martes, 19 de mayo de 2015




"If The Public Knew About Obama's Lies And Cover Ups, Mitt Romney Might Be President" - Judicial Watch. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. “These documents are jaw-dropping. No wonder we had to file more FOIA lawsuits and wait over two years for them.  If the American people had known the truth – that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaeda terrorist attack from the get-go – and yet lied and covered this fact up – Mitt Romney might very well be president."

[ This logic depart from a wrong premise: that there is not more than black and white choices. The fact is that both democ & repub are dangerous rats. They are the worst in America and selecting the lesser evil among them is not only a waste of time, it is a real crime against democracy.]
What A Cashless Society Would Look Like. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. “A depression is coming? Let’s put interest rates at zero. The economy is still in trouble? Let’s have the central bank print trillions in new securities. The banks are not lending? Let’s change the accounting rules and offer government guarantees and funds. People are still not spending? Let’s have negative interest rates. The economy is still in the tank? LET’S BAN CASH TRANSACTIONS!”
A cashless society is promising to have very tangible costs to our liberties and future prosperity.
In Iraq, ISIS Is Winning And The United States Is Losing. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. During the Iraq war more than 4,000 U.S. soldiers died, countless others were severely injured, and the total cost to U.S. taxpayers was more than 2 trillion dollars.  But now whatever the U.S. military accomplished during that war is being completely undone by ISIS.  On Monday, we learned that ISIS had fully taken control of the strategically important city of Ramadi.  Despite nine months of airstrikes by the U.S. military, ISIS continues to move forward and take new territory.  So what will the U.S. do if ISIS actually takes control of the entire country?

[ The fact that the US is promoting and supporting terrorism worldwide is another way of destroying the world without going to the nuclear confrontation. To destroy is easy, it is what US-NATO  wanted and it is that they are doing it. However, the chances for the US big corp to profit from the chaos of current  foreign policy is a fiasco. It is like launching a boomerang knowing that it will come back on our heads & kill us. Mercenaries follow the money and the money that is buying them now,  won’t  have value in the nearest future. Then the boomerang will come back. ]   
Welcome To The Bubble State, Where Everything Is Unsustainable. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. Since its inception, California has always portrayed itself as the land of opportunity. Kind of like a dream within the American dream. Of course, if you ask anyone who actually lives here, they’ll tell you the truth. The only people getting rich from the dream are the ones who made it up. They prey on the gullible masses who think they can move here and become movies stars, and tech CEO’s. But more importantly, this dream is the lifeblood of our vampiric state, and always has been. Like the myths surrounding the Great Wall of China, our foundations are layered with those who fell while chasing the dream. We owe our very existence to this ever evolving scam.
Plains All American Pipeline Ruptures; 21,000 Barrel 4-Mile Oil Slick On Santa Barbara Beaches. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. Emergency officials and Exxon Mobil were responding Tuesday afternoon to a ruptured pipeline that was leaking crude oil into the ocean off the Santa Barbara County coast, authorities said. The Santa Barbara County office of emergency management has identified the responsible party as Plains All American Pipeline. As The LA Times reports, by 3:45 p.m., the leak had left a four-mile-long sheen of oil extending about 50 yards into the waters along Refugio State Beach in Goleta, said U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Andrea Anderson.
"Kept Afloat With Nothing But Happy Thoughts". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. The Fed stimulates absolutely nothing but the media’s descriptions of it and the various economists and their models that depend solely on them being successful in doing so. If recessions are emotional and irrational pessimism as the monetary textbooks believe, then QE and ZIRP are just right sort of “happy pills” to push emotions back to the “right” direction. Is it any wonder the economy is in danger of sinking toward catastrophic failure?

[ While the rich are seriously planning scape from this Titanic, the poor has no other option than breaking barriers, go to the top  and get the boats. That is likely to happens ] 
Someone Finally Read Obama's Secret Trade Deal And Admits The TPP "Will Damage This Nation". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. "The public criticisms of the TPP have been vague. That’s by design—anyone who has read the text of the agreement could be jailed for disclosing its contents. I’ve actually read the TPP text provided to the government’s own advisors, and I’ve given the president an earful about how this trade deal will damage this nation. But I can’t share my criticisms with you. I can tell you that Elizabeth Warren is right about her criticism of the trade deal. We should be very concerned about what's hidden in this trade deal—and particularly how the Obama administration is keeping information secret even from those of us who are supposed to provide advice."

[Peru, Chile & Colombia are part of the TPP, but they have the most diversified Central Bank System and their deposits  in dollars are not anymore over 50% of bank reserves. They are ready to change whenever the time allowed. Meanwhile they  keep good relations with China trade web, while some of them are breaking openly with US allies like Arg vs. Israel]
"Obama's Strategy Against ISIS Is In Ruins". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. Over the weekend, a major shift in the balance of power in Iraq took place when Islamic State forces seized the key Iraqi state of Ramadi.  It took barely one day for the neoconservative cries for an aggressive and powerful response when overnight Kimberly Kagan's hawkish think tank, the Institute for the Study of War, came out with its assessment which was at least partially right that "Obama's strategy against the Islamic State in ruins not only in Iraq but also throughout the Muslim world."
How GDP Metrics Distort Our View of the Economy. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. GDP purports to measure economic activity while largely divorcing itself from the quality, profitability, depth, breadth, improvement, advancement, and rationalization of goods and services provided. Stated alternatively, GDP fails to accurately assess the value of goods and services provided or estimate a society’s standard of living. It is a ruler with irregular hash marks and a clock with erratic ticks. Simply put, GDP is designed to advance the Keynesian agenda... no matter what.
Make College Free By Taxing Stock Trades, Dem Presidential Candidate Says. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. "Democratic presidential candidate BERNIE SANDERS wants to take from the rich in order to make public college tuition-free for everyone else. On Tuesday, the Vermont senator will hold a press conference in the nation's capital at which he will introduce a plan to use a so-called Robin Hood tax on stock transactions to fund tuition at four-year public colleges and universities," Bloomberg reports.
The Untied State Of America. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015 .
"Yes, The Fed is feeding inequality; but it has to keep rates low for the good of the economy" - Robert Reich
And charts... speak loud

Source: Bloomberg and @Stalingrad_Poor
Are Stocks & Bonds Due For A "Generational" 75% Crash?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. From the point of view of history, a reversion to generational lows is inevitable, and a valuation level around 50% of GDP for stocks is a fair target. This implies a 75% decline in both stocks and bonds within the next decade, if not sooner.
Apply Now: Saudi Arabia Is Hiring 8 Executioners. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. If you happen to be particularly adept at wielding a sword and believe strongly that stiff penalties for crime play an important role in deterring future misdeeds, you might consider joining Saudi Arabia’s Ministry Of Civil Service as a “Perpetrator Of Retribution.”

[ Si el cese por demencia en las depuraciones anunciadas para el Senado lo saca a McCain de la posta, este sujeto debe estar muy contento de que los Saudis le hayan creado un trabajo bien remunerado en esos lares: el puesto de verdugo le cae como anillo al dedo ] 
  • A tendency to examine too few alternatives; A lack of critical assessment of each other’s ideas;
  • A high degree of selectivity in information gathering; A lack of contingency plans;
  • Poor decisions are often rationalised; The group has an illusion of invulnerability and shared morality;
  • True feelings and beliefs are suppressed; An illusion of unanimity is maintained;
  • Mind guards (essentially information sentinels) may be appointed to protect the group from negative information.
Why You Should Vote For Nobody. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015

Each Day Without Debt Deal Costs Greek Economy €22 Million And 613 Full-Time Jobs. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. It’s no secret that the protracted negotiations between Athens and its creditors are taking a toll on the Greek economy in general, on the Greek banking sector more specifically, and on Greek citizens most tragically. Now, thanks to a new report from the Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Enterprises, we can quantify the daily economic toll of failed negotiations.
Over 200,000 Greeks Apply For Humanitarian Crisis Relief. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. UPDATE: Greek Default Would Mean Poverty Trap, Dijsselbloem Tells VN
The Humanitarian Crisis Relief program was one of the top priorities of the SYRIZA-Independent Greeks coalition government and it was pushed forwards despite the Troika-Institutions objections. After the EU leaders Summit end of March, EU Commission President Jean Claude Juncker had announced to release 2 billion euro to tackle the Greek humanitarian crisis. While it is not clear if Juncker sent the money or not, As KeepTalkingGreece reports, 212,897 Greeks have so far submitted requests to be part of the Humanitarian Crisis Relief Program. 1st world or 3rd world?
Commodity Carnage. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. The surge in the USDollar and "good" housing data has created carnage in commodities. Silver, crude, copper, and gold are all getting hammered this morning as the S&P is unchanged as moar Q€ was trumped by hawkish "good" data...
US Taxpayer On The Hook As Ukraine Prepares Moratorium On Debt Repayments, Increases Military Spending. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. It appears, thanks to the generous backing of US taxpayers, Ukraine is about to get its cake and eat it too. On the same day as Ukraine's government unleashes a bill enabling a moratorium on foreign debt repayments - implicitly meaning default "in case of an attack from dishonest lenders" - the defense ministry unveils a plan to increase military spending by 17 billion hryvnia this year statuing that will “make efforts to find possibilities to finance needs” to secure country’s defense. Ukraine bonds are tumbling.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015 - 07:49
  • China’s Record Capital Outflows Spark Financial Stability Fears (FT)
  • U.K. Inflation Falls Below Zero for First Time Since 1960 (BBG)
  • Islamic State Solidifies Foothold in Libya to Expand Reach (WSJ)
  • Judge sentences 11 Afghan police over lynching of woman in Kabul (Reuters)
  • The $18 Trillion Global Economic Boost If Everything Went Right (BBG)
  • Eurozone Prices Confirmed Flat Year-on-Year in April, Core Inflation Inches Higher (Reuters)
  • Greek Finances to Stagger On Longer Than You Think (BBG)
  • Athens sees EU deal soon, Greeks' approval of government stance dwindles (Reuters)
Why Did The IMF Leak The Greek Default Details?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/19/2015. Whenever secret or confidential information or documents are leaked to the press, the first question should always be who leaked it and why. That’s often more important than the contents of what has been leaked. And since there’s been a lot of hullabaloo about a leaked document the past two days, here’s a closer look.




Is Israel In Cahoots With Saudi Arabia?
By Ben Caspit
Israel is in the midst of a somewhat secret diplomatic world war against the United States. And in this war, Israel is acting as if it is a world power.
No, You Can't Go Back to the USSR!
By Dmitry Orlov

The USSR is gone as a political entity, but as a civilizational entity it appears to be holding its own
Militarization Is More Than Tanks and Rifles:  It’s a Cultural Disease, Acclimating the Citizenry to Life in a Police State
By John W. Whitehead
This is the sad reality of life in the American police state.




Convocan en Perú a paro general contra proyecto minero. Organizaciones sociales convocaron a un paro general de 48 horas contra el proyecto minero Tía María y rechazaron la pausa propuesta por el gobierno


Obama renews ban on Iran oil trade Wed May 20, 2015 President Barack Obama has renewed unilateral US restrictions on purchases of oil and oil products from Iran.

[ El chantaje USA se veía venir. Lo que no entiendo es por que Iran no se retira del NPT  y sus bufones que pretenden allanar el camino al ataque Israeli]
Obama has ‘blank check’ to wage wars. Wed May 20, 2015 The US Congress has given President Obama a “blank check” to wage wars in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
Attack on embassy act of terror: Russia . Wed May 20, 2015 Moscow has censured a mortar attack against the Russian embassy in Syria, describing it as a “terrorist act”.

1 comentario:

  1. Sugiero la lectura en español de mi blog personal, Dinero 2.0, que viene mucho al caso. Enlace:
