viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015



Beyond Leeching  By Michael Hudson . September 18, 2015
The Federal Reserve this week is considering raising interest rates above levels that have hovered at zero since 2008. News media are characterizing the debate over whether or not to increase rates, as “Should we be more concerned about the pace of job growth or the threat of inflation?”
But the question often left unasked is, “why are most Americans still struggling in this economy?” The bottom lines of corporations are taken to be a measure of economic health. But if the economy is ostensibly designed so that all can benefit, why is it that only a few benefit?


Russia Says It May Send Troops Into Combat In Syria As A Worried Netanyahu Heads To Moscow. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/18/2015 [ Lunatic Zionist?.. ISIS & Al nustra is the problem today ]

Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem says Syria may officially request the support of Russian combat troops in the fight to take back the country, a move that would pave the way for the Kremlin to overtly declare that Russia has joined the war in support of Bashar al-Assad. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with Putin on Monday to discuss concerns that Russia's involvement could end up strengthening the military capabilities of Hezbollah. …  "the most powerful operative in the Middle East today"...  [ Hezbollah never destroy nor commit genocide in Siria .. it is their ally ]

The Fed is the center of perception; the medium has become the message. The truth is more this: the Fed no longer reacts to the waxing and waning of animal spirit-led demandIn the current monetary regime FED exists to create and maintain animal spirits with a secular policy centered on ever-expanding credit, but it is very aware that admitting it’s centrality would defeat its purpose.
[ Centrality vs Decentraliz is not the issue. … The main FED objective was to maintain the power of big productive corporations over the neoliberal system created by the Washington consensus of 1985.. the problem is that bad speculative Corp have captured this system & depower its productive sector … making the US a collapsing system .. It is the FED responsibility to change the driver & the route.. as FDR did it before ]
Interbank Credit Risk Soars To 3 Year Highs - Is This Why Janet Folded?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/18/2015 [ It might be one of the reasons .. the main problem is capital-labor relations ]

Following Yellen's decision to chicken-out yesterday, it appears interbank counterparty risk is even ominous-er. With bank stocks prices tumbling, catching down to credit market's concerns, the TED Spread - implicitly measuring interbank credit risk - jumped over 21% yesterday - to its highest in 3 years.

[ Security is nothing but trash- stat-paper. The problem is that working classes do not have the purchasing power it should have to create economic growth with development … two factors inhibited … the over-production that new technology  fostered  .. and the semi-slave labor in China , the center of world production .. The FACT  is that one night trillion of dollars in stock disappeared in China and not even the $2 dollar a day exist to reproduce the existence of such labor ... China had to inject tons of yuans and devaluate their currency to cope with it .. the whole system tumbled .. Intentional or not, such act made clear to China that the fake neoliberal system can be destroyed in a matter of minutes by one single tech manipulation of buying & selling goods.. the communication rev in the hands of speculative mafias allowed such maneuver.. China correction of their system is in process .. Bad people  were sanctioned with taught & necessary punishment.. But the license to steal is still valid in the US.. it was approved the night before to the infamous day.. Raise interests in the US would’ve been  the 2nd chance to make another big theft  worldwide .. All emerging markets were at risk…  “The Security crooks” can do nothing to prevent that to happen ( they only provide trash- stat-paper ).. The license to steal was ready in place to allow another big theft.. That could be the main reason why Ms Yellen stop the expected fist by big crook corporations.. the effects of such theft  at international level could have been her defeat too & the defeat of the whole neoliberal system. .. This predatory system is based on fraud, plunder and debts and it has created the ingredient  to break down the system: the millions of people deprived from basic needs.. people that has nothing to lose but their misery, hunger and diseases. They are aware of this & ready to take arms.. thanks to the communication system too. … There is no way to roll back this tech nor the wheels of history. … Yellen knew that this rate hike can create the start of this fire. She postponed it ]

[ 1st Japaneses are here..  or.. We are Japan now.
2nd Their lesson on hara-kiri are easy to learn among top busisness-crooks
3rd Tough debt is the main source of money for our Bankers & they represent only A FEW OF US
In short: if they commit suicide.. we don’t need them.. Nobody cares ]

Martin Armstrong Warns: The Fed Just Made The Same Mistake As It Did In 1927 . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/18/2015

[ Armstrong has to be sent back to a secondary school  .. a one that has a good teacher in US history.. He may learn that was FDR who proposed the Glass-Steagall ACT to cope with the coming crisis : the 1st world recession .. At that time a monster already lay their nazi-eggs in Germany .. as it is now with ISIS genocides & Kiev neo-nazy brutality . … When FDR came to power he implemented his plan & give to America 40 years of healthy growth with development .. hand on hand ]

[ THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO PRACTICE EUTHANASIA. Why not?   They are already infected with the terminal cancer that resulted from the mixing of : printing QEs, debt intoxication & speculative gluttony ]

It appears a combination of "there's not enough growth" and "well maybe they'll ease" has driven growthy commodities down hard post-Yellen and sent investors reaching for the safety of bullion.Silver is up over 5% this week now and Gold back at 3 week highs...

[ gold & silver up =THE DOLLAR IN LIMBO .. either keeping it for a little while or disposed as currency for world trade & bank deposits.. once and for all.. WHAT THE OTHER OPTION? .. placed in the bottom of the basket of the IMF-SDR .. what if the rotten apple damage the rest ?.. OR live them to create a “new dollar” ]

It appears we are going to need more dovishness. Following The Fed's admission that all-is-not-well - despite every talking head proclaiming liftoff imminent - the implicit lower-for-longer dovishness of The Fed has not been embraced by the "market." It appears a tipping point in Fed credibility may have been reached…

[ The end of neoliberal history is close .. It is dying from lethal cancer: a mix of printing QEs, debt intoxication & speculative gluttony (the most disgusting & stinky SIN in the Christian dogma)… TIME TO BURY this contaminating cadaver with the rituals of ebola .. OR better.. incinerate this trash ]  
Chatter of a fat-finger trade, then exaggerated by the algos, has smashed UK's FTSE 100 lower instantly this morning, dragging major firms with it...  As with all these plunges, the machines BTFD but the rebound is weak. LSE regulators are now investigating and no trades have been DK'd (yet).

[ Las mafias banqueras y del trade in UK  afectadas de vida o muerte por el frustrado golpe “virtual” de los amos del neo-liberalismo .. this was expected to occur also in the US .. Yellen saved them ]

Don't look now but Greece (remember them?) is headed back to the polls on Sunday in an election that pits a watered down version of Alex Tsipras and Syriza against the conservative New Democracy. With Syriza's original vision relegated to the realm of "wishful thinking", Greeks face a choice that really is no choice at all.

[ La lavadita de cara electoral no cambia nada .. la mona aunque se vista de seda mona queda. .. Para el EU si Grecia adeuda 315 Bll Grecia has top pay it.. pero si adeuda 315 Tll es la banca del EU la que tiene que pagarlo .. y esto incluye los gastos de la lavadita de cara del monigote Tsipras.. Moco y mugre son lo mismo a esta altura de la economía mundial ]

Don't look now but Greece (remember them?) is headed back to the polls on Sunday in an election that pits a watered down version of Alex Tsipras and Syriza against the conservative New Democracy. With Syriza's original vision relegated to the realm of "wishful thinking", Greeks face a choice that really is no choice at all.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/18/2015 - 07:42
  • The bearish dovish Fed: Shares Fall After Federal Reserve Keeps Rates on Hold (WSJ)
  • Developed, emerging markets diverge as Fed keeps rates steady (Reuters)
  • Yellen May Emulate Taper Template and Raise Rates in December (BBG)
  • Russia Raises Prospect of Sending Troops Into Combat in Syria (BBG)
  • Rigged markets 1: U.S. Said to Investigate Chicago Trader as Spoof Probes Broaden (BBG)
  • Rigged markets 2: Primary Dealers Rigged Treasury Auctions, Investor Lawsuit Says (BBG)
  • Rigged markets 3: The Man Who Took KKR’s Stock for a Ride (WSJ)
Global Stocks Slide, Futures Tumble On Confusion Unleashed By "Uber-Dovish" Fed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/18/2015 [ I always like the summing up of zero hedge .. they keep logic consistency.. though not always accurate.. DOVISH FED words, for instance ]

What was one "one and done", just became "none and done" as the Fed will no longer hike in 2015 and will certainly think twice before hiking ahead of the presidential election in 2016. By then the inventory liquidation-driven recession will be upon the US and the Fed will be looking at either NIRP or QE4. Worse, the Fed just admitted it is as, if not more concerned, with the market than with the economy. Worst, suddenly the market no longer wants a... dovish Fed?


Banks Rig Treasury Market … And Every Other Market As Well. By Washington's Blog Global Research, September 18, 2015 [ Here only extracts ]

Bloomberg reports today:
The same analytical technique that uncovered cheating in currency markets and the Libor rates benchmark [details below] — resulting in about $20 billion of fines — suggests the dealers who control the U.S. Treasury market rigged bond auctions for years, according to a lawsuit.
The plaintiffs built their case against the 22 primary dealers who serve as the backbone of Treasury trading — including Goldman Sachs Group Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Morgan Stanley — using data from Rosa Abrantes-Metz, an adjunct associate professor at New York University who has provided expert testimony in rigging cases.
Her conclusion: More than two-thirds of a certain type of Treasury auction appear to have been rigged. She found issues with other auctions, too.
Treasury traders at some banks learn of customer demand hours before auctions, and were communicating with their counterparts at other firms via chat rooms as recently as last year, Bloomberg News reported earlier this year.
Among the lawyers representing the investors is Daniel Brockett, a Quinn Emmanuel attorney who recently won a $1.87 billion settlement against Wall Street’s largest banks in a case alleging they conspired to limit competition in the market for credit-default swaps.
Another group of investors, including Boston’s public employee retirement system, has filed a similar suit against Wall Street primary dealers. Experts interviewed by Labaton Sucharow LLP, the law firm that filed that suit, analyzed auctions and the market for when-issued securities, which are essentially agreements to buy or sell Treasury bonds, notes or bills once they’re issued.
They claim that banks colluded to push prices artificially low at auctions, and to drive prices for when-issued securities to artificially high levels, until December 2012, when news broke of investigations into how Libor was set.
“These scenarios all turn on a very simple conflict of interest,” attorney Michael Stocker said in a telephone interview. “You had banks who were auction participants who also had the power to move the prices that those markets depended on.”
High-frequency trading has also long been used to manipulate the treasury market.



Ecuador. Lectura sobre el escenario político en Ecuador. F. Pagliarone y C.Vollenweider
El papel de Rusia en el orden mundial. El estado de las cosas para el septiembre de 2015. Geidar Dzhemal


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