lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Mon SEP 24 18 SIT EC y POL

Mon  SEP 24 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

China was closed overnight, but China stocks ETF in US shows weakness after China cancels trade talks...
US futures show the initial reaction was lower on Sunday night, then as the US cash markets opened, S&P and Dow were dumped but Nasdaq was panic-bid (underperformer last week). S&P/Dow legged lower again on Rosenstein headlines then rebounded after headlines that Trump will meet him on Thursday...
See Chart:

For a sense of today's manic algo-buying, here are FANG stocks...opened gap down to last week's lows then ramping almost 4% off those lows to erase all of last week's losses...
See Chart:

The 10Y Yield rose on the day to a new cycle closing high, but as the chart below shows, the last few days' ranges have been de minimus (as stocks have pumped and dumped)... (3.055%, 3.063%, 3.063%, 3.063%, 3.081%)
See Chart: 

The Dollar Index had quite a day, sliding lower as Europe opened (China closed), spiked lower on EUR gains after Draghi inflation comments, only to surge higher for rest of day on safety concerns following Rosenstein resignation headlines...
See Chart:

The Brazilian Real slumped (worst performer of the day) as the left-wing Workers' Party is said likely to reach the runoff vote in Brazil's election.. [ cause alleged is stupid invention ]
See Chart:

Argentine Peso was pummeled after returning to Lagarde to ask The IMF for more...
See Chart:

Finally, we note that Money Market Funds have dramatically shifted their allocations from Q1 (record buying in US Treasuries) to Q2 (record selling in US Treasuries)..
See Chart:

However, as Bloomberg points out, The Federal Reserve’s latest reading on America’s finances showed that money-market mutual funds were the biggest buyers of Treasuries in the first half of 2018, according to Jay Barry, a fixed-income strategist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. The central bank’s quarterly financial accounts data showed the funds, which favor Treasury bills, purchased a net $118 billion of the government’s debt in the period. That’s a swing from 2017, when they sold $95 billion. The buying dovetailed with the government’s bias toward bill sales in the first half as it boosted borrowing to finance a widening deficit, Barry said.

"That risk may not be existential, but it is a deadly risk to American prosperity, our way of life, our leadership in the world and perhaps to our system of government..."

The politics of division imposes an invisible cost to the Nation.  Divisive politics inherently mean that almost no common ground exists for action on issues of great importance, and falling into the chasm between the two parties are calamitous dangers to national security that make our actual headlines today pale in comparison. One such danger in the political no-man’s-land is not even being discussed, and so no one is working on a solution: the national debt.

Almost ten years ago, Admiral Mike Mullen, then Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, did not identify an adversary nation or terrorist organization as the paramount threat to our country. He stated emphatically: The most significant threat to our national security is our debt.”
See Chart:

As America is saddled with more and more debt, it becomes more and more vulnerable, less ready to act and certainly looks weaker.

What did we get for all of this debt?

Not more national security.
Not better infrastructure.
Not a solution to stressed retirement and health systems.

The bitter medicine for addressing the national debt is the politically untenable combination of increasing taxes and decreasing expenditures. No other avenue exists. But the first deficit that must be addressed is one of leadership. Until our political leaders move the national debt to a central focus, view it as a threat to national security, and work for immediate and yet long-term non-partisan solutions, the U.S. is at risk. That risk may not be existential, but it is a deadly risk to American prosperity, our way of life, our leadership in the world and perhaps to our system of government.

"Like a snake blind to the fact it is devouring its own body, the same factors that appear stabilizing can reverse into chaos..."
See Picture

By now you know the story, a routine decline in equities caused a liquidity squeeze in retail-dominated short VIX products resulting in a self-reflexive spiral of buying pressure. At the end of the trading session, the VIX levered and short ETPs required more vega notional exposure than was available in the entire market, resulting in a feedback loop. The VIX registered the second largest draw up (+177%) and single largest drawdown (-43% over 5 days) in its 28-year history over a two-week span. During this wild round-trip to nowhere, the popular short VIX exchange traded products (“XIV”) were wiped out and many strategies that have consistently made money lost years of profits in an hour. 
See Chart:

The volatility spike in February is widely misunderstood... it was not a “volatility event” but instead a “liquidity crisis” resulting in rapid repricing of tail risk. Put simply, it was the moment where many ignorant market players learned what ‘water’ really is. During a true volatility event implied variance and demand for options increases across the board. Fixed strike and at-the-money volatility actually moved more in January (+3.5%) than it did in February (+3%). The early-February spike in VIX was driven by unprecedented demand for far out-of-the-money S&P 500 index puts, or tail options. Normally these options comprise about 10% of the VIX price, but in early February these tail risk options comprised upward of 35% of the VIX price.
See Chart:

Traders were not buying options because they thought volatility would increase, they were buying options because they were facing insolvency.  If you are a fish on dry land, how much will you pay for a glass of water? 

Look, there has been so much talk about volatility and VIX exchange traded products lately… but that is yesterday’s news and is irrelevant.  Everyone is missing the forest from the trees... the pond from the ripples … In April, the commissioner of a major regulatory agency visited Artemis to discuss my research on short-volatility from last year. He asked whether I thought the VIX eco-system represented a systemic risk. I told him, “Forget VIX, that’s over. Done. But you should be VERY worried about how the bigger implicit short volatility trade affects liquidity in the overall market... THAT is the systemic risk.”

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

The nation is failing as a direct consequence of four catastrophic policies

1. President Johnson's expansion of the Vietnam War
2. President Clinton's deregulation of banking/finance in the early 1990s
3. President G.W. Bush's Invasion of Iraq and the launch of Endless War
4. Presidents G.W. Bush and Obama's rescue of predatory parasitic banks in 2008-09.

The nation is failing as a direct consequence of these four catastrophic policies, policies that undermined our economy and system of governance, that introduced the poisons of official fake news and propaganda, that institutionalized the suppression of dissent and institutionalized the fraud and embezzlement of "too big to fail" financialization.
See Chart:

*  *  *
Travesty of a Mockery of a Sham Book Sale: (September only) Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform is now $2.99 for the Kindle ebook, a 25% savings, and $6.95 for the print edition, a 22% savings.
Why Things Are Falling Apart and What We Can Do About It is now $2.99 for the Kindle ebook, a ridiculous 70% discount, and $10 for the print edition, a 50% savings. My new mystery The Adventures of the Consulting Philosopher: The Disappearance of Drake is a ridiculously affordable $1.29 (Kindle) or $8.95 (print); read the first chapters for free in PDF format. My new book Money and Work Unchained is now $6.95 for the Kindle ebook and $15 for the print edition. Read the first section for free in PDF format. If you found value in this content, please join me in seeking solutions by becoming a $1/month patron of my work via

"Today in America no member of the print and TV media or NPR dares to get within a hundred miles of the truth. It would be a career-ending event... Without a media dedicated to truth, there can be no control over government."

Truth Is Evaporating Before Our Eyes - Does anyone notice?
On September 17, I posted my column, “Evidence is no longer a Western value.”

Anyone who asked for evidence was treated as a “Putin apologist.” This took evidence out of the picture.

Science gave the world the principle of evidence-based fact, which did away with the burning of witches and political decisions based in superstitution. Truth became a force.

But truth can get in the way of agendas, and as elites recovered their power from the social, political, and economic reforms of a previous era, truth was divided into categories and cut so fine that it disappeared.

The result is that today truth is established not by evidence but by repetition of accusations and falsehoods.
See Picture:

This made it easy to destroy people and countries by lies alone.
As hard as false accusations can be on individuals, they destroy entire countries.
What I have described is a truth-free world. There is no place for truth in the world that the West has created. The Western hostility to truth is overwhelming.
Many in governments want truth-tellers locked up as enemies of the state, by which they mean “enemies of the self-interests of the ruling elites.”
Today in America no member of the print and TV media or NPR dares to get within a hundred miles of the truth. It would be a career-ending event.
See Graph

                Without a media dedicated to truth, there can be no control over government.
Identity Politics has destroyed the very conception of truth independent of race and gender. Science itself becomes discredited as does civilization:
Never in history have humans been so near to losing all comprehension of reality as in today’s world in which there is no respect for truth.

The company’s choice of state-funded partners has raised a few eyebrows...

Mark Weisbrot, a co-director at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, recently slammed Facebook’s decision to work with US government-funded organizations as "Orwellian" — especially given the fact these organizations themselves "specialize in overseas propaganda."

Here are 3 extremely worrisome Facebook initiatives to which the public should pay close attention, and which suggest the social media giant is increasingly becoming a censorship arm of the US government and its allies...
* * *
1  Facebook's Partnership with US state-funded think tanks
2  Facebook's close ties to NATO and US allies
3  Facebook has set up a "War Room" ahead of the November midterm elections
* * *
What's the ultimate aim here? 
"Political Disruptions: Combating Disinformation and Fake News" that governments “have to” direct “propaganda” toward their own populations.
GOP propag continue .. to make it real they have to put at front d issue PEACE & be consistent

With stocks at record highs and President Trump gloating at the "record strength" of the US economy, it appears confidence is coming back as sentiment among Republicans reached an all-time record high in the latest Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index.
[[ If his nomination don’t succeed.. Trump will lose many, many votes. He risk his V in Nov ]]  

"If Republicans surrender on the basis of what we know now, they will face the fury of their own voters - and rightly so..."
                [[ True:  one day delay in his nomination = 30 days back in political agenda ]]

"The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. The last- minute character assassination will not succeed."
                [[ The ‘nuns’ accusations lack solid evidence.. No sense to delay K-nomination ]]

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

[[ At the end of this Art you will see clear that the most affected by trade war is the US ]]

Exports to the US will slow more rapidly, though growth will likely still stay positive in Q4 2018, and finally turn negative only in Q1 2019. It is only then that the trade outlook will be more challenging,

Well, according to DB's Zhang Zhiwei, the damage of the trade war has already shown up in disaggregate data. Specifically, after the US imposed a 25% tariff on $34bn of Chinese exports on July 6, US Customs data show that the imports of this group of goods dropped by 10% yoy in July. However, disaggregate data on this level is only available with a lag of about two months, which is why DB expects imports in August for this group of goods to drop further.
See Chart:

The US government announced on June 15 that a 25% tariff would be imposed on another group of Chinese goods worth US $16bn, which came into effect on August 23. This caused a surge of imports for this group in July, up to 40% yoy, which in turn helped to offset the slump of imports for the US$ 34bn of goods already facing tariffs in July. Meanwhile, the headline trade data, which is the total US imports from China, remained strong at 8% yoy in July.
See Chart:   China is up

In addition to tariff front-running, other factors that may have helped China stabilize trade include
1-strong external demand, as evidenced by the high PMI numbers ( Figure 2 );
2-depreciation of the RMB against the dollar; and
3-hiking tax rebates for exporters for some goods.

The US said it may further impose tariffs on the remaining $267bn of Chinese exports. These include major products such as computers, cell phones, apparel and shoes (Figure 3). If the US takes further action on this, it may trigger further front-running in the short run for these products:
See Chart:

In other words, with staggered "frontrunning" of future sanctions, 2018 will likely be a strong year for Chinese trade: as a baseline case, overall exports growth is expected to slow, but only gradually to 7% in Q4 2018 and 4% in Q1 2019. As a result, exports to the US will slow more rapidly, though growth will likely still stay positive in Q4 2018, and finally turn negative only in Q1 2019. It is only then that the trade outlook will be more challenging, especially if the trade war escalates further and drives out some supply chains from China.

"Well, this sure is a fine way to attempt to ease tensions with North Korea"

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

REB        PAL  Israel en Oslo nunca contempló la paz ni estado PAL Amira Hass
                BRA  Tiene cura el “izquierdismo”?  Atilio Borón
                Econ  A quiénes afecta la guerra comerc de Trump? Basem Tajeldine
                US-Irak  7 mentiras al servicio de 10 objetivos   Nazanín Armanian
                Mund    La ONU decide reconocer derechos de campesinos  G C
                                La ONU como instrum de dominac del US  Diego Olivera
                Italia  Un gobierno extremadamente peligroso  Antonello Zecca
                ECOL  -Alimentación: honestidad frente al escepticismo  Belén D
                            - Por qué celebrar el "Día Mundial sin Coche"
                ECON  Portugal lanza la igualdad salarial entre hombr y mujers D T
                OPIN     -Consejos de un maestro mal pagado y transgresivo  H G
A los cándidos del mundo  Rodolfo Bueno
                                Crítica a la teoría del totalitarismo  Boris Differ
                PERÚ   La derrota del keikismo  Gustavo Espinoza
                ARG  Crisis económica y corrupción dividen la socied argentina  JG
                COL        -Lo único cierto del futuro es que es incierto  A Pinzón S
                                -No eran naranjas, sino limones  Abel Medina Sierra
                                -Masacres y líderes en las cárceles  Luis Mangrane Cuevas
                Libros Libres  Indios, negros y otros indeseables  Paco Gómez Nadal
                Orient Próx   -Los kurdos en el ajedrez sirio  Leandro Albani
                MEX  Bancarrota económica y desafíos de López Obrador  G V
                USA       -El coleccionista de improperios  Manuel E. Yepe
                                -Trump, invitado poco grato  Edit de La Jornada
                Cuba      -Crecen redes municipales de innovación agropecuaria
                                -Derecho de asociac y socied civil en la Constit  Ailynn Torres
                                -La República no está en discusión  Julio Antonio Fernández
ALAI       México   Cuatro años sin los 43  José Luis Avendaño
                Venezuela  La soledad del procónsul Luis Almagro  Álvaro Verzi
                El Salvador Compromiso por la seguridad   Arpas
                Nicaragua ¿Se puede ser de izq y hacer causa común con gran capit?
                                      Por supuesto: Fue lo que hizo Lenin y su NEP en RU Rev
                Colombia Poder y dignidad en el derecho humano al trabajo MH RD
                Brasil     La izquierda está obligada a ganar   Emir Sader
                Guatemala La política no es “cosa de locos”… ¿O sí?  Marcelo Colussi  
                Venezuela Mucho más que un buque chino  Ana Cristina Bracho
                Brasil  Reflexión a propósito de la elección presidencial  Atilio Boron  
                Brasil Hasta los vientos contrarios conducen a puerto seguro L Boff

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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