domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015




When the "very serious people" start to admit that the entire house of cards was held together with nothing but bullshit and propaganda, it may be a time to panic...
On Saturday we introduced readers to the “Ferguson Effect”. The idea is that the recent spate of prosecutions and instances of social unrest that followed a series of events involving perceived police misconduct directed at African Americans have made police officers gun shy — literally. A new study by The Washington Post suggests otherwise...
Five Reasons Why America Is Done. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/31/2015
"Until and unless we at least resolve all five of the following, and everyone involved wears an orange jumpsuit and has their corporate and institutional edifices closed down with the ill-gotten gains disbursed back to their victims we are, as a nation, DONE."
Here are Deutsche Bank's 10 themes and "summer issues" to keep an eye on as we leave May behind and enter June...
There Is A Disturbing Anti-Freedom Trend Sweeping Across The West. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/31/2015, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH
It took 31 years, but it appears that the origins of 1984 are finally upon us. It’s happening all across the West at an alarming pace, and people are willing to allow it. That’s the funny thing about freedom. True freedom means that you are free to be an idiot. Unfortunately most people in the West are caged birds. It might be a nice cage with plenty of Starbucks and Bed, Bath, and Beyond megastores. But it’s a cage... filled with clueless birds chirping away about how free they are.
When money and investing is no longer rewarded by business acumen and prowess - rather it’s “Here’s a boatload of cheap money. Throw as much as you can, as fast as you can, at as many as you can, and see what, if any sticks” - that is when you should be looking for where the lifeboats are hanging. Rather, than hanging around on the poop-deck waiting to see if it’s all about to hit a fan. We guess we’re just back to the old turn a blind eye to anything historical. Remember “It’s different this time.” Nothing to see here, move along, don’t fret, no need for concern. Just remember and repeat three times every time there’s reason for concern when the market drops 200 or 300 points out of the blue only to recover all if not more the next day... “The Fed’s got your back, the Fed’s got your back, The……”
It took a paltry $1.15 million in bribes to get everyone in the Senate on the same page. And the biggest shocker: with a total of $195,550 in "donations", or more than double the second largest donor UPS, was none other than Goldman Sachs.
Curious how and why the US is "boosting" US GDP by selling over $4 billion worth of weapons to Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia, ostensibly to provide these countries with protection against ISIS (the same ISIS, incidentally, which a leaked document last week admitted had been effectively created by the US)?  Simple: by first "losing" a billion dollars worth of Humvees so that, drumroll, ISIS can be the best-armed "terrorist" force in the middle east, a force whose mere presence will demand billions in subsequent military orders from the US military-industrial complex by all those who are threatened by ISIS.
These charts help us understand that a top is not just price, but a reversal in extremes of margin debt, valuation and sentiment. Many observers have an unyielding faith that central banks will never let markets decline ever again. There are four flaws in this blind faith...
Having detailed the less status-quo-sustaining side of things, thanks to some frankness from Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller, who warned "unlike 1929, this time everything - Stocks, Bonds and Housing - is overvalued," we thought it only fair-and-balanced to illustrate the alternative perspective and who better than Jeremy Siegel to deliver it. In his anti-thesis of Shiller's facts, Siegel unleashes textbook dogma to pronounce, "in no way do current levels quality as a bubble", that stock returns should remain supported by fundamentals, there is no sign of a recession in the next 18 months, The Dow's fair-value currently is 20,000, and "not much" could dissuade him from holding stocks.
On Sunday, PM Alexis Tsipras penned a lengthy statement expressing his frustration at creditors’ insistence on presenting what he calls “absurd proposals” even as the Greek delegation has gone most of the way towards meeting the troika’s demands. "Judging from the present circumstances, it appears that this new European power is being constructed, with Greece being the first victim. To some, this represents a golden opportunity to make an example out of Greece. If some, however, think or want to believe that this decision concerns only Greece, they are making a grave mistake. I would suggest that they re-read Hemingway’s masterpiece, 'For Whom the Bell Tolls.'"
Countries like Spain and Portugal may by now scratch their heads about taking a hard line on the Greek issue. They may not have fully realized to what extent the eurozone is indeed a shared commitment. All eurozone nations now have at least another 30 days to think that over. The main risk in that period is that Greece may decide to leave on its own.
There is no denying that the secret negotiations among unelected elites appointed by TPP members may result in the lowering of trade barriers for selected friends of the global regulators. This cronyist system of rewards and punishments for global favorites, however, should most certainly not be confused with free trade.
Greece and its creditors are set to miss a self-imposed Sunday deal deadline as talks are still ongoing, an unnamed official tells Reuters. Meanwhile, Kathimerini says "government officials attending an emergency summit under Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Saturday prepared a draft agreement as Greek sources cited by the Athens-Macedonia News Agency indicated that negotiators in Brussels were close to a deal on value added tax, curbing early retirements and the gradual merging of pension funds." And so it continues.
"Whether we will establish an ADIZ in the South China Sea will depend on whether our maritime security will be threatened," Adm. Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of staff of the People’s Liberation Army said at a security event in Singapore on Sunday. China also claims its man-made islands in the Spratlys are primarily for providing "international public services." Its regional neighbors aren't so sure.
Will A Robot Steal Your Job?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/31/2015
Will a robot steal your job? It turns out that the answer depends on the prevailing macroeconomic conditions much more than people think.





Putin: US Foreign Policy Boosted Expansion of Terrorism
By Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten
Putin accuses the West, quite bluntly, to be responsible for the emergence of the Islamic State.
Iran Breaks New Ground In Iraq
By Mahan Abedin
In Iraq the failure of the American- and British-trained army is by definition a victory for Iran.
Obama's Iran Nuclear 'Diplomacy' Boosts US Arms Racket
By Finian Cunningham
US President Barack Obama's nuclear diplomacy with Iran has left many commentators guessing about what objectives Washington is really pursuing.
Revolution and American Empire
By Rob Urie
Western history ties politics, the freedom to dominate other people, to economics through the reasons for domination.
Financial Coup in Greece
By Stelios Kouloglou
“The government today faces a new kind of coup, one that is not carried out with tanks, as in 1967, but through banks.” - Yanis Varoufakis.






Senate fails to strike deal on NSA spying . Mon Jun 1, 2015 The US Senate has failed to reach a deal on extending the controversial Patriot Act used by the NSA as a legal basis for spying on people.
US Senate slammed for irresponsible failure. Mon Jun 1, 2015 The White House has denounced the US Senate for failure to extend the provisions of the Patriot Act.
Experts behind ISIL propaganda films slain. Sun May 31, 2015 An Iraqi army airstrike claims the lives of two Takfiri filmmakers behind ISIL’s propaganda videos.
Greece talks deadlock not Athens fault. Sun May 31, 2015 Athens raps its international creditors for offering “absurd” proposals in talks over the country’s bailout program.
Most of ISIL recruited by US: Analyst. Sun May 31, 2015 Most of the ISIL terrorists were recruited by the US and its allies to advance their agenda in the Middle East, an antiwar activist says.
‘NSA domestic spying to expire tonight’. Sun May 31, 2015 A former White House counterterrorism official says the NSA’s domestic surveillance program will likely expire on Sunday night.

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