jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015




Checking the sources used for this article:

Al-Nusra linked Twitter account posted pictures of a Russian drone and a Su-34 fighter jet - the kind which is not flown by the Syrian air force - flying over the Nusra-controlled western idlib province….

The Telegraph reported that "Syrian state TV reportedly broadcasts footage of Russian soldiers and armoured vehicle fighting alongside pro-Assad troops." .. It added that "an unnamed activist with the Syrian rebel group the Free Syrian Army told The Times: “The Russians have been there a long time."

[To conclude that ]
"There are more Russian officials who came to Slunfeh in recent weeks. We don’t know how many but I can assure you there has been Russian reinforcement.”

Then earlier today we got the closest thing to a confirmation from the White House itself which confirmed that… Obama spokesman Joshn Earnest essentially confirmed Russia was already operating in Syria  "Any military support to the Assad regime for any purpose, whether it's in the form of military personnel, aircraft supplies, weapons, or funding, is both destabilising and counterproductive."
And another confirmation: "a US official confirmed that "Russia has asked for clearances for military flight to Syria," but added "we don't know what their goals are."… "Evidence has been inconclusive so far as to what this activity is."

[ The tittle of this art didn’t fit neither the content nor reality.. what Joshn Earnest said was not an official statement of the White House.. So, the sources used for this “flashpoint” are very unreliable (some British media & US-CIA-Twitter ) they work in tandem with NATO and whatever they say on Syria belong the rituals of false-flags & distortion or misrepresentation of reality  .. In my opinion  this is just one more piece of anti-RU war mongerism .. in favor of regimen change]

[ THIS IS A EUROPEAN PROBLEM .. The first time that some neocons in Texas placed a wall on Mx immigrants it was a FEDERAL ISSUE … the real problem in America & Europe now  is that is difficult to assemble a Union when the nation feelings are distorted by the corporate media & big private interest … THE ONLY WAY TO PUT TOGETHER SUCH A DIVERSE NATION-MOSAIC  IS TO CONSULT THEM VIA REFERENDUMS .. The Texas’ neocon racism failed .. Texan farmer-and business  accepted quotas of Mx immigrants to run their business  and the Federal need the immigrants to push down the salaries at Fed-Nation level  ..  The same will happen with the rightist in Hungary’s State, they will fail too … xenophobia & racism belong to the past.. So, what is really a European problem is the existing of such decaying ideological attitudes of Hungarian rulers. .. they are the ones who do not belong to the future of a strong EU.. If Hungary people want walls .. then placed in their whole state and then they will see that such appartaid will collapse in a matter of days.. unless they get weapons from the US as happens in Israel. In my opinion,Hungarian people wants to be part of EU .. to rich such a dream they have to take out from power their rightist local rulers  ]

REMEMBER IT IS NOT FASCIST  WHEN WE DO IT. America’s descent into totalitarian violence is accelerating. It is a land in which facts have been redefined as enemy propaganda, a land in which legally protected whistleblowers are redefined as “fifth columns” or foreign agents subject to extermination, a land in which America is immune from criticism and all crimes are blamed on those whom Washington intends to rule.

[ En  “Las Uvas de la Ira” John Steinbeck narro los efectos de la crisis del 30 en la sociedad  USA en su conjunto. No solo los inhumanos se vuelven más inhumanos, los ricos, los que usaron la crisis para engordar sus bolsillos. .. También ocurre lo inverso, las clases trabajadoras se vuelven mas solidarias que nunca .. fueron los pobres de los community centers y los maestros  y las capas medias or “yuppies” los que se unieron para permitir que el sistema escolar no desaparezca,   aun cuando los super-intendents y los principals abandonaron sus puestos .. En situaciones de crisis es cuando nace abajo una revolución humanista “hidden” oculta .. silenciosa  pero palpable a todo nivel .. Aun en la mujer negra que había perdido su hijo y decidió amamantar con leche humana a un viejito blanco que debatía entre la vida y la muerte, como lo narra Steinbeck ..  Lo vi también en la crisis que nacio con la Rev zapatista en Mx … fueron estudiantes de la UNAM, la mayoría mujeres … las que viajaron a la selva lacandona como voluntarias para levantar las escuelas que el sistema Federal había abandonado .. allí la vi.. muriendo con las fiebres de selva .. por el delito de ser humanas en tiempos en la que metralla asesina del Federal enlutaba  Acteal. Decía el FED de Mx no tener dinero para esas escuelas ni para brindar salud a las voluntarias de la UNAM .. Estos ejemplo de humanismo, son revolucionarios en su esencia.. y son lo que permite a una Nacion seguir existiendo como tal.  De forma que no solo crece lo inhumano que describe Paul Craig .. también las crisis crean lo opuesto: humanismo revolucionario ]

China is [NOT] going to sell large quantities of Treasuries. There is too much co-dependency between the US consumer and Chinese exporter. Destabilizing the US Treasury market with large sales would be tantamount to shooting themselves in the foot.

[ Lo que yo creo es que China camina hacia un modelo post-neoliberal y creo que si no lo hace su propio pueblo se encargará de desmontar a las actuales burocracias .. es para ellos cuestión de vida o muerte el abandonar el sistema neoliberal .. el transito tiene al parecer un plan A: la transición pacifica, y un plan B, la via violenta si es que se agrava la injerencia americana en la zona .. se vienen preparando para ambas opciones y todo depende de la forma como evolucione el macro-sistema Economico  y Geo-Politico .. es este contexto lo que definirá el valor del Treasury bond USA ]
Why Economics Matters Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/03/2015

IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS: Ignorance of economics allows some very big falsehoods to be accepted as fact by large numbers of people. And it’s only going to get worse as the presidential election of 2016 unfolds.

Turkey has cracked down on press "freedom" and whipped the public into a "terror" paranoia frenzy ahead of new elections set for November. The bottom line: while the Western media is preoccupied with China's censorship and stock market selloff witch hunt, a NATO member is busy nullifying a democratic election outcome and instigating a civil war, all in the pursuit of political power and all with Washington's explicit blessing.  
Peak Obedience. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/03/2015

Through the 20th century, the people of the West built up a very high compliance inertia.  People obeyed simply because they had obeyed in the past. Authority quickly became addicted to this situation, basing their plans on receiving every benefit of the doubt. Automatic obedience, however, is a brittle thing. Economies of scale are failing, the money cartel has been exposed, government schools have lost respect, mass media is fading away, and the game continues because the populace is distracted and afraid. And that will not last forever. The ‘walls’ of reflexive compliance are growing thinner. Any serious break may ruin the structure.

To answer the question: yes, the US recession is hiding just under the "question mark" at the unexplained and perplexing divergence between industrial production, and actual end sales all of which result in a record inventory stockpiling which as we showed before, is what recently boosted Q2 GDP to an unsustainable 3.7% growth rate.

"...we live in an age in which the policies of the past are coming to an end. The Keynesian model does not work, and our Empire does not work. This total failure has to change, and we need to present the alternative."

We live in a Fiat economy where growth is fuelled by debt, and less and less from productivity and demographics. This takes place in a closed circuit with the US dollar as the reserve currency. The problem now is that the economy can not get restarted without changes to one or several parameters. Simply put, this fiat economy is unsustainable and must change, and we must adjust to slower growth and start actually producing.
Mapping The Crisis Contagion Process: The Flowchart. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/03/2015

We stand once again at the precipice of crisis and central banks are out of ammunition and, perhaps more importantly, completely out of credibility. Indeed, the fact that we are facing a new Asian Financial Crisis, emerging market mayhem, harrowing bouts of volatility accompanied by ever more frequent flash crashes across asset classes seems to prove that far from "smoothing out" the business cycle, Keynesianism gone wild in fact does the exact opposite: it creates the conditions for still greater booms and busts and thereby serves to destabilize markets. 

In light of the above, we present the following flowchart from BNP which should serve as a helpful roadmap for those wondering how we just went from one major crisis to another in the space of seven years and all we have to show for it is more debt and trillions in printing press money that did next to nothing to boost aggregate demand. 


We are in the midst of an unprecedented global deflation. A real live bear market is once again at hand.

The risk-off tide is rising, and sand castles of QE will only hold the tide back for a brief period of apparent calm.

WTI Crude oil prices are in total panic buying mode this morning as the algos are fully in charge once again. WTI is up 5% this morning in a straight line since US equity markets opened (and USO went vertical). What is most ironic is thatSaudi Aramco just slashed prices for crude oil to everyone around the world.

Democrats are the happiest relative to Republicans in over 3 months according to Bloomberg's Consumer Comfort index. In fact, whether because the market is tumbling or The Donald is soaring,Republican 'comfort' is the lowest since Nov 2014 while Democrat 'comfort' remains relatively stable... See Image: http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2015/09/20150903_bernie_1_0.jpg
Charts: Bloomberg

As the chart below shows, in the age of artificially supressed volatility, even a plain vanilla market correction now generates the type of emotional shock comparable to the biggest market collapse since the Great Depression, and judging by the Google Trends chart, searches for "market crash" are on par with those recorded during late 2008!  Source: google trends

Moments ago Challenger reported August job cuts, which at 41,186 were a 60% drop from the 115,730 reported last month (the highest since September 2011), which however was driven by a one-time mass layoffs last month in military staffing. Putting August in its correct perspective, the number was 2.9% higher than the same month a year ago, when 40,010 planned job cuts were announced. So far in 2015 employers have announced 434,554 job cuts: that is up 31 percent from the 332,931 planned layoffs in the first eight months of 2014. What is worst, and what reveals the true picture of the economy, is that with monthly totals averaging 54,319, 2015 job cuts are on track to exceed 650,000 for the yeajesusr, which would be the highest year-end tally since 2009 (1,272,030).
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/03/2015 - 07:32
  • U.S. Treasury's Lew says China will be held accountable on currency (Reuters) ... but not Japan
  • Bank of Japan Not Convinced of Need for Further Easing (WSJ)
  • Stocks Advance With Commodities on Signs of European Revival (BBG)
  • IMF Says China Slowdown, Other Risks Threaten Global Outlook (WSJ)
  • Xi Says China No Threat, Announces Military Cuts at Parade (BBG)
  • China holds massive military parade, to cut troop levels by 300,000 (Reuters)
  • Migrants leave Budapest for Austrian frontier; pressure builds for EU action (Reuters)

All eyes will be on Mario Draghi on Thursday as expectations for something big from the former Goldmanite have grown over the past two weeks. More specifically, some now think the odds of QE expansion have increased considerably in light of collapsing eurozone inflation expectations, the incipient threat of some $1 trillion in QE-offsetting EM FX reserve draw downs, turmoil in China's financial markets, heightened volatility across the globe, and chaos in emerging markets from LatAm to AsiaPac.

With China closed today, the usual overnight market manipulation fireworks out of Beijing were absent but that does not meant asset levitation could not take place, and instead of the daily kick start out of China today it has been all about the ECB which as we previewed two days ago, is expected - at least by some such as ABN Amro - to outright boost its QE, while virtually everyone else expects Draghi to not only cut the ECB's inflation forecast, which reminds us of the chart which in March we dubbed the biggest hockeystick ever (we knew it wouldn't last) but to verbally jawbone the Euro as low as possible (i.e., the Dax as high as it will get) even if the former Goldmanite does not explicitly commit to more QE.




Is the Stock Market Now “Too Big to Fail”?. Posted on September 3, 2015 by Charles Hugh Smith. The U.S. stock market is integral to the global financial system in two ways.Now that investment banks, pension funds, insurers and multitudes of 401K retirement plans are dependent oncurrent equity valuations, a crash would impair virtually the entire spectrum of finance from hedge funds to banks to insurers to pension plans.


Cuba.  -El Papa y el Padre. Patricio Montesinos


'Taking Saudi as ally belies US rights claims'. Thu Sep 3, 2015 HRW says US partnership with Saudi Arabia stands in contrast with Washington's human rights claims.
‘GOP candidates fighting for Zionist pie’. Thu Sep 3, 2015 Republican US presidential candidates are fighting to grab a big piece of the Zionist pie, an American scholar says.
‘US plants seeds of fear about China’. Thu Sep 3, 2015 An analyst says that by “exaggerating” threats of a military encounter with China, the US spreads fear against the country.
NATO opens new military post in Lithuania. Thu Sep 3, 2015 NATO launches a new military command center in the Lithuanian capital amid growing tensions with Russia over Ukraine.
US launches advanced military satellite. Thu Sep 3, 2015 The US Navy has launched a new tactical communications satellite into earth’s orbit.
IMF: China impact worse than thought. Thu Sep 3, 2015 The International Monetary Fund says China’s slowdown and other factors are pushing the global economy to much deeper trouble than originally thought.
Turkey to blame for refugee crisis: Syria. Thu Sep 3, 2015 Syria’s deputy foreign minister blames Turkey for pushing Syrian refugees to seek asylum in Europe.
'China’s warships spotted off US coast'. Thu Sep 3, 2015 For the first time ever, China’s military ships have been seen operating off the US coast, the has Pentagon confirmed.


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