A Cop Culture, The Bill Of Rights Doesn't Amount To Much. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/07/2015. “In a
democratic society,” observed Oakland police chief Sean Whent, “people
have a say in how they are policed.” Unfortunately, if you can be
kicked, punched, tasered, shot, intimidated, harassed, stripped, searched,
brutalized, terrorized, wrongfully arrested, and even killed by a police
officer, and that officer is never held accountable for violating your rights
and his oath of office to serve and protect, never forced to make amends, never
told that what he did was wrong, and never made to change his modus operandi,
then you don’t live in a constitutional republic. You live in a police
This Day In 1945: Reporter Fired For Biggest Scoop In History. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 05/07/2015 In World War II's
final moments in Europe, Associated Press
correspondent Edward Kennedy gave his news agency perhaps the biggest scoop in
its history.
He reported, a full day ahead of the competition, that
the Germans had surrendered unconditionally at a former schoolhouse in Reims,
For this, he was publicly rebuked by the AP, and then
quietly fired.
The reason: The veteran reporter
was accused of breaking a pledge that he and 16 other correspondents had made
to keep the surrender secret for a time, as a condition of being allowed to witness
it. This was done so Russian dictator Josef Stalin could formally announce the
defeat in Berlin.
Kennedy viewed the embargo as a
political security issue, rather than a military one, and felt compelled to
report the surrender, especially after learning that German radio had already
broadcast the news.
In 2012, almost 50 years after
Kennedy's death, then-AP President and CEO Tom Curley apologized for the way
the company had treated the journalist.
After being fired by the AP, Kennedy took a job as
managing editor of the Santa Barbara News-Press in California, and then went on
to become publisher of the Monterey Peninsula Herald. He died at age 58
after being struck by an automobile.
Curley said Kennedy's daughter approached him around the
same time he had become interested in the matter while helping with work on the
book "Breaking News: How The Associated Press Has Covered War, Peace, and
Everything Else." The publication of Kennedy's memoir prompted the AP's
apology, Curley said.
He called Kennedy's dismissal "a great, great
tragedy" and hailed him and the desk editors who put the surrender story
on the wire for upholding the highest principles of journalism.
[Esta fue una de las
grandes desverguenzas de AP (Associated Press) en la historia del periodismo USA]
Most Countries, 40 Hours + Minimum Wage = Poverty. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 05/07/2015. A new study by the OECD finds that in the vast
majority of member countries, working full-time at minimum wage is not
enough to keep families above the poverty line.
Approves Saudi Use Of Banned Cluster Bombs (But Only If They're Extra Careful).
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/07/2015. Following a report
on Sunday, where Human
Rights Watch said video and photographic evidence showed that Saudi Arabia
used cluster bombs near villages in Yemen’s Saada Province at least two
separate times, the US State Department said it is "looking into" the
allegations but, as
Foreign Policy reports, said the notoriously imprecise weapon — banned
by much of the world — could still have an appropriate role to play in Riyadh’s
U.S.-backed offensive (as long as it was used carefully).
[como bien dicen varios analistas: este es un imperio cada vez
mas fascista o neo-nazi]
Post: The Big Business Of Cancer - 100 Billion Dollars Was Spent On Cancer Drugs
Last Year Alone. Submitted
by Tyler
Durden on
05/07/2015. If you are an American, there is a 1 in 3 chance that you
will get cancer during your lifetime. If you are a man, the odds are
closer to 1 in 2. And almost everyone in America either knows someone who
currently has cancer or who has already died from cancer. But it
wasn’t always this way. Back in the 1940s, only one out of every
sixteen Americans would develop cancer. Despite billions spent on research
and all of the technological progress we have made over the years this plague
just continues to spiral wildly out of control. Why is that?
[ Y quienes reciben
esos billones, nada menos que empresas asociadas a la mafia denominada Pharma y
las empresas que lucran con GMO.. y los laboratorios de empresarios que lucran
produciendo bombas con DU para las guerra que el imperio fabrica abroad .. y
mientras hablamos de luchas contra el cáncer seguimos polucionando aguas y
sembrios con el fracking y con los silos nucleares que rara vez advierten
leakings.. y nos alegramos que existan empresas dedicadas a investigar el cáncer .. asumimos
que los lobos harán buen cuidado de las gallinas.. que ellos no podrían comerse
esas aves infestadas con cáncer al pulmón u otros órganos vitales… Pero es
cierto que nos comemos los pescados polucionados por la explosión nuclear de
Japon .. Es decir, estamos frente al círculo vicioso de mafias que lucran con
el cáncer, mientras alegan que están resolviendo sus causas]
We Have An Oversupply Of Almost Everything. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 05/07/2015. What happens is that economic growth eventually
runs into limits. Many people have assumed that these limits would be
marked by high prices and excessive demand for goods. In my view, the issue is
precisely the opposite one: Limits to growth are instead marked by low
prices and inadequate demand. Common workers can no longer afford to
buy the goods and services that the economy produces, because of inadequate
wage growth. The price of all commodities drops, because of lower demand by
workers. Furthermore, investors can no longer find investments that
provide an adequate return on capital, because prices for finished goods
are pulled down by the low demand of workers with inadequate wages.
[ En lenguaje
melifluo esta seria la otra cara del colapso neoliberal .. decir que tenemos tanto
que nos faltaría panza para consumir todos los transgénicos del mercado .. en realidad nos falta dinero y fuentes de
trabajo con salarios por encima del mínimo,
.. además de productos de buena calidad en el mercado]
The US Government Spends Its Money On, Besides Hookers And Gambling. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 05/07/2015. The one most
interesting category was defense spending: a category despised by progressives
even though at this rate spending on interest for the progressives' beloved
government debt will soon eclipse defense. It is here that outlays actually
dropped from a year ago, declining to just over $150 billion for the quarter.
Which is surprising, because as Politico
wrote overnight, among the items funded by general taxpayer revenue were
such discretionary expenses as hookers and blackjack, after a defense
department audit founds that Pentagon employees used their government credit
cards to gamble and pay for “adult entertainment.”
The Best (And Worst) College Majors. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 05/07/2015. Rising tuition rates, high unemployment among
recent graduates, and an anemic economic recovery have many questioning the
once inviolable notion that a college education is the best way to ensure
high-paying, full-time employment. A new study from Georgetown looks at the
best and worst majors for those looking to maximize their annual income.
The Nazi
Economic Mirage. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 05/07/2015. Hitler’s policies are still viewed to this day as
a great example of how unprecedented government intervention fixed a dire
economic problem. In short, Hitler laid a golden egg and produced an
economic miracle. As early as 1933, even before any miracle could be seen, the
New York Times had nothing but praise for his ambitions, according to the
following front page headline: “There is at least one official voice in
Europe that expresses understanding of the methods and motives of President
Roosevelt—the voice of Germany, as represented by Chancellor Adolf Hitler.”
Unfortunately for the people living under the Third Reich, this was never
allowed to happen. All of these efforts became increasingly subordinated to the
logic of war.
Saudis Form Alliance To Topple Syria's Assad As US Starts Training Syrian
Rebels. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 05/07/2015. Ever since the mysterious, unexpected bursting of
ISIS on the global stage one year ago with much fanfare and even more carefully
produced with just the right amount of lighting beheading video clip, we said
from the
very beginning that entire rehashed sequence of events in the middle east
is about one thing: removing Syria's Assad from power just so the nat
gas infrastructure from Qatar can traverse the territory and enter Europe,
eliminating Russia's energy dominance over the continent. Today we got the
latest confirmation of this in an AP
report according to which "Turkey and Saudi Arabia have converged
on an aggressive new strategy to bring down Syrian President Bashar
Guess Who Owns $1.1 Billion In Apple Stock. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/07/2015. Last week we revealed that the Swiss National Bank is the proud owner of an equity portofilio that sums to $100 billion, or around 15% of Switzerland's GDP. Courtesy of the bank's latest SEC filing, we now know just what the Swiss were buying in Q1...
[[ Los que creíamos que las grandes corp americanas son dueños
de sus propio destino y del nuestro .. nos equivocamos. Es una mafia
internacional de Banqueros – los que hoy están asfixiando a Grecia- quienes controlan
las finanzas mundiales. .. Eso no significa que hay que dejar de luchar contra
los banqueros internos .. al contrario .. debemos partir del hecho de que
siempre hubo, hay y habrá contradicciones entre ellos y que la cadena imperial
se rompe en el eslabón más débil .. Un momento clave podría ser el inicio
severo de la recesión mundial, el crash ]]
Texas Job Recession Is Now Literally "Off The Chart". Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 05/07/2015
[[ Que en Texas –la tierra arrebatada a los Mexicanos- estalle la debacle interna, no es del todo extraño. Allí nacieron los especuladores del petróleo que dominaron el escenario cuando Bush llego al poder. Yes, el Bush que sembró el “arbolito” con el grupo Saudi “Bin Laden Group” (SBG) del que fue parte Osama, (el “black sheep” de la oligarquia Saudi que se unió a los talibanes y la CIA para derrotar a los rusos en Afganistan) y con el “Carlyle Group”, ambos vinculados a la familia real Saudi. Fueron los Bush, los saudis y agentes de la CIA, y el Mosad -con el auxilio de Karl Rove- los que diseñaron el Patriot Act para saquear el petróleo de Iraq. Hubo cambio de planes en el 2003, el mover las tropas de Afghanistan a Irak. Por que? Porque Irak era blanco más fácil que armar las tuberías del plan UNOCAL (para lo que ya habían bombardeado Afganistán –bombardeo que en efecto ocurrió desde fines del 2001 .. y para eso crearon el “monstruo Osama Bin Laden” a quien realmente protegían en un hospital de Pakistan porque pertenecia a familias reales Saudí. Benasir Buttos (PAK-PM) indico que alli fue asesinado Osama por ordenes de un General PAK a las ordenes de la CIA, indico ella ser testigo de ese asesinato para luego ser asesinada tambien. Osama el terrorista millonario pertenecia a las familias “reales” saudis –incluidos los del SBG y los del grupo Carlyle- que fueron evacuadas ilegalmente del USA un día después del 9/11. Sobre Osama, nadie sabe si está vivo, es un gato de 7 vidas y ya van 4 veces que oficialmente lo mataron (Bush anuncio su muerte 2 veces), la ultima vez fue Obama quien mato a Osama y todo para piratear la riqueza mal habida de una familia real Saudi. Hoy se dice que el grupo Al Qaeda que fundo Osama vive en Yemen pero con otro nombre: ISIL. (al parecer Osama ha sido resucitado por la CIA, aunque aparenten estar luchando contra ellos. Ver al respecto What Is The Difference Between An ISIS Terrorist And A Freedom Fighter: "Appropriate Vetting". ). La historia de los nexos de la familia Bush con los Bin Laden y la familia real Saudi , mas la del grupo Carlyle fue bien narrada por Andrew Gavin Marshall, de Global Research, el 2010. VER : The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda, Part III.
LA DE LOS BUSH, esa que hoy compite en elecciones anti-democraticas con su
similar, los de la mafia Clinton.. Hoy que el gas es más fácil lograrlo con el
“Fracking” es explicable que la mafia cleptocrata USA termine vendiéndose a banqueros extranjeros. Más aun con la puñalada Saudi del oil dumping
contra los empresarios del Fracking, los primos-hermanos de la mafia Bush. Para
mi estos hijos de P… digo Pilgrims, jamas fueron americanos. US era la base de operaciones de esa mafia, pero
estos evasores de impuestos jamás se consideraron a sí mismos como americanos. Es tiempo de devolver Texas a sus reales dueños
y con ellos el capital honesto de Texas puede resurgir. Se necesita 1ro crear
la autonomía de este Estado dentro de la actual Federacion, como bien lo
plantearon los buenos Texanos, así la
transición a la completa independencia será más fácil ]]
Russia Really Own 20% Of The US' Uranium Reserves?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/07/2015. Yes, well,
sort of – and they have for some time now. The truth is, the US uranium
industry as its currently built isn’t all that American. In fact, it’s
mostly Canadian. Qualms over perceived threats to national security are
misplaced, though not entirely dismissible. The deal further illustrates an
already pronounced trend
of the decline
of US nuclear capabilities and influence at all stages of the nuclear fuel
[Toda la parafernalia
mediática contra Rusia fue y es un teatro en tiempos de neo-liberalismo y de “loop
holes” creados por la banca mafiosa del UK . La guerra nuclear si es posible pero solo si
el MAD (mutual assurance destruction) no funciona. Hay un 50% de chances a
favor y en contra y para evitar el conflicto se acaba de re-instalar el phone directo
(de Presi a Presi como en el 61). Mientras tanto que siga el saqueo de las empresas
mafiosas al presupuesto nacional, de empresas USA que fabrican guerra zonas
como las de Siria y Yemen y los actuales entrenamientos pro-guerra frente a la
frontera rusa. Quién sabe si los empresarios del Uranio en Canada, son
realmente canadienses. Lo cierto es que hay empresarios USA en Rusia y hay
empresas rusas que no solo nos venden petróleo para alimentar a los empresarios
de los carros poluter que de otra forma habrían sido ya liquidados por Honda,
Toyota y ahora los mercedes que se venden casi a similar precio. Estos carros
poluter tienen los días contados, finalmente tendrán que abandonarse este tipo de energía cuando la energía solar y
el nuke-battery conviertan en obsoleto al gas y el petróleo. Y eso ya está muy cerca]
Reserves & Loans: The Fed is Pushing On A String. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 05/07/2015.
"Those who might want to borrow are no longer
creditworthy due to excessive debt and/or stagnant income, or those who
qualify to borrow more are not interested in borrowing more at any interest
rate: they are done with debt." The Fed can push interest rates down
and make it easy for banks to loan more money, but it can't (yet) force us
to borrow money we don't want or need.
[ El día que pongan limite al uso de las reservas personales en
un banco .. me compro un hueco en el panteón de los héroes anónimos del FED ..
como eso no existe, es seguro que me lo van a vender .. mientras aclaran sus
fraudes .. yo ordeno mi cremación y no dejo un centavo a los buitres que viven
del negocio con los muertos ]
Loeb Slams Buffett For Being Habitual Hypocrite. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 05/07/2015 He criticizes activists, he was the first activist. He
criticizes financial services companies, yet he loves to invest in them. He
thinks that we should all pay taxes, yet he avoids them himself.”
[La hipocresía es una virtud en tiempos en que
la decencia y honestidad son un crimen. No es esto lo que dice la real Constitución, la que
todos practicamos en America? La otra –hay evidencia- fue hecha por esclavistas, por hipócritas]
Appeals Court Rules Mass NSA Spying On US Citizens Not Authorized By Patriot
Act. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/07/2015. It would appear
America's transformation into a "Big Brother" police state is not
endorsed by every branch of the government after all.
[Sin duda urge el
bood-parental-test al big brother. Me temo que ese es un hijo de P-ilgrim y yo
nada que ver con esa sangre. Mi mama fue una honrada ama de casa .. no de la
calle. En otras palabras, urge el Un-Patriot
Act en nuestra America, para que esta sea de los americanos y no de los
FinMin Says "Grexit Not An Issue;" Germans Not Hopeful On Deal For
"Bottomless Pit". Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 05/07/2015. Greek FinMin Varoufakis and German FinMin Schaeuble
are cross-talking again this morning:
(well the market & ECB thinks it is)
As next week's meeting and deadlines loom, hope is running
high today in Greece... even though Schaeuble warns "don't expect
spectacular Eurogroup results."
Bank's Head Of Global Credit Strategy Explains Why "This Is Not
Capitalism". Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 05/07/2015. "... part of the problem today is that over the
last 15-20 years, capitalism has been propped up every time it’s about to go
through one of the cyclical creative destruction phases. Compounded up that's
left us with a big mess to clear up across the globe and a lot of sub optimal
resource allocation. So across a lot of the Western World we're left with
too much debt, too much inequality, low real wage growth, limited conventional
tools to help the economy to de-lever, QE and ZIRP and a political backlash
against the mainstream."
[ Sin duda hubo capitalism
e imperialista en los tiempos de Lenin. Fueron los tiempos en que el capital y
el labor hacían pactos de mutuo beneficio .. fueron los tiempos en que el
arrogante empresario decía que su riqueza nació del trabajo .. pero ya
Marx había aclarado el asunto: sin plusvalía
no hay hay capital .. los reyes de la
macro-economia tuvieron que aceptar que el asalariado es condición necesaria y
suficiente para que exista capital.. Pero todo esto se dijo dos siglos atrás ..
Hoy el capital y el labor han sido separados y divorciados por el modelo
neoliberal por el mercado donde dominan los “derivatives”, los hedge funds y el
vulture capital, ese que vive de la compra venta de deuda soberana .. cobran
ellos peaje a quien transiten en la avenidas del neoliberalism. .. Las estadísticas
muestran que el salario se ha estacionado y las super-ganancias han crecido una
barbaridad .. que por tanto el divorcio
entre capital y trabajo es real .. que el empresario ya no necesita de pactos
colectivos para evitar que los trabajadores se vayan a la huelga y otro
empresario los reemplace en justa competencia. Hoy los más grandes capitalistas
derivan sus ganancias de la corrupta especulacion .. y son ellos quienes tienen el poder en sus
manos. Ya se acabaron los tiempos de pactos entre capital y trabajo .. el
capitalista vive ahora de la especulación y el robo a mano armada dentro del
mercado legal de los “derivatives”.. del neoliberalismo. .. El problema es que
a ellos si les interesa mantener los beneficios que se lograron dentro del
capitalismo creativo, .. de los partidos políticos asociados a esos pactos ..
del partido demócrata en los EU.. aquí hay sectores del labor que creen
religiosamente en el viejo dogma: que ese Pdo los va a beneficiar y a ciegas
votan por el .. Y es que hay instituciones y lobbies ya organizados para
reproducir esa historieta, para lo cual disponen del control de la prensa .. Y
la misma democracia como sistema afianza esa creencia. .. No está permitida la
3ra opción. .. Los dos Pdos que se alternan en el poder poseen una institución que
hace imposible la emergencia de un 3er partido y como aquí se compran las
elecciones .. saben que los financistas de la democracia -que por igual
financian a demos y rep- no van a dar un cobre por la 3ra opción. .. Si todo
esto es cierto, lo que queda a los trabajadores
-en su juicio sano- es unirse en un FRENTE POPULAR contra las grandes corporaciones y sus dos partidos. .. Si el capital rompió el
pacto con los trabajadores y no cumplió con elevar los salarios conforme subían
las ganancias.. ahora le toca al pueblo cumplir con el mandato del divorcio que
le impusieron y no votar por ellos .. A menos que el impuesto TOBIN a
toda transaccion financiera se use para crear un
balance honesto en la relacion capital- trabajo. Como eso no lo van a aceptar,
la unica solución es la rebelión. Las corporaciones lo saben y ya se preparan
para la represión con el uso del aparato policial y militar que ellos
controlan. Como ganarlos a la causa popular? .. he ahí uno de los problema de
fondo. El mayor problema es la unión del pueblo
LOS DOS PARTIDOS MAFIOSOS. Visitar al respecto el RT Keiser Report Episode 754. En este episodio la pareja Max Keiser y Stacy Herbert discuten “the
economics of low wages as productivity gains go to owners of capital rather
than providers of labour to create that wealth.” ABRIR:
Biggest Spike In Job Cuts Since 2011, Jobless Claims Hover At 15-Year Lows.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/07/2015. Initial jobless
claims rose very modestly from last week's 15-year low levels and hovers at
a stunning 262k - indicating everything is as awesome as it can possibly be.
Which is odd... because as Challenger-Gray notes, April saw the biggest rise
in job cuts since 2011 (and the worst YoY increase for April in at least a
decade). Job cuts were concentrated in the energy sector on an
unprecedented scale.
Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 05/07/2015 - 07:38
- Fed’s Yellen: Stock Valuations ‘Generally Are Quite High’ (WSJ)
- Britain's dead-heat election 'down to the wire' on polling day (Reuters)
- European Markets Roiled by U.S. Fed Chief Janet Yellen’s Comments (WSJ)
- Stocks Drop With German Bonds to Extend $2 Trillion Global Loss (BBG)
- Oil heads toward 2015 highs despite ample supply (Reuters)
- Wary of bond 'cliff,' Fed plans cautious cuts to portfolio (Reuters)
- Saudi Arabia mulling land operations on Yemen border (Reuters)
government acting on West behalf’.
Thu May 7, 2015 An analyst says Ukraine’s government acts on the behalf of
the West and depends on US aid to survive.
resumes training Syria militants . Thu May 7, 2015 The US military has
started training "moderate" militants in Jordan to fight the ISIL
terrorists in Syria, US officials say.
[Mientras el US
golpea a Siria, a los Iranios los entretienen con otro fiasco diplomático.
Ellos saben que Iran será la próxima víctima, pero insisten en “dialogar” en
lugar de ayudar a los Sirios. Como dijo el poeta : “Y cuando vinieron por mi .. no hubo nadie que
me defienda” ]
UK govt. weak, unpopular’. Thu May 7, 2015 A London-based political
commentator believes that no matter who wins the elections, the next UK
government will be a weak and unpopular one.
[En tiempos de
colapso imperial, las democracias “mas fuertes” devienen las mas endebles]
congratulates Netanyahu. Thu May 7, 2015 2:35PM
US President Barack Obama has offered congratulations to
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the creation of a new coalition
cabinet. [ el carnicero tiene
quien lo aclame]
continues failed policies on Syria’ Thu May 7, 2015 An analyst says
that the US and the Western plans have failed in Syria but they do not want to
admit defeat.
Citizens, Not Subjects [OBJECTS?]. We
Have the Right to Criticize Government without Fear
By Chelsea Manning
The American public needs more access to what the government is doing in its name. That requires increasing freedom of information and transparency.
By Chelsea Manning
The American public needs more access to what the government is doing in its name. That requires increasing freedom of information and transparency.
The Rich
Get Richer
By Mike Whitney
Why are stocks still flying-high when the smart money has fled overseas and the US economy has ground to a halt?
By Mike Whitney
Why are stocks still flying-high when the smart money has fled overseas and the US economy has ground to a halt?
We Can
Change Whatever We Want
By Russell Brand
I really do believe that real, radical change is possible that the tyranny of giant, transnational corporations can be ended.
By Russell Brand
I really do believe that real, radical change is possible that the tyranny of giant, transnational corporations can be ended.
Gestapo Amerika
By Paul Craig Roberts
How the Washington establishment is trying to silence Stephen Cohen.
By Paul Craig Roberts
How the Washington establishment is trying to silence Stephen Cohen.
70 Years
On: The Real Story Behind the Defeat of the Nazis
By Ezequiel Adamovsky
American propaganda has to a great extent shaped the social memory of WWII worldwide.
By Ezequiel Adamovsky
American propaganda has to a great extent shaped the social memory of WWII worldwide.
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