viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

APR 27 17 SIT EC y POL

APR 27 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

More on our fake economy

Investors want to see corporate tax reform (including repatriation relief) succeed. Individual tax reform is a “Nice to have” but negotiations there could be derailed to the corporate side.

[ Read the article to make sense of the paragraph above ]

The last time American consumers were this confident about the national economy was August 2001.  [[ then came the collapse  ]]

"Sometimes I just want to scream because of the absurdity of it all..."

Have you ever wondered how tech companies that have been losing hundreds of millions of dollars year after year can somehow be worth billions of dollars according to the stock market?
This week, the Dow is flirting with 21,000 and the Nasdaq crossed the 6,000 threshold for the first time ever.  But a lot of the “soaring stocks” that have been fueling this rally have been losing giant mountains of money every single year, and just like the first tech bubble this madness will eventually come to an end in a spectacular fiery crash in which investors will lose trillions of dollars.  

Anyone that cannot see that we are in the midst of an absolutely insane stock market bubble simply does not understand economics.  Every valuation indicator that you can possibly point to says that we are in a bubble of epic proportions, and history teaches us that all bubbles inevitably come to an end at some point. 

Graham Summers persuasively argued that the price to sales ratio indicates that stock prices are far more inflated than they were just prior to the great stock market crash of 2008…

Sales cannot be gimmicked. Either money comes in the door, or it doesn’t. And if a company is caught messing around with its sales numbers, someone is going to jail.
 For this reason, Price to Sales is perhaps the single most objective and clear means of measuring stock valuations.
 This metric, above all others, you can point to and say, Price to Sales is definitively accurate and has not been messed with.”

 Bill King recently noted, today the S&P 500 is sporting a P/S ratio that is massively higher than it was in 2007 and is only marginally lower than it was during the Tech Bubble (the single largest stock bubble of all time for most measures).

In fact, Twitter has never made a yearly profit, and over the past decade it has actually lost more than 2 billion dollars.

But despite all of that, investors absolutely love Twitter stock.  As I write this article, Twitter has a market cap of 11.5 billion dollars.

How in the world is that possible?

Netflix has revolutionized how movies are delivered to our homes, and that revolution helped drive movie rental stores to the brink of extinction.

There is just one huge problem.  It turns out that Netflix is losing hundreds of millions of dollars
The company’s most recent earnings report for the period ending March 31, 2017 shows, yet again, negative Free Cash Flow of MINUS $422 million.

But even though Netflix is losing money at a pace that is exceedingly difficult to imagine, investors absolutely love the company.

I just checked, and at this moment Netflix has a market cap of 68.4 billion dollars.

Sometimes I just want to scream because of the absurdity of it all.
Nobody can possibly argue that these enormously inflated stock prices are sustainable.  Just like with every other stock market bubble in our history, this one is going to burst too, and I have been warning about this for quite a long time.

But for the moment, the naysayers are having their time to shine.  Despite the fact that U.S. consumers are 12 trillion dollars in debt, and despite the fact that corporate debt has doubled since the last financial crisis, and despite the fact that the federal government is 20 trillion dollars in debt, they seem to be convinced that this irrational stock market bubble can keep inflating indefinitely.
Perhaps they can all put their money where their mouth is by pouring all of their savings into Twitter, Netflix and other tech company stocks.

In the end, we will see who was right and who was wrong.

If you are a stock investor, you should be terrified. The most disconcerting words have been uttered by the one person capable of changing the whole dynamic. After spending so many years trying to recreate the magic of the “maestro”, Ben Bernanke in retirement is still at it.
Here another story on gold price

To understand how the market determines the price of gold, we must first dismiss the economic principle of SUPPLY & DEMAND.  While supply and demand forces are factors in the short-term price movement of gold, they do not really factor all that much over the longer term...
[[ On every step up on this later one bar is broken and the fall will be worse ]]

"It’s just crazy. We’ve got to be coming close to a plateau for prices..."
The economic war between big transnational Corp continue.. Neoliberal collapse is near

The round two of the trade war between the US and Canada broke out when Boeing asked the U.S. Commerce Department to investigate dumping, subsidies and unfair pricing for Canadian planemaker Bombardier's new CSeries airplane, a competitor to the Boeing 737.

Las “bondades” del neoliberalism golpean fuerte: no solo guerras criminales fuera, expropiaciones, piratajes, sanciones y chantajes.. Dentro abunda la obesidad , el cáncer al pulmón, sida y ahora el opio.  Para colmo de colmos nos aflige donde ir si nos llueven nukes del WW3 que promovemos.

“[O]n the death certificate it only listed the pneumonia, and it listed no mention of opioids, so this death wasn’t counted in the state opioid death surveillance system,”
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

SHORT NEWS with comments

Exactly one month after Trump was humiliated by his own party, when in the last moment the House failed to get the number of votes”.   This is called DISGOVERNANCE!
As soon as the nasty business of manufacturing weapons (nukes included), forcing countries to pay for it and promoting war .. cross the limit (using nuke weapons abroad –NK and others- a huge mov for PEACE will erupt in America and worldwide.. American Embassies and US-Allies companies will be the target of popular violence across de globo… this will be worse than resistance to Viet Nam war.
Trump Calls Schumer's Bluff: "If There's A Shutdown, There's A Shutdown... Democrats Would Be To Blame"  This will create big n bad economic effects and both parties will be blamed
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

We’ve told them that we’ll either terminate or negotiate [Typical T ‘ blackmail language]  Trump said. “We may terminate. I will do that unless we make a fair deal. We’re getting destroyed in Korea."

THE FACT:  Trump plan is to destroy both Koreas, by nuke them. The south because the trade deal above;  and the North because the military clowns in power. Koreas’ only choice is to unite the country. Asia is welcoming  the decision of putting togheter both Koreas. China made it clear and is ready to help. Asia without American threats is the real solution to current problems in the region.
[[Of course it is one of the major factors.. read below, add giant Corp and rate those factors ]]

Venezuela is undergoing the typical collapse of a country that has been subject to years of all kinds of political interventions. The fall in oil prices is the external shock that brings to light the embarrassing result of years of price controls, currency controls, nationalizations, uncontrolled monetary creation, and economic dirigisme.
HERE  la denuncia contra los aliados de la mentira, farsa y estafa: el US y el UK.
Reporters without Borders just published its annual World Press Freedom Index rankings, and the results for both the U.S. and UK are not impressive. Both countries declined two spots from last year, with the UK at 41, and the greatest and most free nation on earth, America, down to 43.   NICE IMAGE FRom Berkeley To The World  Presented with no comment... 


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3




The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

El tramposo vendedor de armas recurre a chantaje nuclear . Is there “interest conflict”?
South Korea Rejects Trump’s $1 Billion Bill for THAAD Missile Shield

THAAD in South Korea 'Will Be Operational in the Coming Days'


Beijing, Moscow Agree to Abide by UN Resolutions on DPRK – Foreign Ministry

Yesterday’ toys.. les dabas 1 juguete contaminante a los niños y rápido lo jugaban
Japanese Jets to Start Training With USS Carl Vinson Fighters on Friday

US Nuclear-Powered Sub to Join USS Carl Vinson Near Korean Peninsula

Dangerous Nuke dealer .. he puts entire world  close to human disaster.  Urge cambiarlo!
Para el Military Industrial Complex es solo un atrevido financista.. Pronto lo lamentaran!

Trump 'Can Take Credit' for Creating Revolts Across US in First 100 Days
No doubt about: He don’t want re-election … solo el dinero fácil hoy.. business is business
DANGEROUS PRECEDENT for exits of rest of Europe..  although  war will make Brussels disappear
Brussels to Keep Denying Crimean Self-Determination Until Trump Says Otherwise   Puppets

Saber-Rattling: Ukraine Building Up Military Presence Near Crimea  Hidden agenda: More wars

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


If there is any statement about politics in America that qualifies as as a truism accepted by virtually everyone, left, right or independent, it’s that America is a deeply divided nation. But is this really true?
Like everyone else, I too accepted that the line between Hillary supporters and detractors, and Trump supporters and detractors, was about as “either/or” as real life gets.

But are we really that divided? A fascinating 55-minute lecture by historian Michael Kulikowski entitled The Accidental Suicide of the Roman Empire has made me question this consensus certitude.

Maybe the real driver of this division is divisive language–more specifically, language that is designed to drive a wedge between us. In other words, maybe the divisions are an intentional consequence of the language we’re using.
Kulikowski makes a number of nuanced arguments in his talk, but his primary point is that the late-stage Roman Empire collapsed partly as an unintended consequence of rhetorical binaries, polarizing rhetoric that lumped an extremely diverse Imperial populace into false binaries: Roman or Barbarian, Christian or heretic, and so on.

The actual lived reality was completely different from these artificial either-or binary classifications. As Kulikowski explains (and anyone who has read a modern history of late-stage Rome will know this from other accounts), many “Roman generals” were “Barbarian” by birth, and the boundary between “Roman citizen” and “Barbarian” was porous on purpose.
Keep Reading

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Falta mucho para garantizar los derechos indígenas  Tharanga Yakupitiyage  y Baher Kamal
Europa  Un pirómano puede ser bombero?  Guillermo Almeyra
COL        El secuestro de la democracia  Gabriel Antonio Gaitán
                La derecha busca un baño de sangre  Angel Guerra
                Está Venezuela al borde de una invasión militar?   RT
MX         México arde al calor empresarial (III)   Ramón C González
Cuba  -A Cuba no hay que inventarla  Ricardo Riverón

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles often distorted by ISR-Mossad

Russian ship sinks in Black Sea after crashing into freighter

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