lunes, 3 de abril de 2017


APR 3  17 SIT EC y POL

ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

It is now apparent that the only way in which significant change will come about in American foreign affairs will be if there is a severe financial crisis which impairs the nation enough so that it can no longer bankroll its military adventurismHistory has a number of examples of this.

A record two-thirds, or an average of 67% of lower-income U.S. adults, up from 51% from 2010-2011, have worried "a great deal" about the problem of hunger and homelessness in the country.

"It's just kind of this perfect storm where things are coming together, and it's going to continue for awhile..."


If Central Banks wanted to make a positive impact on the global economy, they would abolish themselves and let the free market set rates. Instead, and after pursuing a 2% inflation target for decades, central bankers now ponder the need for even higher rates of inflation.

Arguably the key driver behind the reflation trade in recent weeks, the price of crude, was hite early on, and failed to regain its Friday closing price, even though $50 has emerged as a support level for the time being.


US equities have erased all the gains since the pulled-Obamacare-repeal vote as VIX pushes well above 13...

Both VIX (equity protection) and CDX (credit protection) decoupled notably from equity indices late last week and today it appears investors are catching on today...

Just as we warned was historical precedent, it appears the hope and hype in 'soft' survey data is catching back down to 'hard' data's reality.

We knew cheap money would be too much for auto executives to refuse and oversupply was a sure bet! So will be the industry's return to the Washington "substance abuse center".  Expect the industry to be back at the government feeding trough asking for help.
Despite continued heavy incentive spending, every auto OEM, with the exception of Nissan, missed their sales forecasts for the month of March, 'bigly'...temporary blip on Ford's plateau or bursting of the subprime auto bubble?
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"If we continue on the path we’re on right now, the very next time there’s a legislative proposal that one side of the aisle feels is so important they cannot let their base down, the pressure builds, then we’re going to vote the nuclear option on the legislative piece.  That’s what will happen. Somebody will do it."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

9 Killed At St. Petersburg Metro Blast more than 30 now.  Live Video Report
The Real Russiagate: Obama’s Stasi State  By Michael Hudson and Paul Craig Roberts
Pentagon - and Daesh - Target Iran  By Pepe Escobar  Are Israel lobbyist behind the Pentagon?
U.S. Out of Korea  By David Swanson
A Nation of the Walking Dead  By Chris Hedges

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

THE LOGIC OF MADNESS IS CLEAR  This is a US-false-flag designed to initiate WW3 ..N-K is the excuse.  China-RU are the real targets.  Any nuke flying space, will be responded with nukes. Either the US get out from both Koreas.. or China-RU will hit US-NATO bases at global scale.. including the US, ISR, SA..
 ‘World Should Be Ready’ for North Korea Nuclear Attack on US, Says Defector  False-flag 1

RELATED  Here another false-flag .. similar intention and NO EVIDENCE AT ALL in both of them
Revealed: North Korea May Have Conducted Secret Missile Engine Test   False-flag 2
NORWAY getting ready for WW3.. 99% of US Nation has not protection from nukes. The 1% already invested in bunkers inside and abroad. We are not ready for WW3. The Econ-Pol debacle in the US explain why we foster WW3: No capital reproduction for financiers, No Governability chance for DT
Doomsday Nation: Norway to Open Apocalypse-Proof Book Vault  books? Yea  ..sure

Norway Acquires 'Anti-Russian' US Patrol Aircraft, Keeps Mum About Price  Blackmail-war paid off 
The US nasty business of profiteering from manufacturing WMD and human-death.. continue
Despite Skyrocketing Costs, StratCom Chief Presses for US Nuke Force Upgrade
Current neocon-neoliberalism  do not have humanitarian nor ethical limits .. it deserve to die

RELATED  old neocons behind current war mongerism
Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice Behind Unmasking of Trump Team
On contact  Chris Hedges American Prophets with Albert Raboteau

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


The Federal Reserve has been trying to boost the official inflation rate for eight long years, and apparently patience with current policies is finally wearing thin.Rumor has it that the Fed is readying a new “nuclear option”: distributing $1 million to each household in the U.S.

The Fed can create any sum of dollars it chooses with a few digital keystrokes. An unidentified source at the Fed reported, “The handheld calculators at the Fed only have 12 digits, so there’s a bit of confusion about how much money we’ll have to create to give $1 million to all 100 million U.S. households. The consensus answer is $100 trillion, but they’re putting the numbers into the current econometric models to verify this.”

The basic idea is that giving each household, regardless of wealth or income, $1 million each will spur consumption so mightily that inflation will skyrocket. “What the Fed has wanted for eight long years is to generate an expectation of inflation,” our source explained, “so that consumers will spend whatever cash or credit they have now, knowing that it will buy less in the future.”
Once people expect substantial inflation, they realize the best course of action is to borrow as much money as possible now before interest rates rise–an inevitable consequence of inflationary expectations.
Keep Reading

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

EC           Ecuador frena la ola neoliberal en América latina   Ignacio San Román
                Ecuador Un futuro con pasado  Juan J. Paz y Miño Cepeda
                Ecuador: Lenin llega al poder por los votos   EO Proaño
                Ecuador: El fin de ciclo que no era   Emir Sader
Mi vientre no se alquila  Judith Bosch

COL  Triunfó el agua sobre el oro…   Mensaje y mandato de Cajamarca  Fdo Dorado
Siria   Relato del descenso a los infiernos   Ignacio Álvarez

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles often distorted by ISR-Mossad

Turkey plans new offensives in Syria: is it part of US operative?


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