domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015



[ Prof Lin See Yan is in favor of raising interest rate, but he doesn’t say anything on how to prevent big-speculative-crook bankers & corporations to take advantage of it. It stand to reason, he is a Banker. However, his description of the world economy is good, is one of the best summaries, but his medicine can kill the patient: the emerging economies. Must Read. “Dr. Lin is Former banker, Harvard educated economist and British Chartered Scientist. Dr Lin is the author of “The Global Economy in Turbulent Times” (Wiley, 2015). ] Source: Future Fast Forward.


[  It was expected..  The best for America is just to get out of Syria.. we have not right cause in this war.. This is going to be our Afghanistan retreat, as it happens to Russian before. Better get out now]

Beijing has for some time expressed its support for Damascus, most notably by voting with Russia to veto a Security Council resolution that would have seen the conflict in Syria referred to the Hague. Here’s what China had to say at the May 22, 2014 meeting: 

For some time now, the Security Council has maintained unity and coordination on the question of Syria, thanks to efforts by Council members, including China, to accommodate the major concerns of all parties. At a time when seriously diverging views exist among the parties concerning the draft resolution, we believe that the Council should continue holding consultations, rather than forcing a vote on the draft resolution, in order to avoid undermining Council unity or obstructing coordination and cooperation on questions such as Syria and other major serious issues. Regrettably, China’s approach has not been taken on board; China therefore voted against the draft resolution.

Sure enough, Russian media now says that according to Russian Senator Igor Morozov, Beijing has decided to join the fight. Here’s Pravda (translated): 

According to the Russian Senator Igor Morozov, Beijing has taken decision to take part in combating IS and sent its vessels to the Syrian coast. "It is known, that China has joined our military operation in Syria, the Chinese cruiser has already entered the Mediterranean, aircraft carrier follows it," Morozov said.

According to him, Iran may soon join the operation carried out by Russia against the IS terrorists, via Hezbollah. Thus, the Russian coalition in the region gains ground, and most reasonable step of the US would be to join it.

As Leonid Krutakov told Pravda.Ru in an interview, the most serious conflict is currently taking place namely between China and the US. Moscow may support any party, the expert believes, and that is what will change the world order for many years.

Meanwhile, it now looks as though the very same Russian-Iran "nexus" that's playing spoiler in Syria is also set to take over the fight against ISIS in Iraq, as Baghdad has now struck a deal to officially share intelligence with Moscow and Tehran. Here's CNN:

Iraq says it has reached a deal to share intelligence with Russia, Iran and Syria in the fight against ISIS militants.

A week ago, Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani essentially accused the US of intentionally keeping Islamic State around so that the group can continue to advance Washington's geopolitical agenda by serving as a destabilizing element in Syria. According to the Pentagon, Soleimani's visit to Russia (which, you're reminded, violated a UN travel ban and infuriated opponents of the Iran nuclear deal) was "very important" in terms of accelerating the timetable on Russia's inevitable involvement in Syria. It is of course Soleimani who commands the Shiite militias battling ISIS in Iraq. Now, it appears that in addition to the cooperation in Syria, he has managed to secure a Russian-Iran partnership for Tehran's Iraqi operations as well. Here's GOP mouthpiece Fox News:

Russian, Syrian and Iranian military commanders have set up a coordination cell in Baghdad in recent days to try to begin working with Iranian-backed Shia militias fighting the Islamic State, Fox News has learned. 

Western intelligence sources say the coordination cell includes low-level Russian generals. U.S. officials say it is not clear whether the Iraqi government is involved at the moment. 

Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani also was spotted in Baghdad on Sept 22. He met with Shia militias backed by Iran; intelligence officials believe he met with Russians as well. 

And here is ISW: Iraq Situation Report : Sep 22-25, 2015. Image Location:

What appears to have happened here is this: Vladimir Putin has exploited both the fight against ISIS and Iran's need to preserve the regional balance of power on the way to enhancing Russia's influence over Mid-East affairs which in turn helps to ensure that Gazprom's interests are protected going forward. 

 Thanks to the awkward position the US has gotten itself in by covertly allying itself with various Sunni extremist groups, Washington is for all intents and purposes powerless to stop Putin lest the public should suddenly get wise to the fact that combatting Russia's resurgence and preventing Iran from expanding its interests are more important than fighting terror.

In short, Washington gambled on a dangerous game of geopolitical chess, lost, and now faces two rather terrifyingly disastrous outcomes: 1) China establishing a presence in the Mid-East in concert with Russia and Iran, and 2) seeing Iraq effectively ceded to the Quds Force and ultimately, to the Russian army.


[ It is important to know how Americans fell the collapse of their empire ]

Whether it’s the economy, climate, the planet, warfare, your future obligations, your pensions, the future of your children, nobody in power tells you the truth. Human life is fast losing the value we would like to tell ourselves we assign to it. We don’t, do we? Our technological advances haven’t come with moral advances, quite the contrary, our morals turn out to be a thin layer of mere cheap veneer. What advances we’re making are the last death rattle of a society in decline, and a dying civilization.

[More Americans are working more for less.. with less attention to children because of 3-4  poor “jobs” per family.. Cutting the welfare will create a rebellion.. We should cut the neoliberal system as FDR did ]

Despite the Fed continuing to kick this down the road, they continue to claim that we are in the middle of an ongoing recovery. There’s just one problem with that: things are getting worse than pre-crisis levels for millions of the poorest Americans. Possibly even more concerning is the fact that the amount of Americans living below the poverty line has soared since 2007.

Having warned that "we are on the precipice of a liquidation in emerging markets like the fourth quarter of 1997," Passport Capital's John Burbank sits down with RealVisionTV to discuss why "the Fed would eventually be forced into a fourth round of quantitative easing to shore up the economy." Being among 2015's best performing hedge funds, successfully navigating this turmoiling unwind of the Fed's efforts to "mean-revert" the world's assets back to normal, Burbank concludes, "nothing's safe," no matter what The Fed does, "the liquidity of everything is being taken down."
American "Capitalism". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/27/2015

"Everything is awesome..." - just keep saying it.

Dear Fed Chairwoman Yellen: if you are still confused why there is so much slack and so little wage growth in the US economy despite the 5.1% "reported" unemployment rate, here is the answer: instead of a 5.1% unemployment rate in August, the true unemployment rate in the "land of the free" has been rising ever since the financial crisis, and is above 12% for the past three years.

The "Hard-Landing" Has Arrived: Chinese Coal Company Fires 100,000. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/27/2015.

In a move that would make even Hewlett-Packard's Meg Whitman blush, Harbin-based Heilongjiang Longmay Mining Holding Group, or Longmay Group, the biggest met coal miner in northeast China which has been struggling to reduce massive losses in recent months as a result of the commodity collapse, just confirmed China's "hard-landing" has arrived when it announced on its website it would cut 100,000 jobs or 40% of its entire 240,000-strong labor force.

[ Coal Co are out of business worldwide for long time .. Now that China-PAK- IRAN oil pipes & RU oil-gas are solving the problem of energy “dependency” .. China announced the starting of a process in job cuts.. This could means confidence in future plans.. but also a source of social disruption, as some neocon  wishes ..  We all depends on China’s economic success, so prudence & best wishes to them ]
Having not only the economic, but also the cultural importance of VW in mind, it becomes clear why the scandal is hitting Germany so hard and why there is the fear that the image of the country and its industries as a whole might suffer.

[ In auto-industry German –our competitor- is well ahead.. Expecting their demise –now moral demise- is just a wish-thinking. ..In Germany the main concern is cutting cars-diesel emissions and morally we don’t do anything  about it.. This seems to be a nasty competition as we did it with Toyota . .. We hope that all car-Co abandon the polluters asap ]
In "Sweeping" Interview, Putin Calls US Syria Strategy "Illegal", Details Russia's Support For Assad. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/27/2015 [Let’s make it clear: Putin is right .. We are wrong ]

"In my opinion, provision of military support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter."

[ Principles of international law & UN charters?.. what a cynic-stupid statement.. If law principles & UN chartes are applied to that we did in Iraq, Libya .. our rulers deserve death penalty/ jail forever ]


The truly historic and massive flows of gold from West to East is (someday) going to stop, for the simple reason that there will be no more physical bullion left to move. It’s just a basic supply vs. demand issue.  At current rates of flow, sooner or later the West will entirely run out of physical gold to sell to China and India.  Although long before that hard limit, we suspect that the remaining holders of gold in the West will cease their willingness to part with their gold.

[ PERU. Gold is an strategic resource for countries like Peru. Millions of people have been killed because of gold in Peru and foreign companies & few people got rich with it. Very soon gold mines of Cajamarca & others are going to be exhausted.. The State should nationalize them as soon as possible and create SOEs (State Owned Enterprise) in partnership with good foreign corp & national entrepreneurial sector. When will be the right time to do it? .. We can wait until the World recession start, or the WW3 starts, but this timing is uncertain. So the best time is right now, all that we need is INFO about the Co that run the gold in Peru, starting with the big ones & the communities hurt by water contamination or deprivation of water. We need also to get contact with top levels of the military & explore the “nationalist” inside. The rest is common politics & media control. I’m going to be back with some experiences in this regard ]   
Why Saudi Ties to 9/11 Mean U.S. Ties to 9/11. Posted on September 27, 2015 by Kevin Ryan This is about the connection of interest & business between Saudi –US terrorists governments since 2001.
Kentucky Politician Files Lawsuit Claiming a First Amendment Right to Accept Bribes. Posted on September 26, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog . Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,. This is about the oligarchy in Kentucky whose politician are “claiming they have a Constitutional right to receive gifts from lobbyists.”
The UN Unveils Plan Pushing For Worldwide Internet Censorship. Posted on September 26, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog. Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,. SCAM ALERT. The United Nations has disgraced itself immeasurably over the past month or so. In case you missed the following stories, I suggest catching up now:
You’d have to be in full denial mode not to see that it’s getting ugly out there in global markets: currencies are melting down, trade and shipping are tanking, commodities are swooning and global stock markets are increasingly on central-bank life support.
The most critical systemic sources of risk in global markets:
1. There’s too much debt globally; public and private debt has skyrocketed since 2008.
2. Mal-investment due to perverse incentives: corporations borrow money for stock buybacks rather than to invest in new productive capacity
3. Stagnant income/revenues: households, companies and nations cannot support more debt
4. The rise of high-frequency trading (HFT) has increased the odds of flash crashes and instability
5. The rising U.S. dollar has triggered capital flight from emerging markets and China
6. China’s economy is grinding to a halt, crushing demand for commodities and commodity-dependent economies
7. Opaque banking: shadow banking in China, dark pools in offshore banking centers, etc. True totals of debt, leverage and the quality of collateral are all unknown
8. Deteriorating collateral globally. How many of the 60 million empty “investment” flats in China can be sold in an illiquid marketplace with little demand for existing housing? What’s the real value of assets listed on U.S. balance sheets that aremarked to fantasy?
We cover a lot of ground in this program.
In 2008, Bolivian President Evo Morales kicked out the US ambassador and the DEA.  Since then, reports HuffPo, Bolivia, a traditional coca-growing region, “has … managed to reduce coca leaf cultivation, especially over the past five years. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, total production of dried coca leaf fell 11 percent from 2013 to 2014, and has fallen by an average of nearly 10 percent each year since 2011.”




Huge bomb blast kills 10 in Afghanistan. Sun Sep 27, 2015 A huge bomb explodes in Afghanistan's southern province of Paktika near the Pakistan border, killing at least 10 people.
Cameron says Assad can stay for now. Sun Sep 27, 2015 British Prime Minister David Cameron says the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad can stay on as part of a transitional government.
[Does Putin convinced him with the statement:  Putin: "En Siria solo hay un ejército legítimo y es el del presidente Al Assad" RT, OR  it was the language of heavy weapons that  Putin moved inside Syria. Whatever the case, Putin was right ]
VW ordered to set standard timetable . Sun Sep 27, 2015 Germany orders Volkswagen to set a timetable for meeting pollution standards
US strategy in Syria illegal: Putin. Sun Sep 27, 2015 Russian President Vladimir Putin has branded US support for militants in Syria as ineffective and illegal.
‘Iran must be part of solution in Syria’ . Sun Sep 27, 2015 UK's Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, says Iran needs to be part of a solution to the conflict in Syria and the wider Middle East.
Pope calls for immigrant rights in US. Sun Sep 27, 2015 Pope Francis said immigrants “bring many gifts” to the US and should not be ashamed of their traditions.


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