lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015




Two generation joining together (the young & the older, one bringing energy & the other experience) to save the US Nation in a critical moment: the uncertainty of Economics & the political pressure inside & abroad. This coincidence will define the FUTURE not only of this country, but also the relation of this country with the world. This phenomenon never happens before in US history, the same Bernie described this as shocking reality. How to explain it?.  I guess there at least two factors to consider: the social or National context & the relation of this context with individuals like Sanders. In a country that every day the corporate media foster the dissolution of the State-Nation (FED-eralism) in favor of individualism  (the realm of private bankers & big corporations inside), in this context the unexpected massive voice of students are claiming the need for harmony between the whole & its elements. Their departure point to assess the conflict between individual & society is that individual should depose their personal interest in favor of the common interest.  That is that young people see in Sanders life. His will to serve the Nation appear clear to young people that observes reality and think in their future. This coincidence only happens in critical moments of history.. and this is the one..not only to young people.. to whole society. This is the moment when the free development of every individual become the condition of free development for all. Sanders is the personification of this conjuncture. He is here in the right place (the US) at the right time, at world level. We Latino people join the whole nation to welcome Sanders  to power! !  ]


What can we expect to happen in our homeland when finally even the generally uninformed population also understands that governments they have elected for decades, and its Fed facilitator or controller, jointly have waged a century-long war on its citizens? 

[ It is the need for a new system that will prompt citizens to revolt .. if they don’t have clear idea of the alternative system to build they won’t have the need  to change it and they will endure indefinite periods of pain and oppression .. as religion faith demanded.. to obtain the bless of God ]
Ron Paul Rages: Don't Blame America, Blame The Neocon Interventionists For The Syrian Catastrophe. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/21/2015. [ Servants of power that execute wrong policies are servants like the postman who knows they deliver anthrax or a bomb .. we blame the whole system that use them.. mainly the owners of the system .. & we include ourselves  in the blame until we tolerate them ]

Ron Paul said "I don’t blame America. I am America, you are America. I don’t blame you. I blame bad policy. I blame the interventionists. I blame the neoconservatives who preach this stuff, who believe in it like a religion — that they have to promote American goodness even if you have to bomb and kill people. In short, I don’t blame America; I blame neocons."
 [ That is you Ron.. I’m American & I feel sorry & accomplice for the pain we cause with our wars abroad.. I will feel so until we put in jail the servants & owners of power ]

[ McCain & associates are instruments paid by Banks & big corp manufacturing weapons.. in this system they represent America .. Then.. It is America that caused the Syrian catastrophe .. We are the interventionists till we keeping those representatives in power .. We have to take them out in Nov 4! ]
[Nothing wrong with People’s Bank of China PBOC.. our hidden concern are the effects of the damage we caused in China ]

Perhaps the biggest news of the evening is, as China's bankiong regulator has been meeting with foreign banks to express concerns over lack of risk control around non-performing loans. As CBRC said, rather stunningly honest for a government entity, "the current situation is more severe than the time in 2008 during the financial crisis." With stocks up while commodities (Zinc) limit-down, PBOC injects another CNY50 bn and devalued the Yuan fix for the 2nd day in a row.

The Long Con: Democracy & The Illusion Of Consent. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/21/2015 

Democracy is an incredibly successful long con. It works because of the illusion of consent. People actually believe they are "represented." The 'proof' of American democracy continues to wax. One hundred years ago, we were at what you might call the hard cider, or the beer and wine stage. We are now at the Jack Daniels stage. How much longer before we are at the methanol stage? It depends on how much longer the long con that we are "represented" – and have given our "consent" – holds up.

Forget about a housing recovery: for the vast majority of Americans, the housing crisis is about to get worse. Much worse.
[ Just wishful thinking .. mere speculative blah blah ]

Russia has now confirmed that it is intervening in the Syrian war on the side of the Assad government; and, as Al-Arabiya's Azeem Ibrahim notes, the response of the U.S. betrays its impotent incredulity. Russia is poised to return to the Middle East, from which it was ejected with the collapse of the USSR. The United States seems to be telling Russia to go ahead, because, as Raghida Dergham explains, it is unwilling to engage – though it is not yet ready to fully retreat.

Another wishful thinking .. mere speculative blah blah ]
The End Of Magical Thinking: Money Cannot Manufacture Resources. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/21/2015  [it “Cannot Manufacture Resources”.. but it can buy it.. crock know the how to ]

Our current economic policy suffers from a fatal degree of magical thinking: sufficient new resources will emerge if the price is high enough.As any fourth grader will tell you, a finite system will not yield unlimited resources. But that perspective is not shared by those controlling the printing presses. And so they print and print and print, yet remain flummoxed when supply (and increasingly, demand for that matter) does not increase the way they expect. Is this any way to run an economy? Or a finite planet for that matter?

As Benjamin Netanyahu visits Moscow to discuss the possibility that Russian arms delivered to Syria could end up being funneled to Hezbollah, the action on the ground heats up with the Russian embassy in Damscus coming under mortar fire. The Kremlin has condemned the attack as "criminal" and is now calling for "action." 

It's no secret that Brazil was long expected to be the epicenter of any future EM crisis just as it was, in many ways, the picture of EM success during better times. That said, even we’ve been surprised with the pace at which the situation has deteriorated and in the wake of the S&P downgrade the market is now left to ponder just how much worse things can get. According to Goldman the list of obstacles is laughably long.

The Federal Reserve system was created in December 1913 with the stroke of the pen by then President Woodrow Wilson. Since that time,consumer purchasing power has fallen from $1,000 in December 1913 to … $40 today.
'Not' Monday Humor: Saudi Arabia Chosen To Head UN Human Rights Panel. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/21/2015 [ with the support of the US, of course ]

In a move as embarrassing, laughable and tragic as Barack Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize just as he was about to embark upon several overseas wars and drone countless civilians to death without due process, the United Nations has, remarkably, named Saudi Arabia head of it’s human rights panel.
This long-term erosion of earned income and household finances does not enable "growth" that is based on rising spending and borrowing. If these are no longer possible, the status quo has no Plan B.

Bullard Slams "Unsavory" Jim Cramer's "Permanent Cheerleading," Admits "Fed Can't Support Stocks Forever"  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/21/2015 [ Neoliberalism: a system totally rotten ]

In a stunning 30 second clip on CNBC this morning, St.Louis Fed head Jim Bullard sent a message to "your friend Cramer", saying "The Fed cannot permanently raise stock prices," adding, rather astonishingly to the anchors, "to have [Cramer] cheerleading for lower rates 24 hours a day is unsavory."
Housing "Brightspot" Burns Out - Existing Home Sales Plunge Most In 7 Months. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/21/2015 [ This system is falling apart little by little .. no way to hide it ]

After an almost incessant rise since January, Existing Home Sales in August plunged 4.8% (the most since January and dramatically worse than the -1.65 drop expected). This is the 3rd biggest monthly collapse since the financial crisis. While the Northeast saw no change, The West (down 7.8% MoM) and South (down 6.6% MoM) saw the biggest plunges in sales as median home prices fell for the 2nd month in a row. It appears the one brightspot in the economy (according to mainstream media) has burned out as affordability and excitability come to a turning point.
"US Profit Growth Has Never Been This Weak Outside Of A Recession". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/21/2015 [ Son menos y gana menos? NO. Son menos y gana más y no produciendo.. estafando ]

The chart below shows the annual change in 12-month forward S&P 500 EPS expectations. This series is based on forward consensus expectations and therefore excludes many of the write-downs and exceptional items that are currently pushing down actual reported profits. It is more akin to operational profits and has never been this negative outside of a recession!

"The market is now observing itself from another angle as an observer of the observer of the observers."
Financial Anarchy. S- by Tyler Durden on 09/21/2015 [ More rational than the previous one ]

Having no cost to money is the economic equivalent of no intelligent laws in society. The equivalent of using our money but having a baseline of zero for the benefit produced with that money. The results are what you would expect, the wild west, One might say, Financial Anarchy.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/21/2015 - 07:31
  • Fed is out so...BOJ brainstorms stimulus overhaul as options dwindle (Reuters)
  • And... Yellen Pause Ups Pressure on Draghi as Global Pessimism Mounts (BBG)
  • But... Eurozone Nears Limits of What Monetary Policy Can Do (WSJ)
  • Global shares struggle on global growth concerns (Reuters)
  • VW's Emissions Cheating Found by Curious Clean-Air Group (BBG)
  • David Cameron allegedly fucked a dead pig's head (Mirror)


Colombia. La transición a la paz Horacio Duque



Ahora la banca europea, la alemana y el IMF pueden legitimar el pillaje privatizador con los “bailouts”. Al nivel político, los alemanes también legitimaran su dictadura anárquica en una Union  Europea amenazada por los autonomistas de España y los del UK,  y por la incoherencia política de la Unión frente a los refugiados (fue la EU-US y NATO los destruyeron  en Siria  la casa, pueblo y familia de los que hoy buscan asilo en una Europa y a los que hoy se les cierra las puertas). El triunfo de Tsipras le da alivio a la troika, nadie mejor que ellos celebra ese triunfo de un traidor a las iniciales promesas electorales anti-austeridad en Grecia.  

Ni la cantidad ni calidad del voto emitido el domingo da evidencia del triunfo de Tsipras. 1ro, porque Tsipras obtuvo menos votos que los abstencionistas que llegaron al 48% del electorado total, y ese fue un votos de asco contra Tsipras y los eurocrats. 2do. Porque la disidencia parlamentaria barrida el domingo fue reemplazada por el ascenso de los neo-nazis en Grecia y estos también están contra la austeridad. 3ro, los que votaron por Tsipras del 52% de votos validos, estos tampoco le dieron mayoría absoluta en el Parlamento, la perdieron. Solo el 3% de ese voto válido,  obtenido por un  grupo de arribistas le da esperanza a Tsipras de obtener mayoría en el Parlamento, y eso solo si la troika compra ese voto. Esto no garantiza calidad democrática pero si su descomposición.  4to La experiencia Griega del domingo confirmó lo que dijo Robert Dahl de estos eventos populares: son lo inverso al “pluralismo” que supone alto grado de conciencia política. Lo inverso lo empezamos a ver en el 2do Referendum y ese proceso se completo este domingo. El populismo vacío de principios triunfo y eso es mero triunfo de la inconciencia, desesperanza, desinformación y  manipulación de la ignorancia política del pueblo.  

Al “triunfo de los desclasados”, Dalh llama dictadura de los de abajo, que es igual de atroz y salvaje como la dictadura de los de arriba, el de las oligarquías, a lo que Dahl llamo Cronismo. La diferencia es que los de abajo no tienen nada que perder - sino su vida-  en su aventura política de violencia anárquica. En la dictadura de los arriba, estos si lo pierden todo si son depuestos violentamente. La option USA: si el    cronysm traspasa los límites de lo permitido por el sistemas de poder dominante (el imperio)... este organizan el R2P (Right to Protect).. el “protect” supone protección a la población civil, pero en realidad es protección de los intereses del imperio dominante y sus vasallos. El R2P empieza con los bloqueos Econ y termina con la intervención militar y el cambio de régimen. Es lo que ocurrió en Siria, solo que el “cambio de régimen” fue obstruido por el imperio emergente de Rusia-China.

En esencia, ambas formas de dictadura, la de arriba called “cronysm” y la de abajo “populism” , son igual de salvajes y anti-democraticas. El cronysm lo avalan los banqueros y castas mafiosas que financian candidatos y compran elecciones, y el populism el sistema alternativo de poder mundial.  Este es el contexto en que se dio “la jugada maestra de la troika” en Grecia. 

En ese contexto, las perspectivas de Grecia son obvias: Si los neo-nazis expanden su poder sobre los “abstencionistas”,  tendremos la dictadura de los pobres en su forma violenta como ocurre en Kiev. Y si estos son frenados, lo que vendría en Grecia seria el cronism decadente similar al de las “democracias” occidentales. Las perspectivas de insurrección popular son remotas en Grecia ya que la “oposición” democrática fue liquidada el domingo. .. Y esa fue una jugada maestra de la Troika: el usar al traidor Tsipras para el logro de este objetivo.   Hugo Adan. 9/21/15 ]

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