martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015




Read This Before The Mainstream Media Uses A Drowned Refugee Boy To Start Another War. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/08/2015 [ Aylan: a victim of regime-change policy:  US-NATO-ISIS ]

A baby boy turned to flotsam. Washed up on the shore, face down in the mud. Warmongers in government and the media are perversely but predictably trying to conscript Aylan’s corpse into their march to escalation. They are contending that Aylan died because the West has not intervened against Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad, and that it must do so now to spare other children the same fate. Um, no, Aylan’s family were Kurdish refugees from Kobani who had to flee that city when it was besieged, not by Assad, but by Assad’s enemy: ISIS.
"Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death": The Loss Of Our Freedoms In The Wake Of 9/11. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/08/2015 [ If not suppressed .. it will be the evidence of  a Neo-Nazi regime ]

What began with the passage of the USA PATRIOT ACT in October 2001 has snowballed into the eradication of every vital safeguard against government overreach, corruption and abuse. Since then, we have been terrorized, traumatized, and acclimated to life in the American Surveillance State.
Hot on the heels of The World Bank demanding The Fed not hike ratesChina issued a statement "calling on US to jointly ensure global economic stability," … "China and U.S. should also properly handle disagreements and safeguard current international order,"..

[ "calling on US to jointly ensure global economic stability" a sing of China’ panic.. what stupid distortion on this call .. Everybody knows that is for the benefit of both US & China to make urgent correction in the way the neoliberal system is working … China is doing their part and according to their tradition.. we can do it according to our tradition, the one from FDR & his Glass Steagle Act .. but those who profit from fraud & predator-speculation are thinking only in the QE renamed QT 4, that is, in getting bailouts  or a price for their wrong behavior  ]

When it comes to the Fed's upcoming rate hike, only one simple shorthand matters: higher rates means less liquidity, and vice versa. What does that mean for inflation/deflation and bond yields? According to the following simple and understandable analysis by Deutsche Bank, nothing good.

The 2015 annual report from the Social Security Board of Trustees shows that the program’s disability component is in immediate trouble.Data from the latest report show that the disability fund will be depleted as soon as next year and unable to pay full benefits to beneficiaries.

[ So America will be only for the 1% of ultra rich who vandalized the nation over & over with bailouts.. What a way of making explosive the social polarization in our country .. other effect are obvious.. ]
"Desperate" Chicago Schools Need Half Billion To Avoid Mass Layoffs, Partial Shutdown. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/08/2015 [ Now Education & later the health system … this neoliberal system is obsolete]
"It is like the board is a desperate gambler at the end of their run"...

[ Yeah.. they put down the salaries in Germany & other EU.. and it won’t affect the nasty business of selling guns & promoting more wars abroad .. Who is blessed ? .. not the refugees whose land & towns are destroyed or  vandalized.. but the neo-colonialists run by  the “troika” .. who already unlished  the neo-nazi-dogs who are already terrorizing  the refugee inside]
who is buying? Thanks to the WSJ we now know the answer: "A little-known New York hedge fund run by a former Yale University math whiz has been buying tens of billions of dollars of U.S. Treasury debt at recent auctions, drawing attention from the Treasury Department and Wall Street."

[ A rio revuelto.. ganancia de Pescadores .. La carcasa siempre atrae buitres  de la peor especie ]

the World Bank's current chief economist, Kaushik Basu warned that the Fed risks, and we quote, triggering “panic and turmoil” in emerging markets if it opts to raise rates at its September meeting and should hold fire until the global economy is on a surer footing, the World Bank’s chief economist has warned. .. Basu said that adding a rate hike "could yield a “shock” and a new crisis in emerging markets"
A Sucker's Rally?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/08/2015

The markets are clearly sending the same warning signals that they always have. It is only a question of whether we are willing to listen, or allow our "greed" to keep us at the casino table hoping for one more "hot hand." One thing is for certain, if the market does muster a rally strong enough in the week's ahead to retest the previous bullish trend moving average, it could very well be a "sucker's rally."

The good news: the collapse in global market cap since May of 2015 is not the worst ever.
The bad news: the $9 trillion drop in combined market cap between the MSCI All World index and Chinese stocks, is the second highest ever, surpassed only by the $13 plunge in global market capitalization in late 2008.

According to the latest Gallup report on US consumer spending, in which a random sample of 15.724 adults were interviewed by phone, Americans' self-reported daily spending averaged just $89 in August, down not only from August in 2014 and 2013 but the fourth month in a row of year-over-year spending declines, as well as was also the lowest monthly spend since March of 2015. And this time there are no "scapegoats" to blame the spending slowdown on: the weather in August was uniformly gorgeous around the US.
Turkey Invades Iraq: Two Battalions Launch Ground Incursion In "Hot Pursuit" Of "Terrorists". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/08/2015 [Turkish terrorism opens a Pandora box in the ME ]

For the fifth time in two decades, Turkish soldiers have launched a ground incursion into Iraq in pursuit of PKK "terrorists" who have orchestrated a series of deadly attacks on security personnel over the past several days. Of course Turkish soldiers aren't the only ones fighting Kurds in Iraq. So is ISIS. And that means that just like in Syria, Turkey (with Washington's implicit blessing) is at best distracting from and at worst impeding the battle against Islamic State, the same Islamic State which is being used by Ankara as a cover for the PKK crackdown.

While we wait for Greece to pick a side between the US and Russia by either allowing Moscow to use its airspace on the way to supplying Assad at Latakia or else snubbing the Kremlin and jeopardizing a potentially lucrative gas deal, at least one country has been quick to make a decision.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/08/2015 - 07:26
  • Sure, why not: China Rebounds as Trade Data Disappoints (BBG)
  • Oh, that's why: China's Stock-Rescue Tab Surges to $236 Billion, Goldman Says (BBG)
  • Can't make this up: German finmin says must avoid reliance on debt, cenbank stimulus (Reuters)
  • Stocks rise after contrasting China, Germany trade data (Reuters)
  • Euro zone second-quarter GDP revised up as Italy grows faster (Reuters)
  • Brent oil rises on European, Chinese data; oversupply weighs (Reuters)
  • Corporate Prosecution Deals Headed for a Legal Test (WSJ)


The neocon prescription of endless “regime change” is spreading chaos across the Middle East and now into Europe, yet the neocons still control the mainstream U.S. narrative and thus have diagnosed the problem as not enough “regime change,”




EE.UU.  Nobel de las armas. David Brooks
Guatemala.  Después del triunfo electoral de la ultraderecha: seguimos construyendo resistencias
Andrés Cabanas 

[ Partamos de un hecho: hubo una derrota política y hay que evaluarla correctamente. Este Art no presenta datos sobre la gravedad de la derrota electoral del Mov Pop .. es claro que lo que se gano con la caida del regimen anterior se la perdió en las ánforas.. es obvio que la derecha pasa ahora a la ofensiva. .. Hay una hipótesis de trabajo para el Mov Pop que no sabemos si fue propuesta antes de las elecciones, me refiero a la " Asamblea Constituyente Plurinacional y Multisectorial" .. si lo fue, es claro que no sirvió  para articular la Unidad del Mov Pop y otros sectores sociales del país .. y si se círculo, no fue claro o no tuvo la fuerza para articular ese Mov ... Si la propuesta no se debatió, esta llega tarde ( parece el conejo sacado del bolsillo de un payaso para alegrar la tristeza que causó el circo electoral). .. Además, este proyecto necesita ser re-elaborado para que sirva los propósitos de resistencia que se enuncian en el Artículo. .. El contexto nacional y el contexto macro indica que se esta frente a dos enemigos poderosos .. de un lado la alianza de derecha que ganó las elecciones y que va a legitimar su poder mediante la prensa nacional e internacional .. con ayuda del aparato militar que disponen y del sistema jurídico que seguro lo harán funcional a sus propósitos. ... El Mov Pop está frente a esos dos enemigos poderosos.. y es posible que empiecen en una represión selectiva y avancen hacia una represión general .. De otro lado, el imperio, ya tiene el plan de crear una region central en el Sur Latino asimilada a los tratados de libre comercio neoliberal ... y esto es lo que está en juego hoy.. para el imperio esto es cuestión de vida o muerte .. hoy mas que nunca necesita reemplazar la mano de obra semi-esclava de China que acaba de corregir los defectos del modelo neoliberal.. y el US necesita tener un dollar que evidencie que sirve para controlar gran parte del comercio mundial. El FMI piensa salvar al dollar colocándolo en la canasta de monedas que servirán para legitimar una de nivel mundial para el intercambio global y los depósitos bancarios. Eso aliviaría la caída del imperio. Es frente a esta doble amenaza que se tiene que debatir el proyecto alternativo del Mov Pop ]
A propósito del fracaso de Syriza.  La voluntad humana cuenta. José López


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