complaints about the Fed. But his actual “mistake” was in letting the American people in on a dirty secret: The central bank is by its very nature a political institution that exists to serve the nation’s rich and powerful class, not the average Joe.

This Labor Day, when most Americans pause to celebrate workers and their contributions to our nation, union bosses will again attempt to hijack the holiday to promote their agenda of coercive power over America’s workers...

"It’s easier to bury uncomfortable facts than to confront them... but the grief of another 9/11 ceremony will be laced with barely muted rage: There remains a conspiracy of silence among high former U.S. and Saudi officials about the attacks."

Since 2009 the S&P 500 has moved higher every year
between Labor Day and year-end...
See Chart:

The table below shows that over the past 20 years, there were nine occasions when the index was up at least 5% heading into Labor Day. In those nine years, the rest of the year was positive every time, with an average gain of 6.95%. The other years were positive just 73% of the time, with an average return of only 1.34% -- and way more volatility, going by the standard deviation of returns.
See Chart:

"Today the IMF stand ready not to protect capital but to incarcerate it. That will come as quite a shock to the owners of portfolio assets who believe that there will always be a global policy response that is positive for asset prices."
Capital controls do not need to be called capital controls  ..  The authors’ list of measures provides a guide as to the measures from each toolkit that can amount to de facto as well as de jure capital controls.

Types of Capital Flow Management Techniques
The authors’ list of measures provides a guide as to the measures from each toolkit that can amount to de facto as well as de jure capital controls.
See Table

"...those making such claims are seriously misinformed."

A history of American flames
See Chart:

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"He is 47 years old, 1.78 meters tall and has a normal posture. He was usually dressed in black and carrying his black backpack."

"I think these incidents in the most eloquent manner testify to the attempts to interfere in Russia’s internal affairs" 
The planned strikes would have killed an estimated 71% of the residents of major Soviet urban centers and 53% of residents in Chinese population centers.

"Oil for the People": Michael Moore is in praise of Chavez
ending poverty in Venezuela...

"...many decades of mismanagement don’t get fixed overnight. Investors seem blind to the realities on the ground..."

"Everyone has to make sacrifices..."

"We’re seeing a veritable re-colonization of Africa. Every time I visit Africa I see more and more Chinese. It doesn’t matter which country; they’re everywhere... It’s important to remember that Africa doesn’t produce anything besides raw materials..."

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terr 

BRA         La candidatura de Lula da Silva A Torres En elecc de Oct
Opin       Lo que debemos enfrentar  Guillermo Almeyra
ECON      -Venez, esquivando la guerra económica Hedelberto López
                - Universitarios endeudados:polémica global  Gonzalo Toca
                - La pasión turca por los mercados; 10 claves  Diego Herranz
FEM        Debate-Prostit: La libertad de las putas  Anita Botwin
                Trátalas bien Anita: habla de Trabajadoras del sexo, no d putas
                Españ Sindicación de las trabajadoras sexuales  Gloria Marín
                Guatemala: bajo la soberbia de la corrupción  Ollantay Itzamná
                Colombia y la OTAN, dos aliados del Tío Sam  Ramiro Gómez
                - El papel de la herencia en Latinoamérica A Serrano y Gmo Oglietti
                -ARG  Ganar las elecciones no alcanza  Carlos A. Larriera
                Chile Desempleo, pobreza y clases sociales en Chile  M Rodríguez
                COL Cuándo se perdió la memor y el rumbo estratég?  Fdo Dorado
Torah       La Torah, es libro bueno si tiene hojas blancas. No contami el pitillo     
                El muerto se anticipa a su suicidio final. Por que sacrificar al resto?
USA        -Los hechos son tozudos   Rodolfo Bueno
Cuba       -El orden de los factores  Alina López Ese orden si import en la cocin
                Dicen que un buen polic es buen cocinero. Stalin lo fue sin duda. El
                derrotó a los nazis antes de la barbarie USA en Hiroshima y Nagazaki
Luego voló el espacio americ con su Sputnik y dio la mejor lec de paz
ALAI       Bolivia, Chile Patriotismo latinoamericano  Manuel Cabieses
                BRA Las cartas sobre la mesa  M Yepe No hubo que pedir boicot
                Ni abstención electoral. El poder será deslegitimado. Ya lo esta
                Ecuador La ineficiencia de la desigualdad Juan Paz y M Cepeda
                Chile del Siglo XXI: Propuestas de Economía D C, F G et al
                Chile Nace Central Clasista de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores AFC
                VEN  Septiembre rojo en Venezuela? Carlos E. Lippo
                América Latina Una pausa para retomar valor  Pedro Pierre
                BRA Pese a impugnar su candidat: Lula crece en int d voto J A
                Lula es sin duda un preso que desafía la libertad del fraude Elect
                Colombia Estado de Derecho avanza hacia la ultraderecha MH RD
                Keiser Report  Fraude perfectamente legal

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

Shame On You, USA  By Gideon Levy    Continue

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Mark Weisbrot   Reversing Labor’s Losses
Pete Dolack

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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