viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015




[ This is the best move from Obama so far ]

In a startling turn of events, retired General John Allen will be stepping down as special envoy to the global coalition fighting ISIS and will beleaving government employment entirely.President Obama’s hand-picked choice to lead the U.S. in the international effort fighting the Islamic State will call it quits just as the harsh spotlight intensifies scrutiny over questionable decisions by the administration.

[ Estamos frente a una situación grave… todo se viene abajo y rápido.. urge actuar rápido ]

Since Francois Hollande was elected (in May 2012), France has seen its joblessness ranks rise 36 of 39 months by a stunning 648,000. The lastest month added another 20,000 as it appears the brief respite in June and July is well and truly over. At 3.571 million, this is the highest number of jobseekers France has ever had...

[ LA CRISIS ACTUAL SOLO TIENE UNA SALIDA POLÍTICA: integrar las organizaciones del LABOR y EL CAPITAL PRODUCTIVO  (no el especulativo) en los “deep-states” y crear con ellos una propuesta de mercado y democracia con “responsabilidad social”. Es decir, una propuesta de crecimiento con desarrollo donde los intereses de ambos sectores logren la fórmula del win-wina mediano y largo plazo; pero  partiendo del “equal lose-lose” para enfrentar la  situación de crisis actual. La iniciativa debe partir de los Gbnos actuales, pero estos actuando como “facilitadores” y no como “rulers” con capacidad de decisión. El sistema partidario que existe en cada país debe ser excluido por razones obvias: el capital productivo y el labor no necesitan de esas “representaciones”, pueden y deben representarse a si mismas. Los mejores técnicos y académicos del país que hayan mostrado una posición post-neoliberal, debe ser convocados para que asesoren a esas delegaciones del labor y el capital-P, pero tampoco tendran voz ni voto en la toma de decisiones. Una vez  establecidos los acuerdos por unanimidad , deberá  verse la mejor forma de implementarlos con el aval de los aparatos de seguridad y de la prensa nacional. Como los acuerdos implican modificar la Constitucion y las leyes, se deberá convocar un equipo de jueces que represente a todos los Estados del país. Ellos  deberán ayudar al cambio socio-politico del país y tampoco tienen poder de decisión, su tarea es proporcionar el marco legal para el cambio. Todos estos equipos deberán ser convocados con absoluta discreción y secretismo. Estariamos frente a un Proyecto Dirigista, no autoritario, tampoco democrático en el tradicional sentido de la palabra. Se trata de ayudar a resolver una situación de emergencia nacional e internacional y aquí en los EE.UU tenemos los mejores recursos humanos para ello. Hay que seleccionarlos con criterio constructor y transformador, se deberá por tanto excluir a todos aquellos que están a favor del status-quo. Si alguien quiere llamar “coup” o golpe de Estado a este proyecto, jamas podría dar evidencia de que es golpe de Estado ni del FED. Es simplemente un acuerdo dirigista para enfrentar una Sit de emergencia  ]

A Dutch grain-trading firm, Nidera BV (whose name is an acronym consisting of the countries in which it operates: Netherlands, India, Deutschland, England, Russia, Argentina) has suffered a crushing blow as a result of a "rogue trader" whose actions led to "significant losses" in the company's biofuels business. Nidera CEO Ton van der Laan said the grain-trading house has since exited the biofuels business and closed all the deals linked to the losses. "There is a significant loss."

[ This economic  system is obsolete.. traders are not the real cause, the Nazis blamed the Jews on it .. They were wrong.. it is not dishonest speculation.. it happens every-day, everywhere, that is part of our system.. If that were the main cause a Tobin tax to any trade transaction would solve the problem.. it won’t .. it is the broken financial system that is wrong: the type of banking & frauds, speculation & the protection to this imperial capitalsm we have.. They are in power, they have to be either severely ruled & taxed  (Tobin applies here), OR being confiscated .. this is a political & Ec problem at the same time.. FDR faced & solved.. we need to create a post neo-liberal system.. it is urgent.. otherwise the crash is inevitable
[ The “monster” is not well described & the “perhaps” in the solution doesn’t bring hope ] Read:

For decades, extreme ideologies on both the left and the right have clashed over the conspiratorial concept of a shadowy secret government pulling the strings on the world’s heads of state and captains of industry : the “Deep State.”

Former Republican congressional aide Mike Lofgren says it is the nexus of Wall Street and the national security state .. “It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Justice Department. I also include the Department of the Treasury because of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street,” he explained.
Even parts of the judiciary, namely the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, belong to the deep state.

[Here the subtitles in this art: ]

-How does the deep state operate?.  This comes with a VIDEO. URL:
- How did the deep state come to be?
- Is there hope for the future?  [This is the conclusion :]

Perhaps. At present, discord and unrest continues to build. Various groups, establishments, organizations, and portions of the populace from all corners of the political spectrum, including Silicon Valley, Occupy, the Tea Party, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, anarchists and libertarians from both the left and right, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and others are beginning to vigorously question and reject the labyrinth of power wielded by the deep state. Can these groups — can we, the people — overcome the divide and conquer tactics used to quell dissent? The future of freedom may depend on it.
Half Of Americans Think "Government Is An Immediate Threat To Liberty". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/24/2015 [Perhaps the bottom half .. the top half enjoy the neoliberal system ]

Government poses a threat to liberty, that much is clear. But what may be surprising is thatalmost half of Americans clearly identified government as a clear and “immediate” threat, and are obviously outraged about what is going on. It is time that Americans embrace their anger at government, and focus their attention past the politicians to the real problem. Start with the bankers, follow the money, and see where it goes...

[ She got cold &.. must be hospitalized ?.. Big business for the Pharma & for the mafia (bankers & WS crooks) who wants a better server in the office.. Much better business will be to put the crooks in a psychiatric hospital  ]

[ Yes, it is naked but there are not children to notice it .. this is an invented  “crazy adult “paradox” ]

Read this: “the market's natural ability to purge speculative excess and correct the misallocation of capital, GOT  A SHORT CIRCUIT, SO  .. what you get is a never-ending loop whereby the consequences of unconventional monetary policy serve as the excuse for doubling and tripling down on those same policies.  
[ Then is not a short circuit.. the circuit was a long one.  Does it really exist? ]

The ongoing oligarch theft labeled an “economic recovery” by pundits, politicians and mainstream media alike, is one of the largest frauds we’ve witnessed in my life. The reality of the situation is finally starting to hit home, and the proof is now undeniable. So now we know what has kept meager spending afloat during this pitiful “recovery.” A combination of “alternative loans” and a bleeding of retirement accounts. The transformation of the public into a horde of broke debt serfs is almost complete.

[To be completed ..the public has to put the oligarchy in the “paredon”.. the reverse is impossible ]

[ FACT: There is not such a high prices for chicken in America .. Is this alarmism a plan for anarchy? ]

READ THIS “… with stealth-flation leaking into everyday prices wherever you look (as long as 'you' are not The Fed), we may have just witnessed the awakening. With prices for chicken having hit record highs, residents of America are brawling over the last winged feast...”  [ IT WON’T WORK ]

[ We are going to have not only reds from RU,  but also yellows rom China .. plus the greens from Al Qaeda and the blacks from ISIS.. it seems we gona have a new festival of color “involution” soon ]

And the regional Fed survey collapse goes on... DallasRichmondNew YorkPhillyChicago, and now Kansas City...

If it was Janet Yellen's intention when deciding not to hike rates to stop the surge of the USD against emerging market currencies in hopes of halting the relentless global capital outflows and the resulting Quantitative Tightning, to avoid a new global currency crisis... she failed.
[NOT man, she saved you ]

 [ They never care for USD.. all they wanted is free USD via QEs & bail-out.. Now with the system crisis.. they buy gold to dump more the dollar. Are they Americans?.. I don’t think so ]

[ Interesting way of splitting with partners ... “With these friends, we don’t need enemies” ]

Martin Armstrong, the European Union's leadership (elected and unelected) are the kings of hiding the truth when it matters. As he warns, "if you do not know whom to trust, distrust everyone." The motto of the ECB is plain and simple: why reform when we still have some power? Governments will fight until the last drop of blood is spilled; they assume it will be your blood, not theirs.

[ Governments do not have blood to spill.. is the Nation who has it.. it provides the soldiers sacrificed not for our nation but for Bankers, big corporation & WS mafia-speculators who owns this country.. Armstrong is not going to give a drop of blood for our nation.. he is going to suck people’s blood  ]
Recession Countdown: Durable Goods Orders Drop Most Since March, Shipments Tumble. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/24/2015 [That recession is coming true. What to do is the problem ]

Durable Goods New Orders dropped 2.0% MoM in August, the biggest drop since March(but modestly beat expectations of a 2.3% drop). This extends the ex-transports YoY losing streak to 7 months of declines flashing recessionary warnings left and right. Perhaps most notable is the 0.2% drop in Capital goods Shipments (dramatically missing expectations of a 0.5% rise) and the weakest print since May.
[ The usual neoliberal crook game is not over, said this guy ]

.. an "Update on Technical Buying/Selling"  concludes that the technical selling is now officially over and the same technical sellers, among which the much maligned risk parity funds that pushed stocks in late August and early September, are now "expected to buy Equities."

[ Is this why the emergency for high interest rates & QEs & bailouts.. if so, .. “it stand to reason” ]

[ finally we are going to think in new  types of energy .. is this going to happen? ]

With the market's perceived risk of default across the energy space at record highs, .. Bloomberg reports, oil services companies are finding alternative ways to raise cash and repay debt after falling crude prices has made it difficult for them to get funding from traditional sources. As one restructuring firm warned, "bond markets are closed for these companies, especially small ones, and banks may not be lending to them at this stage," with another ominoulsy warning, "getting new liquidity in this market could be a painful exercise. For many companies, financial restructuring seems inevitable."

[ Shale parties are close partners with crook banks .. if they split.. comes default or .. suicide ]

[ Not please.. we are going to send you to Syria to see the mess you created with ISIS & if they don’t behead you.. or get incinerated by a RU drone.. we will enjoy the happiness of seeing  you in jail ]

.. in a frantic attempt to extract every last penny of savings in order to offset the cost of paying hundreds of thousands of workers $9/hour versus $8, Wal-Mart is effectively demanding price cuts from anyone with a connection to China in the wake of Beijing’s move to devalue the yuan.

[ Get a best yuan to save Wal-Mart?  .. Bye, Bye Wal-Mart .. you are waiting “peras del olmo”.. You were never interested in Thousands of US workers.. now they are going to demand in Court a fair compensation for your default ]
OFFICIALLY everything is OK.. but:

Butter prices hit $3.10 per lb today in Chicago trading - a record high - as it appears the expectations of production increases after the EU milk quota system expired in March have proved "wildly optimistic." Of course, no one should complain at the rising cost of staples like butter (or toilet paper), just ask Jamie Dimon... "let them eat iPhones." 

[ They’re not going to eat phones.. they gona used to organize the defense of their rights

[ This art start accusing Russia  (1st paragraph) for the effects of the Syrian’s war .. to admit (in the 2nd paragraph) that  Syria war has four years old… IF SO, it was no RU that caused the problem.. It was the ISIS and those who armed and financed: The US-UK-EU & NATO  ] Read:

With Russian boots officially on the ground at Latakia and with rumors circulating that the PLA may arrive within weeks, Syria has officially replaced eastern Ukraine as the most likely theatre for the start of World War 3. 

For those who - much like a certain CIA “strategic asset” - are looking for signs that Syria’s four-year old, bloody civil war might mark the beginning of the apocalypse, look no further than the Svalbard Global Seed Vault which was tapped for first time in history in response to the uncertain future of Aleppo. Here’s Reuters:
Syria's civil war has prompted the first withdrawal of seeds from a "doomsday" vault built in an Arctic mountainside to safeguard global food supplies, officials said on Monday.

The seeds, including samples of wheat, barley and grasses suited to dry regions, have been requested by researchers elsewhere in the Middle East to replace seeds in a gene bank near the Syrian city of Aleppo that has been damaged by the war.

It has more than 860,000 samples, from almost all nations. Even if the power were to fail, the vault would stay frozen and sealed for at least 200 years.

The Aleppo seed bank has kept partly functioning, including a cold storage, despite the conflict. But it was no longer able to maintain its role as a hub to grow seeds and distribute them to other nations, mainly in the Middle East

And here's a look at the outside and inside of the repository that would be tapped in the event a cataclysm threatens global food supplies:  See pictures
America's "Lumbering" Economy. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/24/2015
[ What caused the current Econ crisis?.. manipulation of prices in lumber? . Who did it? ]

While crude and copper have been christened the great economic forecasters of our time, the data shows that there is another, more highly correlated, commodity to the economic cycle. Lumber prices are the most correlated with ISM and GDP of all industrial commodities and that is a problem...

[ 1st such correlation is not sufficient for causation, and 2nd no answer to the Qt who did it ]

[ China put 1 mosquito in my soup.. I need money to put 100 in theirs.. Who is going to pay? ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/24/2015 - 07:37
  • Stocks slip for fifth straight day, euro holds steady (Reuters)
  • VW recall letters in April warned of an emissions glitch (Reuters)
  • VW Cheating Scandal Threatens to Ensnare BMW as Probe Widens (BBG)
  • Pope Francis set to address fractious U.S. Congress (Reuters)
  • Norway Cuts Rates to Record Low to Save Economy From Oil Slump (BBG)
  • Taiwan Cuts Rate for First Time Since 2009 as Exports Falter (BBG)
  • Janet Yellen to speak at UMass on Thursday (Daily Collegian)
  • A Big Bet That China’s Currency Will Devalue Further (NYT)
  • Debt Relief for Students Snarls Market for Their Loans (WSJ)

As Bloomberg reports, "President Vladimir Putin, determined to strengthen Russia’s only military outpost in the Middle East, is preparing to launch unilateral airstrikes against Islamic State from inside Syria if the U.S. rejects his proposal to join forces, two people familiar with the matter said."
[ This will be the best from Putin, so far ]


Religious fanaticism is essentially a European and Anglo-American tradition


Bolivia Y su demanda maritima.    La votación e La Haya evidencia fracaso de la Cancillería chilena. Paula Campos y Gonzalo Castillo from Chile
EE.UU. Carta del Presidente Barack Obama a Adolfo Pérez Esquivel -  . Barack Obama


NSA accuses China of cybertheft in US. Fri Sep 25, 2015 The head of the US National Security Agency has accused China of cybertheft in America.
US police shoot, kill disabled black man. Fri Sep 25, 2015 US police officers have been caught on camera, fatally shooting a paralyzed black man in wheelchair.
‘US provoking war with Russia over Syria’. Fri Sep 25, 2015 The United States is provoking a confrontation with Russia over the Syrian crisis but Moscow is doing its best avoid it, an American journalist says.
Obama and Putin to meet in New York. Fri Sep 25, 2015 The presidents of the US and Russia will meet on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York next week.
‘US ready to co-op with Russia on Syria’. Thu Sep 24, 2015 The United States says it is ready to cooperate with Russia to resolve the crisis in Syria.


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