sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2015

SEP 11-15 SIT EC y POL

SEP 11-15 SIT EC y POL


"Be Our Guest": Russia Warns Washington Of "Unintended Incidents" In Syria. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/11/2015 [ The US wants to fight ISIS yes or Not.. if yes “be our guest”  said RU ]

"[Kerry employs] an absolutely upside-down logic and [it's] yet another attempt to appease those who use terrorists to fight dissenting regimes. We are always in favor of military people talking to each other in a professional way. They understand each other very well. If, as he has said many times, the United States wants those channels frozen, then be our guest."

The day was September 11, 2001. Our New York office was on the 92nd floor of the World Trade Center Tower 1. None of the employees who had arrived to work that day survived. It is a moment that elicits strong emotions within me to this day and I know I’m not alone. In the days and weeks that followed, while the world came together to mourn those lost and to condemn those responsible, our policymakers in Washington were working feverishly to find opportunity in this tragedy. Forty-five days after 9/11, President Bush signed into law the U.S. Patriot Act.

[ 9/1 what was the 1st time the neo-nazi terrorism expresses itself .. It is an ICC case because it involved crimes against peace, crimes against war & crimes against humanity.. If the ICC has been captured by big xorporations of Neo-nazis .. then regional Courts should set a new Nuremberg trial ]

Millions of refugees from Washington’s wars are currently over-running Europe. Washington’s 14-year and ongoing slaughter of Muslims and destruction of their countries are war crimes for which the US government’s official 9/11 conspiracy theory was the catalyst.

[ TERRORISM IN THE US & PERU. Shining Path terrorism in Peru  & ther neo-nazi terrorism after 9/11 have many similarities .. & some differences: 1- none of them recognize that their strategy & tactics are “terrorism”  as defined even by US standards.. 2-Both of them implemented their actions according to plans designed at top level of “intelligence” .. none of them allowed discussion of their tenets nor commands at lower levels.. 3- Their terrorists acts were not designed to achieve victory in the war .. they were just the pretext to further objetives: .. in the case of the US to take control of foreign oil reserves .. that required to destroy the army of the target nation .. Bush’s father incinerated more than 100 thousand Iraqi soldiers that already surrender and empty Kuwait when they were coming back to their country .. the final destruction of the army was done by the brutal carpet bombing that not only target military sites but the Shia civilian population .. that concluded with the destruction at “stone-level” of Faluya, one of the major cities of Suni minority .. the survivals with not family, not town and not country were submitted to interrogatories “nazi-style” in many clandestine centers .. for Iraqi people there were only two choices .. either you work for the US army or you die .. 4- In Peru happens the same “either they work with the army or they die.. and Faluya in Peru were all the towns incinerated with Napaln during the 1980s.. but they did not surrender… in 1996 another armed group lead by quechu women broke up and take control of the Japanese compound were the top oligarchy were celebrating the anniversary of a Japanese emperor.. The uprise was defeated with the support of the CIA & the Cardenal Ciriani who offered to mediate a peaceful resolution of this conflict (freedom of prisoners of war and freedom of the oligarchy in the Japanese compound) .. Ciprini introduced small CIA cameras inside a Biblie to support the army to crack down the rebels .. the rebels  were all executed even when they surrendered . 5- In Iraq most of the soldiers of Sadam Hussein were executed.. and those who didn’t die were force to became “mercenaries” after severe torture pains in prison  .. Young people  who manage to scape and hide  were .. later on.. recruited with the help of previous “converted”,  and used in the fratricidal internal war between shias & sunis set by US agents .. 6- Peru has not the religious division that Iraq had with Sunis & Chias. In Peru the other big minority in the Andes are the Aymaras and they work hand on hand with the quechuas .. for the military they are the same: indians.. But the bottom layers of the Peruvian army are quechua soldiers..and they do not have to wait  long to express their resentment against the official army .. as soon as they finish their service they became clandestine soldiers of next rebellion against State. .. In Iraq is different .. then after the invasion  the sunis became the main reserve of the current mercenaries know today as ISIS .. However, when the sunis  manage to get oil sites by themselves  (Libya case) & get type of independence from the US command .. the Sunis and other minorities create independent groups inside ISIS .. their  internal conflicts are the main weakenes of Iraqis .. Not way to controlled those internal conflicts from the Iraqi army & puppet rule .. The idea of the Islamic state in the levante did unite groups under the commands of Saudi Wahhabis .. but it works only while the US provide arms & new private  mercenaries from the West (US-UK-EU).. once the US money to mercenaries were mis-appropiated by crock personnel inside the US army the decomposition of the mercenary forces started .. the only positive thing that they create were the refugee “campamentos”  .. they were the  background  of the waves of migration that we have now toward Europe.  7- The same situation happens with Shining path in Peru .. they invaded the State coops set by the agrarian Reform of Velasco and execute the administrators .. the purpose was not to give the land recovered to the peasant communities (those communities were dispossessed 1st by oligarchical landowners and when Velasco came to power in 1968 the “terratenientes”  oligarchy were expropriated by the State and  set the SAIS & CAP run by bureucrats) .. what Shining Path did was to kill those buroucrats and make a “fake” distribution of land among the peasants .. Shining Path  knew that the army is going to come back to recover the State-land.. when the army came .. Shining Path took the peasants with them .. They said: “you have two choices: either killed by the army or you came with us to create an army for the revolution against them” ..  That was the aim of their strategy “recovery of community land”. The intention was not to give land to them .. but to used peasants and sacrifice them in a war condemned  to failure.. Shining Path did not told peasants  that the army is supported by the US and its regional barracks .. the top Shining path command knew that even if the Peruvian army is defeated, the empire is going to destroy them at the military & economic level as happens in Cambodia and other countries.. When the army came to SAIS took by shining path, this rebels execute the burocrats & get their army. .. When Shining Path was defeated in the Andes, their top leader surrended  themselves in the most coward way, without shooting them, as the Chile leader did it .. thousands of peasants’ life  were sacrificed & their leaders save their life .. The effect of this defeat:  peasants communities were destroyed and a fascistic government was imposed in Peru with a similar decalogo of nazi-terrorism as the Patriot act. ..8-  Peru was the place used like a “probeta”  for the experiment  9/11, 2001 in the US : Shining Path was accused of blowing up “The Tarata” building in Lima .. this demolition was similar to the implosion of NY towels in Sep 1 .. In both cases the hidden hand of the CIA & associates were involved …These experiments were used to exterminate “the terrorists”. The only difference is that the terrorist for the US were abroad.. in Iraq.. while in Peru the “terrorist” were inside:  the quechua people in the Andes .. those were the terrorists… 9- When Fujimori came to power,  21 quechuas who migrate from the Andes to Lima, were killed .. because they were talking  quechua during a public party.. they were accused of plotting rebellion against the government .. It means that racism against the quechuas became rampant in Peru after “Tarata’s experiment . .  Similar racism came back to the Us against the muslims in general after 9/11, and against the blacks too …. 10- When a “ pro-quechua lider came to power in 2000 in Peru .. after a rebellion  “la marcha de los 4 suyos” (the rebellion of regions during the Inca Empire)  Fujimory scape to Japan.. and the pro-quechua leader was elected .. Fujimory was captured when visiting Chile.. He was indicted in Court  and placed in prison. .. When the anti-racist Obama was elected in the US no one who committed hate crimes was processed nor put in prison.. That is the only difference between State Terrorism in the US & Peru .. If later on,  people in the US manage to put in prison their State terrorists after sept 11.. we wil have very similar stories. ]
The Human Cost Of Socialism In Power.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/11/2015

The attempt to establish a comprehensive socialist system in many parts of the world over the last one hundred years has been one of the cruelest and most brutal episodes in human history. 
[ 1- All SYSTEMS CHANGE BECAUSE OF SOCIAL REVOLUTIONS & ALL REV create brutal episodes in human history.. THAT INCLUDES THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION , the French Rev,  the Russian Rev, The Chinese Rev.. you named … Historian do not measure Rev by its social cost.. but in terms of their future benefits . .. if only social cost would be taking into account … the slavers Rev in America will be still in debt with the slaves  and with the rest of our nation .. since the beneficiaries of the American Rev never balance the amount of people sacrificed .. Today the beneficiaries are only the 1% of the oligarchy .. and not even  50% of the population benefits from the Rev in the most prosperous time of our history .. perhaps we rich that 50% after the NEW DEAL with FDR and it last only 40years .. that if we use the criteria “evolution of the middle classes size in the US”.. .. The other criteria would be “all social classes situation before the Rev and after Rev”..  Here there is a principle: the most polarized the society.. the most savage & brutal the Rev.. this is the case of classic rev mentioned above.  2-SOCIALISM & CRITERIA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. Socialist rev like the Russian and Chinese set the background for their current situation and no one can deny that China and Russia are the most advanced nations in the world in terms of human development and the speed of change. 3- REGARDING CRUELTY in human history measured by the amount of people killed.. then those States who manufacture weapons and promote wars are the more cruel ones.. At this level, if we consider what we did after sept 11 world wide.. then we are the most cruel one in history, follow by Israel crimes against Palestinians… And if we consider past century history,  we are close to Germany cruelty  with their nazi regime .. because of our bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki .. then we can consider the Stalinist cruelty resulted from  the West sanctions & blockage to the USSR ]
The internationalization of the yuan and the demise of the petrodollar, is only a matter of time.

Traders have been concerned at heavy trading by China's state-owned Chinaoil and Unipec, which pushed up Middle East grades even as other grades were being pressued lower, and left other companies struggling to take part.
Essentially, it looks like Chinaoil and Unipec may be gaming the Platts Dubai MoC (although no one knows exactly why) and that has implications for all kinds of people including (obviously) Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq, as well as refiners and traders like Mercuria and Glencore. The hope is that a RMB contract will help solve the "problem."

In any event, it makes no more sense to exclude the world's largest oil buyer from crude benchmarking than it does to keep the world's largest producer and consumer of gold out of the gold price-setting process, which is why, in short order, China will be heavily involved in both. And as for widespread adoption of the new contract, that, like the internationalization of the yuan and the demise of the petrodollar, is only a matter of time.
Fourth Turning: Crisis Of Trust. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/11/2015

We're beginning to believe the nation will not be unified behind a common cause when the coming financial eruption unleashes molten lava of chaos, punishing economic distress, civil strife, class warfare, race wars, and ultimately global war. As Strauss and Howe foretold, the establishment (aka corporate fascist military industrial surveillance state) has seen a sequential loss of popular trust as their blatant corruption, sociopathic stranglehold on the levers of power, and unrelenting greed have angered the critical thinking aware citizens of this country … the next leg down in this Greater Depression will sever the remaining trust, disintegrating any remaining support for the existing civic order. What comes next will be heavily dependent upon whether the 5% to 10% of liberty minded believers in the Constitution are able to gain the trust of the masses.
It's Official: The Next Recession Will Definitely Not Happen In 2018. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/11/2015  [ So, it could happen before .. What a nice hope .. ]

As a rule, the only people worse at their jobs than weathermen are economists and the only real difference between the two professions is that when the weatherman gets it wrong, you get caught in the rain without an umbrella, but when an economist that someone installed in the Eccles Building gets it wrong, there’s the very real potential for the financial universe to collapse.
$20 Oil? Goldman Says It's Possible. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/11/2015

"While we are increasingly convinced that the market needs to see lower oil prices for longer to achieve a production cut, the source of this production decline and its forcing mechanism is growing more uncertain, raising the possibility that we may ultimately clear at a sharply lower price with cash costs around $20/bbl Brent prices."

[Oil is polluting & killing the world .. but we will produce it until demand exist .. that is, until we find a new energy , clean one, cheaper & available to all people .. sun energy? .. we are close to get it.. but big corp won’t allow cars with sun power .. they will put their lobby finger ..to stop it .. then what?..]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/11/2015 - 07:35
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  • Bank of Montreal to Buy GE Capital’s Transportation-Finance Unit (WSJ)




Sanctioned Terrorism. By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
The U.S. State Department is trying to block Russian supplies going to Syria’s embattled government despite the risk that collapsing the regime would create a vacuum filled by the Islamic State or Al Qaeda.




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