jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018

Wed SEP 12 18 SIT EC y POL

Wed  SEP 12 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

It's another classic Wall Street bait-and-switch...

Despite the obvious flaws inherent in certain structured products targeted at retail investors - flaws that would become readily apparent to unsuspecting retail investors if they only bothered to scrutinize the fine print instead of blindly trusting their financial advisors - the big wirehouses rarely miss an opportunity to seduce investors with a high advertised yields, and myriad clauses that virtually guarantee they will pay more in fees than they earn in returns.

The latest example of this was on display in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday in a story about "auto-callable notes" tied to the FANG stocks. The notes promise a large yield, but can be "auto-called" - i.e. the note is cancelled and investors are handed back their principle (minus a generous slug of fees) - if the stocks outperform, or underperform (the characteristics of each individual offering depend on the details laid out in their covenants). These note were supposed to help mom-and-pop investors reap any rewards associated with the stocks continuing their record run, while shielding them from the inevitable denouement. Or at least that's what their financial advisors told them.
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"Normally when one wages a war, he strives for victory. But no one ever defines what victory in the drug war would look like. The feds seem satisfied to simply engage in the same cycle, over and over again, into perpetuity."

[[ There are two main drugs: 1 the derivates of ‘Poppi” from Afghanistan; and 2 The Cocaine from the jungle of Amazons in South Am. For # 1 all that we have to do is take out our military from Afgh (the cover up for business of poppy). Let the Taliban do their job.. they burned the plantation of poppy. For #2 dissolve the DEA (In Peru was found a US military plane getting out from Peruvian jungle (end of 1960),the Peruvian Sukoi demanded to land & since they didn’t obey, the US plane was shot dawn, the pilot die, it was full of cocaine. Peruvian Presid Velasco was sue because of the death pilot, one the issue came to the Press with a lot of pictures about the drug-traffic, the US drop the case. In Bolivia there was another incident with the DEA ll

"Life in a post-9/11 America increasingly feels like an endless free fall down a rabbit hole into a terrifying, dystopian alternative reality..."

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

The formation of Russian bombers and fighter jets were intercepted "west of mainland Alaska" by the American stealth aircraft at 10 p.m. ET Tuesday.

[[ Publishing this type of INFO is the most effective way of undermining GOP candidates and later on the chances of Trump re-election, if he survive impeachment & life attack. In this case the target is the Nation-electorate who is now distrusting more and more on RU-phobia. The WW3 is the main issue for the whole nation and they are blaming Trump’ weak RU-phobia, if that happens. PEACE Movts in streets are going up day and day and the main loser is Trump ]]

"The way out of Syria for the U.S. with its face-saved is to thunder and bluster, threaten fire and brimstone just like Trump did with Kim Jong-un and use that to explain why Assad showed restraint and didn’t use chemical weapons this time."

[[ What a stupid believe: a) nuke blackmail is the right policy;  b) If doesn’t work .. WW3 is the only way of saving face of defeat in Syria. FACTS: A) nuke blackmail didn’t work, not even in N-Korea.. who is now more ally with China than before.. Nuke blackmail conduced US tot total isolation worldwide. Regarding Syria: this war is already lost by the US, the sending US troops to Syria is a suicidal way of wasting US soldiers life. The Muslim terrorist supported by US-UK- Saudis & Israel either quit or die there together with their supporters, all of them will die “as terrorists”.  B) WW3 will totally destroy the US face (not chances for transition like British empire). Not even chances of win against RU-China allies .. the most likely result is Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). Another Fact: C)  People in many nations worldwide are creating armed brigades or commands to use WW3 to directly hit US companies, embassies & different institutions like USAID, American Banks and CIOs as never happens before. The CIA in US embassies Knew this fact and they didn’t said nothing about.. Why? No way to stop them.  Why?  they do not belong to parties & not even State Security apparatus know them. Example: In Chile, ARg, Urug & Parag was easy to dismantle them (Plan Condor) not in the rest of South-Am. The same happens in East Europe and State members of Tito’s Yugoslavia. Clandestine Cmdos are ready to Act ]]

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Keiser Report    Fatal price spikes (E1279)   Max and Stacy discuss how much pharmaceutical prices have shot up since ObamaCare passed and look, in particular, at rising insulin prices and how many diabetic patients are unable to afford their required dosage with sometimes fatal consequences.

Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

                Actualidad de atentados del 11 de septiembre  Eduardo Paz Rada
Or-Me    Oriente Medio, nudo de contradicciones (y II)  Santi Ramírez
                Deconstrucción del trumpismo y nuevas estrategias de shock  SLA
                Para salir del cuento del ataque sónico  Manuel E. Yepe
ECON      -Orígenes y mutaciones del capitalismo  Alejandro Nadal
BRA         -El nuevo favorito   Emir Sader
                -Golpe 2016 interrumpió construc de un Brasil autónomo  L Boff
Brexit      Irlanda del Norte: la frontera se acerca  Luke Butterly
                BRA Haddad-Manuela comandan guerra polít por retorno democ
                Honduras Silencio ambiental  Javier Suazo
                Perú Ventilar la representación y restituir el Senado   Nicolás Lynch
                VEN  Maracaibo ancestral: “la tinaja del sol”   Yldefonso Finol

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

Conjuring Up the Next Depression   By Chris Hedges    Continue

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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