viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

APR 21 17 SIT EC y POL

APR 21 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

LISTEN DN INTERVIEW!: it reveals that:
ISIS IS our allied in global terrorism. The case “INDONESIA” is one more prove:


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Whatever you do, make sure you keep in mind that the world’s worst market timer (the government) just cried “Uncle.” …  The proper trade is to assume they will make a mess. … A big one.
Pero es claro que el pacto de Trump con los Saudis evitara que el empresariado USA caiga en bancarrota . Los empresarios mas informados, no están asustados. Lea al respecto:

 Will Banks Allow Another Slew Of Oil Bankruptcies?  :  Last week, U.S. banks boosted the borrowing bases for several independent energy companies, lifting spirits in the industry. The move was taken as a sign that lenders are beginning to share in the optimism that oil and gas producers have been enjoying since the beginning of the year. However, while some banks seem to be sharing some of the optimism, others are more cautious.

La crisis económica del imperio tiene que ver mas con la reproducción del modelo neoliberal, que con la manipulación del precio del petróleo. Este factor tiene algún peso pero ha quedado claro que se lo puede controlar y usar. El caso es que el imperio le cobró una billonada de dolares a los Saudis por el terrorismo de Sep/11 y al parecer ese dinero será usado para financiar empresas que caigan en bancarrota por efecto de esta manipulación de precios. La prensa interna no dijo que hay tras ese cobro de dinero a los Saudis, pero hubo especulación foránea. Se indicó incluso que Iran y RU ya enviaron ayuda a VEN para frenar el impacto de esa maniobra USA-Saudi. El blindaje económico para VEN ya se inició y va a seguir .. el problema que queda por resolver es el político. La solución política la dio Chavez cuando ocurrió el 1er asalto del USA a VEN. Una vez que VEN afirme la base militar del poder Estatal, lo demás es fácil. En suma, el terror financiero del imperio está siendo derrotado por 2da vez en Venezuela.

This week we saw the biggest drop in US Macro data in 6 years...

'Soft' Data suffered the worst week since August and 'Hard' Data tumbles for the 3rd week in a row, remaining well below pre-Trump levels...

And back to where we started...


Central banks (ECB & BoJ) have bought $1 trillion of financial assets just in the first four months of 2017, which amounts to $3.6 trillion annualized, "the largest CB buying on record."

"So far, we're long on promise and short on delivery. The market's waking up to that."

No one knows the full magnitude, but it’s huge.
Margin debt is in an uncanny relationship with the stock market. It soars when stocks soar, and it crashes when stocks crash. They feed on each other.

This chart by Doug Short at Advisor Perspectives overlays margin debt as reported by the NYSE (red line, left scale) and the S&P 500 (blue line), both adjusted for inflation, with margin debt expressed in current dollars. In February, the latest reporting month, margin debt surged 2.9% to a new high of $528 billion:

And the chart below shows growth in percentage terms of the S&P 500 (blue line) and margin debt (red line), adjusted for inflation, since 1995. Two things become brutally clear: Just how leveraged the stock market has become, and how peaks of leverage are unwound by crashes (via Doug Short at Advisor Perspectives):


"When using the aggregated data, both gross and net corporate debt/EBITDA are at or near record leverage levels, well above prior cycle peaks." - Morgan Stanley

It's deja vu all over again...
Mientras en VEN la austeridad derivada de la caida del precio del petroleo genera violencia unprecedente .. los Saudis devalúan aún mas el precio con la actual sobre-producción.

With WTI prices back below $50, it appears stocks and NOPEC production are trumping any OPEC hype/hope and today's Baker Hughes' rig count merely adds to those concerns. For the 13th week in a row, the number of US oil rigs rose (up 5 to 688, the highest since April 2015).

El imperio le cobró una billonada de USD a los Saudis por el terrorismo de Sep/11 y ese dinero –sino fue dilapidado en el aventurerismo militar actual- será usado para financiar empresas que caigan en bancarrota por efecto de esta manipulación de precios.

Last week, U.S. banks boosted the borrowing bases for several independent energy companies, lifting spirits in the industry. The move was taken as a sign that lenders are beginning to share in the optimism that oil and gas producers have been enjoying since the beginning of the year. However, while some banks seem to be sharing some of the optimism, others are more cautious.

“The stock market is the story of cycles and of the human behavior that is responsible for overreactions in both directions.”


Research / Interesting Reads

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

As pressure mounts on Trump to post some victories within the totally arbitrary window of the "First 100 Days" of his administration, the President is expected to join Secretary Steven Mnuchin at the Treasury to sign a combination of executive orders and memos targeting the reduction of tax regulations and certain components of Dodd-Frank. 

"America has always had its divisions, and Americans have never really been a monolith. We’ve always been a nation of many nations... However, something has changed. You can feel it in the air... the truth is that these divisions have been deepening for decades, and they’re just now reaching a very noticeable breaking point... It used to be a war of words, but it’s turning into something very dark."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

For a market relying more on liquidity than fundamentals, China’s worsening monetary conditions index suggests tough times ahead...


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan

ISIS IS our allied in global terrorism. The case “INDONESIA” is one more prove

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3



John Feffer: The Hunger President  As famine descends on a huge swath of the globe, the White House is rolling back aid, ramping up conflict, and risking more climate chaos

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

This explain the massacre of children in syria.. si un niño sale asustado de edificio, un F35 lo mata
Pilot ‘Doesn’t Have to Think About It’: New F-35 Weapon Crushes Moving Targets

RELATED 1:  official news  
F-35 Finally Acquires Bomb For Hitting Mobile Targets

RELATED 2:  Different  strategy of war
3,500 Syrians Get Aid From Russian Reconciliation Center

More on nasty business of war  
Lockheed Martin Wins Over $22Mln to Support Warship AEGIS Air Defense Computers

BAE Gets $19 Million to Prepare Aegis Missile Ships in Shakedown Process

Different type of Love:  Le Pen ama la Paz. Trump.. la guerra del MIC y el Pentagono
Where is the Love? Trump Praises Le Pen, But She’s 'Saddened' by His Bombs

US Interventionism Prevailing Under Trump Administration - Le Pen's Office

Assad Explains Why Syrian Air Defense Did Not Down US Cruise Missiles

RELATED :  Posible no sepan como usar los misiles que les instalo RU


Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

VEN       Ven y Estados Unidos: pulseada por el petróleo  Marcelo Colussi
                El “golpe de Estado en miniatura” de cada día   Carlos Carcione
                Qué se puede esperar de la derecha venezolana?  Luis Salas
                 La crisis socio-económica en Venezuela  Iván Salas. Desde la Iz peruana
                El ahogo financiero exige definiciones   Jorge Marchini
                Una noche de parapolítica y terror   Luis Salas
                Venezuela   Un millón de razones   Alejandro Fierro  

Ecología  -El Ártico afectado por la contaminación de plástico  Tatiana Schlossberg
Uruguay: una perla sionista.  Histadrut y PIT-CNT, un solo cuore  Luis E. Sabini 
COL        Feminismo "Eleno"  Valentina Mirabal
                En la encrucijada norteamericana  Pedro Santana Rodríguez  

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles often distorted by ISR-Mossad

Trump won’t waive US sanctions on Russia .. naked theft
Syrian army destroys tunnel used by terrorists near Damascus
Damascus 100% certain Turkey supplies chemical arms to Syria militants: Assad  Real one

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