jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018

Thu SEP 13 18 SIT EC y POL

Thu  SEP 13 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers documented their failure with graphics

                "We expect quarterly sequential growth tos low from here" 

Four of the bank's most essential downside risks (Protectionism/ trade wars, Sharp market repricing, European policy uncertainty, and China hard landing) are developing into significant threats. They are laid out in the bank's now iconic "Swan Chart."
See Chart:

Over the next 12 months, further intensification of the US-China trade war is set to damage global growth, alongside a sharp repricing in financial markets. SocGen said that while the trade war's impact on global GDP growth remains hard to quantify, it affirmed that global trade and GDP growth will slow as it would increase import prices in economies that levy tariffs or impose quotas.
Global trade volume already weakening 
See Chart:

Global trade index and China export growth has peaked
See Chart:

SocGen then directed their concerns onto "vulnerable" emerging market economies, particularly Argentina, Turkey, Brazil and South Africa, whose currencies have depreciated by 18-20 percent against the USD since the start of 2018. The attention centers on governance and high external foreign-currency debt in the context of a rising USD and US interest rates.
See Chart:

More importantly, SocGen believes that the US rate hike cycle has more to go (hike until something breaks), and the pressuring of emerging market currencies and asset markets could spill over into 2019. Further, the economies that have ignored the emerging market pressure could come under some pressure in the near term, but mentions unless a lot goes wrong, an emerging market financial crisis seems to be contained.
See Chart:

Meanwhile, the repricing risks in developed economies’ equity markets remain a significant threat. SocGen said US stock market indices have continued to set new records, though most other developed economies’ stock markets are down year-to-date, especially in Europe.
The growing gap between US stock markets and the rest of the world was illustrated in Jeff Gundlach's podcast prior session. 
See Chart:

It is not just SocGen and Gundlach making the case that US equity markets are at or near a top - Morgan Stanley's latest report showed that "peak" S&P 500 EPS growth projections are set to decline rapidly into 1H19. 
See Chart:

As for projected US growth, here is the one chart that President Trump hopes will be very wrong as the alternative is "all downhill from here".
See Chart:  US GDP

"if Ralph Lauren would manufacture even 1% of his product in New York City, that would be enough to save New York City manufacturing"

30 stocks have generated $300 million in windfall profits every day for the last 90 years. I didn’t believe it at first, but I did the math three times and got my team to check my numbers. Get the full story in this free video briefing. Watch it here.

Seudo democ with duopoly-power is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption.

"He told them to wait out the Trump Administration! Was he registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act? BAD!" - President Trump

Think Trump is scary? Take a step back and survey the territory... America itself hangs in the balance, and so do many other western countries.

                The campus went on lockdown just as morning classes began.

US-World ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-. D rest in limbo

Perdimos la Guerra comercial y viene la derrota final de los terroristas -US include- en Siria

"It may be this, we may have to get used that the tariffs just may be on, okay? Then there will be an adjustment in the stock market. Whatever it is, a 5%, 10%, to whatever, 15%, 20% adjustment."

"...the secret lab run by the US military was established during the tenure of former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. Theviruses could spread to neighboring countries, including Russia..."

"...perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing... a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies,"

For now, educating the general liberty movement and the people around us on key issues remains the best method for throwing a monkey wrench into the globalist machineCountering their psyops should be our pinnacle task, and falling into the narrative traps they create must be avoided. They have spent a considerable amount of thought and energy trying to co-opt our efforts, and that should give everyone pause. For if we were not a true threat, why would they bother with us?

1,000-foot Capesize vessels collapsed 39 percent since reaching their 2018 peak in early August...

                "Venezuela has a great alliance with China..."

The real motive for the West's calls for Assad to halt the Idlib operation?

"I’d never heard about them [the Skripals] before this nightmare started. I’d never heard this name before. I didn’t know anything about them."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am look for alternat to neoliberal fascism & war-terrorism 

FEM        La cultura de la prostitución  Paula Fraga
                - Prioridades   Pedro Pierre
                -VEN       Lucha Campesina pasa a una nueva fase en su Marcha J M
                COL Política de combate a drogas ilícitas: regreso al pasado P S R
                El Salvador FMLN: en ruta hacia 2019   Luis Armando González               
                VEN  Es la independ nuestro ideal común?  Ana Cristina Bracho
                - La gran burguesía financiera global   Fernando Dorado
                EE.UU. manda un "mensaje claro" a Irán
                Keiser Report  " US no está progresando, más bien está retrocediendo al feudalismo"


Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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