sábado, 8 de abril de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Having seen through these statistics for what they really are, the treasury as well as eurodollar market reflects considerable and legitimate economic doubt drawn from realizing what money is (a whole lot more than bank reserves) and what it certainly wasn’t (QE). It is the optimists who share the burden of proof that this time is any different. The longer that evidence remains missing, the greater that burden.
The political and economic world .. in Bankers view

As anger and resentment continues to pile up after the recent "populist" disappointments, just how will the massed millions express their frustrations and anger with a system which is more broken - both politically and economically - by the day? Unfortunately, the all too obvious answer is most likely the correct one: democrazy.

Aleksandar Kocic is referred .. three weeks before Trump won -  he predicted  his victory as “the result of a buildup of discontent due to failure to develop a convincing response to economic slowdown in the last years."

In this approach ‘democrazy’  as synonymous  of “Politics”  is viewed as a problem, instead of a solution,  while social costs caused by this state of affairs are being recognized and articulated by the emerging populist wings, whose main novelty has been their hostility to global oligarchies.

The resulting, and very angry, popular response to these oligarchies, is the reason why Sanders (on the left) and Trump (on the right) emerged, in the process unleashing "a “transverse” direction which represents the antagonism between the local and the global." .. Less than a month later, Trump won. Kosic call it the "price of dissensus" as Kocic titled his October essay (which we urge readers to skim at the following link).

Kocic summarized his archetype of civilization and its discontents to "global oligarchy" in the diagram below http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-08/dissensus-democrazy-warning-deutsche-bank )

Six month later Kocic breaks down the "what", and specifically what happens once those candidates who oppose the global oligarchies, are put in power. The Deutsche Banker's assessment is less than glowing, he said.

[ In my opinion, a better Qt should have been Why and How they were swallow by the oligarchy? Certainly the logic of this art plays in favor of Satus-quo: The power of big banks won’t be broken.. they will swallow entire Govts and its temporary “democrazers”. Though Kocic called the resentment  on status quo an “ideologigal brake” with status-quo.  Kocic said:

Meanwhile, "independent" central banks (which are not at all independent, recall "Bernanke's Former Advisor: "People Would Be Stunned To Know The Extent To Which The Fed Is Privately Owned") continue to operate in the background, layering even further resentment to the broken status quo.

“In which case a critical question is required, said Tyler Durden: if, as Kocic implies, the political process itself is broken, and as anger and resentment continues to pile up after the recent "populist" disappointments, just how will the massed millions express their frustrations and anger with a system which is more broken - both politically and economically - by the day?  Unfortunately, the all too obvious answer is most likely the correct one,  concludes Tyler Durden, the author of this article. 
Tyler Durden reproduced Kocic article in which kocic said:

“The initial embrace of populism has gained traction based largely on a belief that political disruption, as a mode of change, deserves the same status that creative destruction used to have in the post industrial era with resulting political entropy becoming one of the main sources of market volatility.

In the months following Brexit and the US elections, we learned that .. candidates’ appeal which arises from their outsider’s position does not necessarily carry over beyond their victory: While being confrontational and anti-establishment might create an advantage during the campaign, it becomes an impediment once the elections are won and the candidate is in the office. “

That is the meaning of Kocic “DEMOCRAZY” : not real democracy but the primacy of status quo.

INSTEAD WE CAN SAY THAT .. while we reproduce the status quo, we  will never get real democracy .. unless people decide a Radical Revolution.. With a different type of party, strategy and leaders.

"The rise in return correlations occurred almost exactly at the time when the central banks effectively ‘took over’ markets. However, with the Fed now tightening faster than the market anticipated not long ago, and our economists expecting that it will cease to reinvest maturing securities in its portfolio from December this year, the unwind is underway."

Morgan Stanley: "Wage Growth Is Leveling Off, May Be Slowing"

Only 38.5% of industries are now showing above-trend rates of wage growth, down from 46.2% in February and a high of 61.5% in August 2016.
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Temporality :

"a victory for neo-conservatives, who’ve been looking for Assad to go. They’re terrified that peace was going to break out! Al-Qaeda was on the run, peace talks were happening, and all of a sudden, they had to change, and this changes things dramatically"
This is our worse political problem: waste of money.. needed for NATION reconstruction

The budget afforded NASA is far and away the largest on earth...
"We need to understand that those who want this war will be absolutely relentless. The sales pitch will not end until they get exactly what they want. This is where all of us critical thinkers need to play a key role..."

"TheShadowBrokers wishes we could be doing more, but revolutions/civil wars taking money, time, and people. Be considering this our form of protest. The password for the EQGRP-Auction-Files is CrDj”(;Va.*NdlnzB9M?@K2)#>deB7mN"

"Terrorism Is Really Not That Big A Deal" Harvard Students See Trump Worse Than ISIS

From the hallowed halls of Harvard University comes some clarifying perspective on student's mass dissonance in America... "I think he's an asshole-in-chief... Terrorism is really not that big of a deal... ISIS is not a threat to everyday life; Trump's rhetoric and "empowering" people with hateful views is more of a threat."


No matter the years of intervention by the Obama administration, and calls for airstrikes by Hillary Clinton, America's leftist 'community organizers' are out en masse nationwide today protesting President Trump's actions in Syria
[[ Stupidity or simple miss-perception:  Obama & Clinton are not leftist, and not the organizers of anti-war protests. They - in fact- favor war. ]]
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

What are our “National interest” in SY.. other than favor Israel appetite for oil .. Already grabbed

Trump "I acted in the vital national security and foreign policy interests of the United States, pursuant to my constitutional authority to conduct foreign relations and as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive. The United States will take additional action, as necessary and appropriate, to further its important national interests."

Who would have thought that more than a quarter of a century after the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989), Western Europe would be reinventing itself in the image of the Soviet Union?

What could happen? RU may press the bottom of topedo-nuke .. to deter war- escalation.. In this logic US-NATO won’t continue terrorizing the world: destroying entire State-Nations & killing innocent people. .. Similar logic to the one used in bombing Syria.  There are of course other opt 

The Russian frigate, Admiral Grigorovich RFS-494, crossed through the Bosphorus Strait “a few hours ago” from the Black Sea, according to a U.S. defense official. The Russian warship is now in the eastern Mediterranean steaming in the direction of the U.S. warships.
DE-NUCLEARIZATION is the solution . It should start at top Devt countries.. if they don’t all countries under threat by US imperialism and its allies.. have the absolute right to get a nuke for self-defense.

In an ironic twist given that many consider Trump's actions a symblic show of strength to China's Xi, Reuters reports that North Korea said on Saturday U.S. missile strikes against a Syrian airfield on Friday were "an unforgivable act of aggression" that showed its decision to develop nuclear weapons was "the right choice a million times over."

The National Security Council has presented the suddenly ragingly bellicose President Trump with several options to respond to North Korea's nuclear program: put American nukes in South Korea or kill dictator Kim Jong-un.

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Poodle Trump Runs With Dogs of War  By Finian Cunningham
Act Now for Peace   By Mark Gaffney

ZC ZCOMM.ORG/  https://zcomm.org/all-types/  

Stephen Zunes: Trump’s Cynical Attack  illegal, unconstitutional, and counterproductive
United for Peace and justice:   Stop US Military Action In Syria!

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Lavrov to Tillerson: US Attack in Syria Plays Into Terrorists' Hands  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201704081052450213-lavrov-tillerson-us-attack-syria/

Why US Should Be 'Brought to Trial' For Missile Attacks on Syrian Army  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201704081052449237-why-us-should-face-trial/
US Had Not Warned Russia Prior to Attack on Syria only through Political Channels  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201704091052455196-usa-fails-warn-russia-yria-attack/

Former Iraqi PM Criticizes US Strike on Syria, Says US Only Deals in Force  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201704081052452239-maliki-criticizes-us-strike-syria/

Pentagon's Airstrike in Syria Resembles Washington's 'Pretext to Vietnam War'  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201704081052445213-pentagon-attack-syria-vietnam-war/

From Soviet Archives: Rare Photos of McCain During Vietnam War Revealed  https://sputniknews.com/society/201703301052123678-rare-photos-mccain-vietnam/
US Fails to Prove Existence of Chemical Weapons at Syrian Airfield - Russian MoD  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201704081052442351-pentagon-chemical-weapons-syria/

US State Senator Says 'Zero Probability' Assad Government Launched Gas Attack  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201704081052437703-syria-us-senator-idlib-gas/
Xi, Trump Discussed Situation in Syria During Meeting in US  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201704081052445532-us-china-syria-discussion/
Western Values? Europe Welcomes Trump 'Only When He Violates the Law'   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201704081052445285-europe-welcomes-trump/ 

US Missile Strikes in Syria Violate 2001 Military Force Authorization – Senator  https://sputniknews.com/us/201704071052421124-us-strikes-violation-senator/
ONLY if RU hit the destroyer used to bomb SY.. can deter US-NATO plans for war-escalation
The Worst is Yet to Come? US Nurturing Plan of 'Full-Scale Invasion of Syria'  https://sputniknews.com/world/201704081052435258-us-syria-missile-strike/
Keiser Report  Episode 1055  Max and Stacy discuss the KeiserPepe market and..

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

EC           Neoliberalismo pierde balotaje.  Ecuador tiene memoria  Silvia Arana
                Victoria en Ecuador y sigue la pelea   Ángel Guerra
Ludo De Brabander  Guerras y terrorismo, el "efecto bumerán"  Ent de Anfrus
VEN       Rescatar la idea de socialismo  Alejandro Teitelbaum
                Las razones de Venezuela  Pablo Siris

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles often distorted by ISR-Mossad


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