domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015




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Legal Corruption In The US: Meet The 1% Of The 1% Who Drive American Politics. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2015 "In the 2014 elections, 31,976 donors - equal to roughly one percent of one percent of the total population of the United States - accounted for an astounding $1.18 billion in disclosed political contributions at the federal level. Those big givers - what we have termed the Political One Percent of the One Percent - have a massively outsized impact on federal campaigns.They’re mostly male, tend to be city-dwellers and often work in finance. Slightly more of them skew Republican than Democratic. A small subset - barely five dozen — earned the (even more) rarefied distinction of giving more than $1 million each. And a minute cluster of three individuals contributed more than $10 million apiece."
What Bubble? Wall Street To Turn P2P Loans Into CDOs. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2015. When student debt and subprime car loans aren't enough, you have to get creative. It now appears Wall Street is set to feed its securitization machine with a new kind of debt: peer-to-peer loans. You read that correctly. Soon enough, the pool of micro loans that are facilitated by sites like LendingClub will be used to create CDOs.
Socialists, Central Banks & Credit Is Not Capital.  by Jeffrey Snider via Alhambra Investment Partners,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2015. As with all good socialists, central banks have locked the global economy onto but a single path without any possibility of choice. The purpose of all this intrusive nature through finance is actually to dethrone the defining quality that makes capitalism so useful in society’s advance – dynamic destruction. Despite the radical alteration as to what is taught in “business” schools, credit is not capital and it will never be. No amount of math will make it so, but the longer it remains operative the greater the potential we all end up with something even worse.
HFT + Inept Regulators + Fed Distortion = More Flash Crashes. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2015. "I think we have to blame central bank intervention. How can we not? It’s all around the world. They’re setting interest rates at a ridiculous level. Quantitative easing is distorting all sorts of prices of assets. How do you price things anymore when you have such a giant manipulator out there?"
Why Deflation Is Unlikely. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2015. The prices of gold and silver reflect the deflationary view to the exclusion of the likely outcome of all this experimentation. There is no doubt that many dealers believe that gold and silver are merely commodities, otherwise they would be chasing their prices upwards in a dash for cash. Future historians should be puzzled.
There Is No Solution To The Crisis. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2015. The end result of Fed policy appears to be to keep us in perpetual economic malaise, to keep us all confused. They keep interest rates low masking the huge structural issues of huge federal budget deficits and whenever the economy appears to be picking up a bit, they threaten to take away the government props of QE and low interest rates faster thereby slapping down the economy. All this happening while the ticking time bomb of huge Federal Debt accumulates more potency. There is no solution to the crisis, merely a choice of which roads to choose, a deflationary debt collapse, or a hyperinflationary dollar collapse or World War III. Pick your poison...
It's Official: The Top Is In For Chinese Stocks. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2015. Presenting, a contrarian indicator...
There Is No Recovery: Sucking Spoilt Milk From A Bloated Dead Sow. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2015. "With US GDP growth ‘officially’ back where it belongs, in the Arctic zone close to freezing on the surface but much worse in real life, for reasons both Albert Edwards and Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (not exactly a pair of Siamese twins) remarked this week; that is, excluding the 'biggest inventory build in history, the economy contracted sharply', it’s time for everyone to at long last change the angle from which they view the world, if not the color of their glasses."
"Stop Being So Negative": Putting It All Together. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2015. Top of Form
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1) governments are unable to eliminate deficits
2) global government debt is increasing exponentially
3) 0% interest rates are allowing governments to borrow more to pay off old loans and fund deficits
4) Global growth is declining despite money printing and bailouts And, we've saved the latest and greatest fact for last: as stunning as 0% interest rates sound, the mathematically-challenged-fantasyland called Europe has just one upped everyone by introducing NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES.
Why There Will Never Be A CapEx Recovery. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/03/2015. Unfortuantely, until three things change dramatically, there will never be a capex boom, corporate revenues will keep declining, and companies will continue artificially inflating their stock prices by diverting every last profitable dollar into instant gratification for "activist" shareholders (and option-compensated management) instead of investing into long-term growth.






Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian Coalition Opposing NATO Debut in Moscow?
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
The Moscow Conference on International Security in April was used as a venue to give notice to the US and NATO that other world powers will not let it do as it pleases.
US “Grand Strategy” for War Against China Laid Out
By Nick Beams
Entitled “Revising US Grand Strategy Toward China,” the report is nothing less than an agenda for war.
US Control Over the World Is Rapidly Eroding
By Michael Payne
An increasing number of countries have decided that they have had enough of this intimidation and they no longer will be controlled and dominated by the U.S. government.
No Alternatives to US Empire: Bernie Sanders and the 2016 Elections
By Vincent Emanuele
For Sanders, it’s not that the US Empire or Pentagon is inherently unsustainable and destructive, it’s that they are simply being mismanaged and misused.
US Climbing into Bed with Al-Qaeda
By Daniel Lazare
The Obama administration has finally come clean about its goals in Syria.  In the battle to overthrow Bashar al-Assad, it is siding with Al Qaeda.
Who is Bombing Whom in the Middle East?
By Robert Fisk
The sectarian and theological nature of this war seems perfectly clear to all who live in the Middle East – albeit not to our American chums.




Qué lleva a las jóvenes europeas a integrarse en las filas del  Estado Islámico, si decenas de miles de mujeres (y hombres) huyen de su terror?.  Todo empezó cuando en un tweet atribuido al jeque salafista Mohammad El-Arefe se autorizaba a los yihadistas contraer matrimonio temporal con niñas mayores de 14 años y advertía a las mujeres musulmanas del mundo de su deber de  prestar servicios sexuales a estos “combatientes del Islam” si querían ir al Cielo. OPEN


Documentary. News Team. Episode 105 White Like Me, based on the work of acclaimed anti-racist educator and author Tim Wise, explores race and racism in the US through the lens of whiteness and white privilege.


‘Iran's new way to dodge sanctions’. Mon May 4, 2015 Iranian officials say a mechanism to trade with other countries in local currencies will help dodge sanctions.
US police-blacks relation, national crisis. Mon May 4, 2015 US House Speaker John Boehner says the deteriorating relationship between police and blacks has become a national crisis.
Baltimore holds victory rally. Mon May 4, 2015 Thousands of people have staged a victory rally in the US city of Baltimore after the mayor announced to lift curfew.
OSCE slams truce violations in E Ukraine. Sun May 3, 2015 The OSCE condemns the violation of the Minsk ceasefire in eastern Ukraine.
America needs ‘political revolution’. Sun May 3, 2015 Senator Sanders who has recently announced his bid for the White House says the US needs a “political revolution” for working families and against money in politics.
'ISIL serves US interests in Iraq'. Sun May 3, 2015 An analyst says Washington is trying to contain ISIL to push ahead with its own plans in Iraq.
‘American cluster bombs killing Yemenis’. Sun May 3, 2015 An analyst says cluster bombs that Riyadh regime use against Yemenis are American and put thousands of lives in danger.
Israel builds new structures in WB. Sun May 3, 2015 Israel builds 2,026 structures on territories grabbed from the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.
Israel child abuse brought to UN attention. Sun May 3, 2015 The Palestinian envoy to the UN sends an open letter to the Security Council, demanding justice over Israel abuse against Palestinian children.
Baltimore mayor lifts nightly curfew. Sun May 3, 2015 The mayor of Baltimore has lifted a curfew imposed against the US city earlier this week.
‘No need for US to escort ships in PG’. Sun May 3, 2015 Iran Navy chief says the US Navy does not need to escort US-flagged ships sailing in Persian Gulf.

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