lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015




[ Ahora vienen las tareas grandes: vencer la recesión, el desmontaje nuclear y la polución ]

[ Si se quiere resolver el problema de los refugiados hay que restablecer el Estado que fue destruido. Mientras haya mercenarios y terroristas en Siria habrá guerra y esta se gana en el campo de batalla. Si continua esta guerra el terrorismo mundial podria tener Estado y si eso lo que quiere Obama, ambos Estados, el estado imperial y el ISIS caerán, serán derrotados por legiones de voluntarios anti-terroristas del mundo entero. Derrotarlos devendra imperativo historico de los pueblos oprimidos del mundo ! ]

[ Putin wasted time with the old crap Charlie Rose, the neocon war-monger who believes in the “Russian threat”, the excuse to justify US increase military spending in NATO’s wars abroad (Ukraine & Syria nowadays). Instead of departing from the premise that there is a bipolar world engage in a zero-sum game, Rose should’ve departed from the FACT that we have a multi-polar world ready to solve common problems not by using war pro-regime-change but respecting others sovereignty & honest diplomacy. Who profit from Rose’s war mongerism? Of course, the big corp that manufacture WMD (nukes & other weapons of mass destruction).

Those are the ones behind Rose’s stupid questions to Putin: “Charlie Rose: As you may know, the United States of America believe that you are arming the separatists, you encourage them, you engage the Russian Armed Forces to fuel the conflict. There is strong concern that this could lead to a new cold war.”.. “Charlie Rose: What are the acceptable borders for Ukraine, for Russia? What borders do you find acceptable?. V. Putin: What do you mean when you speak of borders: geographical borders, political borders?; Charlie Rose: Political borders”… “Charlie Rose Is China more in the future a place that Russia feels more comfortable with than Europe or the United States? And could that lead to some anti-western alliance?”. V. Putin: Anti-western?.. Charlie Rose: Anti-western, anti-American.

 FACTS: is the US that installed nukes: the “tactical nuclear weapons” in Germany & Europe borders with Russia & China. And it is the US who sends occupation troops to East Europe. Rose knows that, even though he followed the draft of their masters for this interview. What a scam this pawn!. Putin should’ve conceded interview to Bill Moyers’ team, a real independent journalists in America.  Check:
NOTES from Hugo Adan ]


[ Son los millonarios los que compran oro, los pobres de capas medias estamos jodidos ]

The U.S. dollar is looking good worldwide and, in fact, so is gold - it’s just that, at present, the dollar is in the number one spot. But, unlike gold, the dollar is at risk. U.S. debt has placed it in a precarious position from which it will most certainly fall. The dollar is not a truly strong currency; it is essentially, “the best looking horse in the glue factory.” It will be the last to go, but it will indeed go. We may have a bit of time before that happens. Whether it’s measured in months or years, we can’t be certain. A gold mania is not imminent, but we believe it is inevitable.


[ La solucion es el Tobin tax a toda transaction financiera.. no se trata de preservar el sistema.. se trata de cambiarlo y esta reforma es buena transición al cambio radical.. por esto votaremos por Sanders ]

The solution is not to let politicians redistribute the wealth from the rich to the poor. Crony capitalism must be replaced by true free market capitalism, practiced with integrity, fairness, principled conduct, intelligence, and high moral standards. Profits generated by corporations are not evil, but seeking profits at any cost to society is reckless, shortsighted and immoral. Capitalism without capital is destined for failure. When corporate CEOs, Wall Street bankers, and shady billionaires exercise undue influence over the financial, political and judicial systems, their short-term quarterly profit mindset and voracious appetite for riches override the best interests of the people and create a sick, warped, repressive society. Today our system is in the grasp of psychopaths whose hubris and myopic focus on enriching themselves will ultimately be their downfall.


[ Y  les soltaron los perros de caza que no solo ladran y muerden.. queman  lo que ven ]

"Germany's domestic intelligence chief warned on Sunday of a radicalisation of Right-wing groups amid a record influx of migrants, as xenophobic rallies and clashes shook several towns at the weekend."

Dallas Fed Manufacturing Contracts For 9th Month In A Row As Jobs, Workweek, & CapEx Collapse. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/28/2015 [ Is everything  wonderful in America ?. ]

August's regional Fed survey collapse was unanimous... Dallas, Richmond, New York, Philly, Chicago, and even Kansas City all flashing recessionary warnings. … under the surface the data is a disaster with wages lower, employees contracting drastically, and average workweek collapsing. Having noted that "the quantitative easing hangover is starting" in August, it appears - judging by the biggest plunge in Capex in 5 years.



We have been warning for months that high-yield bonds have decoupled from equity markets, just as they did in 2007/8, and the credit cycle's turning will inevitably flow through to crush the only thing left supporting stock valuations - the irrational non-economic corporate buyback-er. However, as we detail below, time's running out and it’s getting tougher out there for our QE and ZIRP-coddled corporate junk-bond heroes.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/28/2015 - 07:50
  • Headline winner: "Read Beyond Massive Job-Cuts Headlines: Labor Market Is Fine" (BBG)
  • And speaking of lies: The More Yellen Talks Up Inflation, the Less Traders Believe Her (BBG)
  • How Some Investors Get Special Access to Companies (WSJ)
  • Victorious Catalan separatists claim mandate to break with Spain (Reuters)
  • Russia seizes initiative in Syria (Reuters)
  • Former VW boss Winterkorn investigated for fraud (Reuters)
  • Investors Pull Back From Junk Bonds (WSJ)

It was all about China once again, where following a report of a historic layoff in which China's second biggest coal producer Longmay Group fired an unprecedented 100,000 or 40% of its workforce, overnight we got the latest industrial profits figure which plunging -8.8% Y/Y was the biggest drop since at least 2011, and which the National Bureau of Statistics attributed to "exchange rate losses, weak stock markets, falling industrial goods prices as well as a bigger rise in costs than increases in revenue." In not so many words: a "hard-landing."


1-minute video of three former US Treasury Secretaries in grandiose laughter over poverty (using the euphemism “income inequality”): VIDEO URL
Urban Institute reports that nearly two of every five American children spend at least one year in poverty before age 18, with a stunning 75% of US Black children in poverty for at least one year. CBS interviewed the study author, Caroline Ratcliffe.   OPEN WEB SITE ABOVE by Carl Herman



[ Por que? “Porque no dio el resultado esperado”, indico OB. Meaning: hay que hacer que Cuba sea más funcional  a los fines imperiales. Se olvidó  OB que por ser funcionalista el burdel de la Habana, el dictador Batista (nuestro “hijo de pu..”) fue derribado. Y que de los daños ocasionados a Cuba por el bloqueo?.. habrá reparación? .. Cuando y como?.. Acaso se piensa trasladar Las Vegas y las mafias del money-laundry  (drogas y puterio)  a Cuba?.. De EE.UU todo es posible.. pero imposible si el pueblo de Cuba lo impide ]  If you read English, lee esto: The U.N. Resolution Condemning the US Trade Embargo on Cuba
EL discurso del presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin: "El problema de los refugiados se resuelve con el restablecimiento del Estado allí donde fue destruido" VIDEO URL:

[Esta es la razón convincente y suficiente para poner a los genocida en la picota de la Ley ]

[ El argentino Francisco se volvió incendiaro a la vejez .. Milagro? Quizá ... Lo cierto es que en el Sur deciamos “de joven incendiario.. y de viejo bombero” .. el Papa Francisco es lo inverso a ese  viejo agorismo popular. Decíamos también “los jóvenes a la obra y los viejos a tumba” pues normalmente los viejos se volvían conservadores.. El Papa Fco indica que eso es también vieja historia .. que hoy la  historia nos llama a viejos y jóvenes a ser radicales contra el status quo y las mafias neoliberales del guerrerismo  que sin piedad lo están destruyendo todo.. Lo vemos aquí en el USA donde los jóvenes impulsan el carro del cambio nacional con Bernie Sanders en el timón. Notas de Hugo Adan ]


It’s not at all surprising except in how fast it’s going. Within the space of little more than a decade, since the ill-fated Bush Administration decision to invade and occupy Afghanistan then Iraq in March 2003, the United States of America has managed to lose strategic influence and allies across the entire Middle East. Not only the Shi’ite Iranians, whom President Obama believes are now beholden to Washington, but also for the first time Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab states and Egypt are in the process of finding new allies.

[ The US lose Iraq. Es cierto lo que dijo Obama. Tanta muerte y tanto dinero para nada:  Obama: "Millones de dólares y miles de muertos después, vimos que no podríamos triunfar en Irak" ]

“"There is no other solution to the Syrian crisis than strengthening the effective government structures and rendering them help in fighting terrorism."
El derecho al zapateo del linchado: “Obama Issues Strong Condemnation of Russia in UN Speech”
America's sprawling global footprint encourages military confrontation, makes host countries into targets, and costs taxpayers a fortune.
Speaking Lies to Power. By Bionic Mosquito
The Pope gave a speech to a joint session of the US congress.  It is worth examining the lies of commission and the lies of omission
What once seemed futuristic no longer occupies the realm of science fiction


Putin urges cooperation with Assad army Mon Sep 28, 2015 Russia's president says it is a big mistake not to cooperate with the Syrian military.
Pope censures 'guilty' Church officials . Mon Sep 28, 2015 Pope Francis says Church officials who hid child abuse cases committed by priests 'are guilty'.
‘US main source of world conflicts’. Mon Sep 28, 2015 The United States and its allies have been the main source of violent conflicts around the world, a former US Senate candidate says.
US stocks down on China growth fears. Mon Sep 28, 2015 US stocks have sharply fallen amid rising concerns over the slowing economic growth in China.
Toll from Yemen wedding carnage hits 131. Mon Sep 28, 2015 The death toll from a recent Saudi airstrike against a wedding party in southwestern Yemen jumps to 131.
[ One more point to indict & remove Saudis from US –UN nomination in HR committee ]
Obama: US can’t solve world problems . Mon Sep 28, 2015 Addressing the UN General Assembly on Monday, Obama said "he era is over when strong states must impose their will on weaker ones.”

[ This is a formal admission that the US empire is over ]

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