jueves, 20 de febrero de 2020


ND  FEB  19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

A detailed look at consumer finances shows cracks starting to appear.

US credit scoring is facing a revamp. Fair Isaac (FICO) recently announced changes to consumer credit scoring that will raise the credit core of highly-rated borrowers and lower that of lower-rated consumers…   Fed surveys show a gradual, but steady, tightening of consumer loans standards is already underway.  With household balance sheets starting to show signs of strain, this trend could have a negative and significant impact on consumption, the main, and already-slowing, engine of US growth.
See Charts:
Chart 1: Average household Debt Indicators
Chart 2: Credit cards delinquencies

Healthy consumer balance sheets are often cited as one of the strengths of the US economy.  Average household leverage ratios look good: relative to the crisis peak, debt is down by more than 20 percentage points of GDP and continues to slide lower (chart 1).  The debt service ratio is lower than before the crisis and default rates are back to their pre-crisis levels.  About 9% of total household debt, where delinquencies are nearly back to their crisis peak.

Yet, a detailed look at consumer finances shows cracks starting to appear.  While average mortgage delinquencies are still falling, credit card delinquencies have been rising since 2016 (chart 2).   Lastly, personal bankruptcy filings increased in 2019 for the first time since 2010.  These weaknesses are puzzling in view of the decline in unemployment to a 50-year low.

 Income inequalities have increased, with most of the income and wealth gains accruing to higher-income households (table 1). 
See Table 1  and Table 2

Indeed Federal Reserve and Census Bureau data on income and debt distribution show that a large share of American households cannot cover their basic expenses out of income (table 2).  For instance, one-third of Americans in the lowest income quintile cannot pay all their bills, even after skipping needed medical care.  This income shortfall could explain low income households high leverage.

Against this backdrop, a continued tightening of consumer credit standards could force low income households to increase their savings.  Consumption growththat is already slowing and is the US economy main growth engine, could slow further and bring GDP growth below potential.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Hugo Adan  2/20/20
Based on DEMs debate last night
Aqui una nota al respect:

Will it be 'Mini-Mike' or 'Iron-Mike'?
 Interesante el debate:
1- Seis ganadores (incluyendo la Prensa neutral) y un perdedor: el compra votos de NY.
2- Más interesante aun porque este evento ocurre en momentos en que Trump –via PENTAGON y CIA- preparan el WW3. Sus peones Israel y Turquia anunciaron ya su deseo de invadir Siria y dividirlo en pedacitos y es claro que como el Petroleo Sirio no bastaría para los dos, luego invadirán Iran (aunque de esto no dice nada la prensa oficial, prefieren estimular el mito democracia).
Moscow slammed the "worst case scenario" after Erdogan proclaimed: "We will not leave Idlib to the Syrian regime."
“We will go from preventive action to offensive action — the only measure that guarantees us the expulsion of Iran out of Syria.”

3- La guerra contra Siria supone derrotar a RU y US-RU ya tuvieron un ligero roce de vehículos de guerra sin muertos ni heridos. Pero quedo claro que allí el ambiente está cargado de odio y confrontación.
High speed ramming incident is latest among a series of near deadly encounters between American & Russian soldiers...

4- El ambiente en el debate de los Dems fue lo inverso, no se buscó la confrontación, la prensa lo evito, pero tampoco se logró la unión de todos y sin unidad veo difícil la victoria contra Trump. Dificil sobre todo si este ordena destruir  el Gob de Siria. Esta victoria no definiría la guerra en el Middle East pero si su victoria en las Elecc 2020.

5- Salvo que RU-Iran le quemen la tortilla a Trump y los saquen de Siria. Entonces la derrota de Trump en las elecciones 2020 estaría completamente asegurada.

6- Pero que si Israel no ataca a Siria pero si a Iran. Israel no lo haría solo, los británicos entrarían al ruedo y también los yijadistas Saudis. Entonces la guerra si deviene parcialmene WW3 y al principio esta guerra seria de corto plazo. Este 1er round del WW3 terminaría con la derrota de Siria-Iran y la V de Trump en las elecciones.

La pregunta de orden es si podrían los Brits y los de NATO derrotar a RU en menos de dos meses?. Nadie lo sabe. Pero de esto dependen  las elecciones 2020.

7- Fue para evitar pensar en esto,  que opte por hundirme anoche en las tibias aguas de la  ilusión “democracia en América” y goce esta dulce sauna.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

There hasn't been even a modest rebound in Chinese economic output in the past three weeks.
Paralized doesn’t mean the Econ is going down. It means that there is not INFO

Here another war that could end up in WW3 since US is behind Turks & Israel
Moscow slammed the "worst case scenario" after Erdogan proclaimed: "We will not leave Idlib to the Syrian regime."
“We will go from preventive action to offensive action — the only measure that guarantees us the expulsion of Iran out of Syria.”
High speed ramming incident is latest among a series of near deadly encounters between American & Russian soldiers...

JA defend their right to be NEUTRAL: not in favor of US, not against RU & China

"The coronavirus will probably cause a substantial amount of economic damage in Japan..."
Is this a US threat Agst JA?. NO sense at all: Corona-V has been defeated & their manufacturers will be too. A US Corp created this bio-Weapon for the PENTA: 

Read this: A MOST CONVENIENT VIRUS    By Dmitry Orlov This virus was genetically engineered in one of the Pentagon’s biological weapons laboratories and then was introduced into China. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/52988.htm

In short:  The original US Plan was to destroy China Economy. It didn’t work. China manage to create a vaccine for this pest & continue working to save their  infected people, while they get evidences on causes of this epidemic. The most important thing: China saved their Economy and re-initiate d building of GDP growth they got before. It will take time but C-virus is already under control and it won’t be used as bio-weapon anymore. US threat to JA won’t make any sense. JA knew it & that is why they op to be NEUTRAL: not in favor of US, not against RU & China. If WW3 comes, the US loses one more ally besides India.

"...provided that they do not impinge on Saudi Arabia and, at a pinch the UAE and Kuwait, or launch attacks against U.S. personnel, then they can basically do whatever they want anywhere else..."

Neoliberalism is the main cause of crisis
viral outbreak is a significant danger to us all, but an even greater threat is the supposed cure. Trading our economic and social freedom in the name of stopping the virus?  No matter how deadly the bug, it's just not worth it...

"The primary surplus that would be needed to reduce public debt and gross financing needs to levels consistent with manageable rollover risk and satisfactory potential growth is not  economically nor politically feasible."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos






Escalada de tensiones entre Siria, Turquía y Rusia: ¿Qué está pasando en Idlib?   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/343517-escalada-tensiones-siria-turquia-rusia-idlib
Maduro declara la "emergencia energética" y crea una comisión para reestructurar PDVSA https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/343558-maduro-declara-emergencia-energetica-industria
Fiscalía de Bolivia inicia un proceso penal contra Evo Morales por presunto fraude electoral https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/343557-fiscalia-bolivia-iniciar-proceso-penal-evo-morales
FEM de ARG renuevan la lucha por la legalización del aborto con debate y pañuelos verdes en alto https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/343560-feministas-argentina-renovar-lucha-legalizacion-aborto
Trump niega que ofrecio indulto Assange a cambio de decir que RU no 'hackeó' al Pdo Demócrata https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/343540-trump-indulto-assange-rusia-hackear-democrata
Rusia solicita una reunión en la ONU tras la nueva denegación de visado por EE.UU.  https://actualidad.rt.com/video/343511-rusia-solicita-reunion-onu-nueva

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Nicholas Levis  Bloomberg is the Equal Evil

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


Press TV


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