lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015




With "selling" outlawed and anything but cheer-leading stocks higher subject to detainment, it appears the Chinese government has managed to undo 3 years of liberalization and financial deregulation in the space of a week.

[ So.. this is the end of corrupted neoliberalism in China .. I agreed & I take this as departure point :]
[ TWO AVENUES TO EXPLORE RECENT CHANGES IN CHINA’S ECONOMY:  1st a Qt:  Is dead the neoliberal market in China ? If so and the economy is walking.. it could means that China economy  is getting  a new life.  In other words,  they could have created a type of metamorfosis  that some political scientist could call “Rev from above”  .. Thanks to a quick & radical State process of correction (separation & liquidation of the evil speculative capital) China is walking toward a market economy with heavy tones of social responsibility.. explainable by the presence of the Comunist Party members.  In recent history this will be the 2nd time that happens a radical change from the top, .. the first happens during Deng Xiao Ping era .. when they cleaned & deposed the Maoist radicals  .. this time the cleaning may represent  a go back to State dirigism in which the SOEs takes command at expenses of the private west depredation of the economy.  
The 2nd avenue has to do with the upraise of a  mixing economy in which State capital and private-inversion capital from the West join together to create a market oriented economy depurated from the US mafias & fraud speculators that predated Chinese economy. .. If this is the case we may have something similar to the German & Scandinavian type of dynamic .. with chances of transition toward controlled democracy in which coops and small-middle  entrepreneur  sector of society have a command voice. We may have in the future a socialist democracy TiTO- Yugoslavia style or Velasco-Peruvian style “not communist and not capitalist” controlled by a “deep-state”  in which both the Comunist Party & the associated productive capitalism walk hand on hand. The difference between the first model and the second one is actors an dynamic  of the process that separate “Top down Rev” vs “Bottom up rev” .  Since the process of change just started we cannot predict which option will prevail .. this depends on macro-economic factors & geo-political ones. ]
Syria: Imperial Responsibility, Imperial Conscience. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/07/2015

The hypocrisy is self-evident. That the U.S. has covertly supported the overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria is an open secret. That there are no American boots on the ground (at least officially) does not absolve the U.S. of partial responsibility for the refugee catastrophe unleashed by the Syrian war. Empire comes with responsibilities, and it should come with conscience. The U.S. is not a passive observer in Syria. Those of us outside the Deep State have no idea what's been done or supplied or promised in the name of the American people. Shall we accept 5% responsibility for events in Syria? That equates to 5% of 4 million refugees or 200,000 refugees. Of the estimated 4 million Syrian refugees, the U.S. has accepted a mere 1,500.

[ One observer said that the US-UK & others in the West are taking out their mercenaries from the Middle East .. these countries already lost control of the war process .. and before is late they are saving  them .. If this has to do with the RU intervention in this scenery or in accord with Putin .. is not clear yet .. Though there is a fact: the ISIS also represent a threat to Russia .. So, todo es possible … in my opinion,  Politics is the art of the impossible .. sobre todo con Putin y Obama en el timón de los trenes mayores  ]  

The events of the past few weeks should have been a warning shot across the bow for many.Our financial and distribution systems are in a delicate balancing act right now and any sudden shifts could send them tumbling off the cliff rendering the services they perform extinct in a matter of hours. What will it take to make you respond to the many crises taking place today?

Coming to, or rather from, every forced "minimum wage" provider near you.
33 Fascinating Facts On U.S. Currency; Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/07/2015 

The United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing makes approximately $696 million in currency each day. Amazingly, according to their very fitting website, in the fiscal year of 2014 they printed over $2.2 billion in $1 bills alone. It’s good practice, because with concerns of deflation circulating around Europe and Asia, the Feds may want to put the printing presses into overdrive.
Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

The Numbers Are In: China Dumps A Record $94 Billion In US Treasurys In One Month. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/07/2015 [ Nothing illegal in it.. they have to do so to save their & world econ ]

The data point everyone has been waiting on is out and, just as we tipped weeks ago, China liquidated nearly $100 billion in USD assets during the month of August in support of the yuan.

[ $100 billion in USD assets??.. NOT, they were not our assets but crook Corp assets.. they got such revenues by enslaving the Chinese working labor .. they got $2 dollars a day for their hard labor.. and on top the US performed a nasty manipulation of prices on such commodities .. that was the stroke  that broke the camel’s back.. all these neoliberal financial frauds are over.. we have to get a real economy, not just printing dollars from the thing air ]
… the conventional charts that algos and sometimes humans look at. The one chart that matters more than ever, has little to nothing to do with the Fed's monetary policy, but everything to do with the November 2016 presidential elections in which the topic of immigration, both legal and illegal, is shaping up to be the most rancorous, contentious and divisive.

[ the real native-born Americans were first killed and dispossessed of their land .. and then discriminated savagely … they should not vote until they have double or triple the proportional representation they should have in State power across America .. Why double or triple? ..To compensate the genocide they suffer in US history ]

While the media focuses on the human tragedy of so many people uprooted and traveling in dangerous circumstances, there is very little attention given to the events that led them to leave their countries. Certainly we all feel for the displaced people, especially the children, but let’s not forget that this is a man-made crisis and it is a government-made crisis.

[ You right Ron .. but it is your son that should run to either the PR or VP .. if and alliance with Sanders is set .. then in the primaries of this 3rd choice of FRENTE POPULAR or  PEOPLES FRONT is going to be decided who gets the PR & who  the VP .. we need to capture young people & you need to support your son .. do it for the sake of building real democracy in our country .. otherwise huge absentism will be the result  and we will have an illegitmate rule will come .. to do the same frauds we seeing now ]   

The violence in two of the world's conflict hot spots escalated materially over the weekend after a Houthi rocket attack in Marib killed 45 UAE soldiers, prompting the delpoyment of an additional 1,000 Qatari troops and triggering stepped up Saudi airstrikes. Meanwhile, in Turkey, roadside bombings blamed on the PKK mean Ankara will look to plunge the country deeper into civil war ahead of elections in November.  [ now we know why the Saudi King came to visit Obama ]

[ THE RESULT OF THE MEETING:  the dirty couple Saudis & Qatar hand on hand in the genocide in Yemen & Syria .. with the God-bless-America, of course .. that is what we call “democratic foreign policy” ]

Of course, the financiers and corporate executives who pay $1,000 to attend the Jackson Hole meeting see things differently: Low wages mean high profits, and low interest rates mean high stock prices. … Simply put, in the US, workers are being asked to sacrifice their livelihoods and wellbeing to protect well-heeled financiers from the consequences of their own recklessness.
[ Who is not?  We all are against the Fed for different reasons .. among others: the nasty interference in our private life … But it does not mean that the FED AS UNITED SYSTEM has to be dissolved … it has to be re-organized in the way the all states fit in it and people rights are respected .. we are against crook bankers … their gold and assets  should be confiscated and one central bank “nationalized” should be in charge of printing the new dollar ]
France Prepares To Bomb Syria In Retaliation For Refugee Crisis . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/07/2015 [ that is the most idiotic idea .. I do not think it belongs to French people ]

… Using the always-ready excuse of "grappling with the threat of terrorism," Bloomberg reports Hollande's response to Europe’s biggest refugee crisis since World War II by increasing the bombing of the very place from which the refugees are fleeing...
[ Notice that this is a Bloomberg report .. so,  not truthful source ]

Why are the global elite buying extremely remote compounds that come with their own private airstrips in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the planet?  And why did they start dumping stocks like crazy earlier this year?  Do they know something that the rest of us don’t?

[ The rich is making hurrah to the 1st strike against RU-Chi .. they prefer being incinerated by nukes than to give up to their Nation the stolen fortune they amazed.. they don’t care for the Nation.. they are not real Americans .. they descended from evil pilgrims who came from Europe ]
Meanwhile In Brussels, Farmers Take On The Riot Police With "Hay Cannon". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/07/2015  [ Another result of our wrong foreign policy ]

As events unfold that have to be seen to be be believed in Belgian capital Brussels, European farmers - protesting plunging food prices, blamed on Russia's food embargo, which was retaliation to Europe and US sanctions - are demanding EU intervention to bail them out. What was originally a parade of tractors quickly turned violent as farm equipment rammed police barricades and police released tear gas and water jets in response to the farmers unleashing their "hay cannon."Boomerang anyone? "EU farmers are paying the price for international politics...There have been hundreds of suicides as a result of disastrous agricultural policies."

[ They have the right to be bailed out .. but not the mafia bankers & US big corporations ]

[ Oil is being pumped at the bottom cost of production, with not profits & revenues at all .. just for the sake of putting down RU-VEN-BRA business  and others in the periphery .. that of course won’t affect much to RU that already has a deal with China .. but will affect US partners. .. The logical effect is that the periphery will initiate a new round of “nationalization” and with the support of RU-Chi.. they will change partners .. China already gave money to VE & is coming another big chank to BRA ]
If You Think That Was A Crash... Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/07/2015. [ To understand this art 1st get the technical language of “bear vs. bull market” below ]

Last week’s volatility to the downside was entirely predictable, as the first leg down during this ongoing market crash reached the correction stage of 11%. The technical bounce was a given, as the 30 year old HFT MBAs on Wall Street have been trained like rats to BTFD. In their lemming like minds, it has worked for the last six years of this Federal Reserve created “bull market”, so why wouldn’t it work now. Last week was their first lesson in why it doesn’t work during bear markets, and we’ve entered a bear market. John Hussman seems amused at the shallowness of the arguments by Wall Street shills and CNBC cheerleaders about the future of the stock market in his weekly letter. After this modest pullback from all-time highs, the S&P 500 is still overvalued by 92%...

[ BEAR one who believes that prices in the security and commodity market will decline. A bear can profit from a declining stock market by selling stock “short” OR buying a PUT option A BULL does the opposite of the bear, thinks prices will rise. From Dictionary of Accounting Terms, by JG Siegel & JK Shim ]

Logically, the massive liquidation of USD assets by China and other emerging market central banks should put upward pressure on UST yields and will, all else equal, work at cross purposes with DM central bank QE. But all else is never really equal...

[ What confusion? .. the dollar is going to be out of the race soon and Treasury Bonds are going to be devaluated .. not yield at all.  That is all that is going to happen.. and the FED and China knew it .. and there is no way for the IMF & WB to fix it.. without risking  their life ]

Don’t expect to see any end to desperation and instability in MENA, but do expect new demographic crises out of other regions:Indonesia, Ukraine, Pakistan, West Africa, and Brazil, with its cratering economy. It’s not inconceivable that China might bust apart politically, with centrifugal consequences. The global economy is contracting. We have indeed attained the limits to growth. Cheap oil is bygone and the capital infrastructure we have won’t run on expensive oil — including the oil industry itself. New technology or further central bank legerdemain is not going to fix that. We’re in population overshoot and a scramble is underway to bail on the places that just can’t support the people who live there. National boundaries will be defended. Sentimentalists will have to step aside. History is not a bedtime story about bunnies and kittens.

Early this morning Glencore finally capitulated and admitted defeat not only on its expansionary phase (it was just last year Glencore had approached Rio Tinto to engage in a merger), but on its shareholder "friendliness", with a stunning annoucement that it would proceed in a $10 billion debt reduction, issuing $2.5 billion in equity in the form of a rights offering, sell $2 billion worth of assets (such as "proposed precious metals streaming transaction(s) and the minority participation of 3rd party strategic investors in certain of Glencore’s agriculture assets, including infrastructure"), cut working capital by $1.5 billion, cut capex and its loan book by a further $1-$1.8 billion... oh, and it would also scrap its final $1.6 billion dividend as well as next year's interim payout, saving a further $2.4 billion. All this because our "best way to trade China's blow up" was finally picking up steam. [ .. that is exactly right ]


No wonder China’s parade celebrating the end of WWII had to be demonized to oblivion.
Fear is the enemy Number ONE. It’s not the Brussels, Germany or the troika, it is fear 




EU flood to swell with more refugees: UN. Mon Sep 7, 2015 If peace does not return to Syria, thousands more asylum seekers will join the flood headed towards Europe, says UN.

[ Unfortunately during this process of war The ISIS has to be eliminated, even if that implies putting down the war planes that are supporting them. There is no other way of getting peace in Syria .. that will help  to bring back the refugee in Europe ]
China forex reserves in free fall. Mon Sep 7, 2015 China's forex reserves have seen their biggest monthly fall on record in August.  [One more to the chorus against China ]
Bernie Sanders surges past Clinton Mon Sep 7, 2015 US Senator Bernie Sanders has moved past Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire for the first time in the 2016 race.
[ Sanders is wrong if he believe that he alone can defeat the dirty couple REP-DEMs… the purpose is not only to defeat the mafia Clinton.. it is to defeat both of them and to install the 3rd choice in American democracy .. he needs to build an alliance with Rand Paul to get the Senate.. then both mafias will be defeated ]
Hungary defense minister quits amid crisis. Mon Sep 7, 2015 Hungary's defense minister resigns amid a huge influx of refugees arriving in the country.
[ Nice.. nobody need that neocon.. no Europe nor the west  ]
IAEA not to extend Iran probe: Amano . Mon Sep 7, 2015 IAEA denies speculations that a December 15 target date on Iran probe could be renewed.
[ It is time for Iran to get out from the non proliferation treaty since Israel is allowed  to be arm & attack. That bureaucracy of the IAEA  is not neutral  .. they serve the interest of the US & Israel .. Not the interest of Iran ]
US revamping militant training in Syria. Mon Sep 7, 2015 The Pentagon is revamping its strategy of training so-called moderate militants in Syria.
[ There is not such a “moderate militant” in today Syria… The US-Pentagon & NATO is supporting ISIS ]
Syria, Hzbollah advance in east Zabadani. Mon Sep 7, 2015 Syria and Hezbollah fighters advance in the eastern parts of the border city of Zabadani. [ This is a real force against ISIS ]


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