sábado, 1 de febrero de 2020



Hugo Adan. Friday 31. Jan 2020

                51 to 49
That was Friday count. Notice the difference:
On Thurday  it was 53-47 in favor of Trump. In 1 single day Trumpist lose 2. 

Lastnigh –Friday-  there was 1 more defection  among trumpist and very possible 2, according to one Senator. So, next week on Tueday  there could be 53 against Trump and 47 in favor. In least than a week the correlation of forces changed.  

Then the YOU ARE FIRED’  from Al Sharpton to Trump in his ears + a hug WIL BE REAL.

 If we don’t see another hug from Al Sharton to Trump it will be because next Tuesday or Wend the Supreme  Court  will press Trump to RESIGN or FIRED. I guess Trump will prefer the R than the F if still in his mind.

WW3 could’ve saved Trump from  Impeachment but is late to do it even if Bolton help him. Clinton scape from impeachment by bombing  Yugoslavia. BUT,  RU-China are now ready to respond immediately if this happens again.

So, the only choice for Trump is RESINING POWER. Not way to hide, the bunkers of Jerusalem will be bombed, if WW3 is declared by Trump-Bolton .

WW3 will cost mills of US citizens death and many more mill at global scale. All because the super-power given to one single person in the US.  The final result will be MAD: Mutual Assure Destruction. Not winner in WW3: we all lose.

A new Nurenberg Trial will condemn Trump to death, if he is still alive. I doub it: he already has price on his head. Billonaires in- the  US & abroad hate him to death. Well pay Snipers will solve the problem . They are the only ones who love Trump.

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