miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

As expected, he won the first round. El pueblo jamas pudo ganar  ningun impeachment en la historia del US. The 2nd  round son las elecciones y es muy dificil que pueda ganarle  a la pareja Sander-Warren. El 3er round se refiere a Governabilidad: la capacidad de implementar las demandas de la nación frente a la crisis neoliberal ya en recesión.  Se requiere un plan post-neoliberal que Trump no lo tiene pues tendría que abandonar el modelo Keynesiano.

Este modelo depende del spending por a) los consumidores (hoy adeudados y en quiebra); b) del gasto estatal en armas de destrucción masiva y en guerra fuera, lo que supone derroches y super-deuda dentro; c) depende de que el gran  capital invierta en producción y tecnología constructiva  y ese capital no existe. Lo que tenemos son especuladores que reciben QEs y bailouts y ocultan sus ganancias en paraisos para evadir impuestos.  d) y depende finalmente de la capacidad de mantener correcto balance entre importaciones y exportación en el mercado mundial y nuestro balance es deficitario, 

Solo nos queda la opción del pirataje (sanciones) y de la guerra para el saqueo no solo del petróleo Venezolano sino de otros recursos ajenos también. Y esto solo conduce a la guerra mundial, al  WW3 lo que terminara con el MAD (Mutual Asured Destruction) y con una nueva Corte mundial que pondrá a nuestros gobernantes en la cárcel .

 Este round 3 jamas lo podría ganar Trump. No tiene preparación ni virtudes diplomáticas para ello.  El chantaje militar y el pirataje de las sanciones nos aíslan cada vez  más del mundo entero.  

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Despite crystal clear evidence, themirages of economic growth and low inflation prevent us from seeing reality...
See  Chart:

Check these interesting subtitles & Chasrt:
Real wealth and real wage growth are important for assessing your economic standing and that of the nation.
Here are two facts:
  • Wealth is largely a function of the wages we earn
  • The wages we earn are predominately a function of the growth rate of the economy

What is Inflation?
Monetarist defined as a disequilibrium between the amount of currency entering an economic system relative to the productive output of that same system.”

The price of cars, cheeseburgers, movie tickets, and all the other goods and services we consume are chiefly based on supply and demand. Demand is a function of both our need and desire to own a good and, equally importantly, how much money we have. The amount of money we have in aggregate, known as money supply, is governed by the Federal Reserve. Therefore, the supply of money is a key component of demand and therefore a significant factor affecting prices.

Powell states that the supply of money is based on the demand for money and not the economic growth rate. 

The relationship between money supply and the demand for money may, in fact, be aligned with economic growth. If so, then the supply of money should rise with the economy. This occurs when debt is predominately employed to facilitate productive investments.

The problem occurs when money is demanded for consumption or speculation. For example:
  • When hedge funds demand billions to leverage their trading activity
  • When Apple, which has over $200 billion in cash, borrows money to buy back their stock  
  • When you borrow money to buy a car, the size of the economy increases but not permanently as you are not likely to buy another car tomorrow and the next day

While there is no way to quantify how debt is used, we do know that speculative and consumptive debt has risen sharply and takes up a much larger percentage of all debt than in prior eras.  The glaring evidence is the sharp rise of debt to GDP.
See Chart:
Total Debt to GDP

Continue reading & see more variables related to GDP



The US trade deficit increased in December after shrinking to its smallest since trump was elected in November...
See Chart:
US Trade Balance Deficit
See more chart related at:

The PMI data indicate that the US economy is ticking along at a steady but unspectacular annualized rate of growth of approximately 2% at the start of 2020...

See Chart:
See more interesting charts & comments at:

As the enormous cross-asset VIXtermination event from Feb 5, 2018 has fallen out of the vol targeting sample, there is effectively now the opposite move happening: a slow-moving “gross-up” as trailing realized vols drop and signal re-leveraging.

This dynamic can be seen visually in the chart below:
See Chart:
DOLLAR ALLOCATION  Balance exposure by asset class

This means that despite already having a record exposure to stocks, risk-parity funds will lever up even more and purchase tens of billions in more equities, simply because an event that took place a long time ago, is now 2 years and 1 day in the past, and this does not impact the buying programs' vol targeting signals.

To this, all we can add is that those outlier lots may have merely been an artifact of the Tesla meltup, which as of this morning appears to finally be over with the stock tumbling the most on record. However, with Tesla plunging and stocks soaring, it may well be that McElligott is right, and the echoes of the Feb 5, 2018 VIX crash are now being heard, and may serve to push stocks to new all time highs.

PANDEMIC?: Let’s  see the real situation of US economy:

What better catalyst is there for buying US equities with both hands and feet that the Director-General of The World Health Organization - who has been down-playing the pandemic for days - admitting that the last 24 hours saw the biggest surge in coronavirus cases worldwide since the crisis began?

China did not supply liquidity last night, but momentum was still with the small cap tech stocks in ChiNext.
European markets all bounced higher once again today

And as Industrials, Trannies, and Small Caps roared higher in the US, Nasdaq lagged (everything saw quite an ugly close)...
See Chart:

Futures show the surge on the vaccine and the complete ignorance of WHO comments...
See Chart:

The S&P 500 almost perfectly top-ticked the record high from January (after testing the spike lows from the Iran missile strike)...
See Chart:

As high-growth, super-expensive software stocks plunged today by the most in 2 months...
See Chart:

Big regime change today as Momo  (US Dow Jones)tumbled (cough TSLA cough)...that is thebiggest drop in momentum in 2 months
See Chart:

Notably the market has un-priced its demands for Fed easing as stocks soared back to record highs...
See Chart:

The B-Dollar Index broke out to the upside of its recent range today...
See Chart:

Hitting 2-month highs and breaking above all its major moving averages...
See Chart:

Finally, some context for everything else in the world's reaction to the Wuhan coronavirus... and stocks...
See Chart:


Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

We are more deeply divided than we have ever been, and during this election season I believe that we will see very frightening eruptions of anger and frustration all across the United States...
Biden said Trump turned the SOTU into a "reality show"...
Trump missed 1 point: the Presidential medal for WORLD FREEDOM TO BOLTON… that is unfair
"We are talking about everything..."

The First Amendment and the other amendments in the Bill of Rights reflect how leery people were of Congress and the rest of the federal government...

“Mr. Hornberger is right. The First Amendment does not give people rights. It prohibits the government from infringing on rights that preexist the government.
She was absolutely right.

The First Amendment reads:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment on religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; nor abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a  redress of grievances. [[ Restore the rights,  compensate and remedy the faults. That is the basis & main objective of impeachment. ]]

Notice that the Amendment does not give people rights. Instead, it prohibits Congress from enacting laws that abridge people’s rights.

But what is that all about? Why did our ancestors deem it necessary to enact such a prohibition? Isn’t Congress our friend? Isn’t it composed of people who we elect to represent us? We often hear that we should trust the government. It doesn’t sound to me that the people who  enacted the First Amendment had much trust in elected representatives.  [[ much less in paid  lawyers who interpret laws to favor Govts ]]

The First Amendment and the other amendments in the Bill of Rights reflect how leery people were of Congress and the rest of the federal government.  They were convinced that if they approved the Constitution, the federal government they were calling into existence with the Constitution would destroy their rights and their freedom.

That was also why Americans opposed enormous, permanently standing military establishments. Given their conviction that the federal government would destroy their rights, they understood that the way governments historically had done that was through their military forces.

Thus, there is no possibility that our American ancestors would have approved the national-security state form of governmental structure under which we live today, a structure consisting of the Pentagon, the CIA, the NSA, and a vast empire of domestic and military bases.

In fact, that’s why our American ancestors enacted the Second Amendment. It was designed to ensure that people would retain their right to keep and bear arms as a way to fight against any federal army or national police force that the Congress or the president might employ to enforce their destruction of free speech and other rights and liberties.
READ the full article at:

Anonymous lies on victims of Corona V in the US: NOT NAMES nor EXACT LOCATION
“There is not a doubt this is going to end up in most countries eventually."
If not names nor exact location of the victims: THIS IS PURE XENOPHOBIA, that is illegal, irrational and inhumane.

“I think the case was made,”
By whom?. He was there, es parte del sistema, pero no es cómplice de quienes lo controlan. “The case was made” por los otros, por los que creen en Trump. Lo único que dijo Romney es que el sistema no se cuestiona a sí mismo. Y eso es cierto: Jamas el pueblo gano ningún impeachment. Romney está contra el sistema y como Senador honesto es difícil tomar esa posición. Los honestos no caben dentro de un sistema corrupto, dictatorial y obsoleto. A él solo le queda unirse al pueblo en la lucha por un nuevo sistema. De lo contrario, lo decapitan.
Mittt Romney would vote to convict President Trump on ABUSE OF POWER  (and derivates as we will noted below) .  But he said that Democrats had proven only one  charge, that the president had misused his office for his own personal gain. 

“I believe that attempting to corrupt an election to maintain power is about as egregious an assault on the Constitution as can be made,” Mr. Romney added, appearing by turns relieved and nervous — but also determined — as he explained his decision.

“And for that reason, it is a high crime and misdemeanor, and I have no choice under the oath that I took but to express that conclusion.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Was it ever plausible that China's economy could grind to a halt and there wouldn't be any consequences for the U.S. economy? No.
Its the second shocking near-miss at the airport in a month...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos




Maduro: "Trump encamina el US a guerra  contra Venezuela" https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/342216-maduro-trump-esta-encaminando-eeuu

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

USA: Land of Make-Believe   By Chris Hedges

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


Press TV
No accessible

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