lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015




Almost Half Of US States Are Officially Broke. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. At least 22 states are facing budget shortfalls thanks to a combination of fiscal mismanagement and falling oil prices. The negative impact on the public sector has been dramatic suggesting that in the event of a sustained economic downturn, citizens' patience for austerity could wear thin leading to political instability and social unrest.
War Threat Rises As Economy Declines, Warns Paul Craig Roberts. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. As the years have passed without Washington hearing, Russia and China have finally realized that their choice is vassalage or war. Had there been any intelligent, qualified people in the National Security Council, the State Department, or the Pentagon, Washington would have been warned away from the neocon policy of sowing distrust. But with only neocon hubris present in the government, Washington made the mistake that could be fateful for humanity.
The Average Age Of A Minimum Wage Worker In America Is 36. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. Did you know that 89 percent of all minimum wage workers in the United States are not teens?  At this point, the average age of a minimum wage worker in this country is 36, and 56 percent of them are women.  Millions upon millions of Americans are working as hard as they can (often that means two or three jobs), and yet despite all of their hard work they still find themselves mired in poverty.  One of the big reasons for this is that we have created two classes of workers in the United States. 
White House Denies It Fabricated bin Laden Killing, Says Hersh Report "Riddled With Inaccuracies And Falsehoods". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. If anyone expected the Obama administration to admit that, as Seymour Hersch alleged last night, it had openly lied and fabricated the entire account of Osama bin Laden killing - perhaps the most defining narrative of Obama's entire first term, we have some bad news: it won't.
Seymour Hersh: Obama's Entire Account Of bin Laden's Death Is One Big Lie; This Is What Really Happened. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. "The White House’s story might have been written by Lewis Carroll: would bin Laden, target of a massive international manhunt, really decide that a resort town forty miles from Islamabad would be the safest place to live and command al-Qaida’s operations? It was inevitable that the Obama administration’s lies, misstatements and betrayals would create a backlash... High-level lying nevertheless remains the modus operandi of US policy, along with secret prisons, drone attacks, Special Forces night raids, bypassing the chain of command, and cutting out those who might say no." - Seymour Hersh
America's Vanishing Worker: The Truth Behind The "Recovery" Propaganda. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. There is propaganda, and then there is the harsh reality, as shown by the case of Denny Rder, 47, of Decatur, Illinois: "look closer, and this city of 75,000 resembles many communities across the industrial Midwest, where the unemployment rate is falling fast in part because workers are disappearing: moving away, retiring or no longer looking for a job."
Ron Paul: NSA Spying Ruled Illegal, But Will Congress Save the Program Anyway?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. The only reform of the PATRIOT Act is a total repeal. Accept nothing less.
The Government's Career Suggestion For Massively Indebted College Grads: Become Farmers. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. The class of 2015 may be the most indebted class of college graduates in the history of US higher education and the economy may have flatlined in Q1, but that doesn't mean all hope is lost for anyone who didn't study to become a petroleum engineer because as the government will tell you, you can always be a farmer.
Angry Greeks Occupy Siemens Office; "Won't Become German Colony". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. "We are not negotiating with domestic and foreign capitalists. We won't become a colony of Germany or any other Imperialist power", dozens of protesters said Monday, on the way to entering the Siemens building in Northern Athens and papering the exterior and interior with anti-austerity banners.
OPEC Forecasts Oil As Low As $40 For Next Decade. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. Whether it is more posturing ahead of OPEC's June meeting is unclear but the message from 'sources', according to The Wall Street Journal is "OPEC won’t agree to go lower," with regard global market share (which has fallen from more than 50-% to just 32% currently). The cartel's latest strategy report forecasts oil prices won't reach $100 - “$100 is not in any of the scenarios,” in the next decade (and could drop below $40) with its most optimistic scenario $76 in 2025 (which only Qatar and Kuwait can cover expenditures with). “If they want to sustain the organization, they have no choice,” but to reintroduce production quotas, adding any concession by stronger members would be temporary.
No Deal: Eurogroup Concludes Meeting On Greece, No Further Fund Disbursement. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. As expected, today's Eurogroup meeting concluded without an agreement between Greece and its creditors as both sides cited "progress" and regurgitated familiar rhetoric around the need for a "comprehensive list of reforms", and a universal desire for a favorable outcome. Despite this, Athens claims it will make a €750 million payment to the IMF on Tuesday even as it isn't at all clear where the money will come from.
Russia Asks Greece To Join BRICS Bank. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. As if the discussions in Brussels and Athens were not mired in enough uncertainty, Bloomberg reports that a Greek official confirms:
The pivot appears to continue. Reportedly, Tsipras was pleasntly surprised by the proposal.
Germany Gives Greece Grexit Referendum Greenlight. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. With a deal between Greece and its creditors seen as exceedingly unlikey at Monday's Eurogroup meeting, officials and analysts alike debate the logistics of default and a return to the drachma while Greeks may be called upon to choose between austerity or preparing for the possible introduction of a parallel currency and the economic malaise that will invariably follow. 
Saudi Army Strike Force Arrives On Yemen Border In Preparation For Land Invasion. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. One week ago when news hit that Houthi rebels had launched a rocket attack on a Saudi border town we said that "a Saudi response now appears just a matter of time, and one which the oil-trading algos are eagerly expecting, pushing Brent to within two dollars of $68." By response, we of course meant a land invasion since Saudi Arabia has already been bombing Yemen for nearly a month.  That "time" may have arrived, because as Al Arabiya reports, Saudi Arabia has announced that a "strike force has arrived on the border with Yemen, as the operation to quell Houthi militias in the country continues."
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015 - 07:28
  • Full picture of Clinton charities' foreign government funding remains elusive (Reuters)
  • Greece Readies for Another Week of Deadlines (BBG)
  • Greece says deal will be 'difficult' at Eurogroup meeting (Reuters)
  • Saudi Arabia’s Rulers Snub Arab Summit, Clouding U.S. Bid for Iran Deal (WSJ)
  • Saudi Aramco Said to Plan Spending $80 Billion Overseas (BBG)
  • The $900 Billion Influx That’s Wreaking Havoc in U.S. Bills (BBG)
  • Cameron rules out another Scottish independence vote (Reuters)
  • Banks Prep Defense for Anti-Wall Street Campaigns (WSJ)
Will Austerity Be The Straw That Breaks The EU & The UK?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/11/2015. How this will not end badly and ugly is hard to see. As we quoted in an earlier article, the number of foodbanks in Britain went from 66 to 421 in the first 5 years of Cameron rule. How many more need to be added before people start setting cities on fire? Or even just: how much more needs to happen before the Scots have had enough? Very much like the Greeks, the Scots unambiguously voted down austerity. And in very much the same fashion, they face an entity that claims to be more powerful and insists on forcing more austerity down their throats anyway. It seems inevitable that at some point these larger entities will start to crack and break down into smaller pieces. As empires always do. Now, the EU was of course never an empire, there’s just tons of bureaucrats dreaming of that, and Britain is a long-decayed empire.




American Cops Are More Heavily Armed than Front Line U.S. Combat Soldiers In Active War Zones. Posted on May 12, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog . Why Are Domestic Law Enforcement More Heavily Armed than Our Soldiers?

For related articles, see:
In a Cop Culture, the Bill of Rights Doesn’t Amount to Much. Posted on May 11, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog . By John Whitehead, constitutional and civil rights attorney, and founder of the Rutherford Institute.


War Threat Rises As Economy Declines
By Paul Craig Roberts
Russia and China have finally realized that their choice is vassalage or war.
CONFIRMED: US "Operation Rooms" Backing Al Qaeda in Syria
By Tony Cartalucci

Beyond Iran, Russia faces the prospect of its Caucasus region being turned into a corridor of terror aimed straight at the heart of Russia itself.
The Murder of Osama bin Laden
Seymour M. Hersh
The White House’s story might have been written by Lewis Carroll.


NAZANIN:  Obama y la tensión entre Irán y Arabia Saudi. Teherán y Riad rompen el fino lenguaje indirecto oriental que utilizaban para mostrar su odio mutuo y pasan al ataque, de momento, verbal. A pesar de que el desencadenante ha sido la agresión militar de Arabia-EEUU a Yemen, la noticia de la supuesta agresión sexual a dos peregrinos iraníes en el aeropuerto de Jeddah desató la furia en el poder de Irán: se organizaron protestas anti-saudíes, se suspendieron las “peregrinaciones menores” (Hay Umrah) a la Meca a las que se apuntan medio millón de fieles al año, y como guinda, el general Ahmad Purdastan, el comandante de las fuerzas terrestres de Irán, llegó a advertir al vecino árabe del “día en que los petardos estallen en Riad” por denegar el permiso de aterrizaje a un avión de pasajeros iraní en su suelo. Sin embargo, lo que más dolió al rey Salmán fueron las palabras del Ayatolá Jamenei: que unos jóvenes sin experiencia en Riad estén reemplazando la dignidad con la barbarie, referiéndose al joven príncipe Mohamed, a cargo del Ministro de Defensa y de la Casa Real, que para más inri es también hijo del propio monarca, quien acusó a Teherán de apoyar el terrorismo Houzi en Yemen.
Derrota del fascismo en Europa. 70 años después. Atilio A. Boron
Elecciones en Gran Bretaña. Adiós al Reino Unido. Tariq Ali


WH: Hersh’s bin Laden story fallacious . Tue May 12, 2015 The White House dismissed as untrue an article by Seymour Hersh which says the Obama administration lied about how Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011.
[ Osama is alive & kicking. Los santos de la democracia Americana lo resucitaron.  La esencia de Osama es el terrorismo mercenario pro-USA y fueron ellos quienes le dieron vida. Ya no se llama OSAMA,  SE LLAMA ISIS. El reencarnado es ahora un monstruo con diferentes caras y más canibalesco que el anterior. Y más elusivo también, pues OSAMA se aparece al mismo tiempo en Siria, en Libia y ahora en Yemen. Como ayer,  es el USA  quien lo financia, arma y entrena. Los saudis proveen la sangre fundamentalista  a ese monstruo. Para eliminar este terrorismo hay que eliminar el imperio y sus peones eso se puede hacer en cualquier parte del mundo donde tenga presencia.]
Chinese missiles can hit US: Pentagon. Tue May 12, 2015 A Pentagon report says Chinese nuclear-capable missiles can target nearly the entirety of the US.
20 NATO warships engage in Baltic drills. Mon May 11, 2015 Nearly 20 warships from NATO member states begin the Baltic Fortress 2015 war games in waters off the Lithuanian Baltic Sea coast.
Greece scrambles to stave off default. Mon May 11, 2015 Greece orders the transfer of a huge tranche of cash it owes to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Russia, China stage joint naval drills. Mon May 11, 2015 The navies of Russia and China begin their first-ever joint naval drills in the Mediterranean Sea.


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