viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014



INTRODUCTION por Hugo Adan (updated en Feb 8-2014)

La Noticia del dia en  BBC: “EARLIEST FOOTPRINTS DISCOVERED IN NORFOLK”. It is said that Britts are Predecessors of Neanderthal? , It means NO  yet humans... Pero a  quien le interesa la evolución de esta especie de non-humans?

Sin duda, además del mercenarismo [300 Britts in Syria according to RT news report on Feb 7-14. Se pasaron de flematicos, hipocritas o farsantes pues en Agosto 29 del 2013, David Cameron prometio respetar  el acuerdo del  House of Commons decision to not partake in military action against Syria ]  

Además del mercenarismo a los Britanicos les encanta la “ciencia” y en especial “el Darwinism”. Pero este no es el modo de rendirle memoria a Darwin. Si por lo menos hubiesen conservado los footprints, habría base para creerles este invento (para mí lo único que realmente inventaron los Britts fueron las vacas locas, esas que los Neanderthal de hoy rechazaron en sus mercados).  De los británicos de hoy, cualquier cosa se puede esperar, incluyendo el que nos quieran cojudiar.  Quiza habría que reconocer “buena intención” al Dr. del Museo que hizo el descubrimiento: trató de salvar el Turismo hacia Inglaterra.  Will you go there? ..  NO way!

TO SEE What?,.. footprints?  THEY do not exist anymore. The whole  EVIDENCE IS A VIDEO?  Real Footprints were erased .. by water?  It is that they say. .. Siglos de agua sobre los footprints  hasta que llego esta “magic water..  holly water?. If the footprint don’t exist anymore…  why they keep the area with fences on Happisburgh?  To make us Happy tourists?.. Creen estos que los turistas son unos idiotas.., que van a visitar el culo de Inglaterra para finalmente ver nada.. Los idtiotas son los Britts!  

Para mi esta noticia no es sino una forma de marear la perdiz, esto es, de distraer la atención sobre el colapso de la Union UK. La unión se parte y eso si es noticia. Querer cubrir el sol con un dedo no es nada mas que otra idiotez de Mr David Cameron. Scotland se va y en buena hora, se merecen la libertad.

De otro lado, Videos and movies can be doctorate, basta manipular especial effects. Y esto fue lo que ocurrió con las supuestas armas químicas que el Gbno Syrio uso contra su población. Es mas creible la historia de que fueron mercenarios ingleses –en pacto con agencias de EU- quienes inventaron el cuento y ayudaron a transportar y luego filmar allí, las “evidencias” facricadas que distribuyo la prensa mundial . Como no creer que este video pertenece también a ese tipo de  “arte”?. 

The dirtry couple in action. US & UK prepararon la farsa  de que “Sadat uso armas quimicas contra su poblacion” : Leaked emails have allegedly proved that the White House gave the green light to a chemical weapons attack in Syria that could be blamed on Assad’s regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country, indica el Doc de abajo.

Here an extract about the British involvement: According to, the December 25 email was sent from Britam’s Business Development Director David Goulding to company founder Philip Doughty. It reads: ‘Phil… We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington. ‘We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. ‘They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian [to allow] to  make a video record.

Los Britanicos tienen historia de haber hecho lo mismo antes en Irak. El procedimiento fue similar. Una vez publicado el video que causo escándalo y odio contra Assad (el Pdte de Syria), las honorables autoridades Británicas se pronunciaron para confirmar y legitimar el ataque contra Syria. Pero la misma prensa británica recibió eso con duda, es el caso del the Daily Mail  que lo comparó con el  "dodgy dossier"  que las autoridades UK publicaron el  2003 sobre los WMD: armas de destrucción masiva en manos de Sadam Hussein, antes de que ocurra el ataque a Irak, the Iraq War. VER .

Mas tarde se supo que las armas químicas de Sadam, fueron solo un falso pretexto para el bombardeo,  la ocupación militar del país y el saqueo petrolero. Hoy se sabe que también que es falso el cuento de que Assad  fue quien uso esas armas químicas. La usaron los jihadistas  Saudis, de Qatar y los sunis de Irak, a quienes  US y UK apoyan. La intención que tuvieron fue “cambio de régimen en Syria” para avanzar sobre Iran. Pero el  proyecto les falló, y es que no solo los rusos y chinos apoyan a Iran, tambien los alemanes que necesitan su gas.


EARLIEST FOOTPRINTS OUTSIDE AFRICA DISCOVERED IN NORFOLK.  By Pallab Ghosh.  Science correspondent, BBC News. [Here only extracts]

Early Pleistocene human fossils are extremely rare in Europe, with no evidence from the UK. The only known species in western Europe of a similar age is Homo antecessor, whose fossil remains have been found at Atapuerca, Spain. The foot sizes and estimated stature of the hominins from Happisburgh fall within the range derived from the fossil evidence of Homo antecessor.

Scientists have discovered the earliest evidence of human footprints outside of Africa, on the Norfolk Coast in the East of England.
The footprints are more than 800,000 years old and were found on the shores of Happisburgh.

The discovery was made by Dr Nick Ashton of the British Museum. "At first, we weren't sure what we were seeing," Dr Ashton told me, "but it was soon clear that the hollows resembled human footprints."The footprints on Happisburgh beach are possibly those of a family in search of food.

THE HOLLOWS WERE WASHED AWAY NOT LONG AFTER THEY WERE IDENTIFIED. The team were, however, able to capture the footprints on video that will be shown at an exhibition at London's Natural History Museum later this month. 

"They appear to have been made by one adult male who was about 5ft 9in (175cm) tall and the shortest was about 3ft. The other larger footprints could come from young adult males or have been left by females. The glimpse of the past that we are seeing is that we have a family group moving together across the landscape."

It is unclear who these humans were. One suggestion is that they were a species called Homo antecessor, which was known to have lived in southern Europe. It is thought that these people could have made their way to what is now Norfolk across a strip of land that connected the UK to the rest of Europe a million years ago. They would have disappeared around 800,000 years ago because of a much colder climate setting in not long after the footprints were made.

It was not until 500,000 years ago that a species called Homo heidelbergensis lived in the UK. It is thought that these people evolved into early Neanderthals some 400,000 years ago. The Neanderthals then lived in Britain intermittently until about 40,000 years ago - a time that coincided with the arrival of our species, Homo sapiens.

There are no fossils of antecessor in Happisburgh, but the circumstantial evidence of their presence is getting stronger by the day.

In 2010, the same research team discovered the stone tools used by such people. And the discovery of the footprints now all but confirms that humans were in Britain nearly a million years ago, according to Prof Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum, who is also involved in the research at Happisburgh.

"This discovery gives us even more concrete evidence that there were people there," he told BBC News. "We can now start to look at a group of people and their everyday activities. And if we keep looking, we will find even more evidence of them, hopefully even human fossils. That would be my dream".
The prints were first noticed when a low tide uncovered them. The sea has now washed away the prints - but not before they were recorded
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