domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2018

Sat SEP 22 18 SIT EC y POL

Sat  SEP 22 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

A strategy consisting of just a 3.3% position in Universa with the rest invested passively in the S&P 500, had tripled the money, generating a compound annual return of 12.3% in the 10 years through February.

Ten years after the financial crisis, with the bull market now the longest on record, "black swan" fund Universa Investments chief investment officer, Mark Spitznagel,spoke on Bloomberg TV and said that "we are going to continue to see deeper and deeper [crashes], simply by virtue of the fact that the degree of interventionism is larger and larger."

In other words, trading for "the end of the world"... but not expecting it to come tomorrow. In fact, his advice to traders is simple: "you mustn’t fight the Fed. What you must try to do is sort of jiu-jitsu the Fed. You need to sort of use the Fed’s force against it."

Easier said than done?
And while so far the "FINAL CRASH" has yet to come, what has made the "fat tail" fund unique - recall that Universa is advised by author Nassim Nicholas Taleb of "Black Swan" fame, and best known for his prediction that six sigma "fat tail", or black swan, events happen much more frequently than they should statistically is that it has not only not lost money, but has actually outperformed the S&P in the past decade: See 3 Black swams when open this article.

it has not only not lost money, but has actually outperformed the S&P in the past decade” :
According to a letter sent to investors earlier this year and seen by the WSJ, a strategy consisting of just a 3.3% position in Universa with the rest invested passively in the S&P 500, had tripled the money, generating a compound annual return of 12.3% in the 10 years through February, better than investing in just the S&P 500 itself. It also was superior to portfolios three-quarters invested in stocks with a one-quarter weighting in more-traditional hedges such as Treasurys, gold or a basket of hedge funds.
See Charts:

As shown in the chart above, Spitznagel's small crash bets have paid off repeatedly, offsetting the "theta bleed" associated with a portfolio such as his. 

Which may also explain why Spitznagel is so happy: it isn’t because he sees an imminent crash, though he doesn’t rule it out. It is because almost no one else is preparing for one.

Another quirk: in 2017, when volatility dropped to all time lows, buying crash insurance was seen by many as throwing away money. But Spitznagel said he was “like a kid in a candy store” because volatility, and hence options prices, were so subdued. At least they were until February of this year, when the VIX underwent a record explosion, soaring from the single digits to an all time high handing Universa's clients another outsized return with a true market hedge.

Ultimately, the math behind Spitznagel’s investing philosophy is a simple bet on human nature: investors are "more confident after a long stretch of smooth sailing and hefty gains for markets, that is when the odds of something going horribly wrong are highest."

And with the S&P at all time highs, Spitznagel has to be delighted: after all, both investor confidence, and the odds of that "horribly wrong" moment are just as high.
"This is a very good time for us," he said. NOW ALL HE NEEDS IS A CRASH.

The housing market indicated that a crisis was coming in 2008.  
Is the same thing happening once again in 2018? 

Home sellers are cutting prices at a pace that we have not seen since the last recession.  In case you are wondering, this is definitely a major red flag for the economy.  According to  CNBC, home sellers are “slashing prices at the highest rate in at least eight years”…

Of course the reason why prices are being dropped is because homes are not selling.  The supply of homes available for sale is shooting up, and that is good news for buyers but really bad news for sellers.

But is this just an “adjustment”, or is this the beginning of another crisis for the housing market?
See Chart:

Just like a decade ago, millions of American families have really stretched themselves financially to get into homes that they really can’t afford.  If a new economic downturn results in large numbers of Americans losing their jobs, we are once again going to see mortgage defaults rise to stunning heights.

We live at a time when the middle class is shrinking and most families are barely making it from month to monthThe cost of living is steadily rising, but paychecks are not, and that is resulting in a huge middle class squeeze.  I really like how my good friend MN Gordon made this point in his most recent article:

The economy, in other words, has been rigged. The value that workers produce flows to Washington and Wall Street, where it’s siphoned off and misallocated to the cadre of officials, cronies, and big bankers. What’s left is spent to merely keep the lights on, the car running, and food upon the table.

And unfortunately, things are likely to only go downhill from here:

The trade war is really starting to take a toll on the global economy, and it continues to escalate.  Back during the Great Depression we faced a similar scenario, and we would be wise to learn from history.  In a recent post, Robert Wenzel shared a quote from Dr. Benjamin M. Anderson that was pulled from his book entitled “Economics and the Public Welfare: A Financial and Economic History of the United States, 1914-1946”

In period from 1920 to 1933….
Protectionism ran wild all over the world.  Markets were cut off.  Trade lines were narrowed.  Unemployment in the export industries all over the world grew with great rapidity, and the prices of export commodities, notably farm commodities in the United States, dropped with ominous rapidity….
On Sunday June 15, it was announced that he would sign the bill. This was headline news Monday morning. The stock market broke twelve points in the New York Time averages that day and the industrials broke nearly twenty points. The market, not the President, was right.

Even though the stock market has been booming, everything else appears to indicate that the U.S. economy is slowing down.
If home prices continue to fall precipitously, that is going to put even more pressure on the system, and it won’t be too long before we reach a breaking point.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

"Busy waging trade wars with other countries and getting involved in distant conflicts, such as in Syria, that have nothing whatsoever to do with the United States, Washington is largely ignoring a real problem that is threatening the country’s national security each and every day..."

"The general burden of the American worker is the daily task of squaring the difference between the booming economy reported by the government bureaus and the dreary economy reported in their biweekly paychecks."

By all official accounts, things have never been better.  GDP, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, is growing at an annual clip of 4.2 percent.  The unemployment rate, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, sits at just 3.9 percent.  But that’s not all…

Pot stocks have become the new bitcoin.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average, after a six month hiatus, is marking new all-time record highs.  And, most importantly, the Dodgers are tops in their division going into the final week of the regular season.  What’s not to like?
See Chart:

Potting it – marijuana stock Tilray rises to a price/sales ratio of 846 intraday. Such moves have  become a regular occurrence in bubble-land. [PT]
See Chart:

Here, standing at the heights of a quasi-centrally planned economy, we see distortions and discrepancies. There are pie charts and bar graphs displaying contrived and downright fabricated economic data. The garbage outputs are very much at odds with the reality of the situation.
See irony-graph

A succinct summary of the situation. [PT]
For starters, the growth is being extracted from the future via massive infusions of corporate, consumer, and government debt. To dismiss this, is to stretch the truth considerably. To understand that GDP is, in effect, a measurement of the rate at which we’re all going broke, makes the spectacle of a 4.2 percent rate of GDP growth an absolute howler.

On top of that, the 3.9 percent unemployment rate is downright ludicrous, if one is in the mood for statistics without any common decency. What good is a 3.9 percent unemployment rate when the labor participation rate is at a 40 year low? If the unemployment rate is really at a record low, why are wages stagnating?

These discrepancies help explain the outlandish circumstances all but the crème de la crème of the wealth spectrum find themselves in. It is nothing less than a charade. What to make of it?
See irony-graph

Middle class problems emerge from all sides. [PT]
The Burden of the American Worker

The general burden of the American worker is the daily task of squaring the difference between the booming economy reported by the government bureaus and the dreary economy reported in their biweekly paychecks.

There is sound reason to believe that this task, this burden of the American worker, has been reduced to some sort of practical joke.  An exhausting game of chase the wild goose.

How is it that the economy’s been growing for nearly a decade straight, but  workers have on average seen no meaningful increase in their income?  Have workers really been sprinting in place this entire time?  How did they end up in this ridiculous situation?

Continue reading at:

"Yes, my comrades, I’m afraid it’s time to face the facts, depressing as they are. The working classes are not our friends. Just look at how they’ve been betraying us...and after all we’ve done for them all these years! "

If the Left is ever going to come together to save the world from Donald Trump and his legions of fascistic Putin-Nazis, we’re going to need to confront our primary enemy... the international working classes.
See satire Graph

Here only some bolded notes, after the quote in red above:
Now, OK, I know you’re probably asking, “how can the international working classes possibly be the enemy of the Left?” and “wouldn’t that render the whole concept of the Left completely absurd and essentially meaningless?” and other pertinent questions like that. And that’s totally fine, you’re allowed to ask that. Questioning aspects of the official narrative the ruling classes are forcing everyone to conform to like members of a worldwide cult doesn’t make you a Nazi or anything. It’s perfectly OK to ask such questions, as long as you don’t continue to ask them, over and over, and over again, after the facts have been explained to you. Here are those facts, one more time.

The international working classes are racists. They are misogynists. Xenophobic transphobes. They do not think the way we want them to. Some of them actually still believe in God. They are white supremacists. Anti-Semites. Gun-toting, Confederate-flag-flying rednecks. .. They do not respect the corporate media. They think that news sources like the Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and so on, are basically propaganda outlets for the global corporations and oligarchs who own them..  Their minds are so twisted by racism and xenophobia that they can’t understand how global capitalism, the graduated phase-out of national sovereignty, the privatization of virtually everything, the debt-enslavement of nearly everyone, and the replacement of their so-called “cultures” with an ubiquitous, smiley-faced, gender-neutral, non-oppressive, corporate-friendly, Disney simulation of culture are actually wonderfully progressive steps forward on the road to a more peaceful, less offensive world.

Look, I realize the truth is painful, but the science of statistics leaves no room for doubt. As much as some of us may want to deny it, the fact is, the country that elected Barack Obama (who is Black) president, twice, has been transformed by Putin’s brainwashing agents into a cesspool of xenophobia and racism, and it is up to us lefties to set things right! .. Now, to do this, we need to unite the Left, and get everyone marching in lockstep, and so on. Which means that we need to identify and weed out all the fake leftists among us. 

OK, that sounds a little harsh, and possibly totally idiotic, but what other choice do we really have? If we’re going to defeat these Putin-Nazis, a few eggs are going to have to get broken. .. But, seriously … if you’ve made it this far in my essay, and you consider yourself a leftist of some sort, you’re probably extremely frustrated with what passes for the Left these days, and with how the working classes are flocking to the Right, both in the United States and all over the world. If I’ve got that right, you might want to read this essay by Diana Johnstone (which we lefties are technically not allowed to read, because it’s posted in The Unz Review, where a lot of “alt-Right” pieces are also posted … and you don’t want to get any of that stuff on you!)
Continue reading at:

" US politics is pretty much the same; two mainstream parties owned by the same political class, engaged in a staged bidding war for votes to give the illusion of competition."

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

This N… sound propaganda: it comes after India decided to buy RU arms

While bad loans in the Italian banking system have received a ton of attention from investors, India is not far behind and India's economic recovery is built on an even shakier foundation...
Science of destruction is going far..

“Something that’s unclassified but not well known, we recently in November... launched an air-to-air missile against a maneuvering target that scored a direct hit...”
"We know the current economic situation isnot good and many people are strapped for cash. I could hardly become optimistic about the new iPhone sales this year."
[[ Old news:  this phone importation is been cut now, as response to US threats ]]

"The only thing that we learn from history is that 
we learn nothing from history..."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

Is Putin already in the moon?.. The ISR issue indicates he is

Christ Hedges & the journalist Hugh Hamilton decided to talk about “Prison and Intelectual Complex, Part2”. But when I opened the art, they demanded me to enroll in Facebook, one of the monsters of Fake News. I did considered H1 & H2 as unfair & political dishonest maneuver.  I assume their arg was that RU is using Facebook (they made have tech to overcome fake-News from Facebook), we common people don’t have such high tech.

So, I decided to take out this art published in On contact from my Journal since they suppose to be part of the left & supporting Facebook is just the opposite. My Journal’ intention is to provide different views among the left and if I support RT news is because they create a balance or equilibrium in my info- duty. In short: I’m not pro-RU at all. I’m Kantian and in this regard I consider “anything under the limits of  reason” .

Why Kantian?
In Kant, the essence of reason is contradiction bet  two main factors that coexist as positive and negative sides of the same coin. What is positive in one context is negative in the next & vice verse.  In his ‘dualism’ Kant try to get a balance bet objective & subjective knowledge. He state that pure objectivism conduces to radical structuralism (RU marxism) & pure subjectivism conduces to existencialism & phenomenology (and to Critical Theory, at the best).  

To me Kant is the clearest philosopher of radical humanism: he proclaimed as basic law of human relations a universal rule known as  “categorical imperative” to preserve PEACE, perpetual peace, no war. He also said “individual” has the duty to preserve another ‘categorical imperative”: the “self-value” (his freedom) in order to fight for peace at whatever cost. This freedom cannot be sacrificed by war even if demanded for the good of the whole society.

That is the highest contribution of Kant to the progressive or left in human history. His other contrib was his dialectical approach on Reason. The nature of reason is antinomic, he said, it contains at least 2 main contradictions. But these contradiction are merely seeming, not permanent, true or real, their positive and negative content can flip to the opposite side.

WHY hegelian Marxist?
Of course this thesis was developed by Hegelian dialectics and later by the young Hegelian Marx when applied to economics and politics. The labor and capital are 2 sides of the same coin, they need to keep a balance otherwise the coin is devaluated and disappear. It is the young Hegelian Marx who said that. That is the main reason of the neoliberal debacle today. I derived from a very famous statement and I’m going to copied (from my library), though in Spanish and later on I will put it in English.

El proletariado (sinonimo de labor o trabajador) y la riqueza (sinonimo de capital, propiedad privada o neoliberalism, si lo aplicamos al context actual) constituyen una antinomia (o contradiccion en términos de Kant). En este sentido forman un todo único.   

Son dos formas del mundo de la propiedad privada. El problema consiste en descubrir el lugar que cada uno de ellos ocupa en la antinomia. No basta con decir que son las dos caras de un todo único. 

La propiedad privada, como propiedad privada, como riqueza, esta obligada a conservarse a si misma y, por tanto, a conservar a su contrario, el proletariado. Es el lado positivo de la antinomia: la propiedad privada satisfecha.

En cambio, el proletariado se ve obligado, como proletariado, a laborar por su propia abolición de las condiciones que lo convierten en proletriado, es decir, por la abolición de la propiedad privada. Es el lado negativo de la antinomia, la propiedad privada en estado de agitación, degradada y en proceso de disgregación. 

La clase poseedora y la clase proletaria expresan la misma alienación humna. Pero la primera se siente satisfecha con su situación, se siente bien establecida en ella, considera este auto-alienación como su propio poder y tiene, asi, la apariencia de una existencia humana. La segunda, en cambio, se siente aplastada por esta auto-alienación, ve en ella su propia impotencia y la realidad de una existencia inhumana. Es, para usar la expresión de Hegel, “en medio de la degradación, la revuelta contra la degradación”. Una revuelta a la ue le obliga la contradicción entre su humanidad y su situación, una negación franca, clara y absoluta de su humanidad. 

Por consiguiente, en el marco de la alienación, los propietarios son el partido conservador y los proletarios el partido destructor.. [ o a la inversa ]. 

Es cierto que en el curso de su desarrollo económico, la propiedad privada avanza hacia su propia destrucción, pero solo a través de una evolución independiente de si misma, inconsciente  y contra su voluntad, únicamente porque produce el proletaria como proletariado, la miseria consciente de su miseria moral y física, la degrdacion conciente de su degradación, y por esto mismo, en lucha por abolirse a si misma. El proletariado ejecuta la sentencia que la propiedad  privada ha dictado contra si misma al crear al proletariado, del mismo modo que ejecuta la sentencia que el proletaria ha dictado contra si misma al crear la riqueza para los demás y la miseria para el. Si el proletariado triunfa no quiere ello decir que se convierta en la forma absoluta de la sociedad porque solo triunfa aboliéndose el mismo y aboliendo su contrario. El proletariado desparece, pues, junto con el contrario que le condiciona: la propiedad privada [sobre los medios de producción ]. 

Si los autores socialistas atribuyen esta mision hitorico-universal al proletariado nos es –como pretende creerlo la escuela critica- porque vean a los proletarios como dioses. Al contrario, en el proletariado plenamente desarrollado ha desaparecido todo elemento humano, incluso la apariencia de humanidad. En las condiciones de existencia del proletariado se condensan en su forma inhumna todas la condiciones de existencia de la sociedad actual.
Fuente : La Sagrada Familia. Marx-Engels. Pag 205-207

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

                -ALC Crisis migratoria COL-VEN, según cifras oficiales  Gabriele K
                -US Huracán Florence expone dura desigualdad en US AG y DM
                FEM Alquilar vientres y prostituc: neoliberalismo 100%  Ana Bernal
                War  Una guerra contra el proyecto chino  Rafael Poch
                COL  La coalición humanitaria contra Venezuela  Alberto Pinzón
                ECON deuda ilegítima, ecológica y de género ¿quién paga la deuda?
                FEM  -Al rescate de las mujeres olvidadas  Alba Mareca
                ECOL  Monsanto: La leche argentina produce cánceres … 
                IRÁN: Entre la espada militar y la pared económica  Rahim Hamid
                OPIN  La macdonalización de la educación  Alejandro Teitelbaum
                Costa Rica  Causas del déficit fiscal en la hist reciente  José Solano
                PERÚ   Capitán Carlos a la cárcel: 8 muertos en su cuenta Luis Arce B
                CUBA  La pena de muerte y la Constitución cubana  Rodolfo Alpízar
                Mundo La gran traición a Checoslovaquia  Rodolfo Bueno
                                "Cayó la popularidad del presidente francés Macron"  G A
                US  La diferencia rico o pobre cuando llega un huracán Adam Gabbatt
                Ecuador -Cristina Santos, el arrullo-triste de su pintura  J Montaño

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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