viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015



 Latest  news from PRESSTV

20,000 sex assaults in US military Sat May 2, 2015 Sexual assault continues to plague the US military, with more than 20,000 incidents reported in 2014, a study has found. 

[LOS SOLDADITOS de PLOMO, como son de plomo, no tienen vida. Pero como vivimos en tiempos de esta plaga que llámanos guerra, a los soldaditos de plomo les dimos vida. Tienen familia, tienen hijos e hijas, algunos tienen nietos, pero de estas familias no se habla. Solo se dice que de los soldaditos de plomo depende la vida de toda la nación y del resto de las familias que vivimos en ella. Cada que hablan de los peligros que acechan a la nación, los escuchamos con mucha atención. Y como se asume que eso es verdad, que de la vida que les dimos depende ahora nuestras vidas, pues respetamos su voz  cuando   informan sus altos mandos sobre el cómo están asegurando a nuestra nación. Por lo general dicen que hay que armarnos mejor contra enemigos que no vemos pero que existen fuera del país, enemigos que nos quieren asesinar y arrebatar nuestras riquezas. Y las familias de nuestra  nación se preguntan de que riquezas que no tenemos hablan ellos?  .. aquí solo el 1% acumula las riquezas del país. Sera acaso que estos soldaditos de plomo hablan de defender nuestra nación de enemigos externos que quieren asaltar a nuestros ricos (al 1%). NO, no lo permitiremos. Las riquezas atesoradas por  el 1% pertenecen a toda  nuestra nación y pediremos a nuestros soldaditos que nos ayuden a confiscarla para que sirva al 99% de nuestro pais y no a enemigos externos. Sera posible que nos ayuden?. Creo que si, hay que convencerlos de que tienen familia, hijos, nietos que merecen mejor vida que vivir en una barraca pensando dia y noche en los enemigos  externos fuera del país. Quizá hay malos soldaditos de plomo que no son como los buenos que aparecen en la imagen de esta noticia (la mayoría con mas de 50 años de edad). No es posible creer que estos hayan cometido los delitos que se asume en esta noticia. Mírenles la cara y se convencerán –por la cara de angelitos que tienen- de que estos soldaditos de plomo jamás cometieron esos delitos. Tienen cara de enojados .. al parecer  fueron  víctimas de ese delito. Pues hay que usarlos para que castiguen a los malos.. porque si no lo hacen .. habría que pensar que todos son malos. ]


US justice system needs reform: WH. Sat May 2, 2015 The White House says the US justice system needs to be reformed to ensure equality for all communities.

[ Si yo creo si .. que del montón de reformas por hacerse, hay que empezar por el sistema de justicia .. pero y quien lo haría?.. y a quienes habría que cambiar?.. hay tantos fundamentalistas neoliberales que se van a oponer a este cambio  .. va a ser muy difícil .. quizá empezar por los fundamentalistas  que le pusieron EL TURBANTE SAUDI-ISIL  a la dama de la estatua de la libertad en NY .. digo quizá, pero ni creo porque  los McCan’t  del senado tienen mayoría  y no permitirían que les arrebaten sus ingresos extras ]
Ukraine oil takes Russian Gazprom to court Sat May 2, 2015 Ukraine is seeking billions of dollars from Russia's Gazprom over a gas dispute.
[Time for copycat? .. Cuando una empresa Americana –no fueron los piratas de Pittsburgh – fue sentenciado por una corte de IRAN para que pague 3 MLLns de US$ por violar leyes de ese país, nuestro PENTAgun envio destroyers a la zona para defender nuestro business overthere. .. No creo que los Rusos harían lo mismo (copycat) .. quizá solo lancen un stinky copypuff ]
Iran urges full elimination of nukes. Sat May 2, 2015 Iran's envoy to the IAEA calls for complete nuclear weapons disarmament as one of the main NPT principles.
[ Por fin IRAN se puso las baterías y empezo a hablar .. para ser consecuentes con este principios que todo el mundo considera correcto, lo que tendrían que hacer ahora es retirarse del NPT  y cancelar las visitas de los burócratas pro NATO del IAEA (International Atomic  Energy Agency) ..  si no lo hacen, habría que concluir que son parte de la farsa “dyplomatic dialogue” ]
‘US behind Saudi king’s royal reshuffle’. Sat May 2, 2015 A political analyst says King Salman’s royal reshuffle was “an American-backed coup” inside the Al Saud palace.
[ Pura especulación .. lo único cierto son los dichos peruanos .. 1-  a la mona aunque la vistan de seda mona queda  ..  2- es la misma chola, aunque con diferente pollera ]
‘Moscow didn’t OK Ukraine peace mission’. Fri May 1, 2015 Moscow says it has not agreed to the deployment of international peacekeepers to eastern Ukraine.
[ Yo creo que a quien hay que pacificar es a los neo-nazis de Kiev .. que el envíen un pee-mission ]


Brutal Honesty: This Is The Video About Racism They Don't Want You To See. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. Racism, it seems, is not only alive and well, but worse than it has ever been. Or is it? Could it be that most Americans, regardless of the color of their skin, are perfectly fine having people of other races as their friends, neighbors and colleagues, and that certain people in positions of power are using their influence to manipulate the masses?
Are We Being Psychologically Conditioned To Accept Martial Law In America?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. Have you noticed that we are starting to be bombarded with images of troops in the streets?  Have you noticed that the term “martial law” is coming up a lot in movies, news broadcasts and even in television commercials?  In recent years, it seems like the solution to almost every major crisis involves bringing in troops.  In fact, it has already gotten to the point where when something really bad happens a lot of Americans immediately cry out for troops to be brought in.  And we are seeing the same patterns over and over again.
Freedom Of Opportunity, Not Equality Of Opportunity. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. The goal of equality of opportunity is both absurd and vicious. Achieving it would require that children all be raised in the same environment and have the same genetic inheritance. In contrast, what we should actually strive for is the freedom of opportunity. Freedom of opportunity means the ability to exploit the opportunities afforded by reality, without being stopped by the initiation of physical force, in particular the initiation of physical force by the government or that takes place with the sanction of the government.

What Happens When You Hand Over Your Gold To The Bank Of England For "Safekeeping".  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. With London, Paris, and Basel’s compliance, Nazi Germany had just looted 23.1 metric tons of gold without a shot being fired.
6 Baltimore Cops Charged After MD Attorney Finds Them "Grossly Negligent...Freddie Gray's Death Was A Homicide" - Live Feed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. It appears the situation in Baltimore just got a lot more serious as MD State Attorney Marilyn Mosby states that charges have been filed against 6 Baltimore PD police officers, arrest warrants have been issued for the charged cops, and that Gray's death was a homicide.
We Just Broke 2008's Record For The Fastest Economic Unraveling!. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. The final Q1 GDP revision was just released and we saw that GDP has again missed expectations by such a large margin that 2015 is another write off for a 3% growth year.  Almost comically we heard the same excuses we got last year.  “Weather was wintery and next year is going to be the turnaround year”.  So in order to explain to these supposed economic and market ‘experts’ who seem wholly incapable of understanding economic and market forces with any sense of accuracy, let’s run through a few fundamentals.
"$12 By '20": Democrats Seek 70% Increase In Minimum Wage. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. Democrats are moving on a “$12 by ‘20” pitch, whereby they hope to have the minimum wage hiked to $12 within the next five years. The rationale is simple: restore the purchasing power Americans once had and you will restore robust economic growth. Ok, maybe it's not that simple, because as Republicans note, raising the pay floor by nearly 70% may well cost America jobs, thus making things worse for the very people the wage hike was meant to help.
[within the next five years ??  .. JUST ELECTORAL PROPAGANDA .. when they had power didn’t do it]
What's Really Burning In Baltimore - 50 Years Of Liberal Welfare State Policies. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. It is the police department created and controlled for decades by Democratic progressive politicians that has committed the atrocities against the people who have been electing these progressives year after year. Baltimore has a corrupt, reckless, out of control police department enabled by a crooked and incompetent Baltimore politicians. It doesn’t take a village to raze, burn, and loot a village. It just takes 50 years of liberal economic and social policies.
[1-  both democ & reps are ultra-corrupt. .. 2- without welfare we could’ve more than 50 rebelions like the one in Baltimore ]
Gold Manipulators Busted After Zero Hedge Report On Flagrant Gold Spoofing. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. On April 28, Zero Hedge presented what was unmistakable evidence of manipulation by spoofing in the gold market in "Dear CFTC: Here Is Today's Illegal "Spoofing" In Gold Futures." Two days later, the CME said it bas suspended two traders for placing precisely the trade we profiled previously intending to manipulate the gold market. Dear CME - you are welcome. Now if only you pursued all those other documented instances of S&P futures manipulation with the same speed and resolve...
The Random Walk Of Shame. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. Investors are clearly in a bit of a no-man’s land of market narrative, with the dollar weakening and U.S. corporate earnings slipping.  Market participants, like all pack animals, appreciate clear direction and leadership – and we don’t have much of either right now. When considering how they will react, we can compare the two competing frameworks for understanding market behavior: the "Random Walk hypothesis" and the "House money effect." The first states that markets move in random patterns, with prior activity having no bearing on future price action. The latter shows that individuals do actually consider prior gains and losses when making economic decisions. Let’s just hope investors hold to their belief that it’s the house’s money at work here, and that they don’t walk randomly out of the market.
US Manufacturing Weakest In 2 Years As Construction Spending Plunges; Mfg Employment Lowest Since 2009. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. April's Manufacturing PMI printed a minimally disappointing 54.1 (against 54.2 prior and expectations) - its lowest since January and hardly the post-weather Q2 surge everyone was hoping for. New Orders and Production were the weakest since December and export business fell for the first time in 5 months and input prices dropped for the 4th month in a row; all leading Markit to demand The Fed remain patient. ISM Manufacturing missed expectations and has not risen for 5 months (its longest streak since the recession) with a contraction in the employment index to lowest since Sept 2009. And then Construction Spending plunged 0.6% (against a +0.5% exp.) - the 7th miss in 10 months and worst April print since 2009.

Greek Pensioners Crash Pension Fund Board Meeting, Form Lines At Bank. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. Earlier this week, Greek pensioners discovered that a "technical glitch" caused the delay of some €2 hundred million in pension payments. Apparently, Athens ran out of money. Exhausted, exasperated, and short on cash, restless retirees have now taken to storming pension fund meetings and forming lines at banks.
Escaping the Deadly Financial Rip-Tide Of Debt And Speculation. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. Everyone swept up in the speculative tide of monumental student debt and dependence on state entitlements and/or Wall Street's speculative machine is not being carried to prosperity but to modern-day serfdom.
China, Russia Unveil First-Ever Mediterranean Joint Naval Exercise. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015. Sabre-rattling much? For the first time in history, Chinese and Russian navies will begin a significant joint naval exercise in The Mediterranean Sea in mid-May. As RT reports, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng, "The aim is to deepen both countries' friendly and practical cooperation, and increase our navies' ability to jointly deal with maritime security threats," but diplomatically added "these exercises are not aimed at any third party and have nothing to do with the regional situation." Against a background of this week's "upgraded Japan-American military relationship" following Abe's visit to Obama, as one analyst notes, "the geopolitical significance of its exercising alongside Russia will not be lost on the U.S. and NATO."
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2015 - 07:14
  • Record month ends in pain as biotech, small-caps, Apple tumble (BBG)
  • Japan inflation rises for first time in nearly a year (WSJ)
  • US Navy starts to accompany ships in strait where Iran seized cargo carrier (WSJ)
  • Russia may be readying for new Ukraine offensive: NATO commander (Reuters)
  • Big banks use loophole to avoid ban (WSJ)
  • China April official PMI shows factories struggling to grow (Reuters)
  • CME suspends traders for alleged Sarao-like manipulation (BBG)




When the Herd Turns. Posted on May 1, 2015 by Charles Hugh Smith . A funny thing happens when the stock market herd turns–all the usual central bank tricks no longer push the markets higher.

Who’s Crazy Now? American Psychological Association Supported Torture “At Every Critical Juncture”. Posted on May 1, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog . Like Nazi and Soviet Psychologists, American Psychologists Aided Abuse


6 Baltimore officers charged in Freddie Gray's death
BALTIMORE (AP) - Saying "no one is above the law," Baltimore's top prosecutor announced charges Friday against six officers in the arrest of a black man whose neck was broken in police custody, a decision that comes amid outrage around the country over police brutality against African-Americans. State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby declared that Freddie Gray's death was a homicide, his arrest was illegal, and his treatment amounted to murder and manslaughter. She detailed what happened to Gray during his arrest and his nearly 45-minute ride in a police wagon, contradicting what police have said on some points and shedding far more light on what happened during his fatal journey.




The Pentagon's 'Long War' Pits NATO Against China, Russia and Iran
By Pepe Escobar
Washington will never “secure” the Middle East with Iran as a vassal state.
How U.S. Backed Rebel Groups in Syria are Fighting Alongside ‘Al Qaeda’.
By Interventions Watch
Anyone remember when ‘Al Qaeda’ were the most evil and depraved ‘terrorist’ group ever to walk the face of the Earth?
Why is the US Trying to Replace the Assad Government With al-Qaeda in Syria?
By Paul Larudee
We are apparently promoting the defeat of a government that is not our enemy in order to replace it with one that is.


Los alemanes también quieren su ALCA. Martín Guerra Lezama. La otra injerencia
Argentina. La cultura del despojo. Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez.  -La oligarquía no acepta pueblos propietarios
La política y la antipolítica en el Perú. José Justo Calderón Dongo
 Elías esperó y levantó los brazos. M.L. González. -Tras 16 años, Los Cinco estarán presentes el 1 de mayo, en La Habana
España. Fortalecer las luchas para avanzar en las reivindicaciones. Coordinadora Sindical de Clase. Manifestación del 1º de mayo, Día Internacional de la Clase Trabajadora y Marchas de la Dignidad.


'US wants control of Iran’s wealth’. Fri May 1, 2015 The longstanding American and Western aggression against Iran is aimed at taking control of Tehran’s wealth and natural resources.


Iranian workers mark Labor Day. Fri May 1, 2015 A large rally was held in Tehran Friday to mark Labor Day after a 10-year lapse to call for better living conditions and job protection.


Obama reacts to Freddie Gray charges. Fri May 1, 2015 US President Barack Obama says “justice needs to be served” in the Freddie Gray case.
6 policemen charged in Gray's death . Fri May 1, 2015 Baltimore's chief prosecutor says a total of six police officers have been charged in the high-profile death of Freddie Gray in police custody.

Yemen conflict claims 1,244 lives: WHO. Fri May 1, 2015 The World Health Organization (WHO) says the ongoing conflict in Yemen has killed 1,244 people so far.
‘US judicial system not trustworthy’. Fri May 1, 2015 A political expert says the US democracy is in “serious trouble” because people cannot trust the country’s judicial system.
Poverty, social exclusion on rise in EU. Fri May 1, 2015 The European Commission says poverty and social exclusion are on the rise across the European Union (EU).
AIIB: Countering US hegemony on the banking system. Fri May 1, 2015 The era of a US-dominated global economic order is ending. The AIIB may have started a trend to pull US allies into its sphere of banking and
US ready to risk war for Israel: Biden . Fri May 1, 2015 Vice President Joe Biden says the US is still taking the risk of a military action against Iran for the sake of the Israeli regime.
How should Saudi Arabia be punished for killing Yemeni children? . Fri May 1, 2015 In this edition of Comment, we ask: How should Saudi Arabia be punished for killing Yemeni children?
Nepal quake death toll passes 6,300. Fri May 1, 2015 At least 6,204 people have been confirmed dead in Nepal as a result of the devastating earthquake in the country.
Israel blames Arabs for Mideast nukes. Fri May 1, 2015 Israel accuses Arab countries in the Middle East of stopping negotiations on the creation of a nukes-free zone.
‘Gaza in misery due to Israel siege’ . Fri May 1, 2015 A Palestinian official says the daily living situation is miserable in Gaza due to Israel’s siege.
Video: Shocking abuse of US inmate . Fri May 1, 2015 Surveillance footage has emerged showing a sheriff's deputy and his dog attacking an African-American inmate in a Louisiana jail for no apparent reason.
‘Systemic racism’ plaguing US society. Fri May 1, 2015 An analyst says African-Americans have been subject to systemic racism as well as political and economic discrimination in the United States.

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