sábado, 1 de febrero de 2020


ND  JAN  31  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

 Central banking elites kicked off the New Year with a stream of comments about the past successes and the future challenges of monetary policy. We’ve copied in a few of their quality quotes here, but would also highly recommend that you take the time to read, in particular, Mr Bernanke’s speech/paper:
The BIS, the World Bank, and the IMF released year end reports filled to the gills about the concerns of unprecedented debt expansion:

We are going to go out on a limb and suggest that it might be the unprecedented inflation (pun intended) of outstanding debt that the monetary policy nobility are missing in each and every of their senseless comments/arguments/conclusions. There is a reason they call end of cycle dislocations something like a “Debt Crisis” or “Credit Bubble” or “Default Cycle”, because debt is what matters! 
The IMF and World Bank pieces, on the other hand, focus on the actual state of the world. The World Bank piece comes with a link to a spreadsheet with the data behind their wonderful charts. What we take from these pieces, in particular the World Bank book, is that historically long periods of debt accumulation end in financial crisis, notably in Emerging and Developing Economies (EMDEs).

The most recent wave of debt commenced in 2010 and now has the world at all-time unprecedented levels of debt, but what really stands out is the relative increase in debt in Emerging and Developing Economies, and specifically Private sector debt, overwhelmingly from China.
See Chart:  Figure 1: Global Debt

Figure 2: Debt in Advanced Economies
See Chart:
Debt as percentage of GDP

Figure 3: Debt in Emerging and Developing Economies
See Chart:
Debt in EMDES  vs Percentage of GDP

This leads to the problem very clearly depicted in the below graph. Despite the unprecedented expansion of debt, what some might proclaim a bringing forward of demand, growth in EMDEs continues to slow.
Figure 4: Debt to GDP vs GDP growth in Emerging and Developing Economies
See Chart:
Growth  vs debt  in EMDEs as % of GDP

Figure 5: Debt to GDP vs GDP growth China
See Chart:

As ever, we have no particular insight as to what the future holds, how or when this cycle might end. Just simply that, thus far, they all end. The accumulation of debt doesn’t, per se, tell you where or when a fire might start, but rather where a spreading fire might cause the costliest damage. Again, the next three charts from the World Bank piece show that EMDEs, and in particular China, are where the combustible material has really built up in this wave.

Figure 6: Rate of Change of Total Debt (EMDEs – Emerging Market Developing Economies)
See Chart:
Rate of Change in total DEBT  vs. % Points of GDP (Emdes excluding Chi vs adv Econ)
See more interesting charts & comments at:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

The clowns of the circus Impicht (paid lawyers + Bolton) declare strike & aband d farce
                Al Sharpton to Trump... YOU'RE FIRED!   (to his ears & with a very friendly hug)
What happens?  Apparently nothing.. but every body is expecting the words above ‘YOU ARE FIRED” from the Supreme Court. If they care for PEACE  & DEMOCRACY in the US .. they will do it before Wednesday . WE HOPE SO!

Being born White these days comes with a lot of excess baggage...
It's becoming a weekly thing...
51 to 49
That was Friday count. On Thurday  it was 53-47 in favor of Trump. In 1 day Trumpist lose 2.  Lastnigh Friday  there was 1 more defection  among trumpist and very possible 2. So, next week on tueday  there will be 53 against Trump. Then the ‘YOU ARE FIRED’  from Al Sharpton to Trump in his ears + a hug WIL BE REAL.  If we don’t see another hug from Al Sharton it will be because next Tuesday or Wend the Supreme  Court  will press Trump to RESIGN or FIRED. I guess he will prefer the R than the F. WW3 could’ve saved Trump from  Impeachment but is late to do it even if Bolton help him. Clinton scape from impeachment by bombing  Yugoslavia. RU-China are now ready to respond immediately if this happens again. So, the only chice for Trump is RESINING POWER. Not way to hide, the bunkers of Jerusalem will be bombed .WW3= mills of US citizens death and the final result will be MAD. A new Nurenberg Trial will condemn Trump to death, if he is still alive. I doub it: he already has price on his head. Billonaires in- &- out hate him to death. Snipers love him.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"Hello zerohedge, Your account, zerohedge has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules."
I did suspect of “biochemical” weapon to  destroy China’ polit-economy. By whom?..
                 "Oh my god..."
By Whom?  Make a list of worse enemies of China and you named…
"From the investor's point of view, itraises a red flag."
Chinese President Xi Jinping is leading a scientific "People’s War" against the coronavirus...
"Staying at home is contributing to society."
It’s all shaping up to be a world-class disaster...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


ALC:  El poder de las madres  Laura Carlsen
ECON:  neoliberalismo y Foro de Davos  Hedelberto López
ECOL:  Tierra caliente, en todos los sentidos  Vanessa Dourado
ECOL: fertilidad de la Tierra   La bruja y el brujo  Gustavo Duch
FEM  Goldman   Una voz anarquista en la revolución rusa  Jesús Jaén
Opinion :  En serio y en broma  Jaime Richart
UE:  Davos y Porto Alegre, los contrastes  Celso Japiassu
Colombia   La máquina  Boris Rojas



Reino Unido dice adiós a la UE: Las 7 principales incógnitas que deja el Brexit en su estreno  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/341602-principales-incognitas-brexit-fronteras-sanidad
Maduro solicita a la Asamblea Constituyente reformar el Poder Judicial de Ven  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/341572-maduro-solicitar-reformar-poder-judicial
España degrada a Juan Guaidó a turista y trata a Nicolás Maduro como presidente https://actualidad.rt.com/opinion/luis-gonzalo-segura/341635-gobierno-espana-degrada-juan-guaido-turista 

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Melvin Goodman   The Real John Bolton
Kathleen Wallace  Do Not Light That Fuse DNC
Louis Proyect   21st Century Socialism

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


Press TV


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