lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015




David Stockman: "We Are Entering The Terminal Phase Of The Global Financial System". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. "What happened in each of those episodes was a short-run break in the system, collapse of confidence and flight to gold.  What I think we are facing now is a terminal phase of a monetary system that isn’t viable, stable or sustainable.  Therefore gold has but one characteristic - massive upside in the years ahead."

[SUEÑO POST-NEOLIBERAL. Nuestro imperio ha dado grandes cosas a la humanidad. Para empezar, el fordismo con el cual no pudieron competir los ingleses (el fordismo les dio a todos una maquina empezando por un carro. “Cumplimos con darles un carro a cada americano” –fue el sueño de Ford- pero ese carro se convirtió en medio de esclavización para muchos que no pudieron mantener  trabajo seguro que permita pagarlo a tiempo. Y el mismo carro sirve hoy para polucionar más el ambiente)  pero el fordismo cumplió lo prometido. Trajo al mundo innovaciones científicas sin paralelo. Empezamos con la masiva fabricación de máquinas para hogar, a la par que avanzamos en la construcción de carreteras y vías férreas  con lo que nadie pudo competir en nuestro mercado. Desde entonces se dijo que  si el producto es americano es bueno. Hoy no podemos decir lo mismo. Empezamos por aceptar que los carros japoneses y alemanes son mejores y terminamos cediendo en todo. Hoy lo único en lo que somos buenos es en la venta de maquinarias de guerra y destrucción del mundo. Y lo probamos en Hiroshima y Nagazaki, y también en el medio oriente que invadimos por su petróleo y donde asesinamos más inocentes vidas que en Japon. Y seguimos exhibiendo nuestro potencial miliar con entrenamiento que ha puesto al mundo en la angustia de despertar cualquier dia con una hecatombe mundial. Eso no debiera ser motivo de orgullo, pero para algunos lo es. No creo que los ingleses se habrían sentido héroes si regresaban la India a la edad de piedra, pero hay en America quienes creen que si debemos destruir el mundo entero si América cae. Lo cierto es que vamos a caer, que los días del dólar están contados y que una transición honesta y civilizada es el regreso al dollar respaldado en oro (el petro-dólar devino obsoleto). Pero no tenemos suficiente oro para dar primacía al dollar (el que produce  Perú a costa de muchas vida no alcanzaría para ello). Pero hay algo que el resto de competidores en esta “guerra” económica (mal termino, en mi ver) no tienen, y eso es la creatividad de nuestro recursos humanos. Imaginemos cientos de Steve Jobs iniciando el trabajo de la reconstrucción de América (y no hablo solo de computadoras). Solo los Chinos podrían competir con nosotros y creo que cuando unimos fuerzas con ellos es cuando pudimos colocarnos a la cabeza de la tecnología moderna. Los rusos y los alemanes dudo que tengan esa cualidad, son muy pegados a las reglas, a los sistemas establecidos, a lo clásico (están viviendo los tiempos del fordismo que nos dio gloria). La creatividad va contra sistemas y ordenes establecidos. Todo es perfectible, nada obedece a leyes humanas imperecederas, el cambio es por natura anti-sistemico, anarquista, libre de toda regla dogmática, validad para todos los tiempos y espacios.  En esta revolución por venir los americanos tenemos espacio, en nuestras células hay los ingredientes de esa creatividad y si esta la orientamos –no a la guerra militar y su catástrofe nuclear- sino al desmontaje de las ojivas nucleares y a la solución de varios problema de inmediata atención a nivel mundial, en esto América si podría contribuir. Tenemos ese potencial humano –desafortunadamente mal usado hoy- pero posible de rescatarlo y orientarlo positivamente.  En esta visión de mundo post-neoliberal carece de toda esencia humana el war mongerismo y la estúpida “creencia ” de que los sistemas imperiales como el nuestro no tienen fin  y  la mas estúpida  idea  de que no debemos dejarnos  arrebatar el liderazgo económico mundial. En realidad el reciente liderazgo jamás fue nuestro, fue  el de nuestros banqueros mafiosos y los truhanes de Wall Street que se apropiaron de todo cuanto pudieron y que hoy vienen destruyendo  derechos y libertades  consagrados en la Constitución  Americana. Son los mismos que hoy  amenazan con liquidarnos con el mismo potencial militar con el que sembraron muerte y destrucción fuera. Lo nuestro, lo realmente americano y de lo que si debemos estar orgullosos es del fordismo y del New Deal.  De eso solo nos queda el recuerdo; con el  fordismo le arrebatamos el imperio a los ingleses y con el NEW DEAL de FDR se lo arrebatamos a los banqueros mafiosos. Pero ese recuerdo es bueno tomarlo en cuenta , no para hacer lo mismo, sino para hacerlo mejor.]
Obama Just Called This "Rotting, Decaying Hellhole" A Symbol Of "Promise For The Nation". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. Speaking in Camden, New Jersey, President Obama just uttered the following Detroit-esque words of doom:
We discussed Camden in 2012, 2013, and 2014... and had a different opinion.
Obama Flip-Flops: Plans To De-Militarize His Militarized Police. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. Having enabled billions of dollars worth of militarized equipment to be unloaded into every police department in the nation - only to have alienated the very Americans that hoped for change the most - it appears President Obama is ready to uncross another red line. Following unrest in U.S. cities over the deaths of black men at the hands of police officers, Reuters reports, during his triup to Camden NJ, Obama announced his plans to put in place new restrictions on the use of military equipment by police departments.
Puerto Rico Faces Default, Government Shutdown On July 1. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. Puerto Rico is racing the clock ahead of a July 1 deadline to pass a fiscal budget for 2016 and scrape together $360 million due to creditors. Without a budget, the commonwealth will face a partial government shutdown and may be unable to issue $2.9 billion in oil-tax bonds needed to pay The Government Development Bank.
79 Members Of Congress Have Been In Office For At Least 20 Years. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. No wonder Washington never changes – 79 members of Congress have been there since Bill Clinton’s first term in the White House.  This list includes names such as Reid, Feinstein, McConnell, McCain, Pelosi, Boehner, Rangel and Boxer. With a 15% approval rating, The American People absolutely hate the job that Congress is doing, and yet the same clowns just keep getting sent back to Washington again and again.
The End Of Meaningful Work: A World Of Machines And Social Alienation. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. Many activists are clamoring for a higher minimum wage. That's an admirable goal, but is that where the worst problem is? Even at the abysmally low wages of the present moment, we still have 938,000 people being turned away from McDonald's because there aren't enough McJobs. The real problem is the lack of meaningful work. In a world of machines and social alienation, meaningful work is as scarce as water in the drought-stricken California Central Valley.
DEA Strikes Again: Seize Man's Life Savings Under Civil Asset Forfeiture Without Charges. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. In the “land of the free” you might be innocent until proven guilty, but your assets aren’t.
Abolishing Cash – The New Age Of Economic Totalitarianism. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. Just how much will society take before they say no?
City Secure? Baltimore Is Averaging 1.3 Murders Per Day Since Riot. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. The widespread riots, looting, and indiscriminate arson may have subsided in Baltimore, but the violence has not. As The Washington Post reports, "from mid-April to mid-May, 31 people were killed, and 39 others were wounded by gunfire. Twice, 10 people were shot on a single day."
Dead Nation Walking. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. Many people seem to think that America has lost its sense of purpose. You don’t have to seek further than the USA’s sub-soviet-quality passenger railroad system, which produced the spectacular Philadelphia derailment last week that killed eight people and injured dozens more. Six days later, we’re still waiting for some explanation as to why the train was going 100 miles-per-hour on a historically dangerous curve within the city limits. The condition of our trains is symptomatic of the shape of the nation.
Shape Of Greek Endgame Emerges: IMF Discussed "Cyprus-Like" Plan After Tsipras Warned Of Looming Default. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. The IMF discussed a "Cyrpus-like" take it or leave it solution for Greece last week, FT reports. With the countdown to outright insolvency down to two weeks, PM Tsipras will meet EU leaders in Latvia on Thursday to make one last push for a last minute deal. Meanwhile, the fate of the Greek banking sector hangs in the balance as the ECB has come under fire for the monetary financing of the Greek government. 
Gold Hits 3-Month Highs Amid "Frenetic Liquidity". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. Gold topped $1230 this morning - breaking to 3-month highs and up over 4% year-to-date - up 5 days in a row for the best run in 4 months. The surge comes causally or correlatedly coincidental with China's explicit shift into extraordinary measures (LTROs) but, as The FT reports, market participants are concerned that algo-based funds have created a "frenetic liquidity" environment as everyone from real money to central banks "aren’t trading the gold market the way they used to."
Key Events In The Coming Week Topped With Yellen's Friday Speech. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. As the economic calendar slowly picks up following the NFP lull, we are looking at a busy week both globally and in the US, where an army of Fed speakers culminates with a Yellen speech on Friday at 1pm in Rhode Island.
Washington’s Shadowy Energy Partnership With Azerbaijan Exposed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. Ten Members of the U.S. Congress – along with 32 of their staff members – received secret payments from Azerbaijan’s state-owned oil company to travel to Baku in 2013, to cover the cost of travel, including souvenirs of “silk scarves, crystal tea sets and Azerbaijani rugs.”
[ Who are the 10 members of Congress ?.. just bla-bla.  Deceptive title ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015 - 07:30
  • Tsipras Endgame Nears as Greek Bank Collateral Evaporates (BBG)
  • Shi'ite forces ordered to deploy after fall of Iraqi city (Reuters)
  • Ratings agency Fitch to downgrade many European banks (Reuters)
  • Bubble Blowing to Continue So Long as Yellen Isn’t Raising Rates (BBG)
  • Greece's Debt Battle Exposes Deeper Eurozone Flaws (WSJ)
  • Obama to set new limits on police use of military equipment (Reuters)
  • China April home prices fuel hopes of bottoming out, but long road to recovery (Reuters)
  • Hedge Funds Close Doors, Facing Low Returns and Investor Scrutiny (NYT)
  • ASIC's Greg Medcraft 'quite worried' about Sydney, Melbourne house prices (Fin Review)
Gold Jumps Despite Stronger Dollar As Grexit Gets Ever Nearer, Futures Flat. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/18/2015. With equities having long ago stopped reflecting fundamentals, and certainly the Eurozone's ever more dire newsflow where any day could be Greece's last in the doomed monetary union, it was up to gold to reflect that headlines out of Athens are going from bad to worse, with Bloomberg reporting that not only are Greek banks running low on collateral, both for ELA and any other purposes, that Greece would have no choice but to leave the Euro upon a default and that, as reported previously, Greece would not have made its May 12 payment had it not been for using the IMF's own reserves as a source of funding and that the IMF now sees June 5 as Greece's ever more fluid D-day. As a result gold jumped above $1230 overnight, a level last seen in February even as the Dollar index was higher by 0.5% at last check thanks to a drop in the EUR and the JPY.
Guest Post: Why Syriza Will Blink. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2015. Once again, Greece seems to have slipped the financial noose. This brinkmanship is no accident. Since coming to power in January, the Greek government, led by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s Syriza party, has believed that the threat of default – and thus of a financial crisis that might break up the euro – provides negotiating leverage to offset Greece’s lack of economic and political power. But their calculation is based on a false premise.
Peak Population Growth?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2015. "The UN's forecasts misrepresent underlying demographic dynamics - the future we face is not one of too much population growth, but too little."


Posted on May 17, 2015 by Kevin Ryan
Recently it has been noticed that Wirt Walker, a 9/11-insider trading suspect who ran security for several of the impacted facilities, now works with men who were, prior to 9/11, key players in national defense and terrorism response. Given the role that Stratesec played and the relationships between suspects already revealed, this seems more than coincidental. Moreover, these men have top-secret clearances, which further suggests that Walker is a covert operative
The following is my paper for the Claremont Colleges’ conference, Seizing an Alternative Toward an Ecological Civilization, with open registration to the public on June 4-7, 2015.
Paper title:
‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ political collapse: Seizing an alternative to OBVIOUS unlawful wars, bankster looting, lying corporate media.  I’ve divided the paper into sections:


CrossTalk. Dissolve NATO? . 17.05.2015




FIFA rapped over Qatar migrant abuse. Tue May 19, 2015 A prominent campaigning group criticizes FIFA for its inaction over the plight of migrant workers in Qatar.
US can’t afford to be superpower: Madsen. Tue May 19, 2015 The US military spending is causing serious damage to the nation’s infrastructure, resulting in the deaths of many Americans, says Madsen.
Debate: Israeli atomic bomb threat . Tue May 19, 2015 This edition of "The Debate" focuses on the threat by the Israeli minister of military affairs to drop atomic bomb on Iran.
‘Yemen crisis opens corridor for Takfiris’. Tue May 19, 2015 UN Secretary General warns that the crisis in Yemen could pave the way for Takfiri militants through Somalia.


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