jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

APR 19 17 SIT EC y POL

APR 19 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

In a stark warning, the IMF cautions that the number of firms with very low interest coverage ratios — a common signal of distress — would rise to 22% of total corporate assets should US interest rates post a sharp increase in the near future.

"Maybe this GDXJ problem is the shot across of the bow. Maybe Grant Williams’ theory about how little it will take to move this market is starting to come true. There is precious little room for everyone in the gold boat."

Following API's surprise gasoline build (and small crude draw), DOE confirmed concerns with a surprise build in gasoline inventories (slamming RBOB). Crude inventories drew down for the 2nd week in a row. WTI prices tumbled though as production rose to its highest since Aug 2015.

Optimism overnight quickly faded in US equities (even as the dollar kept rising)...S&P and Dow closed red

Led by crude...

The Dow was weighed down by IBM and Goldman Sachs... (over half Dow losses) - WTF Watson?!

Stocks and bonds converged after decoupling overnight...

A big dollar rebound today sparked weakness in commodity-land...


"The warning signs are getting darker...The U.S. economy is not growing as fast as people would have thought in the 4th quarter."

"The U.S. economy is not growing as fast as people would have thought in the 4th quarter."

"So to assert that we're going to continue to grow at this size or higher...well, I never make forward predictions like that."

Meanwhile, in a comical detour, Fink said the market is waiting for Q1 earnings to determine whether the recent equity rally in the U.S. was justified...

"I think as we see the consternation in the marketplace now there is a little pull back.  I think people are waiting to see corporate earnings for this quarter to see if there is a justification of this significant rally, especially in U.S. stocks."
...allow us to end the suspense...it's not.


One day after covering its long-standing long dollar call (coincidentally, just one week after former Goldman COO Gary Cohn urged Trump to flip on his own "strong dollar" policy), Goldman has gotten even more cautious and in a note released this morning it warns that "Investors are increasingly concerned about an S&P drawdown." Here's why.

Overnight exuberance - perhaps on Trump tax comments - has been erased. The Dow is testing recent lows (2-month lows) as VIX jumps and the USD, bond yield surge stalls.

"Our evidence suggests the growth of ETFs may have (unintended) long-run consequences for the pricing efficiency of the underlying securities."

"Everything has gotten really tense in geopolitics - it’s a powder keg right now..."

Just as the "puppet of Putin" narrative had gone quiet - following Trump's Tomahawk-ing a largely abandoned airfield in Syria - it appears the Russia-linkages stories are about to get restarted. WSJ reports that Exxon Mobil has applied to the Treasury Department for a waiver from U.S. sanctions on Russia in a bid to resume its joint venture with state oil giant PAO Rosneft.

John Burbank’s $2.4 billion firm is shutting down one of its hedge funds, the latest in a string of closings hitting the industry.


La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Clinging to magical-thinking fixes that change nothing on the fundamental level hastens collapse.

Yesterday, April 18th, was the deadline for filing your taxes... Many Americans discovered they don’t owe the government a dime.

"There are intelligent people in Washington/New York, but they’ve lost their minds as they’ve been stampeded into a Syrian-Russian groupthink, a consensus without asking -- ‘Who benefits from this latest gas attack?’"

From Obamacare to NATO, and from Ex-Im Bank to Chinese currency manipulators, President Trump has shown he is comfortable changing his mind 'bigly'. Today's exuberant support for "TTIP as good for global order," from Speaker Ryan, following VP Pence's meetings in Japan, raises questions about whether Trump's executive order withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement is the next big flip-flop.

"Without an ideological basis against American globalism, Trump was easy pickings against the threats and machinations of the Deep State..."

"The march to war is deafening. But the reasons for it go beyond the elements of military conflict and political intrigue. Underlying it all, the reasons are economic."

So, if war with North Korea is inevitable given the circumstances, what would such a war look like? Here are some elements I think are most important; elements that make the war almost unwinnable, if winning is even the purpose

Trump could call up providers and bully them into offering coverage. But does that make any sense from a party that wants to Kill Obamacare? The system is set up to implode and there is no point to doing anything until it does. After an implosion, there will be bipartisan support to do something. Right now there is no bipartisan support to do anything.

"It is tremendously disheartening that we part ways due to completely unfounded claims. But that is the unfortunate reality many of us in the public eye must live with today. I will always look back on my time at Fox with great pride in the unprecedented success we achieved and with my deepest gratitude to all my dedicated viewers."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

With establishment pollsters paniccing at the closeness of the first round of the French elections, it appears investors in every market - stocks, bonds, and FX - are just as concerned with hedges and risk premia at (or near) record highs across the board.
They are ready for war .. and it stand to reason

..for the second consecutive day Russia flew two long-range bombers off the coast of Alaska on Tuesday, this time coming within 36 miles of the mainland while flying north of the Aleutian Islands, two U.S. officials told Fox News

As totally expected, Theresa May - following a contentious debate - won the UK parliament vote to allow a June 8th snap election by a count of 522 to 13, well above the two-thirds majority needed.

Brussels is starting to "systematically shut out British groups from multibillion-euro contracts" while urging companies to migrate to one of the 27 remaining EU members.

"...You don’t know what to expect with Trump... And from an Art of War standpoint that is the worst possible thing for someone like Putin, who is very pragmatic, to deal with someone like trump… because you don’t know what to expect."

Japanese adjusted trade balance tumbles over 500 billion yen in March (after surging around 500 billion yen in February) as lunar new year effects washed out and left the lowest trade surplus since January 2016. Exports (up 12% YoY) and Imports (up 15.8% YoY) both soared at the fastest pace in years.

Syria has moved a majority of its fighter jets next to the Russian air base in Syria to protect them from potential U.S. attacks, according to two US officials cited by CNN.

All the provocateurs in Ukraine should be aware that playing the nationalist card can be dangerous and can even result in a defeat that, when compared to 2014-2015, would be dramatically worse, condemning Ukraine to an economic, social and political crisis without precedent or a way out. It literally could be the beginning of the disintegration of Ukraine as we know it today.



US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Our Misguided 'Wars of Choice'   By Jeffrey D. Sachs
Trump’s Deep Swamp  By Stephen Lendman

ZC ZCOMM.ORG/  https://zcomm.org/all-types/   &  COUNTER PUNCH CP

Lawrence Wittner:   Worldwide Alliance of Far Right
Patrick Cockburn:   Erdogan’s referendum victory
Bernie Sanders: Fight Back Rally We’ll support Sander only if run against duopoly system
T Mountain  US Moves Toward Major Intervention in Yemen  a mercenary empire?  How much?
Robert Tan   Uncle Donald’s Armada  desalmada la armada?

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

How many nuclear Warheads have the US?… How many has been sent to RU-CH borders?  Accordg to US Military Intelligence.. North Korea Could Have Far More Nuclear Warheads Than Estimated  https://sputniknews.com/military/201704191052792718-dprk-could-have-thirty-warheads/

Related 1
Trump Not to Tolerate Threats to Allies, Partners From North Korea - State Dept.  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201704171052721724-trump-north-korea/

Empty Threats: Why Trump's Vow to Strike North Korea Was a Bluff  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201704191052780421-trump-strike-north-korea/
How much it cost this naive trip of our navy?
US Navy Claims USS Carl Vinson Heading Toward North Korea, Again  https://sputniknews.com/military/201704191052792773-us-navy-claims-vinson-nk/

Heading Where? USS Carl Vinson Spotted Near Indonesia, Not Korean Peninsula  https://sputniknews.com/military/201704181052754728-uss-carl-vinson-indonesia-korea/
Trump Baseless Strike on Syria to Endanger Anti-Daesh Efforts - Ex-DoD Advisor  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201704201052798970-trump-syria-strike-endangers-daesh-fight/

US Missile Strike Against Syria Gives Free Rein to Daesh – Medvedev https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201704191052772176-us-missile-strike-syria-daesh-medvedev/

 Trump Administration’s Shift to More Aggressive Foreign Policy 'Very Dangerous'   https://sputniknews.com/military/201704201052798804-trump-aggressive-foreign-policy/ 

On contact   The Uncivil War with Max Blumenthal & Ben Norton  Chris Hedges joined by 2 scholars

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Here we stand on the precipice, and all we have in our kit is a collection of delusional magical thinking that we label “solutions.” We are not just morally and financially bankrupt, we’re intellectually bankrupt as well.

Here are three examples of magical thinking that pass for intellectually sound ideas:
Mainstream neo-classical/ Keynesian economics. As economist Manfred Max-Neef notes in this interview, neo-classical/ Keynesian economics is no longer a discipline or a science–it is a religion.

It demands a peculiar faith in nonsense: for example, the environment–Nature– is merely a subset of the economy. When we’ve stripped the seas of wild fish (and totally destroyed the ecology of the oceans), no problem–we’ll substitute farmed fish, which are in economic terms, entirely equal to wild fish.
In other words, the natural world cannot be valued in our current mock-science religion of economics.

Other absurdities abound. Stripping the seas of wild fish adds to GDP, so it’s all good, right? Dismantling newly constructed buildings and building a replacement structure also adds to GDP, so it’s an excellent source of “growth.”

As Max-Neef points out, conventional economists have absolutely no understanding of poverty. If you need a sobering account of just how this abject willful ignorance works in the real world, I recommend reading The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good.
Keep Reading

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

                El informe Ortega Díaz  José Vicente Ragel
                Golpe fascista en marcha, como en Chile  Gustavo Espinoza
                Quieren matar la esperanza de un mundo mejor  Olmedo Beluche
"La France pour les français"  El caso francés  Martínez Jarillo
Noam Chomsky  Guerras, Imperio y doble moral  Enric Llopis
Eleonora Lamm   Juicio contra Monsanto  Franco Spinetta
Brasil  A un año del principio del golpe  Eric Nepomuceno
Tension Siria y N-Corea apunta a RU y China   "American First" ha muerto N Stolpkin
COL   Acuerdos que disminuyan la intensidad del conflicto   Diálogos de Paz ELN
La misogenia bíblica la heredaron Gbnos conserv para negar derecho al aborto y otros
"Corea del Norte no es Siria"  .. Iran tampoco.
Corea del Norte es un país montañoso que posee vastos recursos naturales, incluidos depósitos de cobre, plata, uranio, hierro y metales de tierras raras de alta calidad", explicó Petrov.
A RU y China les interesa una Korea unida y estable.. sin imposiciones del imperio USA

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles often distorted by ISR-Mossad

Maduro get elected.. the opposition has to wait new elections
Access denied to US bombing site in  Afghanistan, still cordoned off

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