domingo, 16 de abril de 2017

APR 16 17 SIT EC y POL

APR 16 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The word context

Since their peak 'shortedness' in mid-January, US Treasury bond bears have covered 500,000 10-year-equivalent contracts, reducing the net speculative short to its lowest since before Thanksgiving 2016. At the same time, however, Eurodollar shorts (bets on Fed rate hikes) have soared to a new record high (over $3.2 trillion notional).

It's Sunday night, and traders - stuck until now in three-day holiday weekend purgatory - are desperate to catch up, or rather down to, the Dollar and 10Y yields, while sending gold and the Japanese yen shooting higher once again.
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

“Our problem is not so much the people become supportive of war or promote the war. Too many of them are very apathetic and complacent and just go along. But the big problem is, that the people, the citizens, the people who suffer from the war, don’t start the wars. The real problem that we have to understand is it’s the government and the government policies that cause the war and that’s what we have to restrain."
America designed by Geniuses and Now run by idiots

"Washington is a collection of morons, people stupid below the meaning of stupid. People so far outside of reality that they imagine that their hubris and arrogance elevates them above reality. When the first Satan 2 hits Washington, the greatest collection of morons in the world will cease to exist."

A society that cares less about policy, cares more about police...
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"In an unfair election environment, a narrow majority of the Turkish population has endorsed the constitutional package that will give President Erdogan unchecked powers – which will fit an authoritarian system."

The regime of Kim Jong Un possesses rockets that can hit South Korea and Japan with as many as 20 atomic bombs, and it’s now focused on building a long-range missile capable of hitting Washington D.C., with a nuclear warhead. The charts below summarize what is known and unknown about North Korea's tactical military arsenal.

A week ago, French polls had tightened to the point where any combination of candidates could make it to the final round. The polls are now so tight that at least one upset is arguably likely.

Following the release of video allegedly showing a mass military mobilization in Vladivostok, Russia, just eight miles from the border with North Korea, AP reports that China and Russia have dispatched intelligence-gathering vessels from their navies to chase the USS Carl Vinson nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which is heading toward waters near the Korean Peninsula.

"North Korea showing a variety of offensive missiles at yesterday's military parade and daring to fire a ballistic missile today is a show of force that threatens the whole world."

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen



Naomi Klein:    How to Jam the Trump Brand
Juan Cole:    California Powered by Solar

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Siguen sembrando muerte los terroristas islámicos.. con la venia del US y SAUDI-ISRA?
Iraq Accuses Daesh of Chemical Weapons Attack on Mosul Troops


La fobia anti-RU sigue instalada del Gob de Trump. Eso deja dudas de que T quiera la paz mundial.

Trump's Security Adviser Accuses Russia of 'Subversive Actions in Europe'
US National Security Adviser Herbert McMaster on Sunday accused Russia of "subversive actions in Europe" in interview with ABC. Lo cierto es que hay un giro anti-imperial y anti-NATO en Europa, pero no hay evidencia de que esto tenga que ver algo con la política RU. Esa fobia es contagiosa en mentes débiles y aun si eso no es directamente rentado, eso beneficia a las Corp que lucran con la fabricac de armas y de guerras abroad. Eso amenaza la paz mundial.. y seguirá siendo peligro y fuente de chantaje geopolítico y de terrorismo encubierto como ISIS.. mientras no se decida desnuclearizar el mundo, empezando por las grandes potencias. Europa lo sabe.. de ahí su ligero giro anti-imperial. Si un militar USA saca ventaja mediática (quizá otras más) de la fobia anti-RU eso solo indica que es cierto lo dicho por analistas políticos: el Gbno de Trump está rodeado por un fardo de militares imbéciles. Honorable excepción que compensa ese desastre es la presencia de Tillerson en el Gbno. Por lo menos el Sec de Estado Tillerson ahuyentó el peligro INMEDIATO de guerra mundial -WW3-  Eso Vale!

Pero el peligro aún existe: Asia es un polvorín a punto de estallar..con Thadd, destroyers, sub..
Three US Aircraft Carriers Directed Toward South Korean Shores

Trump's National Security Adviser Says All Options on the Table for North Korea

Russian, Chinese Ships Tail USS Carl Vinson in East China Sea

What Ethics? Trump Packs White House With Industry Insiders, Hides Every Move

Trump's business-insider team, includes many former lobbyists, is quickly moving to blur the line between public government and private enterprise, according to Common Dreams.

As reported by the New York Times, Trump has been going all-out to weaken ethics rules within the US government,  as former lobbyists now working within his administration seek to modify the laws they sought only recently to change.

By scouring financial disclosures provided by ranking White House staff members, the Times documented over 300 instances of corporate collusion, including the hiring of former employees and consultants with long-term client relationships in US business.

US Ethics Watchdog to Sue Trump on Monday Over Receiving Foreign Payments

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Keiser Report  1058  Malos consejos



Republican People's Party (CHP) has cast legitimacy doubts on Sunday's referendum following a last-minute decision by the electoral board to accept unstamped ballots as valid.  “The High Electoral Board has failed fraud in the referendum,” CHP deputy chairman, Bulent Tezcan, told reporters at the party's headquarters in capital, Ankara.  

Erdal Aksunger, another CHP co-chairman also argued that illegal acts are being carried out in favor of the government.  ..  ballots, which had not been stamped by its officials,  were counted as valid. .. The High Electoral Board (YSK) cited a big number of complaints that its officials had failed to stamp ballots at polling stations.

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