domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015




Seymour Hersh: Obama's Entire Account Of bin Laden's Death Is One Big Lie; This Is What Really Happened. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/201. "The White House’s story might have been written by Lewis Carroll: would bin Laden, target of a massive international manhunt, really decide that a resort town forty miles from Islamabad would be the safest place to live and command al-Qaida’s operations? It was inevitable that the Obama administration’s lies, misstatements and betrayals would create a backlash... High-level lying nevertheless remains the modus operandi of US policy, along with secret prisons, drone attacks, Special Forces night raids, bypassing the chain of command, and cutting out those who might say no." - Seymour Hersh

Seymour M. Hersh's full report on The Killing of Osama bin Laden below, courtesy of the London Review of Books

 [ Hersh's report no se basa en ninguna informacion directa que valide su historia -los que ordenaron y ejecutaron la muerte de Osama -si es que hubo muerte alguna- aquellos jamas hablaron, ni dieron evidencia creible de la muerte de Osama Bin Laden. Hersh no explica como es que despues de muerto Osama, el tipo de terrorismo de Al-Qaeda se expandio y devino mas letal en toda la region?. Tampoco explica con evidencia la matamorfosis de Al-Qaeda en ISIL, si es que admite tal simbiosis. Se pregunto Hersh la posibilidad de que Osama este vivo y siendo usado por la CIA como ayer usaron a varios nazis para la misma causa, derrotar a Rusia?.  Hay sin embargo algunas hipotesis validas e importantes en la historia de Hersh: la 1ra fue indicar que Obama mato a Osama dos veces oficialmente, 1ro con un drone en la montanias de Afghanistan . 2do cuando the Nave Seals asaltaron el compound donde acribillaron al cripple Osama quien se recuperaba de salud bajo vigilancia del ISI (la CIA de PAK). 3ro Quedo en evidencia la articulacion de ambos dos servicios de inteligencia para dicho asesinato. 4to, Panetta el jefe de la CIA entonces, mintio, desinformo y se burlo del Senado cuando fue llamado a dar su reporte. 5to, Ni la CIA ni ninguno de los 6 navy Seals que ingresaron al compound donde dormia Osama han dado informacion al respecto. Fueron prohibidos de hacerlo bajo pena de carcel si hablaban en privado o en publico al respecto. 6to el cadaver de Osama jamas fue sometido a DNA analysis ni completo analisis forensico. La imagen que presento la TV no mostro rasgunio ni de gatito. Osama jamas fue enterrado, una version dice que lo tiraron al mar y otra que lo arrojaron sobre montanias indues. Simplemente el muerto fue desaparecido. Si es asi, puede estar vivo. 7mo Lo cierto es que el terrorismo del Al Qaeda que el creo es aun mayor despues de la muerte que le anuncio Obama antes de las elecciones del 2011. The US sigue admitiendo oficialmente que Al Qaeda existe aun en Siria, en Libia y ahora en Yemen y que el USA esta tratando de extermirlo. En forma no oficial se admite que ISIL es o esta directamente vinculado al A Qaeda. Pero Hersh no da luces al respecto; tampoco basa su informe en fuentes directas o dignas de credito (simplemente fue y es imposible obtenerlas si alguien que planeo o ejecuto tal muerte no da info al respecto), por tanto la historia de Hersh es una mas entre 100 que han circulado. Nos gustaria saber si Hersh se anima a explorar evidencias del nexo entre Al Qaeda y el  ISIL
Paul Craig Roberts: Economic Disinformation Keeps Financial Markets Up. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2015. As we have pointed out for a number of years, according to the payroll jobs reports, the complexion of the US labor force is that of a Third World country. Most of the jobs created are lowly paid domestic services. No economist should ever have accepted the claim that the economy was in recovery while participation in the labor force was declining. Having looked at the actual details of the payroll jobs report, which are seldom if ever reported in the financial media, let’s look at what else goes unreported in the media.
IMF Preparing Greek Default Contingency Plan. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2015. The biggest slow motion trainwreck in history, one that everyone knows how it ends just not when (especially since the "when" is about 5 years overdue), that of the Greek sovereign default may just got a bit more exciting earlier today when the WSJ reported that the IMF can no longer lie - like Mario Draghi did to Zero Hedge in 2013 - that there are preparation for a Plan B. To wit: "the International Monetary Fund is working with national authorities in southeastern Europe on contingency plans for a Greek default, a senior fund official said—a rare public admission that regulators are preparing for the potential failure to agree on continued aid for Athens."
China To Build Military Base In Africa Next To Critical Oil Transit Choke Point. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2015. One year ago China was well on its way to marking its territory in southern Africa, with a core military presence near the all important for global trade Cape of Good Hope which is the transit point for about 10% of global seaborne-traded oil. Fast forward to today when AFP reports that after securing Southen Africa, China is now in process of securing the second critical geopolitical area in Africa: the horn, which just happens to be right next to the infamous Bab el-Mandeb Strait located by the recently infamous country of Yemen, which in recent months has been overrun by US-armed Houthi Rebels.  According to AFP, China is negotiating a military base in the strategic port of Djibouti, the president said, raising the prospect of US and Chinese bases side-by-side in the tiny Horn of Africa nation.
The 'Lumbering' US Economy. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2015. While Crude and Copper get all the glory, the fact is, as we have detailed previously, Lumber prices are the most correlated with economic activity (ISM and GDP) of all industrial commodities. That is quickly becoming a major problem for the "Q1 was weather and now we get the epic bounceback" narrative writers.
The Most Imminent And Paramount Question For Americans Today! .Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2015. Is it that we don’t care? Is it that we don’t see it? Is it that we are masochists? What is it about us that makes us so apathetic to the atrocities against our Constitutional rights? They are there for our protection and so, to we the people, they are assets that require maintenance but we are leaving them to be destroyed by the political elements. Even amongst well versed, well educated and very interested Americans there seems to be very little concern, judging by reaction, to the fact that our Constitutional rights are quite blatantly at this point, being taken away from us. Why is that not creating more of an agitated response??
When Obama Talks About His "Massive Fight" With Wall Street, What Exactly Does He Refer To?.Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2015.  When Obama talks of a "massive fight" with Wall Street, is he referring to:
- the tens of billions in handouts handed to each and every bank, unleashing the age of socialized losses and privatized profits?
- the condification of the Too Big To Fail concept?
- presiding over a Department of "Justice" that openly admitted it would not prosecute certain bankers over fears of systemic collapse consequences, thus mathin up TBTF with Too Big To Prosecute?
- the implementation of Barney Frank which was supposed to rein in banks and instead had Citigroup lawyers and lobbysists write the language write the language in the Derivatives Swaps Out provision of the Omnibus bill as a result of $70.3 trillion in total Citigroup derivatives, which the bank knows will one day require another taxpayer bailout?
Merkel Under Pressure To Let Greece Go As Default Risk Rises. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2015. Members of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic bloc are pushing the Chancellor to let Greece leave the euro, with some lawmakers saying the EU would be better off without the Greeks. Meanwhile, German FinMin Schaeuble warns of "accidental"
The Age Of Cryptocurrency. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2015. "Bitcoin represents a monumental paradigm shift that will transform the social, political and economic landscape," according to Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey in this presentation. Since its advent, Bitcoin has gained a reputation for instability and illicit business; naysayers fear its power to eliminate jobs and upend the concept of a nation-state. Vigna and Casey show that cryptocurrencies can also bring good. For one, they remove the middleman from the financial system, giving the power to the people and safeguarding from the devastation of a 2008-type crash. They also promote financial equality; Bitcoin has already given the world’s unbanked - those marginalized billions who’ve never had a bank account - unprecedented access to the global economy.
Free Trade Is Plutocratic Propaganda. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2015. In 2003, Kevin Flanagan was an information technology employee at Bank of America. They told him he was being replaced with foreign labor, and he was ordered to train his replacement. After he completed his assignment, he was laid off. Then he went to the parking lot and shot himselfThat's "free trade."




Here’s What You’re Not Being Told About U.S. Troops In Ukraine
By Patrick L. Smith
Washington must be proud, having backed yet another right-wing, anti-democratic, rights-trampling regime that does what it says.
Victory Day Celebrations in Moscow Mark a Turning Point in Russian History
By The Saker
The AngloZionist Empire and Russia are at war.  Of course, the presence of nuclear weapons on both sides makes this a special kind of war.




‘US war on terror is war of conquest’. Sun May 10, 2015 The so-called war on terror is essentially a US war of conquest designed to steal the resources of independent countries, an author in Madrid says.
US ‘cannot survive without conflict’. Sun May 10, 2015 The US military-industrial complex cannot survive without military conflicts, says a US analyst.


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