jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

APR 13 17 SIT EC y POL

APR 13 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

If the Federal Reserve follows the path it is communicating, if the 10yr performs as it has for the last 4 decades, and the inverted spread indicates what it has for the last 7 decades, we will be in recession in 2018.  Why the Fed is undertaking this course is beyond us...

The market never got cheap in 2009. Maybe it doesn’t need to, but we need to be aware that valuations are at such a high level that a fall to a P/E level that would get us back into the green zone where most bull markets start would be a bear market of biblical proportions. Think down over 60%...

"It is a wonder to behold because it shows the utter incapacity for learning, let alone scientific principles. The models are the models no matter how much empirical refutation they have been subjected to time and again."

As my mom used to say: “It’s all fun and games until someone gets their eye put out.”


Two weeks ago, in order to preserve Goldman's happy narrative that US growth is still strong (which is ironic because while on one hand Goldman tells its clients to buy the dollar, at the same time it tells Trump to short it), Goldman tried to justify the apparent collapse in loan growth, which as we showed earlier this week, is growing at the slowest pace in 6 years, and will soon contract outright.

Other banks reporting today, such as JPM, Citi and PNC confirmed that the loan slowdown is real, and that the US is fast approaching the debt destruction-driven economic contraction which the Fed will need to explain and justify Trump's sudden desire for lower rates and USD, and, by extension, QE.

At this stage folks who think the Trump Jump effects are real seem to be missing the big reality – nothing in Washington has changed: the diverse and loosely aligned lunatic fringes of the Republician party mean policy Gridlock remains the reality.

Bank stocks down on earnings day... "inconceivable"

Treasury yields lower for 4th straight day. This was the 5th straight week of declines in 10Y yields and the biggest weekly drop in 10Y yields since June 2016

As we head into the long weekend, here are a few charts to consider...
The 'real' data just isn't there...

But that doesn't matter... (yet)

Trumpflation trades are breaking down...

And banks are waking up to the Treasury Curve collapsing...

As is the VIX Term Structure...


La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo


Political polarization among Americans has swung to its most tilted towards Republicans since President Obama's election. But this has not stopped the majority of Americans being more upbeat as UMich printed 98.0 for April (better than expected and up from March).
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"For a spell in Q4 2016 the US was certainly the flag bearer of the reflation trade. However, before and since it was China at the epicentre of the most significant positive growth shock for the global economy."

If Venezuela defaults on its debt obligations, it could result in Russia taking control over U.S. refining assets, leading to more Russian “control over oil and gas prices worldwide,” which would “inhibit U.S. energy security, and undermine broader U.S. geopolitical efforts.”
FIX YOUR BRAIN NOW  .. OR WE WILL .. we not going to wait you finish this disaster

"I have great confidence that China will properly deal with North Korea. If they are unable to do so, the U.S., with its allies, will! U.S.A."
US politic crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3


ZC ZCOMM.ORG/  https://zcomm.org/all-types/   &  COUNTER PUNCH CP

Henry A. Giroux:   The New Authoritarianism

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Trump Refuses to Confirm He Authorized Use of Giant Bomb in Afghanistan  https://sputniknews.com/news/201704131052621262-trump-refuses-confirm-bomb-afghanistan/


Not Our Fault: North Korea Says Washington to Blame for Escalating Tensions  https://sputniknews.com/asia/201704131052621585-dprk-blames-washington-for-tension/

North Korea Implores South Koreans to Join ‘Anti-War’ Campaign Against US  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201703311052177241-dprk-sends-south-korea-letter/
Barking a wrong tree.. that is the mind of a chihuagua-war-dog
Trump Hopes China Will Help US Eliminate North Korea Nuclear Threat  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201704021052219529-tump-us-china-nort-korea-threat/
Huge conflict of interests: CHINA wants US use its Econ disaster for peaceful transition to new system starting by dismantling their evil imperialism. It implies denuclearization n removing nuke-missiles in their own country and then in South Korea and in NATO countries surrounding RU. It is the only way for the US to avoid the aftermath of WW3 (even if nuke-clash last 2 days): the internal social-class-war 

US Wants China to Use Economic Leverage Against North Korea for Denuclearization  https://sputniknews.com/asia/201704131052623688-us-china-dprk-economic-leverage/

US Senator Bernie Sanders Predicts Trump Will Be a One-Term President    https://sputniknews.com/politics/201704131052623712-sanders-trump-one-term-president/  

FACTS are a-There was no answer to collapse of neoliberal globalization and won’t be with the oligarchy in power; b- The danger of WW3 is real= total destr: no winner. C. Hungry people will uprise and turn survivals of America into class-war & separatist one. In other words, Trump está ya dejando de existir como Presid.  Sera peor aún si él o el Pentágono inician la Guerra nuclear. Eso no soluciona la crisis, la agravara al extremo. El contra-ataque es obvio. Les bastaría bombardear bancos que fabrican el USD dentro y fuera, más el ataque a silos nucleares y puntos clave del poder militar a nivel mundial y adiós al imperio.  Es tiempo de pensar en una transición post-imperial como lo hicieron los ingleses. Aceptemos la realidad: estamos profundamente divididos y esto si estallara con una guerra, .. apenas pase el barullo chovinista y empiece el ajuste de cinturones y los asaltos a las tiendas. Nuestros soldados regresaran y usaran sus armas contra los enemigos de clase dentro del país. Así fue en la historia universal y así será en el futuro.
Ryan: Trump's Bill Revoking Government Funding of Abortion 'Pro-Life Victory'  https://sputniknews.com/us/201704141052624983-trump-obama-abortion-ryan/
Only troglodytes in America can be happy with this misogynous attack on women right.

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

EE.UU.   ¿Normalización?  David Brooks
EE.UU.: El auténtico "Rusiagate"  Paul Craig Roberts y Michael Hudson
Cuba   Una cosa es robar y otra cosa es robar  Ariel Dacal Díaz
"Pionyang detonará el sábado un dispositivo nuclear"  NO DEBE HACERLO, ya hay mucho de esto!

Si se marcha al compás del guerrerismo imperial, se pierde el objetivo central de la resistencia N-Koreana: la Union del país. El envío de misiles USA al Sur, mostro que a Trump no le interesa en absoluto la vida en North y South Korea. El imperio acaba de enviar más armas nucleares  en sus detroyers a esa región. Piensa incinerar a los asiáticos –parte de la xenofobia de Trump- y apunta hacia China y RU… Cree el imperio que la guerra solo afectará Asia. Es claro que eso no será así. Los submarinos Rusos y Chinos ya están frente a las costas del US y los proyectiles del ártico apunta a este país. Ya lo dijo Putin, el no permitirá que esta guerra afecte solo su país. El imperio y sus aliados van a sufrir mucho y no se podrán levantar. Ambas Koreas tienen que unirse y coordinar con RU y China la contención del avance imperial. Korea ni Japon podrán frenar el avance neocon. Deben coordinar para evitar el WW3. El objetivo de la coordinación es avanzar al desmontaje nuclear, empezando por los grandes países. Y el objetivo inmediato es obligar que el US retire sus Thaad de Korea de Sur. Mientras tanto aquí en América y a nivel mundial deberá fortalecerse el MOv pacifista en las calles.
Keiser Report 1057 Que la niña siria pida bombardear a Goldman Sachs .. indica que la guerra que viene será también una guerra de clases .. y todos sabemos quien lleva las de perder

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles often distorted by ISR-Mossad

Syria's Assad says will only allow 'impartial' chemical attack probe  http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2017/04/13/517888/Syria
US drops ‘mother of all bombs’ in  Afghanistan Excuse: area populated by Daesh (ISIL). Previously they were used on Iran when Sadam Hussein was US allied. US-NATO allies continue manuf them

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