domingo, 30 de abril de 2017

APR 30 17 SIT EC y POL

APR 30 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

In the week when it was confirmed that Q1 was the weakest economic growth for a rate hike period since 1980...

In fact the stunning swing in sentiment in the last 8 weeks (with almost $62 billion in 10Y Treasury shorts dumped) is shocking to see, smashing Speculative Positioning from its shortest ever to its longest in over 9 years...

And perhaps more notably, the aggregate Treasury futures complex has shifted to a net long speculative position for the first time since July 2016...

Note that Eurodollar futures shorts (rate hike bets) did increase modestly this last week (after dropping the week before).

If it looks like a bubble and acts like a bubble, it probably is a bubble...

Asset bubbles too are difficult to define, but I know it when I see it.

Take Robert Shiller’s P/E Ratio measure for stocks. There was a Roaring ’20s bubble which burst in 1929 (Black Tuesday), there was the infamous bubble. On March 10, 2000, the NASDAQ Composite peaked at 5,132.52, but fell 78% in the following 30 months.

Now we are seemingly in yet another stock market bubble and almost at the P/E Ratio level of the Roaring ’20s bubble (but not near the dizzying heights of the bubble … yet).

Stocks do seem awfully “frothy.” But what about home prices? The Case-Shiller 20 composite home price index has grown 43.6% since February 2012.  While home prices are not growing as fast as they did during the home price bubble of the last decade, they are going at a rate that is twice as fast as earnings (wage) growth.

These certainly look like asset bubbles. If it looks like a bubble and acts like a bubble, it probably is a bubble.
“Shhh. Don’t say the word “bubble!”

"if we tested the Fisher Model by raising interest rates meaningfully, we’d spark massive defaults. Unemployment would jump dramatically. In the 30yrs since Greenspan became Fed Chairman, borrowers have learned this lesson and responded by leveraging up. And that’s why US interest rates will never rise sustainably above 3.5%."

It’s time to throw the sentiment idea in the ash can where it belongs...

Putting aside the hyperinflationary collapse of Venezuela's black market Bolivar, the Mexican Peso continues to languish since Donald Trump was elected President in Nov 2016 as trade wars and border wall discussion weigh the currency down. On the other hand, amid economic stumbles and nuclear armageddon on its doorstep, the Korean Won is outperforming...

Vice President Mike Pence admitted that President Trump’s proposed tax reform - which has been estimated as adding as much as $7 trillion to the US deficit over the next decade - may increase the deficit "in the short term."

The Fed’s monetary policy that aims at stabilizing the price level by implication affects the rate of growth of money supply. Since changes in money supply are not neutral, this means that a central bank policy amounts to the tampering with relative prices, which leads to the disruption of the efficient allocation of resources.

Forget Trump, forget China, forget oil, forget central banks unwinding their balance sheets, forget Reuters trial balloons: there is a far simpler reason why the 'reflation trade' is about to hit a major pothole.

The interests of Washington and large corporations have merged so completely they are now inseparable.


Silicon Valley puts billions into companies like Uber, AirBnb, Snapchat, and Lyft that lose those billions and will continue to do so for the foreseeable—and probably the unforeseeable—future. Private equity shops load up companies with debt that gets paid out as special dividends to the private equity shops, leaving the indebted and enfeebled companies unable to compete and the rest of us wondering how such rape is legal in our rape-conscious age. This recipe for inevitable failure is now playing out in the beleaguered retail sector, which would be nowhere near as beleaguered if it wasn’t so beset with debt.

Tesla, a stock market darling and the quintessence of companies in which failure is the business plan, milks Wall Street for financing and Washington (and a bunch of state and local jurisdictions) for subsidies. It has lost billions during its ten years of existence, but its many admirers sing the praises of CEO Elon Musk, always using the term “consummate salesman”—perhaps it’s on his business card. Musk and fan club dream of “the next big thing” and engage in mutual masturbatory fantasies of transforming the world…and Mars. All this is harmless enough as fodder for dazzling audiovisual presentations and slick speeches, but downright dangerous when real billions, private and public, gets sucked in.

Meanwhile, the corporatocracy crucifies an old-line, profitable corporation, Volkswagen, that cheated on one of its hundreds of thousands of regulations. It undoubtedly wasn’t the cheating that got VW in trouble. Regulations are made to be cheated—it’s impossible to run a business without doing so—but the proper offerings must be made to the corporatocracy. If that were not the case, there would be Wall Street, Pharma, and Defense Contractor wings at federal penitentiaries. VW didn’t kowHow low enough or pay high enough to the bureaucrats and politicians, who retaliated, probably “nudged” by a VW competitor.

As a successful businessman, President Trump knows many of the corporatocracy’s skims, scams, and schemes. Perhaps that will enable him to keep his pledge and drain the swamp. However, it’s extensive, fetid, and teems with loathsome creatures, so a bet he’ll succeed involves exceedingly long odds.

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"Not everyone likes to hear about the threat of nuclear war. Some find refuge in denial and say that nuclear war is impossible because it makes no sense. Unfortunately, humankind has a long record of doing things that make no sense."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Japan was a net seller of foreign bonds again in the past week, divesting another $12bn worth of securities. M\ore remarkably, the the year-to-date divestment of $66bn in foreign bonds YTD is the biggest since 2002, the first full year of such data is available.

The alleged use of chemical weapons, a particularly odious weapon of mass destruction (WMD), serves as an effective prop to channel Western public outrage against Assad. Allegedly killing civilians with bullets and bombs just doesn’t have the same psychological power to incite public disgust. Poisoning little children with lethal chemicals is a more effective label with which to demonize the alleged perpetrator. But the more pertinent WMD issue here is Weapon of Mass Disorientation.

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

What Corporate Media Never Tells You About North Korea  By Joe Clifford  To suggest North Korea is a “threat to the US” or the “world” is either stupidity, or an outright lie
The Relentless Push Towards War  By Chris Martenson  "Once weapons were manufactured to fight wars. Now wars are manufactured to sell weapons."
America’s Financial War Strategy  By Alasdair Macleod
In Case You Missed It
Trump's Fascist Administration   By Jeremy Scahill

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Are we already under fascistic regime?
US Government Denies Basic Constitutional Rights to Imprisoned Journalist


US Vice President Christens Attack Submarine, Calls for More Military Cash

What Leadership Looks Like? US Vice President Christens Attack Submarine, Calls for More Military Cash  On Saturday US Vice-President Mike Pence christened the United States Navy’s newest Virginia-class fast attack submarine USS Indiana, and made remarks asking Congress to approve US President Donald Trump’s request for an additional $30 billion for US war efforts overseas.

So, it is false that the US is being supported by NATO allies in this stupid adventure.

RELATED 1            What experts say on this “inversion” on war?
US Military Spending Boost Has Potential to Upset Existing Global Balance

RELATED 2           WHO profit from this nasty adventure?
More Money: Lockheed Gets $11 Million for Additional Tests of F-35 Fighter  Read also: Brian Cloughley   Who Benefits From Prolonged Warfare?
Keiser Report  Episode 1064 Max and Stacy also discuss global debt exploding to 325 % of global...

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Hist de la Rev rusa   Capítulo V: La idea de la revolución palaciega  Leon Trotsky
Todo el poder para las feministas  Begoña Zabala  Que poder queremos crear desde el feminismo?.
Ent a Bob Jessop  La renovación del pensamiento de Gramsci  Carlos Prieto y JC M

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles often distorted by ISR-Mossad

Israel troops break up sit-in protest held in solidarity with hunger strikers
Germany’s Merkel tells Saudis to stop war on Yemen as arms sales go on

Axis of terror sponsorship   [ in such axis may be: US, Israel, Saudis and Qatar ]

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