lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015




Over the weekend, in a surprisingly close vote showing just how deeply the ruling Greek Syriza party has splintered, the hard line "Left Platform" a faction within Syriza, proposed that Greece stop paying its creditors if they continue with "blackmailing tactics" and instead seek "an alternative plan" for the debt-racked country. Its motion called for the government to default on the IMF loans rather than compromise to creditor demands, among which a change to value-added tax rates, further liberalization of the labor market and changes to the pension system, including further cuts to pensions and wages. According to the NYT, which reported the vote first, the proposal was narrowly rejected, with 95 people voting against and 75 in favor.
In real democracies, governments would do what the citizens who put them in office want them to do. The United States and other Western democracies make a mockery of that ideal. But, even so, there are limits; governments cannot defy public opinion on matters of great moment indefinitely. Enabling the Saudi ruling class, and the rulers of the other Gulf states, to direct American foreign policy to the extent that they do, and to get away with whatever they please, is hardly the least of it; but neither is it the only cause for concern.
True appreciation is measured by our depth of experience and understanding. Today, less than 1 percent of the population reaps the benefits resulting from the service and sacrifice of the less than 1 percent of the population who serve the politicians elected by the majority of people who separate, and have no direct involvement with, these two segments of society. And this disconnection and separation is no accident.

China Sets Up Gold Investment Fund For Central Banks Posted by: GoldCore on 05/25/2015
China has announced the establishment of a new international gold fund with over 60 countries as members. The large fund, which expects to raise 100 billion yuan or $16 billion, will develop gold mining projects across the economic region known as the New Silk Road. [More in : China Establishes World's Largest Physical Gold Fund ]
Just to confirm that if the US had hoped it could threaten Beijing into submission and force the Politburo into curbing its expanionist appetit, it was dead wrong, the nationalist Global Times, a paper owned by the ruling Communist Party’s official newspaper, the People’s Daily, said in a Monday editorial that war was “inevitable” between China and the United States unless Washington stopped demanding Beijing halt the building of artificial islands in the disputed waterway.
It’s amazing when you think about it– a combat veteran who lost a leg supposedly fighting for ‘freedom’ can’t have the medical procedure he needs because a destructive government bureaucracy.  That’s what freedom means today in America. And nobody’s fighting for it. Soldiers are off risking life and limb for oil companies, banks, and defense contractors. And citizens are distracted with bread and circuses. All the while, government power continues to expand at the expense of the individual.
Psychology is very often how societies avoid looking in the mirror. A major structural reason for the surging interest in happiness is somewhat more disturbing, and concerns technology. Until relatively recently, most scientific attempts to manipulate how someone else was feeling occurred within formally identifiable institutions, such as psychology laboratories, hospitals, workplaces, focus groups, or some such. This is no longer the case. In July 2014, Facebook published an academic paper containing details of how it had successfully altered hundreds of thousands of its users’ moods, by manipulating their news feeds. There was an outcry that this had been done in a clandestine fashion. But as the dust settled, the anger turned to anxiety: would Facebook bother to publish such a paper in future, or just get on with the experiment anyway and keep the results to themselves?
"Zero Hedge long ago gave up discussing corporate fundamentals due to our long-held tenet that currently the only relevant pieces of financial information are contained in the Fed's H.4.1, H.3 statements... it is flow not stock that matters"  - Zero Hedge, January 2010
"If there were any lingering doubt, this week’s gyrations demonstrate neatly that it is central bank liquidity, not  fundamentals, driving markets. It is the flow, not the anticipated stock, of QE which counts."  - Citigroup, May 2015
The Case For Nationalizing Monsanto. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/25/2015.
Ridding the world of Monsanto via a state buy-out would be a boon to humanity, and doing so for a mere $57 billion would be a bargain - especially when you consider the $3 trillion the state has squandered on endless wars of choice and the trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve and the government have squandered propping up the self-serving, parasitic cartel of too big to jail banks.
Israel Refuses To Pay Old Oil Debt To Iran, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/25/2015. Israel is refusing to comply with an order by a Swiss court that it pay $1.1 billion that it has owed to Tehran since before Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution for its share of a jointly owned oil pipeline. “Without referring to the matter at hand, we’ll note that according to the Trading with the Enemy Act it is forbidden to transfer money to the enemy, including the Iranian national oil company,” the Israeli Finance Ministry said in a statement.
It seems comical, yet ill-omened, how Barack Obama is herding the already decimated middle class along a path sure to reach economic oblivion, while maintaining support from much of the old guard of school-government-trade unionists which has kept the Democratic Party afloat during the last five decades in a conservative sea dominated by currents of old-time religion and misguided patriotism. ISIS’ literal style of decapitation is repugnant and shocking. US’ self-imposed economic decapitation may not appear at first as shocking, but the end result will be as gruesome to America’s working class: not the proletariat of old, but most everyone holding both blue and white collar jobs.
This won't end well... As far as the Empire of Chaos goes, Divide and Rule remains the sweetest game in town.
On such a 'patriotic' weekend, we thought it appropriate to consider who is the 'MVP' superhero of our time. Captain America? No. How about Ironman? No. What about Superman? Nope... The most valuable superhero of our time is a dark, deranged masked-human dressed in black...

ISIS Planning US Nuclear Attack In Next 12 Months: Report. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/25/2015
Three weeks after the first supposed attack by Islamic State supporters in the US, in which two ISIS "soldiers" wounded a security guard before they were killed in Garland, Texas, the time has come to raise the fear stakes. In an article posted in the terrorist group's English-language online magazine Dabiq (which as can be see below seems to have gotten its design cues straight from Madison Avenue and is just missing glossy pages filled with 'scratch and sniff' perfume ads ) ISIS claimed that it has enough money to buy a nuclear weapon from Pakistan and "carry out an attack inside the United States next year."

[ No creo que sean los hijastros del padrino quienes planean ese ataque. Son los nuevos padrinos –esos que se han apoderado de América como ocurrió ayer a inicios  del siglo pasado con las mafias super-armadas en el control de drogas y alcohol en Chicago-NY y otras ciudades- me refiero hoy a los grandes banqueros, los mafiosos de Wall Street y las corporaciones directamente envueltas en la producción de armas nucleares  y guerras.. esos son los que están planeando el ataque nuclear contra RU y China. Los trogloditas del ISIL no tienen ni para comprarse jabón y bañarse –sus pestilencias inundan el mundo entero, es cierto-  pero esos imbéciles solo saben apretar el gatillo de armas que les son donadas por el imperio. Si nuestro aliado Pakistan les da armas a los mercenarios del ISIL no seria para bombardear America, sino RU y China .. Acusar al ISIL del ataque es como acusar los militares enviados a bombardear Hiroshima y Nagazaki. No son ellos el enemigo, son los grandes potentados de América los que ponen en riesgo la paz mundial sabiendo que eso nos convertirá a todos los americanos en la 1ra victima]
Between escalating Grexit concerns and Podemos 'victory' in Spain, European bond and stock markets shuddered somewhat today. EURUSD continues to close lower - back below 1.1000. All major bourses across Europe are in the red with Greece and Spain worst (ASE -3%) but the most notable shift is a collapse in Poruguese bonds. Illiquidity has always been an issue for PORTUG bonds but today's near 4 point collapse in 10Y bond prices (and 48bps spike in spreads) is dramatic to say the least. Bond yields and spreads are now higher than before Draghi announced Q€ in January and dramatically higher since bond-buying began. If EU leaders proclaim they can see no contagion from Greece, show them these charts. Finally, despite cash markets being closed, US equity futures also suffered (despite an exuberant BTFD rip higher in China overnight).
Some say that eliminating the welfare-warfare state and the fiat currency system that props it up will cause the people pain. The truth is the only people who will feel any long-term pain from returning to limited, constitutional government are the special interests that profit from the current system. A return to a true free-market economy will greatly improve the lives of the vast majority of Americans.
With just 10 days until a June 5 IMF payment that Athens almost certainly will not make unless it strikes a deal for the disbursement of more bailout funds, things just got quite a bit more interesting on the EU political front after Spain’s Popular Party was dealt a dramatic electoral blow on Sunday by the leftist Podemos and center-right Ciudadanos.
With All Major Markets Closed For Holiday, Here Are The Major News. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/25/2015. With US markets closed for the Memorial Day holiday, and some of the key European markets likewise shuttered for public holiday including the UK, Germany and Switzerland, it is difficult to find where one can observe or trade the weekend's newsflow, which is once again centered on developments in Europe, where on Sunday Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s People’s Party suffered its worst result in a municipal election in 24 years while Greece continues to threaten with default 5 some years after it should have officially pulled the plug.



SPAIN  y el principio del fin en las estructuras políticas del oprobio

1-  Las candidaturas ciudadanas dan un vuelco al panorama político. Jose Durán Rodríguez y Gladys Martínez López
2-   España: gana la derecha, avanza el centro-izquierda . Katu Arkonada. La victoria del Pdo Popular con Ada Colau ( mas de 6 Mll de votos en Barcelona) cierra el ciclo del bipartidismo en España.
La izquierda imperial y la neo-nazi : IPS-WS- Bloomberg-BBC y THE ECONOMIST ignoraron el principio del fin del bipartidismo en Spain, a pesar de la caída del mercado. La presstitude  es miserable! Ocultan su cabeza y dejan al descubierto su pestilente trasero, en claro insulto al avestruz.




SOPHIECO.  ​Iraqi Interior Minister: Iran saved our country. The Iraqi Army is fighting tooth and nail to stop the advance of Islamic State. Following a row of victories, which have brought many hopes of war ending soon.
Kirby War of Words with Ademo Freeman. On policed brutality in America.


‘Distrust of US government at new high’. on May 25, 2015 Former US governor Mike Huckabee says that American skepticism of the government has reached the highest peak he has ever seen.
‘US air campaign against ISIL, worthless’. Mon May 25, 2015 A former CIA contractor says the United States alleged efforts to combat ISIL via airpowers is worthless.
‘Turkey to give air cover to Syria militants’. Mon May 25, 2015 The Turkish foreign minister says Ankara and Washington have agreed in "principle" to offer air protection to Syria militants.
[ Militants = US-NATO terrorist-mercenaries… financed and armed by them . Evidence abound.]
9 dead in Chicago weekend shootings . Mon May 25, 2015 Nine people have been shot to death during the Memorial Day weekend across the US city of Chicago.
[ La violencia es pasto seco en America, por eso arde a la menor chispa. La explosiva desigualdad y la insolente impunidad explican el hecho]
‘Spain People’s party not to gain vote’ . Mon May 25, 2015 An expert says in the general elections, the People’s Party will not gain a majority would not be governing Spain.
[Las raices crecen de abajo para arriba y nadie podra negar que se ha sembrado la nueva planta]


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