viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015






As a millennial myself, I’ve noticed my peers seem to accept most of these as conventional wisdom. Hook, line, and sinker. Here are some ideas I was propagandized with that I hope my children will never have to “unlearn.”

1. Violence is normal.
2. Political parties govern differently. 
3. Patriotism is a virtue. 
4. Illegal aliens are evil criminals who desire to collect welfare from taxpayers.
5. Taxes are justified at gunpoint.
6. War is good for the economy.
7. Terrorists hate our freedom and culture. 
8. The U.S. has a free market economy.
9. U.S. troops are dying for my freedom.
10. My vote matters. 

Summary: The good news is that because of the communications revolution we are in right now, I truly feel like there is a great awakening happening. We see it in the alternative media boom, blogs like Liberty Blitzkrieg, ZeroHedge, and others are currently challenging conventional wisdom with ferocity and success.
We need to keep fighting.
To read the explanation of every point above mentioned, OPEN:  
Following today's "successful" vote confirming Sepp Blatter's 5th term running the farce called FIFA, and amid soccer's governing body being investigated by US and Swiss authorities over claims of corruption, we thought a summary of just where the money comes from and (apart from the $150 million in bribes and kickbacks to 14 executives) where it goes for the Swiss-based entity...
To avoid a violent militaristic clash with China, or another cold war rivalry, the United States should pursue a simple solution: give up its empire.

Harvard Professor Graham Allison has found: “in 12 of 16 cases in the past 500 years when a rising power challenged a ruling power, the outcome was war.” Chicago University scholar John Mearsheimer has bluntly argued: “China cannot rise peacefully.”
But the apparently looming conflict between the US and China is not because of China’s rise per se, but rather because the US insists on maintaining military and economic dominance among China’s neighbors.

According to political scientists Andrew Nathan and Andrew Scobell, Beijing sees America as “the most intrusive outside actor in China’s internal affairs, the guarantor of the status quo in Taiwan, the largest naval presence in the East China and South China seas, [and] the formal or informal military ally of many of China’s neighbors.” (All of which is true.) They think that the US “seeks to curtail China’s political influence and harm China’s interests” with a “militaristic, offense-minded, expansionist, and selfish” foreign policy.
It is worth asking whether having 50,000 US troops permanently stationed in Japan actually serves US interests and what benefits we derive from keeping almost 30,000 US troops in South Korea and whether Americans will be any safer if the Obama administration manages to reestablish a US military presence in the Philippines to counter China’s maritime territorial claims in the South China Sea.

International relations theorist Robert Jervis has written that “the pursuit of primacy was what great power politics was all about in the past” but that, in a world of nuclear weapons with “low security threats and great common interests among the developed countries”, primacy does not have the strategic or economic benefits it once had.

Nor does US dominance reap much in the way of tangible rewards for most Americans: international relations theorist Daniel Drezner contends that “the economic benefits from military predominance alone seem, at a minimum, to have been exaggerated”; that “There is little evidence that military primacy yields appreciable geoeconomic gains”; and that, therefore, “an overreliance on military preponderance is badly misguided.”

The struggle for military and economic primacy in Asia is not really about our core national security interests; rather, it’s about preserving status, prestige and America’s neurotic image of itself. Those are pretty dumb reasons to risk war.

FACT: both countries are armed with nuclear weapons. And there’s little reason to think the mutually assured destruction paradigm that characterized the Cold War between the US and the USSR wouldn’t dominate this shift in power as well.

But why take the risk, when maintaining US primacy just isn’t that important to the safety or prosperity of Americans? Knowing that should at least make the idea of giving up empire a little easier.
Candelia is one of a number of so-called “Potemkin” companies operating in France. Everything about these entities is imaginary from the customers, to the supply chain, to the banks, to the “wages” employees receive and while the idea used to be that the creation of a “parallel economic universe” would help to train the jobless and prepare them for real employment sometime in the future, these “occupations” are now serving simply as way for the out-of-work to suspend reality for eight hours a day.

[ Europa propuso muchas soluciones que jamás funcionaron. Y no funcionaron porque permitieron la interferencia abierta del USA dentro de sus fronteras al nivel político-económico y militar. Y eso ocurrió desde que el imperio implemento y/o  obligo a implementar en Europa los fraudes neoliberales que asfixiaron sus finanzas (con los sub prime mortgages el US les infesto su sistema bancario. US les vendió chocolates en platina dorada que contenían mierda dentro ) y jamas los encausaron legalmente por ello. Lo peor fue aceptar la política “anti-terrorista” del Patriot Act: los terroristas de Bush & aliados (los del  Mossad, Saudis, Pakis y Qatar, los mismos que ayudaron a implementar el “inside job” del terrorismo Sept  11, según analistas amerianos, puedo citar varios de ellos) implementaron también  ataques terroristas directos en varios paises de Europa, lo que jamas la UE investigo por cuenta propia ni se atrevió a denunciar. Se sometieron asi a la CIA, Pentagon y su NATO, mientras se implementó  el plan Bolton de capturo la ONU y su International Criminal Court- ICC.

Hoy Europa enfrenta la crisis migratoria y en su agencia de noticias  acaban de reconocer que hay 4,000 mercenarios europeos posible de ser movilizados dentro de Europa para seguir sembrando el terrorismo del US y su NATO. En el una dama conectada a la agencias de seguridad de la UE dijo que jamás la libertad y la seguridad estuvieron tan protegidas como hoy, en referencia a la crisis migratoria. Los migrantes que huyen de la guerra, la pobreza y las enfermedades son una amenaza a la seguridad interna pero transitoria y sin importancia, se deduce de lo dicho. Están bajo control y jamás tendrán futuro dentro del país, sugirió. Ellos son un problema externo y jamás lo serán dentro, es lo que dejo a entender. La apertura de fronteras ha hecho posible coordinar las agencias de seguridad de cada país y podemos cerrar esas fronteras cuando nos dé la gana, sugirió. 

Pero uno de los entrevistados indico que hay 4,000 mercenarios islámicos que NATO tiene ya dentro de Europa?.. Si es cierto que hay 4,000 islamicos pro ISIL en Europa..  no hay peligro de que ellos organizen a los migrantes “sin futuro” para aterrorizar Europa y asi someter a los  gobierno de la Union como ya ocurre?. Cual es la política para asimilar a los migrantes al sistema?  Si se sabe bien que el ISIL es un aparato para-militar financiado, entrenado y armado por el USA y sus socios en NATO .. Cuale es la política de Europa para desmontar el terror de NATO? … seguirán coordinando sus acciones desde su estación en Frankfurt?. Como mejorar el trato a los emigrados? .. seguirán siendo tratados como potenciales terroristas, como ya viene ocurriendo?  Dejará eso espacio alguno para que Europa pueda hablar de humanismo? O es que se adhieren abiertamente a la política neo-nazi del imperio

Sin duda la apertura de fronteras ha sido lo mejor solución de la UE a sus problemas internos y el esquema de gobierno interno que reconoce la 3ra opción y la cifra repartidora como válida, son avances indiscutibles que hoy los latinos estudian para implementarlos en el SUR .. pero Europa a la vez indica que eso no será solución si no se logra autonomía plena frente al imperio decadente, autonomía frente a los guerreristas de NATO y los banqueros y grupos de poder que lucran con las guerras y con los saqueos del fraude financiero neoliberal. Mientras los neo-nazis o neo-cons controlen la política exterior del imperio no habrá solución a problemas candentes del mundo actual. ]
Humans desperately need a new story to live by. The old one is increasingly dysfunctional and rather obviously headed for either a quite dismal or possibly disastrous future. One of the chief impediments to recognizing the dysfunction of the old story and adopting a new one is the most powerful of all human emotional states: Denial. But here we are, 40 years after the Club of Rome and 7 years after the Great Financial Accident of 2008, collectively pretending that neither was a sign warning of the dangers we face -- as a global society -- if we continue our unsustainable policies and practices that assume perpetual growth.

5 Things To Ponder: Is The Stock Market Rational Or Nuts? Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2015.

Like Houston, the financial system has been flooded with liquidity over recent years which has ultimately only had one place to flow - the financial markets. That excess liquidity has sent prices soaring to record highs despite weakting macro economic data. While many hope that the Central Banks can somehow figure out how to keeps the rivers of liquidity from overflowing their banks, history suggests that eventually bad things will happen. Of course, for investors, that translates into a significant and irreperable loss of capital.


Meet Gulmurod Khalimov, the US-trained and funded former commander of Tajikistan's special forces, who, as Reuters reports, has now gone to Syria to fight with ISIS. He has a message: "Listen, you American pigs, I’ve been three times to America, and I saw how you train fighters to kill Muslims...God willing, I will come with this weapon to your cities, your homes, and we will kill you." The big question is - was he 'recorded' as a moderate when America considered funding and training his elite special forces unit?

[Los moderados que ayer entrenamos y armamos empiezan a  rebelarse .. la pregunta es cuándo se rebelaran los que los entrenaron.. y cuando los que los financiaron .. ese será el indicador de que nuestra Guerra militar también fue de papel  (solo sirvió para comprar mercenarios) .. entonces del imperio de papel no quedara nada, quizá solo algunos papelitos verdes ya sin valor alguno ,,, Que triste destino el nuestro .. ni la decencia de una retirada honrosa .. Fue un imperio de hampones y nos tocó morir como tales .. dirán nuestros críticos.. y con mucha razón]
Just One Chart.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2015.
Catch me if you can...  from Bloomberg

The Russell 3000 — to which more than $5 trillion in assets were benchmarked as of 2013 — will be reconstituted next month based on market capitalizations calculated at the end of trading today. Here's what you need to know... [4 LISTS OF COMPANIES]
Today, we learn that the tragic incident was merely the latest banker suicide, when according to the NY Post the still unidentified jumper was the latest in a long series of investment bankers who have decided to take their own life.

[ Dijo una nota periodística que los newyorkinos pasaron frente al muerto y simularon no verlo .. al parecer los pétalos del poison ivy empezaron a caer .. y esas malas yerbas a nadie causan pena ni dolor alguno. Es la debacle del sistema neo-liberal lo que estamos presenciando.]
Statistics have become very misleading: in particular we are being badly misled into believing that the US is teetering on the edge of price deflation, because the US official rate of inflation is barely positive, a level that US bonds and therefore all other financial markets have priced in without accepting it is actually significantly higher.
Just hours after being force to admit that they were hacked (by Russians apparently), an inspector general's report shows that The IRS has rather remarkably continued to pay refunds on hundreds of thousands of fraudulent tax returns in recent years, and sent dozens of checks to the same addresses, including in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. While some progress has been made, $2.3 billion of real US taxpayer's money was wrongfully refunded to fake US taxpayers... but with this new cyber-attack, we suspect that number will soar.
3 Things: Oil Trouble. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2015
While it is likely oil prices could get a bit of a bump from a decline in the U.S. dollar, ultimately it will come down to the fundamentals longer term. It is quite clear that the speculative rise in oil prices due to the "fracking miracle" has come to its inglorious, but expected conclusion. What is interesting is that most have not figured out that the same thing will occur with the artificially driven surge in financial markets as well. It is quite apparent the some lessons are simply never learned.

"Welcome To The Contraction": Q1 GDP Drops By 0.7%, Corporate Profits Crash. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2015
And you thought the preliminary 0.2% Q1 GDP print from last month was bad. Moments ago, just as we warned, the BEA released its latest, first, revision of Q1 GDP (pre second-seasonal adjustments of course), and we just got confirmation that for the third time in the past four years, the US economy suffered a quarterly contraction, with the Q1 GDP revised drastically from a 0.2% growth to a drop of -0.7%: the worst print since snow struck, so very unexpectedly, last winter.

[ Qs are like penicillin, at the beginning it prevents infection , then  after it facilitate it]
Another day, another stock market dump saved by another Greece headline...
The question is, what money will Greece use this time? They already "borrowed" their IMF reserves to make the May 12 €750MM payment to the IMF...

[ It is not agony, it is a game that no one wants to finish because of its effects on the whole macro-system. Greece is one of the smallest box in a big chinese box, the neo-liberal one .. Greece is the one that if smashed make the whole macro system to collapse down .. IMF is one of the big boxes that can be disintegrated if Greece is not kept inside the system .. above them are other big boxes, the RU-China one vs the US-NATO  .. they are ready to replace the IMF and its whole macro box.  .. Nobody can predict now and with 100% certainty the effects of the Grexit  .. but everybody know that it Greece remain in the current Chinese box, their life as slavers won’t last longer, either chaos or revolution will happens .. So, time and correlacion of forces in the current financial & trade war are the critical factors that will decide the fate of Greece.. The leaders of the Greece MOv have decided to wait and IMF is condemned to wait too. .. Otherwise the whole Mediterranean, middle east and Europe will be involved in the WW3 .. that is that NATO wanted. .. but the surprise could come at the level of economics: a sudden crash of the neo-liberal market could happen… at that time the US-NATO won’t be able to sustain one week of war .. Germans & some EU countries may not want this scenery … but they cannot do much to prevent it.  … The other surprise could be a pact between RU-China and Europe to assimilate Greece and Europe to the new Chinese project .. The new Chinese box  is being assembled fast at worldwide level. .. So the pact of Europe with NATO will be dissolved & they have to abandon Frankfurt station … Let’s wait and see what happens ..  To me the best option is the new chinese box with Europe and Greece in it. Inside, all of them have chances to rebuild their countries.]
Russia is moving to undercut a critical financial communications link by creating an alternative system backed by the world's rising EM powerhouses who are set to officially launch their own development bank when they convene in July. At the same time, Moscow will consider cementing its economic ties with regional allies via the establishment of a currency bloc.
It seems bad news is bad news after all...
We did not actually need confirmation that global trade is slowing to a crawl (and has in fact reversed): after all, we have been showing just that for the past year, most recently earlier this week but it is important to note that in today's negative GDP print, it was net trade (exports less imports) that subtracted -1.9% from the final GDP print, driven by a -1.03% annualized drop in exports. This was the biggest hit to US trade since thegreat financial crisis.
Following the collapse in Gallup's consumer confidence and Bloomberg's Consumer Comfort, UMich Consumer Senitment printed 90.7 (against expectations of a rise to 89.5 from 95.9). With May's preliminary print the biggest miss in 17 months, this final drop leaves Consumer Sentiment at its lowest since November 2014. Hope dropped from 88.8 to 84.2 but it was the collapse in Current conditions - which fell from 107 to 100.8 - that crushed the headline. This is the biggest plunge in current conditions since Summer 2011 (the US debt downgrade). Business expectations plunged to 8-month lows, employment expectations tumbled... but the number who think it's a good time to buy a house rose.
Following Milwaukee ISM's plunge to 15-month lows this morning with a plunge in new orders (missing for 4 of last 5 months), Chicago PMI printed a disappointing 46.2 (against expectations of a slight rise to 53.0 from 52.3 last month) - lower than the lowest economist estimate. After last month's modest (dead-cat) bounce back from winter's collapse to 6 year lows, this re-collapse is hardly the kind of Q2-recovery-reinforcing data the mainstream wants. With the level now back at the same when Lehman hit, New Orders, Production, and Employment all contracted in May.
"U.S. surveillance imagery shows China has positioned weaponry on one of the artificial islands it is developing in the South China Sea," WSJ reports. US Defense Secretary says the US will "fly, sail, and operate" wherever it wants.
Is The Oil Glut Real?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2015
The age of propaganda is now upon us; where perception trumps the truth, until that is, the house of cards burns and falls, which it always does. With such blatant data manipulation going on, why shouldn’t we question the extent of stated “glut” in oil? The longer perception is distorted to create a false reality, the worse things will get in the end. We saw this before in 1999/2000 with the internet bubble and in 2008/2009 with the housing bubble, and it will not end well. If producers are dumb enough to get roped in to turning the spigot on when oil does rise (just as they appear to have done this morning) then, once again, prices won’t hold.
€5 billion in deposits flowed out of the fragile Greek banking system in April, underscoring the urgency of discussions between Athens and creditors. Meanwhile, data out of Eurostat officially confirms that the country is back in a recession.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/29/2015 - 07:39
  • Former House Speaker Hastert indicted on federal charges (Reuters)
  • Blatter expected to win re-election despite soccer corruption scandal (Reuters)
  • NYSE Looks to Ease Late-Day Pileup (WSJ)
  • What Will Happen to a Generation of Wall Street Traders Who Have Never Seen a Rate Hike? (BBG)
  • Japan spending slump casts doubt on central bank optimism  (Reuters)
  • Unclear rules, market volatility take toll on bank capital  (Reuters)
  • Greece Told Budget a Red Line for Creditors Venting at G-7 (BBG)
  • The Economist Who Realized How Crazy We Are (Michael Lewis)
  • Pimco Said to Have Considered Goldman’s Cohn for Top Job (BBG)
Usually the market breaks don't take place until after the selling begins. Today, someone in Europe got triggerhappy, and as a result moments ago the Euronext broke. Or perhaps this is just another drill for the "big one"

The details:
SERVICES IMPACTED: Market Data, Trading
MARKET: Euronext Derivatives Markets
PRODUCT: Commodity Futures, Commodity Options, Currency Futures, Currency Options, Individual Equity Options Brussels, BEL20 Futures, PSI Futures, BEL20 Options, Index Dividend Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures, Belgian Single Stock Futures
CATEGORY: Data issue
Due to a market data issue, trading has been halted on the BO,BF,FF,FO,MF,YF,YO,RF,ZF,ZO,SF exchanges until further notice.
There are many things going on in the Greece vs Institutions+Germany negotiations, and many more on the fringe of the talks, with opinions being vented left and right, not least of all in the media, often driven more by a particular agenda than by facts or know-how. What most fail to acknowledge is to what extent the position of the creditor institutions is powered by economic religion...


US removes Cuba from ‘state sponsors of terror’ list, paves way for reopening embassies
The US has formally removed Cuba from its ‘state sponsors of terror’ list. Announcing the move on Friday morning, the State Department said the act is one way to move forward with restoring full diplomatic relations with the island nation, which has long been blacklisted by the US government. The two countries can now continue with re-establishing formal embassies in Washington DC and Havana, which have not hosted the diplomatic facilities since 1961.

[ DOES CUBA REMOVE THE US  FROM ‘STATE SPONSORS OF TERROR’ LIST?  The way to do it is transferring the Guantamo Bay to their real owners: Cuba. Then we will talk about honesty, peace and real friendship.
Meanwhile the most important thing is to assure that current relations with the US won’t prevent CUBA deals with BRICS members (RU & China) as Chile, Peru and other countries in the south have it, at economic and trade levels]

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Thom discusses the state of the US and world economies with economist and author Richard Wolff in tonight's special hour-long discussion.
Freedom of expression and democratic debate is considered by many as noble causes. However, public discourse in the West – particularly the US – is neither free nor democratic when it comes to Russia. Why is this the case and is it dangerous? CrossTalking with James Carden and James Carafano.
Keiser Report. Episode 763 Every week Max Keiser looks at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines.
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss ‘vaporwealth’, which much like ‘vaporware’ is a product or a net worth. In this case, it’s never manufactured, but instead either stolen or magically created on the Fed’s balance sheet. In the second half, Max interviews Liam Halligan of about the economic situation in Europe, and how Nicola Sturgeon is the new existential boogie man for the tabloids.

EUROnews. Com

"Schengen is not a problem, it's a solution. The outside borders, they do have problems, not due to the Schengen area but due to the pressure of all those immigrants who want to come to our territory."  CHECK VIDEO on OPEN BORDERS= SCHENGEN ZONE  On the Frontline, Report
Europe’s Schengen zone celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. It allows citizens of 26 European Union countries to travel and go through immigration or border controls without passports or visa checks.
For many, it is one of the EU’s greatest achievements. Long queues are now a thing of the past for millions of travellers as they can drive or fly through customs unrestricted. That ease of passage, however, has also allowed criminals to boost their activities, and the very real threat of attacks by extremists has forced governments to act.
The migration crisis in the Mediterranean also highlights the difficulties of policing the EU’s external borders. This week On the Frontline examines whether Schengen is still a good deal for Europe.
Don't Invest in the Euro.
The Dollar And Euro Are Doomed. These 3 Currencies Will Take Over. By


Patrolling The Hood From (China) Sea To Shining Sea
By Pepe Escobar
This South China Sea exceptionalist adventurism could alarmingly get out of hand.
Pivot Insanity. Why is Obama Goading China?
Mike Whitney
US powerbrokers know that bullying China involves significant risks for themselves and the world.
‘Now, We Have a Democratically Elected Totalitarian Government’
By Arundhati Roy
“How have the other ‘developed’ countries progressed? Through wars and by colonising and usurping the resources of other countries and societies,” she says. “India has no option but to colonise itself.”
US Sending Weapons To Iraq To Use Against Weapons US Previously Sent To Iraq
By DS Wright
It’s almost like war is a business.
[ There is more beyond the nasty business of selling weapons and creating wars everywhere ]
The Biggest Crime You’ve Never Heard Of
By Ian Sinclair
What if our own government has been responsible for genocide-level suffering, without the media raising the alarm and therefore leaving the general public in a state of ignorance?
“No country had ever been subjected to more comprehensive economic sanctions by the United Nations than Iraq,” notes Hans Von Sponeck, the former UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, in his 2006 book A Different Kind of War.
In 1999 the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) estimated that over 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five had died because of a lack of medication, food or safe water supplies.
How NATO Deliberately Destroyed Libya's Water Infrastructure
By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

Critical water installations bombed - then blamed on Gaddafi.
A New Age Of Revolt And Rebellion, The Implosion of Global Capitalism
By Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges delivers a stark and urgent apprisal of the worldwide catastrophe that’s sure to come if the current system isn’t confronted and forced to change.
The Coming Crash & The Recession That Never Ended .
By Richard Wolff and Thom Hartmann
How the Crash Will Come About.


Peru.  Otro día de huelga de los mineros de Arequipa. La protesta contra la mina Tía María causó seis muertos en Perú
"Nadie calcula cuánta inflación genera la ganancia de los empresarios". Mario Hernandez. Entrevista al economista político Julio Gambina


‘West financial system breaking down’. Sat May 30, 2015 An analyst says Western financial system is experiencing total bankruptcy.
‘IAEA's Iran report trite, legally flawed’. Sat May 30, 2015 An Iranian official says the latest IAEA report on Tehran’s nuclear program is hackneyed and contains legal flaws.
[ Si Iran esperaba honestidad de los bufones de NATO en el IAEA.. pues estaban esperando peras del olmo, .. o como se dice en inglés: they were barking to the wrong tree]
FIFA hints US probe has ulterior motives . Sat May 30, 2015 FIFA President Sepp Blatter hints the US mau harbor ulterior motives in its recent investigation into the soccer organization.
‘Saudi Arabia allowing attacks on Shias’ . Sat May 30, 2015 An analyst says the Saudi government is allowing terrorist attacks against Shias, such as the two recent bombings that targeted Shia mosques.
Iraqi forces closing in on Ramadi. Sat May 30, 2015 The Iraqi army backed by volunteer forces is advancing toward the ISIL-held strategic city of Ramadi from three directions.


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